Wr q. n E the'fiorshing firron cf EButshi, .errill & Ce,., hadt advertised for a uaw typewritar, and Mrs. John Bosh, sopremoe ruler auJ petent- tata cf the afcre-uiietieuied ruier auJ poten- tata, was ou tenter bocks acrdiugiy. Now, thea-15susathiug rathar piebesanu and vu1'lgar about jeaieusy-, aveunlat the rn bu 0jairny premiiiseuenslyiindlged in, auJ w ithoat resýpect of pansons, is tant pis, asj thle French sa y. Nevarheless, MNrs. Bush was net at ail pýrti-ular as te thre persens against wvhcî i truad tha gatling gins cf lbar ire auJ h.spieio. Tbay wera Jiracced alike te- avards hec nextdeer naigbber, I havivacious littie widew cfa deaasad hankarauJ itha wairiog-naid uitlbar own tabla_ Oly ence bad there hean a eemly-leekigsratn tha Bush cstablishmcent, auJnd a he packed off bag aud b-aggage within 24 heurs cf hec arrivai, fer Mss. Bush eeuld fergive auythingg lu a sarxvant rather than gond leelze lndaed, Mrs. Bnsh's demestica hiad cerna iu time te have a krnd cf local raputatien cf their cwn for prooenuaad aud extrema ugliness. As tha guniai biead cf tha bouse- beIJ soetimas rensarked onder is hreath -il ruade bis face ache te loek at theru. Bot ir PmcBsli heldubseirte anJdaspoti, sway ouder vnr ivucef- trea, thera were ether places wbera se feU tthut thie petent'veice cf ber uutbcro,ýity, nt cfuaasityhadnrnb aodsucb upi)aLeewasthadienrui' isbingwareheurse cf Bush MaYrrill & Cc. If Bush, Marrili & Ce. thenught hast toe erpley a famale typawritar, Mrs. Bush funud that sila must " pcssass bar sol lu patience," ecran tho gliit ecat bier a pang. If this femala typa-wrrter sheuld tom e (ut %xcnug auJ pretty, Mrs. Bush suiv the eossiyof stili submittinig te the in- evtale itb, t leart,otwurd cempesure, cran thiooghi it eest lier anether pang, eveu ruoeaites han the fermer. Thecre was euly orle briglit spot ilu Mrs., Bosh'ssombr thenglits tiret mcrniug, auJ thg-,ý;'asthat ',she was mementurily axpeat- iil~a rr ival cf a favorite niece cf bers, Mi'iss Jarr-et Weils, who wrrs eemiog, in ce- apuate ai eft-reopeated auJ c'ordial mnvi- ttio, teimukalbar a visit. -Miss Walls hud b)eau doct abroud auJ biad lived fer the lue l yarscflir 11esuDrea3den, uud se it bPd-1emue te pass that Mrs. Bush had net set ileyes1cuTber niece sincealber imurriaga witb thie suru ocf Bush, Merrili & Ce. Mlieu et ,jast the ehrad tirombled op te the frnt d 'eIauJ er anut had piloted! Jaret e br romkwlire hacotiier eeting:- cf set ad gima ttenantouo a longral rcu jerue ars diyremnered freru thatt youlg laysfai atecior, Mrs. Bush fait tIttlq eusblties eeuiuectad with lier 1 poriien cýf heteshd buenaucccmpiished, aud tlrexiugberaira abot Juuet's ek, btie varudee hutfclund epesrn a' terretcf ystcic i sb. "Daur, dear,tanutie, whaýt 1$ flic mtter! exclaiied the snrpcised girl, maanwilil'e druwing Mns. Bush dewun uen the louga basrde bier and piaeiug a proeactiog auJ cu'nferting arm about tire weapiug matron's warst. And then Mrs. Bush tcid baer ail. "Shliewiiihbcbauntifol, Juat le' exciainr- < M Mrs. Bushi. " The ethar vwas pretty, but )t prtty eneugh ; se she w'us discl1rged. 11are wiil bu neoristaka tlis tima-tha uew oeewiil bha haautifol. I tell yeno " "',rB.tibm, .' rnnn,-s&ratnA then ai,-li said tha mairchant, affer a mcmcut's Jeep takiog hlm hy the lapais cf bis eeat aund T D IIOf n v tegidoriog wbichlie ha haddJrnmmed a sliaking hlm, "uer', sir, what hava yen te n m ciîN 1 T sef tatoG h ekbaeahmwt i say about a certain cope hued threughenut igr." Wlii yen ha, kind enengli te sit in msset ralvet, auJ tw enucky - derru a t the machine or er there auJ lat me therenghlireds, r'itir thair tails eut just a dlictate te yen Il litne ? flrme, sir, wh at hava yen te say te Arohinald McKnley, au cdiJ Hose's Wrha feeling cf relief Junet seated bier- that ?" PBay Pioeaer sud core (f the cidast setliers self at! the typewricar auJ tiha marchant " Mal, siJ Mc. Bush: witb the merriest i Brit: sh Clumbia, died ut Lac la Hlache a hegan te diefute capidi> te hiem, evideorly fwinkla cf al bis bline eyes, I"us Sye nduJ er days ugo. Hea aas homo lu Scctlcnd lu lu as'tc au oen ltter, which iay upenu Janet seemid te reiisli a jeke se muci, 1 j 810. laudd at Hudsen's Bay lu 1829, auJ tha dask bafere hlm. Tbis is wbat hae dictaI- tbcoghtlIwenid indulga eue nmysaîf. AuJ seittled lu British Columîbia ia 1835. ad and Junet wroe: thaf was niy uttle jeke, Maiir." Mr. Iliedore lint, who wcut te Soutb Massrs, Jehuscui, Fish & Ce. r-__________ Africa te ascert-riu if possible thaenrgin cf DEAru Sis-In repli' te yeurs cf the Stb hgetsoerii tZmaywie inst, aveuld say that I have deeided upon WHY BOULANGER FMILED, that greutasclon eort Zimhaye wnditcoes baigthaecupa lined tbreugheout with Prj treApae ui aeaing â ny inscriptions, but haelias feudtirs Jebrls thear darkthossAlphaietetus par saupiaDchit% me. fins setquiok ,as pesbie Jsboip IVare agalîrd tîma, etofgreen petrery cf Persian oengin, auJ N. Yl. & N. E. Il niust hbcersby theal sj lu Thceugh flic lahers cf an inganloos ariterAr celtrdvssrpeeto.eusc h the menîli, as my wrife's irt.bday ocoeurs onen Figare the snperstirreus aili fioid a - the rd, fer vhi'-h avant it is iutandad as a spucial seurca cf pleasuca lu the hife and A lad nunied George Flliot, uged -four- gif. Yûrstcoy, Jeu C.Bt~s. dealli ef Boulanger. This n iter sheows thut tea.onuofMc. SamuelElliictxpawmrbreken, i r r uvle ws JdRsed te sentha ltter B waus s fatal latterte Bolaugar. aras u ccideutaly shel ut Sheeruess on Mon- Fili & ecric uidr,9 ra Ha_ dicd ut Brossais frem a hullat treugh daîly iiglif by a cenipaulen numed Pett. The s1re. e' roc.despsirr cracthe deutb cf Mn.de Benne- beys on laaviug schliaent te thaelieuse cf "R,.are youi finisbaJ !" asked tl1e marchant main. Quecuai' de Beunirepaire aras lis ace- Pelts' parents. Petîs bogbf eut a, gun, lu a cattliug business-lrka lene. cuser cf the trial wbichbhegun bis rrisfcc- auJ avec plcyiug aitb it arlen tihe r'eupn " Yes, si," auiswerad Janet, passiug the tares. avus dischenged, auJ tha builet enfared tha priufcd rheî auJdflic auvaepe iloe is eut- Inu semething the srme ýaai'C la shewn o te reat cf Elloît, wboeaxpired iurmedintely sretcbed baud. Jle pumnisad if rpdlybave beau iris latter cf cai lofuienica, F bis A mun mmd Su'ithseu, r'he bcd beau au 'dtheii, ritb c gn:rt ef satisfactin, sid: hostile latter, auJ L liii friendiy latter. But I cpacatad from bhis wifa, aotared the latfen's u"Vary eul; try suether." mu the reatter cf numbere tha baud cf tata is ieuse ut Burnley cccix' cn Menday mcccn. And tieunlha dictalel rapidiy aguin auJ stili claarac. Mmie. de Benu -,main aras hem iug auJ cutlibac Ireal. lie tiran eut bis again Jeuet's niimbie flugar, flew oever tuarn 15eTh r iuas fthsnubrocru Iroat, ail both parties are uer' lyiug keys, us Itha Mords feu HemU bis lips. adJ up 19. She Jiad lu 1891, ftic four lua Jaugerons condition. Mr. Ranci' . Bnns;figures cf aridi aise sdd up 19. lia aas A h reail oieCutToa I1)a n-Y bdbatr en beh> bomo in 1837, auJ ýthesa four figures udd op A h rewc oieCutTon Ibeub rib ogecraub a f be theurlir u 9.la ic u S thehere ye 1bave Tiddy aras charged witli assanlfiog hii 2Ohir e aidettireilerebv19 al. H iàiwifan hr yuhv e ut Breeii. Il aras stafed thet flic but I do net r'ish thirrcobbad, as tliey are Athe rarticle lir the sainiejounîai sheoas ki e ve h aierc 6eirn 0c tedeafli cfflie Canerai asmniealainant- Ironirealiving. Ha bcad beau tance iufeudad fer mi' aife auJdia ecensiders il a ci mu oriltan er hee iti -criad, lie wae bound ocrcte keep tha cruel'y. Yonra cmuli, JeIrorC. ll'smî. calefoacmeriltn onthplt- Tie eovelopte this leîîer, wheu addressedcd pointef vie'. Hlialci, utenliDn fothe eaa rend, "The Hanci' C. Bernas Stock Fanm, oumber cf bocks auJ panaphiats upen Beu- ý, A latter frem Melbouuee sys thaf the Ceia Srigs K."langerwbib tire Boulungiat nuse e aeu- beaty' Sicwat the Olympia Theatrrliras Ca ings, Ky."at Ianhe eterfroua cd jute vigercus aud profitable hife. Then beau n rmckad hy a meh. A crer'd ut- ainsottir erclidhautdck tavet nthac evre flic pictoces cf the Il bruie Cen- 1teuded conIlie oecing night, but hcaoty aras bis cye raprdiy oer it,, eaid :cal " lu avary conceivabla gccb ; and bac-r upi.-us hyifis absence. The cmewd "Yeu'Il Jo. Noir cliet lry-w-,ýhat doecerns eut a singular fet-fliat inost cf bcre ur'auJdavccked tIra place. lave yen axpect 9Il" I-Ibcd roct tlioght fliase, pictures scdse ideli luParus sudl erupîcyebu-I narr' escapes, auJ the about that," stanuiarad Janet, bhiohiug in cl France avarernrauufactured lu Car- 1t ýeasure a auerubbed arr bis cilice. unoer Ibis brusquae,ainacclbruital îceaîuaan m ard uJthat tharefome the profits cf Ibis, A ce eperatia a eet cani choc fadeor', " llniph gi ceunithe Hiera-at bruucb cf comena rcial Benilauigisu avwent mb amerted cI car-cstf cf ver £23,000, as open- necersarili' quifea osie i aipeople ca ekî. fcei ha aGrea cdt Laicester. Oaer 500 telegatea ttanded wbc work ferliair living, hoîvevar. xx e nanufactorers bcrroavd thair ideas fer from ail parts cf fie kingdom. Tfha buildings shah ire yen $10O a weak te bepin aili. devicas fcrrtth artntus cf Boulcnger fra-eeeoýupy a site cf tavaive acres, auJdflic1 are Whleu yen bave beau airh os a mouth cm queurli'. A carteen ef Jean cf Arc, Van,- 100 yards long by 90 yards aide. The tave yeu naer xpect a slighl adrance-that igeox, Napelecu I., aud Bolunger on cjactic ighit rs used tbropheut theafretery, iif yen ire satisfaction auJ ara competen t, the feuraccc cf a pack cf cards as "IlThe w hich is capable cf tuning eut 50,000 pairs le thatsatisfactori'?"IlFrench Trmnps," uppaared r'itb heicfaces cf beets cavceek. " Parfactli," saiÀd Jana, aalfat acîroug changed frem inink toenathueiccru as "The irciainte 1r;ýc isc Ieau effaudad geddes, Four Aces cf France," cnd ced itrcs In!arasting Jisccveries are urade uer' auJ ruiaion t,ýp ira eahalt etoficeanauJf or Boulanger in ftic greantalection. hi' stron odnskjttbild'ws ltibnes aqualli' lictcd empîeycr.Oua celleclen cf Boulauger calice bas near-\1hlBaoNcaukldasgfbig erpialy ilaehi'y600 songe cempcced ilhor cf bina. T[lia rnctenicl for hie "'Atlas cf Aucraut Carte- "Bi th r'yr'ht i yercnuna 2' sramne ceilecrer bas theuscuds opon thon- galy"edsoaai i ntcMeu cd th mac atcd-as ha JiJ ce bis keen sanda cf pictures cf bina. Basidas niedal- tbe ou' Iknoav o pi' cf the ecriiecf panerai cyeavre fat uoen tira gin's hucuîng lieus, breeches, brcelets,cof niyriad dJaiges, nap cf Gaeri-,iy. Ibis aras tire fumons ruap face, ainh flcd uJ prelouged scrutin>, tlIare avare hcttlr'a, tebueco hoeaps, cf Cardinal Nicolas cf Cnes. Tlermap avas "MicaMise range," fatarar ia ebauds ef canes, auJ vases lieaiug the brave cnpee u16."m idgali u wlie aPrecsuce of icd aimost failalr irun eccal' feactures. i uewa gvn t rerred garpraphers. Mercafcr's fanions the liglal cf the peu lt blcnk lie ashidi che vacicus kiudc cf cleflies, te nekekaer, te a oap f Cacuniar as puhliebed moe than a onid harseîf elliped tel. hrcnd cf r'ina, te c kiud cf igarette papar, ceiari' cf tan thut ci tha learneit Cardrnal. "lVer' r'ali, Mies Graugar," scidi lier te latter paper, auJ perfunmey. -,u inquet wae bld aI CarJiff on \aJeJ uncla, aith us it saemned te th egiri, Italeast Mileu Bqplager fleu rabat aras laUt of ail nesdax ce ire body' cf a arman wbe diied ropicieon ef anunopleusaut eniasis opentbe thasa thinige becanie adrog lilitemrketa. ylgsîrcdci a ornrJc fr ru the recit cf a ramre. iNer',if lescid ceuni'Pariaran marchants ce- ihfýgahi h tih ttran',pie Ila ch ha a r'ci wrk acfocr, if yen are jl;e anet a litîle ut lis deaab, sinceail bac lIaI tbe araman bcd geine te tha back cf lber wer'ig.Ouwers ccfc net ulo n butrahiemade a maket fer arbat r'eulJ have beau lieuse, auJ retunnd r'itb c frigirîful aound. we rerk utavek. f yn fui'ond -sandnumarkatable bcd Bouluugc Jie ha hi NXo Jecter was cçlled, auJ ahe bled te dccth. Ibis te begin r'itli, it w'il rave yen a gmrct bcd. IfE bas -boea u lith adrisabla te cpprebaund den!l cf tcoubleairufltcenau." li-----e er lisbcid auJ anether mncinaucorrections "I ha dous hst, cpied anl, DEATE 1N A RUBSIAN VILLAGE. rihtaeîca licuabtila'. il__i ,C'nti e, .letbrew himseif :)ut cf tire ton f for infants and (Children. ~Csofl isno ailadatedtoauCr=nhaiCaOLIrla cures Colle, ConstIpation, j recommend !t as soperiar toa ayOprezsrit oSurStemuaeh, Diarrhoea, Eructation, taon tomie." H.L A. «Lmza, M. D.,, Kiflas Werms, gives slccp, and promotes dt 1M o. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N . WiUou: injurions medicatlon. Tas CEsNuit COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. FOR SALE BY J. IIIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE. B OUWMA"N VILLE, Headquartersý in West Durha m for FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, Glassware, Or ockery, Hall, tarior and Hand Lampe, Fancy Oups, Saucers, Vases, Water and Lemonade Sets, etc OUR FEAMILY