THE (O1NGO ARAE1. 10TES ABOUT BRAZIL, MR. MD IR.BW R O U S L ' iýr. loiiser S r s They Are INet SoE l1acîk as ( ii th No vêmrber, 18K9, They linjoy a ouiet Evening o-eer cardg. f 'fhey HaVkýen dethroed.3 i edro of ]razil was l'Smith was asking me to-day," said Sbeen -'unthic service of tire Congo Free Sraie, Slavery was abolished undiler his reign b y paper, "if we wouldn't drap over sorteBo n lias written iunfthe Mouvement Geograph- the act of May 13, 1888, adopted by theý evening an! have a four-handed garce of' 'nt.le 1q'îe an accounit of the Arabsslin that country. Chambers. euecire with them." His article gives a diffrent impression 'of Brazil lias enjoyed ron-,arkaleý prosperity v Why, I shouild like ta go over any even- (Establisbed187 ïi hLd been troubled five months these 1w adjesra lu ýetral Afri'ca from rh tb t h'îsyear, and the cr095q, including tire ccof- g"rpdMs osr vWth Dyspepsia. 'rhe doctors told conveyed hy Stanley, H-erbert Wardmderp, have been usulv abundant. "fe and lis wlfe play inost every even- me t ws hroie I ad fllnssothers, who have told of thle horrible atroci- Tergua riyo razil cons o ing." 01) ~~~~~~ ~~~Importer, ,aifcue-,adDlrinj! after eating and a heavy load in the TirteyCnghave cm int y the olderelbu th Goernsen If v~oircrly knewhow toplay we ight M nfcueaJDae niinietTr Th Cno rai rm ltot;Mn e au ccurîise a rilitary force of 100,000 moni by have a -gaine now and thon." Sarcopha,-i, Tablets, 1leadstoîies and ail kinds -ýof Aci&rii quentiy from a Vater Brash ofeclear 11111e that Livingstone passed tbrough fIat Teenvebe Ihaveuieny opldta lyvr el iý'entevW r ntebs i rîýI mate. oneims dahlv Sc-ay tghuteutyrabe oaratcgaent orMr. lg~rte tBrazil froý;m Euope witbin the past two "IHave eh ! I suppose we night have a Granites and Marb1ces. ness at the Stomnach would overtake iaxth eAras hvegret tlet ogr Q1,ý at ecrs Met cf theni bave boen Itaicns, game or two, tiouoh c f course I cani lay ictialsginrPoeugselverdsithvyithsutothvyorgo me. rThen again I would have the F],ouoh tlie-rpolished ncnes, eop!ls emanan otuus.myo N oderate-,Pîe Latest DessigunsSuperior Workmanship and theiravafeswitthe yeylow fut. iHaveryvJ ýgct Priend, terrible pains o& idColie. At ,Ibility, and the trade they lut roduce, they Thi earavea o ee hloinftve itiBrazil a pr ron "Best Materials. XiII be happy to quote prices on any kind > uch tmes 1 woulId try to belch and enitirely supersedled tire Wanyauwvesi tract- ti erhv enncuyl h iisc Mr. J3owser, 1 cm perfeciy willing te could ot. Iwas wrking hen fi et,,,, o Tanuavika.who hd extahia trandatpryeabotryoucumuntBaprannd plymebnotu tetpgetisofnewnetta Givef mok.aGea mebefcarebe porcharcaing. tireir eperations fer into thc iuite,ior,. TIe Rie de Jaieire, aud manvy thoutsauds c6f mad if you arc beaten." Trhornas MclIenry, riruggist, Cor. Arabe gatlered the. natives arouud theu,aud people have suiffered front if."Mad ! Wher are yen talking abouti ______________________________ _____ Irwin andXVestern Ave., Allegheny secured thec ctîa'hment of the more poer- Mershai'Fouiseca was proclainied Provi- Thc idea cf me gett.iug mcd oe r a game e City, Pa., in wliosce employ 1 had lui tribes. Rumiors cf tireir success spread, sienal Presideut immedictely cf ter the de- cards been for seveni years.- Finally I used far and ide, as the merchandise tLhy hld thronemeut cf the Eaiperor, two years cg, "Do yeti promise" cllected wcs carried te the sea, and a large and was elected Constitutiona PresideVn: y orwmcl aottn iue Angut Fowe, ad afer Sifg jiStnumber cf cat Arcbs followed tbem iite effer the adoption cf thc Constibition iifr a n w nxiii begin te tomn red and one bottie for two weeks, was en- tice far lut-rier. Februcry lest, fie las becu Dîctetor sicce white cnd got se mcd fIat a yoke cf oxen -0O tirely relieved of ail the trouble. I Accerdiog te Hoisters observations on fie beginning cf this mourir. ccn't bild yetu. Yen cre fireeeue te. make THE EAST END PAINT AND PAPE R STORE is now p3 cau now cnt th ings I dared not toueh the Upper Congo, when au Aral and l is promises. Cet tIe cards ccd if yen win eewonwl efon uiue fWaiPpr r $2 p-roIn beoe ol iet ee o ocet-aven arrives ret the frontier of are n Soine time age fie Papal authorities at game ont cf tont l'il buy yen a S20 bat." Mied Pinta-mrxeu d f tol ieorer andp yers p nd,5c'. tty, pfrGrll, Mr.Mcenyfo wom1:ored hchlic icteude to exploit le divides hi5 I icudvdesrzl uot« cls- ' If 1 win more games flan yen do-yen dPaný-mxdYGas Mr. Mcenry, or whm I .wrkedparty into emel lbodies, ecd cbergcd wifi astical provinces, ccd tmade preperation for wo't-yen we't feel put ont?" sie ask-PeresMcneOit. who knows ail about my condition, oxpieriug a particolar part cf tire conntry. tehldiing cf e grand Seuthi Amesican cd as tbey set dowu te the table. ers Mcie ilt. au!d fromn whom I bonglit the medl- fie himself edvauces as fthe country lsa0ccu- ecolesastical couicil fuis year. But tIc "'Goed lands i but wîeit is tIc women I ara prepared to do housepai ntiug, graining, and deeo-ating, of al cile. I live -ihMy wife and fml pied, always seonriug lis base of eperetosdînre edtion o hns nfu o l talking abont? Mme. Bcwser, l'oc pleyed kinds. Brushes to loan for painting and kalsomining. Mixed Kalso- at 39 ames S,, Allgheny iy Whec eue cf lia advance coumuereacies a cf tice republies cf Sentie Amnerica las lu- more games cf enure tIen yeu've got hairs ieas o aeaysaedsrd 0, .village it tries te enter inte frieudly relatieus terfered witl tIc plans' fer the counicil, lur yonr bead, ccd ne eue ever kcew me te aînd oi .Cx nd ondertakes taepreteot tIe village ortrile bl a e estoliedin te e iei ntl u eldanytîiug but sot-eue. A lenshand who h G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, againet its enemies. TIc niatives are invari-'>t play ea gamne cf carda witi lis wîfe WoobuyNewJese, u s Lably eit war witb aomeiody, ccd tIc Aral WIen President Fonseca was inauguratcd without gotting mcd lad botter bang up. _________________________ U._S. always prosonts hlfin uthe role cf a pro- under tIe Constitutioen outfe 24t1 cf Feb- Go ahead cnd dccl. Thc peeret player cl-, Ri' Bok opsteNw ioel Blding.l 143 tector. Fricndly relations laviug boen rary lest lie mcdo au address befeme bath ways lbas tIc decl. Hearta la tramp, eh ? 'isBok poit e oe ulig THECA ADJN CTES4I~ stablisbied, tIc native chiof generclly soudasflouses cf Cougreso, linxshichlile said :AI, ha! I will pmecoed te lccd f lis." TH AMAIANSTA ESM euoe of lis relations teaflic Arabe as e hostage, TIc Uuited States cf Brazil uow entera mmc Mr. Boxoser lied e geod band and scored e and tire Ai-cb leader places two men lu tire c legel statue. Our couitry las leneefortl mercI, cnd effet- ceurtitg up le leanedback ESTABLICHED 1451 village as Ils representatives. TIc native a free and domnocratie constitution, founided and lareghed ccd asked: Chiel cd the Aral's prinicipal cmeu agree ta en c federafive system,. fIat caot preserve Airy other litile gante fIat voincari play $1 per annt in advance, otherwise .5U 51. Subgcrt.ptions clways payable at tite offluc ,,f gex-eru Joinrly, but the At-cl Ceeu acquires or union, aud blat makes Brazil correspond botter tlan this, Mrs. Buvsor l" publiction. Advertising rato3uinl,3,ibyc>,, great influence and beco fiee cccrel chief. ta ifs model lu Northe America. Ail haill i eîtcdkocolr en c metr, 10 cent; Per- lice, nonpariel. fl'-st insert Mm. Hodiater says tIc Arabls bave impea- flic Brazilian repuhlo , hnkc em ee cdwetegm setin oas10csprlno, ents pcr line oacI subsequant ïb- ed fleir swcy upon tish iescbicfly by ___________wcs finieied aie lad scored ouiy Gee 9cm tablshig lwsby rgap bi laorandBegeîîuîug t e edi h ac Ie w ill be found in his old shop, next dcoor M. . J MES E'bliheby tIc încreesed comfomt whlicl les cerne toah 'a ees -ha ! le! ha 1" lie lcugîed. Il lou lave the natives rlirongh t11dm Aral fionda. ARl(A DUETa.) promiised net ta et ctoor "' and1"sal - ~ TDB TAC T'SASTHMALE Nï,,tîrougli tbe Congo tcrritery eccnpicd by the ield you t t t o .t x"ress OffiIce, A TH ~q ~rjjRffniaver Oeis; secudArels, tley lave iîîtroduced rice acdîed cîa talvrssod pn;ieuy Sue lad uothuîîg te say, lut seooed e 0cr sde UiTiF T ~ fe r1they lave impomfed exen ccd goats front "e mn rs tcmilsi;mat-co ir fe ew gaine. Mm. Bewser tried RAce H -deFR E Mauyc ccad shaep frotu Ujiji. Sortie- It grieves me sairtat paît-t wi' tîsce, lard teiVglttmeorfu iue E f~aa e~CA~sÂ. tintes excesses arc permitted, lut fiodister Or fhlul te gie yc pain, lassie ! Jter, when fIe gamte was fini'hed acd ahc VT~RE'U-Fr f yar, 01m aseted fIef fIls la nof tic fenît cf tihe I leave tIc loannie bauksae' Clyde clapped Ieridtedsacdlshoifd: l"Chicago" ÈE".Frterrmo er,,1'lr Arel chieîs lut cf flie stîbordicatos wîo Wl' sad ani'teet-fu' c'el lassie; rîccre wcsn't a sigacf a stuile on his face as h e p o st n l n h n Bhu "suat~ 2 miles front Whttbv- Btyusalb ybni rdw e e161-cl sc n t n l n ba n iod builidings and sou e,.l'5l 'mstctwcnder fer frein fthe central eurliority le- Btynsa emyhni rd, le epied: et- dctmy. Ciacc for going exesv; ;;'tdfecurlc ht-l- -s, Whotu I corne l'aok te tIre, lassie' 1" "Do you waut te weke up tic wliele ,c ete milir Insiness or stock mraielflg fo~as, esaeyexn ieAtas omo uîrs town?9 Pet-laps yo dor.t kuow tbart I gae A eMerteaý,dn mseMon witthcapital ecly ecotaas TI deARGEi l raîyC IeSa dni.grer e' buceAraSS0ntRaTMfýj'f eetonmeeNenT Aed appiy. J, Il. Dow, Whitbv, 32-t sers sTippu Tbdeta'ti ei abaeda Y01ta an utt norg ei on - - ~~~patt-iat-clal insttution, and fiat tIc At-abesh81- wiuîea groom, sac di:ma fear !kdrcd ecs."-- F-. DY~N ND CEA~tgeat their slaves most kicdly. The auprense Ht-l'Il aye le tî",c to tlee, lassiŽ' '4 Please doî't give m_11y more.mO-OF chiefof al th Aras inthe ongoregi Ste- ll aveble ra-e tate e, laddie; "11Deu't yen wcrmy ! Yoetiddot.gem an-111 ccdoiier parts cf Central Africa is fhe He-O'or lives shall yct le lu' ' cber, ier-sitegle peint fo-nigîht " c o aCea% Ladies' and Gents' wear cf cli kinda, Feafle- Sultan cf Zanzibar. Under hlmntiecre ct-c She-O'et- lix e sballyef lefu'e' clieer, She did, tiecugi. Sitegot tire first peint ' ' ers, Gieves, RItbons, LaeC-as, , c hfHrslasii I neir u s Ie-Whec 1 couic lad for fIee lesie'ouontIc new gamntcd le began te look vcry or ead F T e al.kinids ol fasîcy gooda Dyed, Cieaced cm Ttppn TII cf Kasseugo aud Mohare of ,biu-Au'l Il 11wait fer thon, laddie! sober. fie brtgîtened up e lîttie wlîec le French Cleaued. Wotetk poeefevely gueait- Nyangwe, wlio bave undet tit-etorrs ccred ccc, but fIat waa ail le got on flic teod fie lest. Ne peddlîc g wagon euxplcyed. govercoma ci districts, wiîo, in thoir turc Saf-Whcc yen bmew slip las saaled awa gaine. A rliale gein bevory town. lavelieuterrncta under flient, ccd se on doxon An' Jc1 bft -releddîe, "Irsee ats c ' hcg BRITISH AfflWCAN BYEI.40 ta te cAt-cl oprosenfative lu thc village. 1511 prcy tic wcves an' wiud may 'blaw cliecd !" sIc exclaintcd, as sie couted. Cold MdaliatDycra.Tippu TIbIslamoecpewerful tit acl tic A voyage safe te vioc. iaddie! "01,1f las, li? It's eaxocdcr yen didcffrM n n os W m nad hlrn Mottoa, emct, rt ccc Qebother Arel chiefs put tgf1r idstr At uynt-oc reite se e gthfe othergainte, as well! Swicdiing and Motral orntOtaw adQube.givea a list cf seven At-el chiai s wlioihaxeA note ye'li send te mc, ledîlie. cleating at carda de't seoir ta trouble sone Agent lu Bowmaîîvillc. cntmong tIent aIent 7,500 guna, mcsfly flilnt Wl' wetds sac kind I'vc licard befere, peepies Conscicences !" ub e s Slp r tc J. w DOB8UN, SFATrioNEIR. ioccs ccd old percuission xeapens. Tippu Wloc yeni were ceuntin' lue, laddie ! But 1 dldn'f cleet!" -l AR S F R AL .TII ltas moecgens tIen ailt the otler chiefs Cîuus, Uns!1 Don'ftmy if again, Mrs. Bowet- a- V lie ,Sa c.î.f3, AR S F R S L . Teprincipal centmes cf ectivity of tiche Frcel aewe iaidad!Spaeos letruîîpiar wifdoynPo Congo At-abs at-c reclly important places. HeFpweeandarwee IInev dotgo, "1 t-em cu p. wil utc sc76acres rime SIeni, on flo Lomaipi River, las abourt 8oY'lcneeautne ade Order meio p!1 WIaf's titat fer?" Special, attenton given to Repairing. witu gkxd hounse and go 10,000 iniabitauts. Stanley Fells, Kilceigo, H-'lcotegitemeial; "ecuef'fIlst'vgo" cotbuildinga ou loch Cen. Deelirg'oc'eoii good ced ile ile bave about 3,000 people s îeu i Cltowaosfw "Yen ccn'f do et ! Yeu lave got te day leent ail elcere - angwbasea population cf 14,e. es~ wL ucaego oe000, ccd Kassouige, Ieentoe cf Tippu Tib, He -Whiie _________________________or___waters_____________________ ;Î'5 0 on 4th con.. Darlngtoc,cn8/Sie-I'Iayele truc tefIee, leddie! I I"No, Ilhavenrt. If 1 fuink I dan make -______________ tainiug 100 acres, gGod toine hbuse, good out- tleugli lic is aely flore, bas 20,000 t-est-H"'l y etuctaIe lsi! epoint I cari et-dem Yen up, cf cent-se "Il 1I TRE BATTLEfIN UHEHE. ewcy, ccd ou fie e Ux day Von Bulovw butdln~s.dens, cd uit a embr c if isese ate "I dnr ulive f, ut enIr tsenhave 1 would probabiy hbar fIef saie ne tvcama- Er, O w prcae0n fluî f tn, idafrsysflt I E fi \Výlhifiveliugyersiicdcom ecndgeeacgt-et fusa exer it l'Il take if up. Wbef Shrewvd Taches or' thoe ages, wh Nearly vanr taking ivemy te tIce cat bl been cm- t-d N wcas-le ctms bcýtweeo fîve cI'ng ae 1cm trader, le ccd fIe At-abs Aud suuny Furtfue sini'd ciiroce,- at-c yoe icding fhe riglt-bower 1for?" Ànniiated thee <ernasnsackedccdd fIat tbose wle ceeid nef escape acres.nil onanc 4so ot t eecgcdmtcs Tcntv, Truc love is eye as fonîd dn'lain, , I xaaumtaterae ail tisetrt-tks. I cen TIc details have bec t-eceic cd et last cf lad bon nnrdercd. Uuifortunfei y ie bad $ I C f.wi uca~10arsMOIevrlalîgbly imitative, ccd se-n As if tiree-w-et--- ccclandeor ea! i bed ccy wey I xvant te, can't I?'" thc'-ema-kale bettieiii Uheie, EatAlmice, nef force econgl te pniîish themcds $ew n llavera with go..elicamalIc At-ah tradtng custents, met-cases Sac J1tmarnuback te lexvecnd lente, "OI,well, go aîecd ccd sec Iow you'li wlîere fhe Cetmacs word sa badly defcated for tisese outrages. buildings, al cioamcd, good soi, lies> plantations, aimes et growiug wealtly, Te a' tlet le sac dear teae; doume ont." ounAîîg. 17 lest. Se bloody e b affle xitiî fie scys ftle great weal:nescf tieC re. IA 0 acres cf land conidfiered to le and endeavora te assintilete himseîf te tire An'l Irueo mair siecl ueed ft-cent,, Site came eut- by winning tIc, gainte, xvhÂl fiee natives las neyer becît fougît belore in mac expedition wcs fire feet tlat if avas -1 oneofthe beaf fartas on (loti.1. At-el lu becring aud menet-s. The Boîkien Frac lecr flthaairt- fan 11fete!Mm. Bowaer lad scorcd uni-v two peints. Equeforiel Aicea. It wlll le remenbered, conpelled te foilow a single nat-row lopatb. Darlington, good buildtngs, gocd Iocality and offlet thenta tiithfe At-abs eau be made tâ in.Zlwk- ihafreo buaadtu a ctee vràln itne muet bo aold. For any of above proiserties vrybep e i eryig uflc ok f IeCuctr, "lif'a gnt ede ho- acaam.fnfLiutaZiwaiChtiacoreeacletocdflawa sateedovra onMisane cî2P~fo LEV A.w. OLEr hlf cupaintscf yi tI eutry, cdfItef He-Love ila ceelove fthais cee truc, Buwaer IInsteadocloue ganieceut cf'ton'i've 700 tuen, et ont frein Mpwapxva te clastise iusteed of being in e compact body wleu Reoal Estaf e Agent accd Auctioncer.theIcofficiels cf tic Froc State alonhd trade She-Love is nae"love fIat la mie fruc, won two ont etft-e 1" dtIcWaeiwoldsttcGmasc lceeymd i shee-e-tak lely wlfl rIcin, encourage ftenste secd Ho-As"yo-ýr'a lies beau, tome, lassie Il" Yes, but uow did yeni win'em? If you'ddfic. tiroir podnee dcwn mIe river, ccd luduce She-As yonr's las boen te mie, leddie playcd henesfly, yen wcntdn'f bave sccred fie lad te mat-ci seth necriy 100 miles, tirent sud fbeir ble'ks te cultivete the soil. 1e-l'ecacone acetosa the sect for yeni, two peints ou a ganse 1 Tieme's tIc trmnp. aend e fihy eutored tiroir country, xvleel PUSHED HIM OVÊR A CLIFF. C-Gefts' (lothing Tlese are only c iew of fIe points wlidh Sh-An' have conte te welcense yen, Wliet do yeti do?" seeme btest 1'revcrit7ca.m.ieui.g Mr. fiodiatet-advcances inufvor oniheGongo e-l 1 evrpairfcd holessie!1 "Jet-dot-yn p," scid Mrs. Bowsct-. 17, tIcecemy suddecly awcoped downunpou One Lad Iils Atetr Witlicst the eaned, Died. Pressed snd Repairod by At-cl. Tîcreilaundoultedly-a groat dccl ofi 8/îo-We'l1 nevet pairted blladdie 1 "lOrder me np 1 Yen cen't do t is couimu. The epeditioc lied reeebed aS ees 'rvoain tmt l ha escs M.E.C4lo-7cdtJu IîO,"f cent-se I eac." dense luel, wliec, wiftout theeligltesf pt-e- LeNo,,Eg o.ýémiti xi .B.Pfl T ortin freveleaysfeil MrIE . aine aor fe tTdretîho, Nef much? iNoe eever lboard cf suds monition, au n et-tmuortce cf the Walie, ted Eove ng . Nstof a-lad nmofed iex17 O b .r ±r traeler tlveirrsifIeoryoet-t-estô,No, of181.aahigladn ccmed, i i spWiae,300 wr17r At-abs eat f -Tanganyika, whin theyt-e- Nv fJ 81 îu "uî,oig fi upad ,0 vrî,yers ci cge, ounfie charge cf mut-dot-. ise Dyct- cnd (lothea Cicaner, gard as very intelligent men. ,elleand xii *This xvrd la pmenuunced "KEE" ilu 1"fiHyle saya fIat if yen lave a satroce usled out fti licbual. Tlecy were ct-ted isccc cf fiee pprenficos boloegiug toert 000ds Warrantd te b* as no1ione wSco hosimd, mtaudougchxfor thede" baud-ccd tît of -h" hnd and goca, iaupplicd topl fleuta IFiPet-ty'PortugajeaMa y'sty's iraingn slipi Boseawen.' TTc Gooa wm re obea eac nkc Hu ed u tmt eeepsu oyle! fHoyle 1" l e siued as lee scae tscd iheorlednoy gn vessel receefly visited Weynsiouitiî, acd i5, thn rn ew whe dace. Couîntry, ccd wleo, tîey say, leuld le fred-nw nlo-t f Corner Ktngccd Ontai trea edeas allies auJdnmadelcolpfuolinstccd cf being '[he Horrors of ModeraWarfare. upaeudwxaved his ct-niaarcunfi. ,iVllois pourtcg ae1deadiy fit-e into ,lieermact icncorïoftat port. Yestemdcy bcing B. ntu i.reado eecyassuîbiu ohai fe A inn eegeHîoli iyle? Dees fHoylecut-o hiis frnily? Isl ohui. Sunday, a numiber cffie beys oltained w, ey of fed e xhes Tipem T in s cseifnsythel iing correspondent«teerfic heHyle playing flua gainse cicarda or at-c Phing intolute Ieitte cf flicGermauief"evii I r. îot In thhseeodl av ettrib;ly misee tc-- e-rfesr ihrtladrssnow 2i- g ~ ,native -levies, tley ent tIc cole in texvrc seae nd acetbet-lad, wichoen felipopelvhenPr lia afodetfs, aiuwed tIens a collection of "u,' ydar olei uceiy nad, standing betweec tIc aeparated pt tlecy recîed tielsore, sfarÏed fc- srehi ~ KE~ TO R ALTI. advcf ~entra treviler, ccdfIeftieoir butes front pet-sons wonnided lenf le wrsra cif carda."Ilfions, fley dfit-d uotis directios îl nfecu.Fciyfe cce en TUE te flic aventin, etrlAfride bas beeiu e lhessing 1866 and 1870.-fie eaid fe feducg NoeatIaiw emctenhk es fhe fireeof fIe Gommais treope pt-obcbly killed là efecii tn eet otaxv sene h li cog siue lîcgabutlis5lpBeser-sefthes itf brevet-! IfII1 bOnld live aep t peut iseWasclesitiif f loyncue that lhe must kihl sente eue on land' se A Stone Age Stlmn. wir hywr Ine lc eiglibourlood cf idlafflasisen, wlîo gave thc clame. An inspecter made ceofber gante witli yeu !I Isec coo wîy seun East Afiee. If will le a costlviv wîo cls l~ is îremde sîw s I "d-an investigation ccd fcnud fIat fIe sortis- mcescd r rvnfeu sm-lyfkcbtfl rlhur afa efre -lefldosiaui-e.Yeftd3 en r' oeI ywaa fIe fit-st time c favorable oppornunira' ~~~RE~ eizmail,' m.fieac ls iscv1eda os of fIe sîcmp bensewîfe word correct. 'Tise seao-v ygo to destructiont. Jt's bceause maîsy mnI ieWhi 'i eov epeefditî,cdl nbce f i verRexensive heinen sefflemneuf elonglue lut cher is now ewaitingtriai. c'fid cotoff ne1" terilcfue wileereu flichetone cgc, whilcb la ow being laid - - ,Q îya- rnbu hFldctln gle us endc-"~ te Q">, "t Mm. Bewser, yoo prontiaed me before we owteyf-f0eulataont-wtenef like te shied bloofi, but fbis was fléiý Y Lameunuder lia supervision. Tic settlemenf Terriblifrime iuiRussia, sacf owc that"-- expeditien. . wcy lie knew ta gef bacged. iin e rock-v niche about 13 metres higI ccd '"n h aie lamxI ostot lOt-. Von Bnlow, an officer inaf nefunced te 1TIc doctorsa rcgt-c fat yonng ialea o7 metrtes long, aesd is fhe fitst offIa efr- A wecitby fiseler mercieut tntd ah d libemefely sidea n clicemayfo Es ' csysteWhebomnicidal mania ced wiclias leen descovemed in Sw ifzejlauJpeibeunt, ccd al fIe neenters nflo lissly e tauieSaJyclatBut if's rscyeirondthEca fua s-afu wîîîeis afiu onectenwiti liec tamu ftfe isember cif weloo, weme Ifoud et-n s as- ome. I ougitto bave îcown rieîeservod fIe puseanetwlich Llent. Tbiclioiset-licg ocs on weretcclas v eefeyllw trn aoîal îteuît' etton. Eveî-y husiand ongîf te kuceS- et- Zhwk a bcsn eini.Fr Eeliitoils Moming Feliieitations. Toc icueragiaf ieocsfler. Dm, Roo acbous-iefeQeeîtena ter. Smith la an infernal ohd luar auJnd teofli olelPinsaioe t paw PURST,~TRN 87,858. es ioucd oeau i tcacmý3nff b o bountsenthceduiormeens cfi m o.ufer Icgtg ele umora Camevrycvo Valiafck "Wfalvlyuoig1"esid ~ "seS akn Sa~ c bu sc nga ost teae sneoufit-e ýe. Pie. upon cara vans. Soeteof flair chefs auJd "If la eperfect momicg," aie replicd., acretLae ~ iut-ý1ibFotr mîvhnlt-A thtknivea, cliseland lccce-isecdg, bi , fmot-dot-rrsetthcfueon li P.l er infiuntel mec ceuse teaHpcapwa t"Troc," fieso sid, " I hîeu'f ae! n- c3,îe.,teous2pthoFtbocfe reiîdeer, t-oe, tag, udt-, cave bear, ccid gendarmes lveav esedsiept-oc wn u IeSo1non10aualheierktSueoweo-VnBnoon ridIesulcetinedtsIfthgfIs emiarkeatirv que-ef, as ~e5~b At't,5~er cd Ira-gCt, olee aimIs ; cao lusen loues, neo'dieSs aresauspeceel aifie crime, but fIe baudi sfein naïgcdeelny i aben belsave temseelvea. They repeafodlyl he ooked lion atreigi esuelae 11~ -- ~ 9~m5'~ cc flc lginîiiîa n Jrwicg ~ aJ t lae nusleed t bsf fentc. lorsend coceecuta, premiscd te keep-fIe peace, and thon wen ThoPloie u hsed.