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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1891, p. 7

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DRS. ILE A1iII ¶ DIIYIOINSSUR GER1,$, ETC. 'IL Office :-Cor. Churcb au i Temporanco Ste. Night calis atteaded from Dr. Hiiller s wr, c. liLLsEss, M.D. B. LÂAîmsmAN, M. D. C. M. Trin. Univ- Pellow iý nîn, Med. ollege, Member Coil, Phys. Surg., ont. rit. J. C. Mi[TCHELIL, S"J'EM111qt 0F COL'LEGE 0F PHYSICIANS % And Sr,,)s Outarlo, Coroner, etc. D uvaliE SIISN 9 IRISTI R SOLICITOR, &c. MOP RIS -W>, Cxi uptairs, King Street. Bowî55.Yi vit ,olM ior for the Ontari Banki eeay loaned ai the losats rats L CNSE AUCT ION E ER FOR the e-any c Duram.Sales attended 0 on shortest notice and lowset rates. Address CoinsB P. 0. 36:tf 1108F. TOUNG, V. S. O 'êFFICE IN TE WEST DURHAM %JNows Blecit. s bore imseif or assistant will be found froma 8 a.m. to, 9 pn. Nigbtcails at resdence,directly Opposite Drill Shed. Calîs by telegrapis or telephone wili receive p)rompt I. A. WV. T3SIE, A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real . Estale Agent, Bownsnviile, Ontarici. 'ales attended in any part of Province. A. A. POS~T, A ROHITEOT. Plans and Speciflea- _l7 ions preparefi for every class of building. Special attention g von Io beatiug by steam 'a3d hot nater. and 10 sanitary arrangements. Office: Gouie Block,. Whtby 43-3 R.PEATE, alor Gentlemnen's Clothes Made to Order. O. HRNDN L. <t'aduatiel ithe Royal colieg ef Deana UScîglerns, Ontario. 0 ÈIOU OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFJtCE. DOLD I 'LLNMG A S PECIALT Y &ITFICIÂL TEETHI INSEItTEI) WITHOUT PLATES. f4et Reductions in price on ail Douta Werk. Vitalimed Air, constatstyin l use pro coing Painloîs Operations. Partîcular atlen cn raid te the neguailon of Childre' Teet Eý0-LL WORK WARR4.N1'ID.U. Ilranchi office, Dr. Rntherford's Oroüo ORONO, - OINT. Offic, -Pest Offioe Blouit, Celîs bY telegropit Or telephone recolve im me liste attention. J5M.-BRIMACOMBE DIENTIST. OFFPICE :-Rear of Messrs. Higginbotharn& sons Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE LOCAL AGENT FOR ]Domiinion Organs THFCOOK'S BESI FRIEND I-ARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Whe. tsayt rre5 r ic israniiereiy bto tp trbc_ fratino ildthonm oh- oer a u, t .5 on ST o fL!O'OK5Sa e o ofy. I fac ias ionfo Pott ,r, rrixa ooe Sor emd , 0,e 1ExPuao.c esz<-i HOUSEIàOLDO INovember. Like sente fait wnuan cvbe bath lest youib's chant Yot heitis sitiia er huart al goodly gifta, Noventher contos-wnom pale by stermus alarn,1 Berce d inn by clouta, yei connghbn ihoi tifts Sente bit ofet eavens s cuansinsti ne", g101W Emo talle toearctb ber acanthe sotsb uf sue W. Wbat mettons thon tho,' bi ui ïvalu aire haro b Sisé oloihes tIsent inus datuuy garS et white; every shruhl witb ýieyjeeNrire, Andd lii ise land nitli (£ees utdeligit Froin ncrry sleigb-bolii and tise r isytbiebestt Uponih'e trozea n oai, oet dyiug fet. Se conte', Tbsnks-gi-vlig Day-asis is 'oniti c me- Wiýý7th cheerfuluess antijoy, ati riuging belle Witis dean eues gas-hereti uoundtih-e huarts of heino, While titre'tise landi a happy chorus swsells Which peke a Natiene' praise te Goti abuvu, Iu tissul.-tnlaess tonr is pnoieciing love!l GIRLS WHO WANT TO WOR. A Few Tltings Ioung Wemeî l Sbouid Itnew Befere They Biegin. A-1icoct ail canneet girls nonadays come iet msturity nis a rosi longiîîg tom nork. Tisere are veposotul, middle-aged peuple, to ho sure, stis firucly believe tissi ibis is a miseisievous sud ntispiaced activity sud iliat it le geing f0 nork oui ahi kinds f estu- tien if tise race etfnonten isSu teoibter tisinge tisa dont-stie and polite secotupliss- monts. Be tisai as it null; i doecn'i psy te, argue about sht w e smdllisever live te prove. Bore yen are, isnndvods et yen, girls niso lonestiy nani te nonS sud -aho are heneetly avuee te housennrk. lu aise happons te ho truc thai woenen, liSe mca, nork fer nages, and tisai the nages aS girl guis for bouecork, evon in lier faiiser'e bouse are net sncb as encourage yen te sdopt bousework as a proeson. Aiuîd soi t happons tisai yen are t1inhking to-day about a nage- esrniug busiuness outîlde yoor hnte nmore titan yen are tiiking about a busbaud. Tise firittiig yea've get te kunwle Nvhat yen eau do boit. Te finîl that ont cnsidIt yor tsasie. If yen tiitîk iould hoe beanîlful te trmm at', or malte gestes, îay se sud stick teit. Tison go tetise best milliner or dresantaken ha your ten and asielber te but yen ceuse ito lien siîep sud learu. Site non'i psy yen ai fimet, bat yesîv fatisur lias ted yen ton sevenai yeare. and can pnobably fiscisarge tuai paturnai daîy ton a test monthu longer. If yen are hook- us andtbe ban et medicine attraute yen, go te the office et youn fatiser's lsstyen or physiciasud horron bis simpiesi book sud study st. lnasny case doa't diefain tise modeàt ieginniu ig- tisai lies nearesi your baud ; you are net roady ton w ider filIds yet. And nben yon'voe etiied apoît a cvork doou'i play witbh it; lesante ms-at itjus s soniously as yonr hig broîbor oryour ftshon ruais liii. Andi se as yeum diligence sud knonledge gron tegetîter, yen nul penisape conte te a pohi nisere yen muet beave yonr fthser's roof la enfer te fîiish yoan preparîtion for your nomS un te niden your centpetence, sud se incresse yeur stages. Yen mast beave your sirahl tewntoms city or tis nail ciiy for s anager eue. Bue oru luis cati ho cousiferedftonrsausonenoneetfts-îo things te imüporativo: ecuber yen unust have thse cvntaiy-net the more poseibiliiy-et sorents-ingte cvrk citishati nllgivo yen a modest living or yen inuit have mntoey eniongi in recenve te psy your way for a year aheaf. Tisere canecontpromhsiugwnish ibis. Neyerlbave youn ftiss oteon aux otien conditions. Tise nucisrof e yeussg cs'enac'io lave their hontes eacis oear sud go te large cities nitteni s fefinite provision fer nomS is siînply sppalling, sud oui et ibis sprng tise antul tragedies et sat ansd diseounîgeentutisai drive nomun te death or ivense. Witb this provision made, go inte yonn nonS nitis the nisoluetofyen. Take cane et yeur bielti, sud, for tise rosi, give yeur mind sud body te year datiee. -Yenustihi gel discoaraged lu every fibrueto yonr tired bsody, btch it ilonly do yen good.Tise man o on vntnise fo oecn't gui diascosînaged fet toauld otten, eeeing lus nitiatiate reacis beyend bis dsily grasp, den't sectan eneagis aiead ever te sncceed. Se bu sure tha- yeni wiil gui dieconragef, encourage yoursuif bucaueeetftisai veny tliing. Yen stili pmoba)blytle tîtrost u mch îmntg nmen. Lesru usoite oexpeci parler etique hie in bsciîness places. Yeîî are nset tisera te in torpret theue nitLies et lite te a Plot et buey ton. but te do yenv nom cein- petontly sud 'go your svay senshbly. Tisey ntay buenssluhudhy iuleutioued as yor own bmos-iere, but tisey are tee bnsy te assure yen et tbehr dis;thnguishsed cousierathon. If tlsey tuealt yoc brusiiueiy, direcîly, sud hraîîkly, tisuy're psysug yoî tise ceînpli- mt o t eauiag yen like a sensible suemen. Above ail, don't- sîwaysbule lokîag ton tinge te liant yeur feelings. Tisey'll conte soncetiues, sud bruise yen ha eveny fibre tili yoa'l cani te put yonr lscad dewnhn yenr ntethen'e lap si-d cry lhSke as tile girl. But yen muet learu te disthagnisis betwetu noundef feeling anSdcvouuided vaniîy. A cveinuua cries aine iiiea ontehfsvontided vauihy sud once oui t ofthesounded seul tisai cllsfor divinesi oontbing te lioai. Lot your vanksy sînant ali h nl; it's geed ton meut oetlns. Anotîter thing yeu null bave te learu le te koep yosm nord:, te go niseve yoîî sayyeu'il go, sud conte sîsen yen eay yoîî'il conte, afdloitishe huas-ens fdrop if thîey nul. Bai they wen't-exceptinhabiesshug on yeun isead. Lest et ail, yenucmay bu tise daugistet et micis parents snd yen May net. If yen are tise fermer, behiave yeureelh as if Yenustore tise latter. Dent pretace yonr fetnquosi 'sai -b eaaty- - etih i disofsu ad yeuthniis shouid bu, aud cen bu culîlvatef into perfectj grenus aaf blossensiDg. We have se uitie1 et it l The fine faces one seos et 10,,,r 1 N N IA EVN E A are ainteet ail et tlien bearing marks.tii nature aud iii mtnu ors, sud hy 20 or 25 tisey are iiy deficieut iu every olement etf beauty. Wisy shall we bave se iittio Good Ïstory of the Far West. glorions manbood and se uitile gilorieus, wornuhoud? Is it net hecanse in eu IGTSEXEINE IN T EB homes ont ideai is so ebeap aud manners se ÇGT XERI,,IELN OB empuI l Tnuderstaud steli tisatmaniners MIISRU mrnybe frandisleut, but they iny aise carry tise spirit et geutieness, kindness sud le. Hanis o? Note3. Womrit. Nle duirit net kiass ber tentnting lips Ntor even se parois bier cioek Bat migbt sainte ber lingeriti pi Ile holdly usked bier for ber]lien She answered ta a mode of chaif': "By mail 'twill corne ai your comtmand." It dlid thai is, iu photograpb. A elsarmîng fin de siecle uovelty le tise pisotograpbîng efthtie bauds et wonten. Upon the score et beauty ibis very new custom bas gond resson. Peets bave spent phrasas upon the beaîîty et the perfect bande et their heroîne . e novelitfthte claie given te descriptive detail would omit te mention adntiringiy tise baud oethtie leading lady et hie story in au enunteration oetlber cearmei-be it long, tranîluceut sud taper- iag, on clîabby, soft tand warm. Sîince tise giviug et a woman'î band bas aiways been symbolie ofthtie givînig et ber- self-a symbol tisai lias lied more tban once or even iwiee iu tise istory et maîikind- sinco it bas over heen tbe priviiege efthtie subjeet te klise tise baud of bis queeu, ef a kuigisi ut old te kiss that et bis lady, et a modemn loveor to press tisai et bis heloved lu bis owu ; since, indeed, a fine baud h se truiy heautiful, wbetber if ceutain tour aces erfourfingers, aud siucetentperamntatleast, if net esci simail paricisarity et ebaracler, is expressed in it, tise baud j', eertaiuiy a suffieientiy important feature et eno's make up te ho preserved lu coîsaterfeit preseut. meut. Tise pbetograpbiug et bande onîgiuated ses gouerai castoîn in Londons about a year ag'o. 1Baudshiad heen neprodlucediluoutiîte by tisecamera hetore tiat tinte. Wbieu Mn. Hieron Allen made ciîiromntacy a tad-a fad now defunet lie incîdentaiiy preseuted pic- turcs made fron pisotographe et sente weli known bau ds te iliastrate bis stnitinge upon palmistry. The bîand et a demi blonde is, as a raie, tise prettiest et ail bauds. The taper et tise fiugert je most heantifi. Sncb a baud is sutii, witboat being bouy or tee nervous. Tise po. cessons et sncb bauds are ususlly et auimated disposition, et sen- sitive, nature but given te oci-asionai ente- tionai sud unreasonablo momnents sud te peniods et înelauehlîoy. The baud et a pronouuced blonde ie cpi te be excessîveiy t1itii and et apparently tee delicate formation. The long, euis and, as a raie, wbetlser it helouga te a blonde or ne a demi blotnde, indicates c variable dispo- sition, subjeet te tintes et excitahiity. The hand efthtie decided, brunette je short sud plutup, sud bespeaks an amtiable, cou- teuted, isousewifeiy dispesition. She is et eonfiding nacaure, aient snd intelligeut, but ailowably vain and sontetimes unaccouutably irritable and despendeut hy tuns. Tise photographs of b-snds uppear m-os efi'ectivelv tîpon black circuler or o'ai sur- faces. A cap, a tioster, c piece et brie-a. lirse, anytirg simsple or dainty beld in tise fiDgene ntay encisauce the antistie effeet. Superstitions of Brirdes. One eft tiese ta expressed in an eld rhsymo sticis e amiliar te us ail Chsange tise name sud net tise letten, Yen change for tise worse aud net for the hetter. Another jtisaiatishe day must be fineienj aceordance nis tise nid-tiinesaw: Happy e tise bride the sun qhines on, B'essed are tise ries. tiat tise zain raine ou1. Tisore isestillaniother superstition pneui- caliy readered thai a bride's tardrobe muet coutaini Soecctliing Old aud soinotiig new Sometlsing bono-owed, sornothing bine. 1 I is eousidered veny bad fortuite for a bride te maltelber on eddiug cake or te ba e auytbing to do stithis ; aud, strange sit maysent,it bas.been obser'5ed oser andi over again in unbappy marriages tisat ibte bride lied stinred the weddiug catie. V To losetise weddîug ring in tise firet niot oftbe nmaniago augets great imuter- lune. To loe it at auy timne le enpposed te prediet a calantity. 'f bre ie explanation et ibis superstition wlieb La of tise sanie tiseory tisai tinte wnl cure alil li:, "As tie eddiur ring ieve s, fSe wear away lit e' ceres' A Man Assailed by Rate. Two policemen goiug risein rounds on the Qai de la Luire ai Paris, ou Fniday nigbt, Iseard jroans cemitsg front a barge moored te tise quay. Tiscy boarded tise enaft, and found an individualinitIhe boid eunmoanded hy a legion et rate, wiso rau away aittheir approacs. Tue puer wretelt cras covened witb bites. Ou being quesiioued bie declared ibat being bontelessud peunilîs suad iu a starx-îng condition,lie inuIt refuge la tise beige, wbete 'e went te siOOp. 1He sas roused froin bu siamber by feeling thea rats biig bitu, but lie sas tee weak te defeud isef. Ou being convet 7ed te tise police station il weî found tiat bis wounda nrot 0serions ibat bie isai te bu s-nt te, a isapital. A Step4ioiîse. A ns-s, Hampsire Lawyer, nit evi leit appreciatien ef bis lutile step-daîigtî'er's wtt touls me stories about bier. Sisertiy betore bis usarriage witb lier meiben tbe-foun-year-old said ene day, wli'n tise approactiug wedding waa heiîîg discus- sed: "Iii bo glad wben Mn. G. contes bore te "Dif yen ee'er been et anlad han nov enge raid u ?" as! et sasell-Suostu hafiausfiguier et a reýpor1ter lise oison day. "No."ý k,11,il 'befone 1 stan te desunibe ibis tgiLebt, I ans happy te say, vemy tare; ep'isode efthtie trouther lite, I nul expiain naia rev-euge raid is. "i is tise sat upea tise Isîdiane by tise stenur, stise have îhohr hontes deetroyed and their fanuilies massacred or nerse by tise noble ted mntu. Thie lad lans, as yoîî are ancre," continu- cd tube captain, Ilused te troquntly break ont in tise ievnitory reserved ton tisent, sd skifS about the neareet settientente, siesi- iug herses, but otîxernise net ntoiesting tise ranlcisuen. But once every test yeassa sort oh freuzy seizef tisern lucousequeuceet tise extertions efthtie gevenmeut sud tise on- cro4cisment et eutcrprîuing whîite settiors ; sud thsons cparty ef braves wnenî t ealtiîsiy croup arounuftise ranches, and tise poon sitockmntsn neld nake up seule nigisite obu eceipod, or nonce, te sechs family ontraged ansd kulled before hie eyeîsud flif bhimseif afiernard iortured ha a cvay tuai Sefies de- scription. "4Onr seulement nas situatiheiseos t nortiseru part etfNNwMexico suif ns con- sid on ee ohftise mosi unaseilable sud sato in tsiportion of htcountry. "To asetranger h cc-onld have seemed po- Cui4~r, as ihuene noe esver people than lu many oethtie districts f unthen sutis, stieno nuirte men turneS paie ai tise mentuon oh su lad tan raid, nisile ne veceived tho accu s sth sublime indifforence. Tise reaseusoet tis Ivas, tisai living enîong uls peacoable cithzeas neru mous, wcuiseludsys genle by bad iseen notef desperadees sud Indien figbters sud it isa steil kuostu tact amog nuis-on menu tIsai tiseIndian', dreadef Ilsud nuls goo eef oc" a man nue bas f oughît agahu i thiscn, sud nhe knecv their cvays, more thiss inenty unexperienued bandfs. Ilu n as usinlte hall et 1878 betore I enter- ef lise anîny. Ai tise tunte Insu tise posseseor oh opuetftIse besi and largesi ranches in tisai section ofttie nues-. Tiseprevionesaun- mon nas a. terrible eue. Iu a eetilemnteuh seuls et ns 200 taucihiec noeemassacreS lu a test mnih. Tmoops note sont by tise gev- ernî1ceui te drive s-be Indiauis eut, balt as, usual could nt ind them, or wiiet ley did tbey ns-eetakenît a sdisadvsuîîage and oh- Evn e cutaxhosîs, sud dsS net bruats tnu4ýy until Neventher began te dranw te a close afnd e venu expus-îiag îay by dcv tisi nin ter sconî sot ie sud the Indiacîs go bacS toihseirresonvation. Neyerwaithsia s-u mentery et ttc olfeaitmoutiereilln bd tise Iad hans rnonhef se tarnonrtis durhag tise w'inter. Bat by Chishtucas t bey were e thing ofthe paît anîd tise public mimd ys filledwnis excitecuaecouhuig s great, nîiees-ingoetsteekmen toe hîed on thislt ot Jaary. -"Nesnly evr neeçwas geîng te thîle meeting sud cli store eeuîgratallating thin- selvas upen tise uuprecefleatediy mtuf w esinor thicis unabiedithem tle bave their sheep sund catîlo w iib uigisi ieaisnflerthtie Car an eoys. "itasitluituah ternoo-.ifollowing tise dopanturu of hie stochemen, wnis1 Isan star on tise prairie a blacS dot tisai soon fes'elop- cd uns-o teaian on isorsebacie ceuiug testante me ai haull gcilop. "As ,te appeanef I 1san tisaibubc aS ne la,, alud iisugb i-htehrce w as goiug ai isecdloug pace, buesuas nmging, h fnnioiisly nu nïithbtlsstiip andspur. Iu anoîher nitie bu nas close te me, sud h necoguized a younig fe-Uov, ('harles Couley by niamo, nue hivef ai a rancis about tonthiles troun nS. 'tYiat's theo maiter, Chai-lie b" 1I cueS as ise caine tisuudering up. " Matior," hie unef, "xvby tise Infiaus nes'en lot ai ail. Tbey have jait buruet ion ranches, i-lef eveny man tiey caine aunese, sud carrief off tiseivonten alivo. I nagef te escape beiug ou a gond herse sud am non s-iditîg evenynhere tmyiug te gel np acI"reveuge naid.' IlYeti ill malte eue, non'i you, Bill, te save thu noînen trot a hale fan none tisas dests ?' Ils, Ireplie ; l'l'Il coule, but usure are los ss tin iy cwhite meu loft, ausdo tise odds nhli ho terribly agains us, ce tise hudians amber tniiy 200." 1 Nover nmmd(," ho replief, I"tse nef dev- ils don't uxpoci sny attack te-nigisi, ai îliey tihk there ta noeuea te maSo it, sud rementher tisere are MiSe Floof, Toin Bunns sud Je Ree loft. sud s-bey are w'ortîsfihty ordiîîary mouci." Atter de-signat- îng tise tinte sud place et meeting Cisanle rode off. IlNet muet suppor 515 I est tisai aigisi. Quickly nSsilently put îny asoepie otise corral. My boise a large wiry Mexican puy, atone thsan tdlf mustang. nas feedîag noair 1.hcangisi aud saf fled uit, atter niicisupeat tIseinexbe enheure ciuailing nyty rvolvers sud shcrpeuiug ty Suite; alto usin witiug a ton linos te nty mtier in case 1 should neyer notai n. About 9:30 I motutef mvl herse aSd rode siieauly for ,aboutit afai anebr, nhen îssy herse began ciipcap blib 0caf ndsnosoi hsîy pneu- sag tisai I nîsuear theue nduscous. I loolef eageriy homward te seo hon mcîsy Chai lie baf huen able te colleut. I Tusey nene ion ; I censsuef ouly fitteen as I caine up. We st aotieulees ou our bonues' hacks, naitiag for ne outurce- meuts. When about twceuty-five b-id coi*regLited ac isîll itremuanu cia pe-) entai resu, MiSe Floed, s-ode eafdeuiy fonstand 1 ' Well,boys, I guosc ne ivont staitany loge.We ainsi get te tise hijain camp Denir-S hidoe me, for 1 kuow I'd liaves bard iîne collectiug îny 1 liif'-ou youn Hlon mue itila affliictions travelinh poins Tlsey have the hsig choiera sud a nonw wmather proptet i llinois. lssted nenly an heur. Tise Indiane store finaliy driven off sud the nomen svero rus- cued, bua a niat a sacrifice. Ouint env uitile baud et twenty-fivu but elgisi remaju- ed te tell tise taie, sud t1iree et thase nbtie badily wounded. For rey ewn part nty 1lefi crin was broken hy a bullet, sud I ný as otterwise badiy siou nded. Weii, -wýe maaaged, witistise aid ofthtie nonen, te getî eut dead and w ounded back te tise settle., ment, sud a mossen ger nas ai once dispctcis- ed te wisee tiese tekmen orev holding iseir meetibg tejunft htint of wlsat Lsad bad ocnirred. A me;seengen nas aise, sont' te inf"ontGeneral C(reoi,, nise was thio statiloncd ai tisefont, about tuc-ty miles distant. Before themeeseuger coud reas-b the fort the stockaioen retuirned, isa'v- iîîg loarued efthtie raid nisile ou tiseir w.ayf te tise convention. Very littie nas said, but afier hîsryiug the decd sud leaving ae sineng guard te defeî,d tise wnen .tbey started in pursuît o ettiseIdias ansd ih le safe io say tisai eut of tise band of 200 net more titan hait a dozen reeclîed their reset- vation clive. Ih nas a terrible leSson te tisemntud eue tisey nover fongot. Tise stockusen troin ail over tise teritory soeur-E ed tise coutry fer sud side, 'and net front< ibat day until tise present tinte waIs by nontiseru part et New Mexico troahhed tise tise ludiaus again. A SESISATIONAL ARREST. Arrest or sia osfinrs tecnspiye cf Iligi standinsg ii Qiiebee. QuEEC, Nov. -A seiseatienai arresi nas nmade ai the general post-office ait 11:30 te. day. Sengt. Harpe, efthtie Provincial police force, accontpanied by anetisen man et theis force, entered the post.effice building and1 soon entergcd nis Mn. J. B. Turner ha e charge. Tise cnrest- et Turner teeS everyî eue bocre by surprise, for besidep beiongiugf te eue et Quehec's test respectable fantilies, hoe enjoyed anu usblentisbed reputatien. Sente menthe cge lie liad the miefontune et losing bus nife, but ibis canuot ina ay way secouni for hie allegedl miscoaduct with tise poit-oflice. Fronttise posi-offic Mn. Turner was driven te No. 1 police station sud stas transterred an heur ster to tue eeu'non jaSl. ___________ RER BOND EL UMBLED. Plsysiciasîs Grently Pitzzled Over n Case ti lgichsigau. CEOSWELL, Mhich. ,Nov. Me osh i son beganabsut tisree menthe cge tecent- plain et a stiffneset the joints, accempani- ed by a dali pain. The otîsen day chu bcd se tan regaiued sirucgtb as te get out oetlber lied, Sise bcd ne eooncr aecumed a stand-î ing positioni tissuthe boues oftlber le2 broke in a liaIt s dozen places. Slie nas piaced ispe bier lied agaî n s aisated lber aens lcttiuig thoeruafuil iesvily. Tise boues in betis armie cackrnd in teveral places Several et tise coinau's rubsevere adcc broken in bier parexysîni et pain. Her pisysichisaeb eesn uahe te set tise hujat meiners. lire. Watson suffere the iis intense pain. The niedical trateru- ity bore are gneatly puzzled sud ai a los bow te ireat ibis case. Duelling in Rungcry, J9aelliug bas trequent lu Hnn- gary tuai sacely s day passes wiibout an enicounien. Tbe Miniaier et Justice, niso ougisi te enfonce tise laws againsi dueiliug, lu apparenuixo powerless te do se, snd bas histuselt very nearliylicen made thse vhtint et bis supineilese. Atewtdsys ago, baving ut- tened soune remarks lu Parliceamtnt wicis displcased a deputy, M. Horsnsky, tise Min- ister nec aeked te merset, bat deeliued, sud stas thereupon rcqueeted te namo bis seconde, stiilsho did. At tise sauie tinte ho toit contpelled te resigu, and hie resigna- tien was actuaaiy carried te tise Empoerrhy eue et hie colleaguos. Meanwisile, lioweven seinte t icaide ot tise disputanis iuierceded, and atter ae long wrsngle a preteeni was drastn up deelarinL, thtia M. Szisgyi's woras eniy appliod ne M. Hornsky in a Picknick- han sense, or semetbiuig te tisai effeci. Tis bas sathsfied cli parties, snd M. Szilagyi resignation bas houa sitidrastu, but tise whiole affair ainsi convîsîce tise Minieter tisai hoe sud bis celeagues acted very itspradeutiy nîten, s tew usontîs, tbey ceentited ihsnt- selves te tise position tisai a deputy svas boud iu boueur te figiit nisencbalieuged hy au offleer. Thsis tiscy dud te sisield tise Minisien et Houvede, stio liaS laid dosta tise doctrine, but as Hunganiani politiehans are exirentely excitable pereous Mitiieters wili bave te keep a close guard over tiseir tougues st tiey isi tote v6id àeeoiug tuecode et boueur wnicîs hey bave iletended continu- aily tamned againet ibentuelves. Spoiing a O ood Story, A recent sermon efthtie Rev. Dr. T, De WYit Taintage bias ibis gioning passage WVien Crmnteil'c arnty wnctie obattie ho stood ai tise iead oft <bouc one day, sud gave eut tise iong-înetev doxology te tise tueoetIlOld Huudred." sud tisai gre n iset, ceînpsny by eempany, rogimntni y roginteut, battelion hy baticlion, joined in the doxuiogy: -Praice Guti front ni a li bles-ingefli, Fraise hitu, a I croarurus bore bclesv; Prs-ec isSuabove, yo hcveuly bnci, Preise Father, Son, sud IIoly Ub ost. " And cviile tisey sang tisey marched, and nisile ibey mamceuftisey teuigii, sud nisile PUREST9 STON;;EST9 BESTQ Coiitainu no Alurn, Ammoni, Lime, Ubrspîaîe ,l nsjnmiamst, E. W. CILLETT. Toronto. On!6 BREAKFAS1T. a thorouhIl'logof "hntitra la W.s hiM~I gover. the prtoso.ieto and nutrition, and by a oarefilplicaio t0 the fine propertie', oe well-snlectvdfCicA, r, Epps bas provided our breaktast tales 3withIt delicatelyil ivored beverago wbýik may sav us mýsny h 'avy doctor' bIs, Itis b'- tbe judiclous use of shcbarficles4 of die't Ih&a Contitution may ba gradualy hul-a7auntîl strong enou gh t0res.iat eveýry enen tp disoase; lHandredg of subtie mldisaro fioatiig eaund lus readle Ioattack wherevdr there jes 0,weak point. we Dmay escapeo1nmany fatal shafs by keeping usle well f0rtidedc with trblo a properly nioutiýhUt frame Civil Service Gazette." Made siniply with boilinig water or milIL goid only in packets. by Grocers. labeileà thizs *J 'REfJtIrs.& Ce., lionSsopatkle Chois if, Loendons. Ingiaisd Many persons wiii bie surprised to ]earn that there is stili a smail number of trans- ported felons in Westertn Australia support- ed by the Imnperial Go,,iernment. At the end of last year eighty-four conivicts in Western Australia stere majntined at the expense of this country'ý, but of 'this flam- ber ne fewer than thirty-nine stere invalids and twenty-six lunatics. The actuai numbor of prisoners was oniy thirteen, the others being on tieket-of-leave. For over Fiftv Fears MatS. W'- SLOWS SOOrauseG Syseup has beten nsed by millions of mothera ror tbeir oilidren while teething. IÉ disturbed ai night and broken of your rest by a sick child suiffetrfng and crying with pain of Catting'Teetix send ai' once and gsi a boffle oft"AMr. Wilislow'a Sootblng Syrui;"fer cbildren teetbing. It wl relievo the poe utile 2suferer lmoiediat3ly. Depend upen it, motbera. there is na mistako aboutît. I t cures Diarrhoea, reizalates the Somach and .BowelA, Cure',. Wmad, Colie. softens the Gains. redicas Inflammation aud gives tous and energy te the stitole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 'lyrtip" for eidrea teetbing is ploasant to tbe laste end is tbe prescription, of one of the oldest and beit te- mýaie pbys laats and nurses in tb,3 United tate: Plice 25 cents a bottle: Sild b3r al druggiets tbroehoti the wonld. Ba sure and ask for, Mtts. Wizsrjw's SooriiiNa GSzitup The populavion of Route bas élecreased nearly 30,090 during the paît four -yoars. The hand-organ indusbry in this country bas increased perceptibly daning that period. The Head Surgeon Of the Lubon Medical Ciompany ils11oW at Toronto, Canada, aud imay hococln- siulted elther in person or by lettor on al chronio diseases poculiar to man. Mon, ýyoung, old, or middlc-aged, wbo ind them- selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwo.-k, resulting in many of the f ollowing symp- toms : Mental depression, premnature old age, legs of vitality, loss of memery, badl dreamis, dimnoss of sigbt, palpitation of tihe heart, comissions, iack ef energy, pain in the k=nes, beadacho, pimples on tho face or boy tching or peculiar sensation about thse scrotum, wasîi»g of thse organs, dizziness, speeks befero e eyes, twitching of thse muces ye 12es and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposaits in thu . urine, loss of will power, tenderresi of thea scalp and spine, weak and fiabby muscles, desiro to slecep, f allure to hi rested by sleep, constipation, dulînos o beaning, losof voice, desire for solitude, e-xcitability of temper, sunken eye surroundx ed witb L5ALg"T OsECLE, oily looking ekilt-, etc., are ail synmptomas of nervous debiiity that load to insanity and deatb unless cured. Thse spring or vital force having lest its ton sien every function wanes in consequence. Those who througls abuse coiumitted in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on ail diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Frein> St. F., Toronto, Ont. Books sont freesealed, I{eart disease, the symptoms of wbich are faint spolîs, purpie lips, numbness, palpita tion, skip heats, hot flushes, rush of hloed te the head, duil pain in tise heart with beata strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart heat quieker thau thse first, pain about the breast bonsece., eau psitively ho cured. No cure, ne pay. Send for bok. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street E ssi, Tor- ente, Ont. A firiin of cherniste in Biringham place upon aIl poisons soid by themi directions as te tise antidote vhich shonld ho applied in cases whero the poisons are taken accident- aliy or iîîîentionaiiy by human beings. Wben Baby vas sick, ste gave han Castra. When sho stas a Chuld, she cried for Castonia. when sho became Miss, sho clung te Castoria. Whoen she bad Chidren, sho gave tbemn Castoria. The doufit iho announces that bu wil spare ne pins te pull teeth woll le tthe mant te keep away f rein. MR8S. A. DAVISP Maînufacturer ot ~ FINE HAIR in ail the i5.tOS S stylos '~ j~. j~ ION ls e \t~lt~i~N* tihe l inte8 Ny yl meniet. SH-AMPOOING'and HAIR CUTTINIG DON'LE as usat;al, 550 STANIPELIG su aVi îs branches. Neadse Biockt, over Mayer'$ Store, l3otsati ville.

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