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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1891, p. 3

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Dits. MLLIER & L11IMN 12>IIysiciANS, su nGEW1', ,ETCJ X. Ofdle:-Cor. Church nAT- prae Ste. Night caPls aÈtended froin Pr. MIilier s B. LMan'ÂxM. D. . M. Trie. Univ- FloorTrin, Med. College. Member Col. Phys. Surg., ()nt. nIa, J. C. RTHIu ~4EllPIeR 0F' COLLF F pHYPI7SCIÂNS, 'l"? Surgeons, Ontario, Coonr.etc. DI OEII ~LCITOrt, &o. MOPItIS 1~ tILCK par, King Street. Bowm.a,- " oliclt6r for the Ontari Bank i ivete àlçbeVs Ioaned at the lowaat rate TIOENSED AUCT ION E E R OR th ie County or Durham. Sales attended u on shortest notice and Iowest rates. .ddress £CtutieIB P. 0. 36Wt 110OnT. YOUJNG, V. 9. 0 FFICE 11N TEE WEST DURHAMi 7News Block, ahere imBelf or assistant liili efound frcru to 9 pn. Night ceaie ai residence,dirccî ly pposite Drili Shed. Celle by telerapli or telephone will receive prompt attention 171-yr TL. A. W. T-]EU, A UCTIONEKR, APPIRAIS ER, Real .t1.Esale Agent, Bowm"nville. Ontario. ,ales atlended in any part of Province. A li on-s lprecr- cfor ev"el ase ni'uiiding. Spec*,ial attfto e tn by steain sa e ht aaier and ro eanitary arrangements. Ofilce: Go rie Bloclk, Whitby 43 -iy RPEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. FOR THE LADIES. 'The Lover's, Reasoning. Tait wis1 Ilovblen? Telrme wisr. Tumnug foi nd gon ad pu'iigmn You love the woodlan ai.tisa placiigskYn' , 'lenswerthen. W/bs'dutI lova bar ? Analyza W/lieain theý inul, srain the tears anrisa. Cen 'on do this f 'I'eîl whys'1 lova hanr? Yes, rvben you Reveal thre secre whicis in snnxvdrops lia, Or strain tihe airtyfroin tisadrops nofciew, <1Tîsen 11taitllwiy. Wb do 1 love lier ? Firet maka clear W ence steale tisrougis ninster aisîe tisa restful spl Thai fill is th mysti se te saatmosibcre. i tisen will tell. Ycs. love, I ttrn to tiscu fro glana aard crowd, Tender as dales in sping, and sumuirrs cloud; Sootiing as gentiesr song. sottes parfumae. Purar titan heade nifdan' onrsrowdrop's bloom,. 1 luth tin resanca reet, wisere tumulte cease 1 Tisa ninter gaie is closoeu, wi tisin is peace. Some Definitions of Home, Tire Londonr Tif-Bits offanad a prize for iseb hst dE finition oi home.lIera ara coma nith ib hst ni 5,f 00 answeare sent in:' The gold setiing in which tise brigitstc jen'el is " I nishar." A n'orld of stnife shut out, a world ni love shut in. An arhnr which shades wiran tira sunsîrina ni prnspeiiy hecomes tno dazzling ; a bar- bon where isba human oark finde shlter in tire time ni advarsity. Home is tira blossoin ni which iseavan is fruit. 1 Home is a parsnn's asiate ohtaîned witis- ont injustice, kapi withnut disquietude ; a place wbere turne is spent witbout repart- ance, and n'hicb is rulad by justice, marcy and love. A grand old mïror, tirougir wiich hotu Sides ni us ara sean. 'j'iai source ni cointon r clrynut h cdoas ont fuliy appreciate, which tire young men anrd maidens lovingly desira n'iiirtira mid- dleaed ganerally possese, whieb tire old rigirtly value. A hive in wiricir, ika the industrinus bec, youtir garne' s tIra weets and memoies ni luinn re to medit-ste and iead upon. Tie hast place ion e married '-man citer than beauty, and the big brothers are prond AN ]IISTORI( ENGAGEMENT. 'the islanfd whenca they were assailed by a of for something that outranks the ability to volley ni mueketry ambush. They danc orshin ineocaty.Nex, waWan Hv a Few GaîÎlîiî Brihisheri nefeaîeid then datermined to land, but lest so heavily girls of sense-girîs, wbo have a standard oi the Anericans Iniva. in the attempt that they retired to their their own regardless of conventionaâlities, boats. At ail events, oid Rugla and Ready? and are independent enough to live up to it; .Yery fe-w Canadiens have any iiea that v-as so m'îch dismayed by his reception here, girls who simply won't wear a trailing di ese in the stiriing timas of the early part of the htleeautdan un ot aio on the street to gather r p microbes and ail cei4tnrY, the British forces pilshed the and johnson, his most advanced poste on sorts of defilement; girls 'vho wnn't wear triumph of thaîr arrns far into tIhe resion the Miseissîpp;zi, on hie way down the river, a bigli liat to the theater, or n1oty known as the State ofIlowa. Thie"fol- and retreated ro Si. Louis completely baffled lecerate thicir feat and endangar their lotving interesting latter, bas been published in hi, design cf taking Prairie du Chien. beaitb with high hccie and corsets ; girls by Mr. Ernest Cruikshank, of Fort Eria: Captain -ndersou's mannuscn-ipt journal, dur- who will wer what is pratty and becomning " The refarenca mnade in tihe latter fremin g tihe ieriod hie was starîonied at Forr and sneap their fingers at the dictatas of CaP'tain" T. G. Anderson to Lient.-Col. MecKay, wirh the inuster.rolls of his volun- fashions when fashion is horrid and silly. Mci>ouail, datad September i4th, 1814, and teers and tbeoriginai correspondence, is stili And we want good girls-girls who are recenrly printed. has remiioded me of a very in existence, and it is to be hoped will sorne sweet, rigbt straiglit out fro ni the heart to intýresting description of the engage ment et day Sund ail appropriai e resting place in the the lips ; innocent and pure and simple girls the mouth of the Rock River (nnw Daven- Canadian Archives. Like Anderson, Duncan witb lese knowledge of sin and duplicity port, Iowa,) written by Lieutenant Duncan Grahiam tras a for trader, residing befora the and evil.doing et 20 than the part Iitile Graham, vAio commanded the smaîl detaoh- war et Prairie du Chien, and his namne sehool girl of 10Obes ail too ofiten; girls who ment frein the garrison ni Prairie du Chien appears in a list of rasi,îents nf the North- say th.,ir prayvers anrd read tîrcîr Bibles and on a casn The original lettar was wesr whn had jnined the British, piiblished lova Cwod7 and keep bis commaudments. found among the collection known as t5¾e ar the time in iIil's Register. It is ont impro (XYe want those girls "~awful bad !") Freer Paliers, and is îîow deposited in the hable that somne onihis immed iare descendants And we want careful girls and prudent Archives departinent in Ovtawa. fitbas may ba living in Canada at the presen'. rime, girls, wbn think enough nf the ganerous never been printed. The fnilowing is an and nîey poseese documîents ni value, for fatber who toils to maintain tbam in cnm abstract ni its contents :-From Duncan many nf these old fui -traders bad a penchanut fort, and ni the gentie mother who denies Graham, Lieutenant, Indian Departul enl] ofrkeigjunaeadotnmtwt besei uc he teymy have en many Capt. Thos. G. Andersnn, conimandiîig at adventures wall worrlî recordin,."1 pretty things, to celunt the cnet and draw Fort McKay. Rock River, September 7tih, ,tbe lina batwaan ihba assantials adiodn- 1814 Sir,-[ mentioned in rny latter ni the ___ ___ esetals ; girls whn strive te save iand not 4rh 4tha, b nomtonIhdn h OUTWITTEID BY AlNTS. to spand; girls teho are unselfisli and aager Indians, the enaniy was witbin tbirty to bae a joy and a comiort in the home leagues on thair way uip. I concluded their rether then an expansive- and a useless destination muet ha Prairie du Chien. The A lternarknf> e Instance ai Aut -mal Inte 1 burden. Wa want girls with hearts-girîs rapids were the oniy place wbere n'a could lgrc who ara fuil ni tandernass and syrnpathy, ATrtAcrrTJIEM TO ADvANTAOIt. The follrwiug reinarkable story, toid by witli tears tsai flow for other people's anr eye-witiiess, rs cutitled to e place ameng fis, and smiilas that liguis nutward On itbe 5th we movad to tira watt sida ni the the instances of inrelli-'ence anongtir.-In'- their nwn beautifuil tbouglits. We have iriver and took up a position ais thea uarrow- er animais. A cook was nu-h annoyad to lots ni claver girls, and brilliani girls, est part ni the channel, et thre only place tSud his pastry.shelves attacked by ente. By and witty girls. Give us a conigunmant ni wirer they could pass, and datermined to careful watchlig it was discovered tbatthey jolly girls, warm-heartad and impulsive dispute the road inch by inch. They ap. cainle twice a day in saarchof fond-et abolit girls; kind and entartaining to their nwn peared in siglir at 4 p. mn., witir a fair, 7 in the mnrning and 4 in the aiternoon. folks, and witb Uittle dasira te chine in tire ttr9ng wind, iraving aiglit large hoats, four, 11mw were tise pies to ira protectad against gerisb world. With a iew sncb girls scat- ni whicb were equal in size to isbaonue that the invaders? The cnok decides tn make a tered arnund lufe wonld freshen up for ah i fascaped iroin La Prairie du Cirienr. The circia arounid the pie with molestes and us, as the weatber doas under tire spl ni largesis had a white fieg fiying et Îber muer. awaut the resuît. lie dilnont hlie long tn sommer showars. Spaed tsba day when this heEd(. When tbay came to thea basd ni wait, for et 6:3 lire noticed thet off ini thb sort of girls fille the wnld once more, over- Crâdii Island, about two miles froin us, a lait corner ni tire pantry was e lina nifamts running the space wirere God pute them as storin ni rein, thunder and lightnýiîrgf cama siowly mnaking their way in rte direction ni clinrbing roses do when thay break through on a~nd thba wind siited to thea npposirc the pies. thba trallis tn glimmer and glint ahove the point ni the comptes, which cnmpellad them Thay seemed like a vasi arrny cnming consmon higlîway, e hlessing and e boon to to passba rea-der ni the day and night 1 for-th to attack thea enemy. In front n'as a all whn ps thain by. the -.W/e sent all the womeu and childran1 leader, n'ir alivays kept a littla ahaad ni bis --to ie island. I tookr ail the Sioux n'ith ru-,e troope. They wara nifisba sort knon'n as Advio to GrIi.te anver tire gun fii case ni a retreat, as rir-y thre medium-sized red ant, whioh is regardai. Advceto irs.promised tiret they woîîld retirer ha killed as tira innt intelligent nfitir kind, wiroe Don't cnnclude thai a man is a zentiean., ±ý thelest man lian up the gmn J c 'ctiinaine i_ formica rubra. Aiouit GRATFEFIJL-COMFORTING, BREAKFAST. "Byea therougis kn w'ledgpe ofthe naturel ewe whi.hgo""rn tht' opertoen iai and ntrtinad hy e rful applicationi ha fine poet or weil-selected Cocoa, Mr. lipe las rnvdedour breaki'ast i ables witli e ielicately flivorad bavarare 'hich may saea Ile inany hIarr doctor,' bills. Itlsle y the indicions use or snch articles or diet tisat % ',,nstitution may ha grednetiy but up untit -trnng enoîgis to resiet oeary tendency ta 'usease. Itudrede nofsubtle maladies ara qoati 'g aronind uis ready in etteok wiseroear isere le a n'ad point. We May' escape mans' i fatal shafi lis' leeping orsaires n'eu fortifled 'rith yr blond nad e prmanrly nourisised fae Ini-a. '-Civil Service Gazette." Madea simpîs' with bnirrng water or iui. Snlrl onis'1In paekets. lis'Groce ,rs. labnlled tises; J1qE liEmiIIIs & Co., Iloleopaîhie (hem if, Lauda»s. EnglIaxid The wab lni our lii e is ni a mingled yern, gond and ili rogathar. Our virtues would ha proud if our fauhte n'hippad thamtnt, and our crimes would despair if tbay wena ot cberishad by our virtues. -[Shake- speare. For, (iyaiFiitv iers tinS. Wr' SLOW S 3OOTRINC Syrw bas lisen rtsad by mililon3 of moriers ror their children w'rile teetbing. If disturbed et nigis'. and brnkenoniyour., testbli' esicktchild suife ring asnd crying with pain of Cetting'Teeti end at' o~nceaandi get abutIla of Mrs. Winslow's S.sthing Syrup"for ehildr.n teeti.ig. R n'lll z liera the poar litie snflerer irmnediately. Depend. upon it, mothere, tisea,Ionemietake about it. t curas Dierria regelatas tise -i0onacli cnd Bowel,, Carei Wind, Collo, -'otes thse Gaine, reducas Iafistmmnarion and zires rafle tnd enargs te tise n'iole sy8tern, ,'Mrs Winglow's 8oathing -ýsrup" for chiîdren eetirg je pleasant teaise testeaend is tise prescription onionue oftise nidesi andbhast te- rale physiciens andi nurses in thr Uaited ,Siates. Prica 25 cents e boitte; , Sd bs' al drrrggrsls iisrou5ltsrit th' wumld. Ba sure coi etisk fo Mu.W'ersred>a Ye tue A Shadow of a Great crime. «"Albert, " said the starn. Boston father, 1I sac tuais on tisa thrd day ni titis moîti yon got tbree dameat t cliol.lion' enu you expiain tis, sir ?" The lîttie Boston boy bung bis baad in shama. IlFeiber," ha exclainied et lest, "I1 canuot tellil alie- Tiret wac tise day T forgot e - trvane w h to weel tofit-'h--r'ï'l- ton, srcip neats, not flushes, ruaho itououu me'laie attc-ntioo, - rcie mp.', atsia oirey nrvu t ea ytciî noimr nîtheumrnaacra ith phscean, ais ie srappad'oui ofia streers-car chasing, aird I made an entrig'stra who had iollnn'ed thain, infnrme(u tsi tiparts morion rotee Mail cogwhaals, strong, rapid and irragle, asacond haat JUINI. 131i I c A 0 ('}VfBF iri er f rian d. Posit' vely nervos ; and tiratan in talope posesed sorne ofire char- appeared they had conmittd soeaon the which rapidly turne h sel h beat quioker tsan btisefirst,pain about thea

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