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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1891, p. 7

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Sok un and Sladow. FE11ZU OP TRTJTH. WOMEN WHO SMOKE. BOUNSAL1L-1 AsT tefrlom tws oiii-e, e î>1bilslfren, Coneccit nmay puifaa n up but neyer prop They 7, amber tu rheir lUanks l31any o K Yon bas k, tuât afar in the Iýd itance, Isi seen, him np. Bu-loe rues Haifdreînig m ye wil pr~lC: J y~~ wnt on' tofln it [Phi!Ladeiphla Telegraph's London Letter.] Asth, hffinte trins elsd cie's garden.1 Those who rave with tineeasinrgbitterness Now wlit'( aqs eagulha i oHe wy e that w,,ll followT good alvc is a great- against w0on who smoke and wh0 declare Thoo lacn rgto e ai r man than lie t lat gi \es i-. the habit to be ill-bred and fast, lhave no B w .n ll ,O t ne erplt ilhin gofdngrst shun- The biggest coward you cani fin(i anywhere idea oci the women they are condennîng. (salse 87' 0f breakrs that hiten ani roar;is the mani who is aîraid 10 do right. People wvith such oldfahoeprsdie Toew-ohvna Thcy sce hro gfoitsorhswelobedhoedeoeoeba havoe insually old-fashioned feelings on theT He lok,;t,ýfh (bI ,ýý"ýý' 11subjeet of the reverence due to crowned Ï1 Tho use d Bos -hee's Ger l'O te thasNiinricrIss t, don nîigt eev ehoeet. ha n olpu~ eoeuter'ig their onmporter, Manufacndturerpaus onfmenuts, a3 ug ri iSyrup for soitAs hoedr ,ftson t. iubs,t ;,eawýind-waLed There je- a brand lof uiiity trooffan- scatliiing condemnations were they cwaire Imprerh, abts, au*er nd Dealer .,iii i tte t irn sevcre and cr 0el'r the,- iforf thedcesolate-e.[ic h tearoa1 tsuiycopn-ta h priin eadhtonies and all kinds ofArchitectu - S~i aiLyi trouble of thc Throal risd'tgîti 11 .1 i a on in whîch the majority of Queens i arcpa abes andLugs ar had' \Yhr~hf id its venture, a ai', like caiýjnnonalls, shouldgo straight to and Anstria, the Queen of Italy and the ly appreciate wha-t a truiy Wonder. ledsmr h gaze whýile uebtt1ie the( their maýrk. Qtuedo BJegent of Spain, as well as their Grani tes and Marb les. fui medicine il- is. Týhe d[elicious Mase stisnshineor sae Tears a1legedýi te flowfrommiaterial causes Majest' 'isoi Portugal, RoumaniaandServia, àModerate Prices, Latest Desiguns, Superior Workrnanship and sensations of healirig, leasing, clear 'VYct "ie srasý;thuhIhsaowgo oc o ediscomfortable surprise arneng and the G ounness of Paris, are ali ardent ing, strengîli-gathering and recov-er. c'rnorro-saasbfoeltir atetisits. lbviis ettobacco, of- which tbey are aso Hest àMateriais. XiI1 be happy to quole prices on any kiad hix w lo'~fro te sor~ very maranlias a weak side. Every ise thoronigbly gond judges. Perhaps the snost irig are nnknown joys-. 1F1or Gr ndE,55b ie s1ertsi ecn of work. Give ine a cail before parchasing. mari Syrup we do not ask easy cases, -0f re Weiseii t 1"uses. an knows where il is, ind will be sure te inveteýratesnsoker ansengthe ro3 al la lies is Sugar and water mnay smoth a~~keŽadul sadtee thirtyà-te forty cigarettes a day. She keeps _________ throat or stop a tickling-for awie, eabili ty or a Eriaopeaix .war, 1ony e rgs ie l n opzety oiithnmst h;reri oacnnaneqiiay hsdsla Thsi9 a a a20 odnr cuc gv nl euis fan esoIlleafo box, which, together sith a gold ash-tray, mediiri gos.~Boshees Grînn Al so indicýate the prbbit fayn ow, and tomn the conversation. are aiways te be sean on hier writinýg-tabia. Syrup is adîoe rysagrerhroai ratEsopa v, e- inase.Fife jW yen kiow a thing, te hold that yon He mera aesyc usia and Quaenw Syupisa isovry agan -d Rsssiaosonet onesndanaGamauyjkno and ungSpeialy. Thee f Aitra, nd tly ipeln s rare taiae-ft a; andwiienyoudookowMigj~aruert o tay only smoîe intheprivacy_________ andLuu SpciatY.Whee fr Aista, alyripu te oherie ,ýaiicw thas yen do net know il, this il of theimowasboudoirs. ThatoftheEnîpres years there have been sensitiveliess, ing îîmsvuposi ais active war fooing kîeidge. cf Risai ms acntngantnnTIo AT ED AN N AER SOE~ 1w open, pain, coughirig, spittirig, hemnorr- yCrcîbain:o ro s ad fotas Tut s eigwihhls nste feel whicijamakres a reaily ideal smoking-rmi.where will be found full linos of Wall Pasper3 from 5c. to $2 par roll, hagevoie filue, waknsssli- by reiiiforcmesof thiear figitingrenlthtOuîr lives have becîs worth living se It la fitted s'p in tise style cf one of the whée dcuas ad lcfrqfcaillitse, eawodemvemnescfms sms:tse umbed t ratfulcencios-xevilet romsat IseAliamrapal tres ixe Patt-m-ed o oderai-d sldby ha .un, Ptty Glss ping uo)in bill h, adtfisir armies, aî by laving i nomosns that wa have belped semae other seul giviisàitquite atropýicaýl aý,pearance,.wilIe Peerless Machine Oil-3, et-. medicîne and advlce have beeni swal- supplies of pros isios-afarinoeaidad tha t fulil its destioy. tampting lounoges invite ýthat repose which Iampeardtdohupinirgàfiçy ndecai'ofR lowed and foliowed 10 the guif fol -Ocsli ha sssssŽar'y if tlieeiveoros;l.-pect There are two things which -,ill inaka nis is sncbt a deliglaîful adjunet te tire frsgrant cnpeae t ohueaitnganad eoaa ofai deparwhr ter i tesikeîiig 0 S ~. rf-kis-cfte-lîstiirfereps i- ptitlai îf i w ttnte tbes. weed, The Corntess cf Paris will ieok at kinds. Bru8lhes to lan for painting and kalsomining. IVixed Kalso- 'ovcinta i soe ne a corma ,poissa iit of the New York 'Jim s Ths. firsi is, never te vax ourselves about ne tobacco which bas ntgrcwn in the sunny Mine also for sale-any shade desired. conicton hatal il ovr ad hi calis atLentis'n te the facitîIth1Isera are ivbat ne cannot lielp ; and the seceond evar chinsle cf liavaîsa, and w.hile the Queen d is inevitable, there we plact o ver 600, 00Oeinoseitionsb&etcen Odessa tas sex ocrselves about wisat wa eau help. Ragent cf Spain gives baer vote in favor cf erman Srp It cures. 0 ' a r o- and thbe Prnthunad Warsaw, andI tisatsalice An author is inltse condition of a cuiprit Egypticas cigarettes, asnd teQe fRu a live man yet if yon take it. q tha e 1m cf Angust ï"60,000- Ihsuaan, tse p'ublic ara bis judgcs; by aliowing tee mania daciamas in faver cf Turkey, QueaîallRD I 7 tros have beena îirown iîtc Sents lcha, anad coisdscendiug tee far, hie ray Nt'e 0 avabsastr ftoac Reid's Block, opposite New ilotel Building. 14 western Russia, tli -e etire force pre- ijure bis ewu Cause; and isy plaading aud frtem eaci Cocontry, of wlich aime is careful vien7l1%DA S A 7ý "Os te tisai date having beau a-Pot ass-" gt odly, lha may dispicasa tlisete get oooly tha vary hast, 1 beliavee he ______________________________________ Tii~~~ ~ ~ ad in Eastern REcssia. Sus-b ceo"sseaiscorti o ol_____________________________________________ movaments as tise, ,e innwar if tlsy fisiaf llcw wonderfui tîsat this eesarrow foot- ladies are vas table dreainsa cf bhaaty, beiug ESTABLiýHED 1854 anyz'iag. Thanatio0nsana-,xpectinýgwar. The iîoid cf tise prescit shoiid bcid ifs owu se nsnaily cf gooiniaid witlm precioca astones. poe' taik of w-sr a - if il ýI os uto te coma. ccsatyadhievrymmntcag p iumin te cnt own country, il xkould taira $1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i theru l dac, iewae~~ m BaItirl prcivi3sscrs tise 01(1 tagonisînir icshould seu haca rock btwixt tsthe i ta e nieuintanmsc h e Subsrnsfi us aWaSpiyable at tus cls' Cf t tisain h ane fth el pniisîo.Adotisc aenl be beta cen Ruasians and kGermas.- gmcwthe auo'-an infinite To-ecme' iisýr bttrvey laBl(ly ti s fot aven oecaasamy itc repeat that thay en, anS -,ientas pr lice Oaaoh ab3eqiasait i q-alces-ct htwaen tb- W:scncrts o hS asri ofththe -his. lie .st ntel. A ver se:tien. Loais, 10 centa per lina. q ty'eT ha hast thanga aira nearst-isseath in aesm sTesass ntaîu. xr M. A. JAMES, Pua',ishey ksaspestir essmity Iigt uvu a is a aige, propomtion cf cnt "bine" womau 'wT1 be 160undlu in £bis old shllop, next door ,1, A JAMES F-,ýbs Car,v here istne ':i-peroray and flibyonm featr, lutie in ou yon snd. Then doatmoke, and many of tisen aven emoka cigara Czar. ndt"a graap' t dthe claa, t o lji es plan, oas trong as those affected hy the statuer 1F 7à-ro TA rc( i ire and ' Cgrs lias so theas ars, but oden EverPliny .cioor to E:xpress %Office, use il'unaialermetasatasratie"tsceomen okasicentes,ceti h îaI b pascdtiFesahmnTny atcy lsnd i Thorilar hoswewbuhts O WIfAlN7IuE 5 LeCcxc Ca s p~, iag hs repeca tethe nspeoshans Tises.kyas or ail of ns. Bright as i i, Mna ____ _______- asausaa es'--càfpeseharia iis nct "teebright lier cee5 for isuman Swet vre lus words andI kind bis look. ro BEKT.-For ternis of yfl'( e (lS"lrwsos~ ieii nfcinsasîrnbekaîasm' aiiy food.' Seusetimes getle, Mhen nioîllers round iapras'd; w1e e le eeps constantly, on hand gond- bumser ndiui si i-sloors efrlog.Sus a-rjaax tsi, hib a cuetie presna siseliseaawni i i ' blrinncIL bs riasli tck .LDu'-300 actas, 2 miles taccusa W neimeslclsitis b4110 asb-n es) ordir.y. Giance for go5ng es'eniveiy lite asad by trsi,, people, caîIn lsg cotiuae sainî frss o ments~s ~t- Sassa fionstheri wolio's aliurng barra, orontas miIk businiess or steca raisacg foi witý1 otrLicne. No one (eaurforci-il tr tIsellt'î-ali e r ia nit,,apaiMosadiimn t ae i Tis ntb is rl fisl Ci -'A.LARGE & COMPLETE ,aSSORTM)mSNT Gm1ca arkeaý MesnisuscapitaloCula rsdicta tise lime wir t oeabecrai y s oiuty l aîelteaia i oucra May s'a forsss raie. Aeed n ppiv. J. H. Dow, Wbtbv, 'il f? rsisc ni awr uti spossible tcespiriel i te dctnesa, atins a iinai issnts cr hsr 0 hi- anne brek if ti yar, forti ntocunns.aasdistinct as tsininistry cf chas- Wlien Ju ie oSalcem tacle. tiseieiiooebessngtovýat stnrLa i The ahildren sang asosaff; O Ltî~U A!~D fl~fl laIe, and boti Russiaiis and. Gerusans arce tsnieîaî r f îasig e ybt soîa theypl(csld the paliasmaand stow'd e aFi i Lad'e"su d Cent s' wcr cf ail ki sdsi catis- new arvasta, as d lime internfaI odtos omk0asaaet t rv pit4 oarnna cur gaL -oies aiE% ara, IGlosas, Rsbbons, L.aces, Curtids, anilmaa1y ha modiflod borIbe hetter. if î,3aaise pîctura a scelle, tc praise one a aa and cen-' Hosanisa toessrKing!' al'idsa cf fasaecy gsods Dycd, ('leancd et possible te indicate the combatautsoce ither sure anOethar, asheta Irulia is deerncd of par- isauLS n-e fongat eut Sas iets p aise, Fli ~ Giaue. Wek pa~tiaiygnasn- i5e.Gsi h csc budtiseallanceha-asainas imuprance and svisaîcthe cdaims cf The stoes ac5snselves wiiid asing. taedthe best. No pcddliing wagooI empioyed. lwee's Russieaud Fiance is perfect, and if justice are sacred, itla cf teis diffienîttle -Aoyos Arliabse ageas'in evary teuvu. na ma0sa losos"cf tise 1Ba1iluStates. aodcacag fbigdslaScmso- Tusday-Tbe psincipal odifféence ha- BRITISH AER~CA~ DYI~ ~,'< EtishaitheiGriavaf- .-ncesasgaestGemaauy plaaad i-be ccîsci"uasness cf failiugte ap- tween ucniceptio cf lauman hIfe audîthatBys Vomnac fcen BRITeISH. n tse cherBaudIhe lliace tvatetîse attenition. îModerate pacple,lthosa pos-sadhel y thle dasvsis, Ihat while wa haý-IorRe ad Gold Medalial Dycra. îscsweeu Pas ssusey, Aitria,'and I taîy ~ais wopeudar carefully, su liesec -ma-ny ides lhave hulai or moral hIe, transmitled fmom I Motreal, Torontbo, Ottawa asnd Quoele. equa îy perféct5. Engiand stands on 'the cfa01subject, who are abie te appresate the gaiscration te gesausaions is nol the truc__ Agen in owlnnvile. utsie, bt i preticaly amembr ofthe oodpeints cf their einies and thefailins life, bt a falcunlife, a lifetempemaily daprav- Ru be s Slp rs e J. H DOSSOIL STATION'Ea allisancea, as&Il i ifsinierasta are thera, lu cf thair redwosivteleacaei-tesnthénrryblee hsit . usay therefar a oirpandagiatt .~ j Ls oretatsfe affeciveandastrsh' lifat e thetucaîuresgood. givente eb orpwr gis t(b h rcadspe Trun.ks Valises, ath l France nasuuf orsisbthe mcney iforiusia.111-ar aci eppl rs tlraetiva 1marinendsition îhat haohaythsaîillotGcd. _____ EfglandwailI prcisabiy ihave te funsnish th7 as tisese aube put forsal and brilliancea ndS Frosu point cf view, thbe traîssmiaaiesa Of a 'i ae76 actas Moley fcr bctlî Iialy and Austria for îhay lparklc jute tise foegrcunid. tianfli e frein genaranien to genet1aticu Specia attention given to 35?5par-ig. ou se and Wood are aircadly on thsa verge cf banrupe, ~ is i-b, transmissison fl envuite rm tIsa Jwiais enbass~' n101 lé -ou. Wo-insuslgeiod airg it, imese imuintaos tbay bava cx- pointa cf vîew, it is tiése uprama geed te - Clay ism I E lrei . peridcd en their axrsahs. A succassini ivar Flowe-is good for Eating. wisgi man eau attain, cn condition that ha wili purce ogod home is tisa cnliriig that eau reeenp Ihens. FoCoaMassut mptio mrelazeThcorplsljh w France.CotTostï 0 on 4tIsîrcon.. Darlingtencon X-hE1gad nibe I viicnto Iowas my sus da amlarnura argly cofasiiastbaailIefind. FratTnce.i -NOW 30,009,000 B USH E LS. 10 1re, od itnehusj on ot WthEnlndinth alane cr th n at prasent into tbe liat of Icoda for Wadncday- 1~ ac bta1 inig10 ce.gef iou, s, edet he sea, but tlie figisi ou land aili lie bimait ceusumption. Aiready, as is rmaak- 'hhere are sosailicrosses 1 May taka.APrscstepnetlaerpa:A wii-%rhae 'acflong aud bitter. Es idetly is iorldid uI db arcni 1itr he r1mc isr inlurd en s i mas bear. ai orsodn eerps-c -f W_11 ed by a récent w.riter, they afe ranch forecordi-sg te the excise rclumus for last vear Taelcýof'àeiLetv19Ianpg Yi hea et farina betwaasu0bavae me ncawar bel ote ilwillhaaid1 asof orprpss fdilIpossiblaescos. n ec oe - ATrtwle,1uT 5lsalLslas ennie have orressi a lise riaebsmokars ceusunsa cf fotaign esqars Abolit L . -r ai~ ~a- Bovmanihleand Newcaslee ctasning 150 toe sfle iuterssntiesnl cesinplicatiens by et- iscomîaîonly basagissad. Arrichoes as-a in- And lie bits ofw-cric fer Tiace, 2,lslit,000fi>r svoriis, cf homne-usa de 2600,009, îjamsigasaiass alanici acres. 10 itration. Persenal passions asîd national msaurea lge cr sd,anS calificwessare a I may do averyu'bere - cf ciare îlev10,000a00,fcft asf and0d5000 $u IO OIjavers wl-h,a. j od ra Ion hsr892ng s tfor ta pieramtu aert of floweia. The Cornauasoia abbao,-a ýO 1 asic Tiee,Lord, te gîve use grace amaS 91,000,OOOfr wctth cf pipe toba"c ea aa Wn upgTriulne said a gasqsione asut basa ane lca raS.geofi soi eec aae hs1 aess reiMdplant ilianature, lumniahes udr My 1 iiIie pia-e tO fl ; naiing a total cf 159 millions cf 'franes. The inpgTiuerpntnsqssii , cr fiandS crlsidcred toea ralbyari Ia jtl'aiivationbiiacabbaga, bbc tunsp cabhage Isla saas wilegreatcal inni-akersa ara old passant wcînen t h xeiiuna fts as os ele f i-he botfarma onCeCes. I1,- iha cariiflower ainiBrusseisapreuita, accord- Ans'. avoril'o Tby sylli; aigeattisyar a Darilmgicuagood bilding, gosui leeaiîy ep ica a fic s'th .eveý, mots, ot flous-rs cf tIse AnIiiit- asithful sretfet unarteaS ofpriîs. asnuft es of icos e isn . aisnmeigaal-lsyaa'S-asa muai ha eh.d. For mni cf aboya uproaerti-es A. Victim to ia Infernal Machine, 'p'ani1'ebeula'liey eveopd.Brsscis I asaye fitfu silLtaa f haily a i rndea is nie nssa np - [Anv benspcnym dveopus.rssl sibie te bbc baS susalia of luma 5anS hospi- Teyidoshas ncsos.Tes- 1, i 1e -TbnradayoyoLo ng reteurs bhast bsse ut aîsy pr Velua 5 ar, tLI A W. TOLE Infernai machines, w-lslab fuili Ihar apronta are' bridas lsiciahave fnef teached mcS I na ce tais, anSdmielsms a diinlectaut of the dtand in lac the recerdsarcst (e usjlie(s acy- i-i-al Eratie Agcut-and srsîcîonccr, - astaruîy ssss-, by cxplodiasg nijrn i abutita'. ti whinre sires uba wisTel vs-crIS.- a lise petaon te wiaensthey are addrecsed, Antetas'iiciy of thse cabbage, caliad v Ser alitsverl ora edyInS hoidtakbernf i by th esire la. ths'geatest nuns- forluriai-ny Iiae beeu sonsewlat rare oflaalat reo,"is groîvn on alluvial sou tîsat lias 'lese saocasion teconaverse et Nit arntespte-Càaoket'a alraongtecaiîen asI.The brnsicstraiiway yard iniCanada u-day' 0ome accid('eni.' avirinirebamass recent becs' reclainsaed frosus the ses. Il is a distinc« mank'indi5avcr murae el ibair gccd op Naionts o lais. fssbte aros sps fthirmi5as nWinnipeg, whcra the rnmlie cf uvieels G ens U othig cses upevene t. aieau -becnîastrphe.iviy aatiim iln ,sud te secura orit iea or gced word, it w-re thon ne greant sa fiS alcîosbiatîbpoicranS îeeîiusg cf locomotives is heacd vl iis'sut Auca eption te Ibi ,iataisroep.cdivelyaccasseiia pnibe ie tmalter (as fai-as respects the affaira of this inîepia iscusu oin of ladies' lsnrd fcr alfwt ur sa Cceaned, Diad. 1Pre8sed sud Rapaîted by fro'n Lamalsses, wbsr a M. Mssrand d,anies- naturel fIoel saafislî c 'egaî hered ou the wold),if lue apn-t lis reputatic alliai- once, e'garta oeIrssiI90r eSO00r unesnIon ar ak i-c ndaybt ea in camnent, wavas o'suFr iuiay igii Ihe vietiins ben es frmrfr.TIsee rcp i5put t l ec-un malseseaanrriveuse oacomaumiinypomssaastl btbc erianr.yardu catirai ueibrw Blilh h atyar mdte rer ;cieda- h arvei t' yrî ah a ;usaîa'ps S. j rj A ite-ontiue-b thi-old, nd o-l favB oaseetiuafacss serase anllcertaa .ceio eer, aditt bounc dooainominae otrage. on acm iaîox 1-1v oi-BordsceauanagraIne aomarthie advantage of reputatio whilebis in luil sncreaiseof revenuise undar Ibis bead. Tet 2 ,li' tWiiliani fot shilipuest via i-be ikes. DYer and Clôthos grenuSrb xecm an-aroma . iseofssus iy n l is1le ant ccsocietylieFanebut 'il1The C. P. R have a herenlean i-auj5 aisead Dyru ha-a ied wvýtls strimug. lia pieked lb ep, and ti-ci 1I bdng î1I;iway addi-d. Fiuafly thabrocoli doasan netos, sa-ar îcu have made uaau acu-milin 1brslilSof het- Oceda wtmantadi ' htcssues asi-laccriee ii iliebrus ofiopen wordianSsaciisesa, ot caoAsieg hciasibiisvll P y iaulmevin tbtreymillio boslpickcfesuiveat- them item new when doule. iaad leS tise liS a i-mamssasdous explosion 1sî-bi.eeibea abtiml n stgi- ilcevl ea eoawi owt pni n u-Oi cci cua sl n Ols n.Aloie rswl et bîi -eaint fsnec iesseSa Cernar i-nsg and Ontario Streeta, acais, ideaalgeirs;asees e handor Ylhvtrpndihos aCrie tthu-uai-rus ' ni- aerafAielinef eas.delrs aS o u bs5cis i epet s i Bowmanaile. heakiug a isc fuitumiie, anuSbringiug i rvs. 1The fiowcrs eI tisaeJudas trac are Iar-ir' oglIsais ecar im out te1fie last. Mffî l f l t i-- ug gudrtviu-ieuslin.'iesia doentie aiin udsoas c bc srttiu msS io alseawih cttr <ied o [tiaiacpTi ston. Theaecort ofte Unuted atas and croainbS arsa E au r~ae doivahis.M.Meand s-le a i-eSsv .)mxefvib aade wthutters lsedflpor LIay land 10 stop the indmsciminaic siaughler cf a ibemacîves 1cr nalig task, so tu i sy ara - iy abothbcfa(e, -uas chia te giva sl1cb i- Udsar ii ils sog astuitie mi 5uî ur lcadâaxercbossed witb wee, saanaru a a a esm itr iea edn as efaa ~vIafbssSr foraim ho lieautt nans icvt rctnue u aae iefoes Wîiencur bittemiersc'erflow, aslmng dmcoverses relativ'ai-otefisa habita of ing pelio(13 cf i-le uay. anae; ut ie uruacrparicuArs er ts ae) sshaefas rl aue. Whbsn sc ni lthseusut1, ,tiserSeat: the valuabla animali. I wns sliawn lu tise i bcadaliveries ai points t)srossgloui 'dams- beinipneîcul, taxpa.S- J'uS 5cmf Mt' 5O ~ cus fteivsiainthal lise bracul- Iitoba amonot i-e uct leas tiaen u1sate"r cf a have cîti1î'auspiCd, muatIe uiraieiobelC ovufs, laversng, ara tlis e 'î'5sc-atoi-sîî-tobbing Iesh hst womma, îng plcseetdbvhe-asreoenmlinuhl prayadifheho explosive cu bas sci eut i iiQesrad. led biasiofcthe cloue trac 'aineS in the stu. fîcsouoarairîfsstoicmlles salane hibe eais moira dThi s wsillionius te r fdyussi i Ilisbe usni:n.ccFvs.y soaebs- i se. rf aia- asybo ae '-esisstasS havesa er flymsla rv Ierfeic rusa.Ti veie ei-ustacsiuessslh vicesjsau;os c. as' a -h rns Jss.Souciofar,1Ieux! faci- lad Mr. hlaine i-o Issir tha-îuams y ssnsg iîra 'S asraine anal rWbcu i-lacs-ie thenforin Wii-hthe telle icesd Livr adBoe!, ulocs Ac~prearss asIi aid~ïi' firea c ub înmcrcîfdearin~cfgesais muati s Sa consaqi-ene aof eh, Seveiml grain deniersmines vuewaully a the SecreLions,Pu rM" eth aiulon acisîanarae omc niy useS as a X hen ur fisalooi-near, usci-ers beiugkihieà wuia isqart f i-hi ribunae reporter liaS ne fauli- tu islaS sitia 'B!od ~rd reoare ailim- Au elderiy Fremsciawornsauî lae 11saS beencs g u mui.SseNrtis A'useiicaa Jesns, Son of Mary, beari daily focS. But Sur ÇllarIeý Tîupper seenaedtIeaiis afforded by i-be ralays. h a le l it s u a c a tsBe l aSei% jl 7la it teie x'liailire n a r d o s a S eiîc a c y tIse in tseell I~rzIs ro ?m~eta loi uoî,ba irhienu bov"f'ossses e îbWCr in51 tha pmoie n.obolyAliclrliis s -ei Iaaumibsoy o s nitie fclte usa, as the udder is a sussesza and. il sale te prediet tisai Lady Aberdaan's ex- beau the subjeet cf admiration among ahi man.,sus pses steeaout on.s uu ole is very duffiant te steer. The new boni- hbit will ha one cf bbcenacai intamesiing ai-*ho beaauShem-. Thara have Iean se'criaI of "NlarhnLar;btIa ue Lbeuf baS milleS ber lover anS then shot PUETSROCST ES. bouse asiii ha aupplesenteil hy a miniature i-ha fair, anS thatitlbwihldo much for i-be ont cwn wcnsan, aleo, wbo have îiistin-guish- that wa could net ha happy togather. Yen berseif . She lef I a latter addressad te the Pad or u«ga ntiy. For mamiimg Soap, barbont ; anSdul fwoli fiîev~aî bloci-honses, bito odi peopleao Ireaad. ed tbemselves by speeches fros theaplailors. k ,v1aîwmays wsusi my ewn way ici aî'ry- Cnmaayo oiesyn, a.uthv S.,n a. suetnan Sd a. iasbleaIilasantbaOuaSwlllig" But, my dear girl, yoc cosuld go witbout is. JI shasîl kihi M. Valcutina. o55iWmt- 5i-lamn cSsesoCIiha heNorwegian styla, will bhaàaSSaSfor bise Tewûeafi a oal nadwl hn 1iê5. Acae qua!le20 pounlds ,au$dnha.irea acomsasdabiouIfoi-beboalmenamaS teirIseaialnlo accommodationGo-othr boanmen and the.r By, conlracting a fdiseasa yon laehp te ba long tcemaetaerd byi-bos whoIso s n antiusg ft, yen kuow, afi-er wa were tlia1 ala g ing !urm somoncscsu soa y U.rees n Dggs . caplain. apread it. Queer is't it? id ç" in . mai-ie." ie hî iimsi

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