El TIRB-15 IRA1u.OUR TOWN AN(D OOUNTY Sý»THE WORLD APTERWA.RDS. M. Â JAMES EDITOR AND POREOL Niv SERiE88NumBEB 69)0. B OWMÂNVILLE, ONTÂRI , NES3DAY, DECEMBE1R 16, 1891. VOLUME XXI.NME . OLEARING, SALE LADIES' anciCHILDREN'S German made ON AND AFTER THIS DATE JQHrNSTON &CRYDERMA will seli ail Ulsters, and they are al new, at and- under OO)ST PRýICE! This is a genuine sale and will afford those who require these: goods an'opporunity of getting new fashicniiab1e UlIsters below the cost of importation. COUURK JOHRSTON & ORYOERMAtI Bowms.nv11lle, Dec. 8, 1891. One Door Weet of Post Office. HAPPY TIIOUCHI -RANOE31 There are more Happy Thouglit stoves now in use in Canada than aày other Rage. Made in 48 sizes and tstyle ail perfect in operation, aIe- gant in appearance and dur- abe in construction. The external appearance bas been completely changed, enriched and beautifled, the internai construction is perfect. if you want peace and comfortj in the household buy thej Hlappy Thoughtl ]Range for wood or coal. THE CHAMPION IRANGE is a cheaper but excellent range in 6 styles. Cal and examine the Champion cooker. IN HEATERS the popular Radiant Homo base burner, and the Universal base burner have no superiors. They are both chea p and durable and elegant in design. Ail the eading styles kept in stock. Cail and inspect. The Economy Warm Air Furnaces for warming dwell- ings, Schools, Churches and other >buildings are taking the lead in Canada-: made by the -J. F. Pease Furnace Co. This Is the furnace that so many of the churches and d wellings in Bowmanville are lieated by and none give better satisfaction. Thé company has over 35 year's ex-. perience and niake over 60 différent sizes and styles. You will save, money by calling on me before ordering a Furnace. Ail the above makes controlled in Bowxnanville by 39 TRIE IRONMONGERY, Bowman7ille. 1-T0T1- T0 l H svigavened MlY COnnaction with the firm cf assn sd WEEicES, IBm stitl praparad to attend to all orders for Caastiug sud repaira. Rememben my motto le "Neyer too tata te luaud." Iepaiing a specdllty-Sewing Mach. fIes, Gun. Revolvers, titovea, Locka. Wash- gMachines, Wingers. Reapoe, Mowera. alw. Keys iade sud fÊ' ted; Pipefittin sud attgeneral revaira. I, presecn. (anti] gIt a ahop suitable) alt enderSic ft an M. J. Jefery, Star Hou$ e. or my hous. Liberi.y St, sean M. Levi Morris' reaideuce. will recelve MY prompt attention; H. J. WEEKES, BT-tf Bowmanville. Minard'sLinimentLumberman'sFriend. TMPROVED FAHMS FOR SALE.- J.. Lot 8 sud wcst 1 lot 7 lu the 2 cou. of the Township of Pickering. 250 acres on whlch are 3 firat clasa barnna. ail aous foundations; 2 d wellng house.weli watered. ne waste land. Wîll be soid whole or lu parts. 'Price sud tarins te suit purcbaser. Apply te H. B. TAY- Lo. Whluby, Ont. 39-tf. FRM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- F10acres beiug part of iots 18 aud 19.. cou, 6. Darlungin on which there ara goodl build- ings, fiua orchard sud about 10 acres of stand. ing tîmbar, 60aseasln medow sud pasture lands. Easy Shenns, itte goed sud free f rom r ait iucumbrances. If non soid an once wyul bs rented. Possession te ptow an once, fuît pos- session Nov, lut. .ppi on promises tu T. G. gSxHoiçuoE zHampton, Pk. d A CREAT DRY COOS PALAME. When you corne to Toronto, bear in mind that 190 to 200 Yonge Street is a meeting and resting and waiting place, as well as the biggest store in Canada. There are reading and sitting rooms for you; telephone, telegraph and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for xithout charge. We try to make you welcome whether you buy or not You know that there is no worthy thing for wear or homne use but x e have it. If'you can't corne to the store, x.rite for wbatever voti w anit, ar- pile or goods. Shopping- by mail has corne to bc simple and certain. A few scratchs of a pen, and aIl the façilîites of the store are yours. In short, we slop for you as we would for ourselves, and such service cos'ts you nothing extra. T. SAYON & CO. 100 t4 200 Yonge st., Toront. fIEL2 To ta/c the place of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're flot satisfied, you can For sale by Cou ~JoHNsToN & CRY. DERMAS MISS SHA"W has a nico assortinant of YOUNG MISSES' HATS in the leading styles. BABIES' BONNETS and CAPs. VELvET TAM-O'SHANTERS. STUDENTS' CAPS-i the latest fashions. Âlso a nice lot of WINGS and ]IRDS, FEÂTIIERS and Tips, OSPItAy and POMPONS. Ladies, please reinember that keep a ]arge stock of SATINS AND PLUJSHES suitable for Fancv Work and Painting. Oua door Easstof Pont Office, King St., Bowmanville. 41 TO INVIGORATE hoth the bedy and the brain. use the reliable teisie, mlusn's Are- matftan su Qailma' WIBI sIý'ater Tyier han poie to Berlin... Wn.Corey bas gone to realde at Moore. fi O...... Severe colda are prevalent... m)fisin meets Thursday this week. An- ni ersary Jan. 7th. Particulars later.. -lias Viola Gifillan and Miss J. Adams spn Sunday here .. .. Mr. Jas. Gilfillan vited our Sunday Scliool Sunday and P.ýfingly addressed the scholara. He woa 8perintendent hare 25 years ago. 1VoleR Fnosr SeoTLAND.-D1LUiRSiRs, -I cari highly recommend Bagyard's Pec- 1oia Balsiai. It cured my daughter of a cugli sie had been troublad with since childhood. She is now twalve years oid. Mîý4 M. FAIRCHILD, SCOTLAND, ONTr. PBO0VIDEVCF. eport of S. S. No. 5, Darlington for Nofimrbar. Naines in order of menit- Sr. I-Willie Berry, Russell Smale; Jr. 8V~tella Blackburn, Alice Wight, Nor- ma~li;Sr. III-Mary Wight, (Edith Pioq and Wallaca Souch) equal; Jr. 111 Perc. Elford, Clarence Sinale, iRose Berr, O harlie Wight; Sr. II-Milton Wight. Fred Battie, Melburne Allia, Wal. ace Éf ord; Jr. 11-Ernia Blackburn,Lily Smai(> (Allie Wight and Maud Macden. aid), q1uai, Pt Il-Louie Osborne, L%ura Bra&ý Mabel Keat, Wallace Battis; Sr. I-Flèrucs Jackson, LuI7 Yelowle@., Jimrïn McDonald, Jennia Rumaey; Jr. 1-( Uy Prout, Richard Fraucia, Mande HuitepMsiirtha Ruiter, Ausbin McDonald., E. AMil-, teacher. SÀiNwieB,.-SiRs,For five yeara I suif. ered fromn lumbago and could got do relief until 1 used Hagyard'a YeIlow Oil, and must my 1 find no better remedy for it. JOHN D.8EP.EDAN, SANDWICH, ONT. nie Martin, Hampton, waai . Jas. Rundle, sr., on Sunday lin Walter wasatatending thc bourg laat ......... Mr. A. F. a dole.<ate froin Mt. Carswell ýsd Division at Bradford.... reu and Mrs. Adain, Ozhawa, r wmith friends herewes.. guest Juryj Rund to thi mne, spentf a, o an ený ~ùù~d hriatmaiàTrec' undr t aupies f tiêDauigliten on Tucea oe tn De.L>. Miss Sander. son, gr&ýnatcoiof Vhftby College, wilI ne- cite aud Mius Moore, Brooklu, bestdea Mn,.Liâddy and othen local talent wnill take payâ lu the progrn. Yeny enjoy. able tfrnio expected. Admission 20 cents. Proceed % go toward Missionsny Fund. Bave nio equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick beadache, biliousuesq, con- stipation, pain in the aide, and ail liver troubles. Carl er'a Little Live Puil. Try thein. .ENNISKILLEN. Among the visitons: Mn. Frank Trai- coek, Mir, B. Sandens, town; Mn. A.' Beacock, Oartwright .. .. Our new lancIer, Mn. J. Colidge, la sxpectad to bring is bride hoinýe to our village sud settis clown ruady for work this wek .... MiessC, Rogers n etunned froin hem lsngtby vîsit to Piokerng .. . .Mise Jameson lan retunned te) Toronto af tan a week'a visit witl MrE. Barclay . ... Miss Barclay, froin Hope, is eil lu oun village... .Misa Mc- Caliough, troin Hampton, in engagsd to take chbprg, of tle Bunkieton scbool ai tle New Yeari, es successor to Miss Brown who goea to Union to succeed Miss Mad- don... r. J. Young, oun succesfal teaclen here, fis goîng te attend collage lu Toronto nexi ...r.... .Mr. John Lee las been qultýfi lu inPort Hope. Ha la ex- pected home this wsek. .... Mr. John Pot- tan fis seîli1g Paierboro pulpera fastar tban les cÊm get bis orders filled... A splendid gâ.pe of foot bsIl was playad har n su tirday betwecu Raglan sud Enniakillei teains. The match wss de- cided lu faeor of tle latter by oue goal to nothing. . . The Fvstival at tle Prasby- tenlan cbnurch ou New Yean's Dity promjses to bc first-clag n e vemy way. The.uuioal gDod supper, witli a gaiaxy of good speaers, vîz. : Hev. Mens. Mc- .Keen, Orno ~; McLaren, Columbus ; Mc- Cullougb, 1lainpon, with music by tle Methodiat choir.... On tle 27th imat., the Rev. S. T, Bartiett, of Lakefiald, wiii preach thîe nnniversary sermons for tle Methodist chunch, and on Moudsy aven- ing, 28th, la wilildalivan s lecture wlîeu an addreass l also axrpscted froin the chair- in cf tbe District, gev. T. W. JoIliffa, of BowmanYý ile. be umunic wiil be f un. nished by tlo ho. .. .. About forty Pre.i- ternn friendm tool, possession of Mn.-GO. Herrington'p quaiet home ou Friday aveu- iug lent. Mr. J.- T. Pollock nead a veny ouitabiea ddrcss, snd aù the right tine tle cloh vas rsad .ud Mrs. Hamnlngton vas pre3entad wâih a. very haudsome dinner sud tes set ipid parlor lainp, as a slightj recognition of her setvIcas as organistinl the churcI. Mn. Alex. MeLaughtin ns- plied ou bf;lilf of his daughter sud thauked île friands very heantily for the beautif ul prceýants sud also for ihein kind- uess iowands hla daughter. Short speeches wane indugýd ln by tle gentlemen1 prasent. Ail thon repuinad to the diuing1 room whcre 'a grnd spresd was doue ample justice to, The test of the aveu- ing vas ripent lu music, singing sud social gaines, tha latter causing great marri. ment. AIl sp)eut a verv plesant tins. -You liardiy noaliza thatit ln medicine, when taking Cantar'a Little Liver Pilla:i tley are very anail; no lad affects; al troubles froin iorpid liven are relisved by their use.E TA UNTON. On Monday oevening, Dec. 21st. ttie merubers of Taunton Litarary Society will hold their annual Xmas Entertain- ment, the programme to consist of vocal and instrumental music, recitations, and to conclude with a draina entitled "The iRougli Diamond." AdmissDn 15 cents and 10 cents. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pil io pleasaut, mild and natural. They gent- ly stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge, They are sure to please. Try thern. .HA YDON. Mr. David Grahamn expects to finish gràin threshing this week .... Miss Bar- bon of Columbus is visiting lier brother Mr. H. Burton... .Mr. W. H. Creeper spent Sunday in Newcatle... .Mrs. Phelp presided at the organ on Sunday in Misa Broad'a absence. A POPULAn PnysiciAx. -The popular physician la unassuming, pleasant and suc- cesaful in treating disease. Sucli an one is Burdock Blood Bitters- unsuming, -only a dollar a bottIte--plea-jant, agree- able in taste,-succesfol in nine cases ont of ten. In truth it may be said B. B. B. la the popular physician to the people, a tried and trusted faniily friend ini aIl dis- ees of the stomach, liver, bowela and blond. >8HA W'S SCHOOL HO USE. The annual entertaininent of S. S.No. 1 Darlington, will ha held in Shaw'j s shool, Wedneaday evening, December 23têt. Anexcellent programnmewil ho presented, conaisting of music recitations, dialoaueLe, club awinging etc. by local talent and others. We have tu mention tho Fan Drill by a number of the pupila, as a spec-t jal attraction, and la8t but not least but the Xmas Tree. Doors open at7 o'clocir. Programme t- begin a% 7.30 Admistot 15 cents double ticket 25 c. children un der twelve 10o A.UOTION SALES, LEvi A. W. TOLE's Lisr. WEDNEsDA&Y,Dac. 16.-Tha trustees of the Preebyterîau Church, Enniakillen, wilI seli 2j acres of land adjoining the churcli premises at 2 p. m. Particulars in bis. Levi A. W. TOLs, auctioneer. S. C. HUXlKING'S LIST. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 16.-S. W. Dearhorn, Esq., baa sold lis farm and will seli the whole of his thDro-bred Hereford and Higli grade cattle, horses, impleinents, etc., on lot 16, con. 5, Whitby, oua mile west of Conian'a school-house. Sale begina at 12 o'clock, prompt. S. C.- HùiNiiNG, auctioneer. THiuRSDAY DeC. 17. -M, Thos. Brown, lot 35, con. 3, Davlington, wili sal ail of has valuable, f ârm stock, implanients, hay., roota, furniture, ellc., as lie is go, inig to England. Sale at 12 o'clock. Aiso ton 3-yr. old steers wilI ha sold. S. C.HNiNauctioneer. WE:BNESDAY, Dec. 23. -Mr. James Ors- bain, P",rt Perry, will sali 50 Short. bru oows ani haifars sud 8 Young bulle, at Spring Water Farm, Seugoz, near Port Perry railway station. Notes to, be made p tyible on tha làt day of Oct. 1892 WEDNiLSD.&y, Dec, 23.-Mr. Andras' Welch will sali on lot 4, cou. 2, Dar- lington,half acre land with fratrie house, stable, woodshed, etc., good garden of fruit,also furntura and affects. Sala at 1 p.m. S. BURDEN & Co, aiictioneers. $PI'<iL NOTICE.-When sale bis are printad at I'i1s $TATE8MA$ offlice Wa give a irees notice like the ab)oya Up to data of sale. when we do nlot print tha bitls the charge là 25 cents a Uine a sa- insertion. For salas ln West Durham and Est Whitby a notice, la this paper ie worth as mueh as 100 bilas froi -nY oh r office ln Bowmaivlle, bacauae the tarmans aall resd TisE STATESMAN. L014'G SA4ULT. Report for S. S. No. 13, for thea month Novf 1. Ïr.IV-. lggaHooper, NfsnyHoo r . II-A ilooper, R 'staplas, C Edgenton, J MeKuigîit, W McKýnight, N Byens3, E Byers, L Hooper, E Hoopi3r, H Houaey. Average for month 25. E SAiiDEisoN teadhanr. A Warm Day. The beaitn method to resolve, doubt igtoý certaiuîty, if any such doubt exista a3 toý the efficacy of St. Jacob's 011, is to, usa it Land -ba convinccd. A warm day is a good day for expenrnent upon auy forin of pain and for sucei, St. Jacob'a has nio equai. THE SOCIETIES. The uew officens of 'Excalsior Council, R. T. of T., are:--Select 'Councillon, J. 1J. Mason;* Vice Councillür, T. Bottere1ll Past Councillon, F. ait. E.Dnlaru; hap. lain, Rùv. E. B, Barnea; Hec. Sacy., >Samunel Bordan; Fin. Sacy., Miss. M. Mara; Treou., Gaio. Joll; Heald,Mrs. S. Mitchell; Guard,A.H. Scobdil; Santinel, tT E. B. lienry; Organisn, Misa Cotton; Trustea, S. W. Muson. ClydeCamp, No. 42, Sons of Scotlaud lavealactad as officers for naxt, yaar:- Past Celef, J. B. Fairbairu; Chief, U. M. Fenwick; Chieftaia, W. McKay-; Cliaplain, Rey. E. D. Fraser; Hec., Sac., J. D. Keachia; Fin. Sec , Chas. Keith; Treaâ,Jas. Lawnie; Marshall, W.- Hankiu; Standard Beanar, L. A. W. Tola; Senior Guard, Mlax. Hume; Junior Guard, A. Jameson. Piper, Wm. Pinie; Physician, Dr. Lammiuien; Trustees, H. 'IIBaitb, J. B. Fairbairn, J. McKay. The ne wly elected offloers of Lodgye Wellington_ Sons of Engîand, are:- President, Levi Morris; Past Ptrasjident, Wmn. Thickson; Vica-President, Win. J. ,Jeiffry. Sacy., W. E. Petbick; Treas., .James Elliott; Chaplin, T. F.,Goard;, Msnaging Comnmittee,David Davis, Lewis Lyle, John Grigz, Harry C. Brittain, F. :J. Osborna, John Barry; Inside Guard, W. Il. Kenuer; Outaïde Guard, Win. ýEastwocd; Surgeon,Dr. Beinli; Auditons, M. A. James, J. B. Taylor,F. J. 'Oaborne; Trustees, John HellyRr, and J. .Jeifeny. Hooin Coaumittee, Luvi Morris, John Hellyan aud Lewis Jollow; Orgaui8t, W. J. Bgg Asanat. Organist,-C. F. Pethick; GranBId I-Lodga Delegatas, Wm. Thickson and W. E. Paîhick. The alection of officens in Bowmanvilie Monday nigîs as folio ws : Chief Reant-M. A. James. Vice. " ~ Alfred Todghsm. Past Ragent-John McS3,riey. Orator-S. J. Hall. Secretary-James Dayman. Coîleetor-T. E. Higginbotliam. Treasurer-P. Trebilcock. Chaplain -Mn, Quick. Guide-David Darcb. Witrden-Charles Dancaster. îSentry-Chales Cox. Onanist-. -B, Taylor. Trustees-Jamas C. Noswortlty ,,Dr. Boyle, D. Bunke.Simpison Hepreseutative, to Grand Conincil- Jas. Deyman. Alternate-M. A. Jamnes. nqrris' Carniage Wonks is'oua of -tle busy places in town. Tliey have a preat rush of work on band and ordens are coin ug iusplaudidly. Minard'a Liniment inusedbyPhyicians. f YOU wnt yu etway'y Linons, Flannels always sweety dean, snowy white? YOU want "the waeh" done the e"sIst, the deoan- est, the qulckest. the cheap- est way? SURPRISE Soap "the Sur- even e - r..cuury imark isnot attained. KIR B Y. Mr. Bd. Bircli and wite speut a faw day. in Peterboro neceutly .. .. Mr, Frank Cooper who broke bis leg in Drognessing favonably.... Kirby Methodist choir will sing a% the Dedication services of tle ne w Metbodiat cdurch, Poutypool, ou the l7th inst.... .MisesLouiseFielding who bas beau veny iii ai tle home of lier uncie, Mn. J. Hicksby, isn ecovsning .... Masrs. Wm. Pattarson and Jonathan Clemence hava Oach lent a valuable hors lately by inflamn- mation .... Mr. Peu. Linton, Scarbono, was calling on old friands lare nacently .. .Mr. Henry Birdh, Pontypool, spant s few days lare racantly. . .. Mn. Edward Birdh intends going to Manitoba lu the sprng- . . The Mathodist cdurcI sud as- pecially the Epwonth League regret the, removal of Mn. Isaac Jeweli sud hae es- timable wife sud family froni this district ta Bowmanvilie .. . .Mr. C. J. Thoruton in bustling lis candidature for the Heeve- slip..- It ia rumoured that Mn. Angus Staîkaer intanda becomiug a candidate for concilior. -News cor. How to Cure a Coi-n. It inaone of the easicat things in the world to cure a corn. Do uot use acide or othen caustic preparations, sud don't cut a hli in youn boot. It ln simply to apply Putman'a Painiasa Corn Extractor, aud in tbree days the corn cau be nemoved withoutpaiu. Sure, oafe,painleaii. Taka only Putman's Corn Extractor. HA MPTON. Mn. Josýph Ruse, Toronto, was visiting trieuda lare this week .. M r. Thop. El- iotn's boras rau away one day Isat week, but was caugît by our: village constable who wa% un duty... M. Daniel Williamsa returned froni Brandon, Man., Iast week af 1er speuding tle sumuier tIare ..ý r. W. A. Martin, Northt Bay, in lare, sud with bie siatar movea their anime househoki effactstoa bat town this week. Their removalin greatly ragretted as they wene both favorites in ociety. .... Mr. Thon. Rowe- lan built an imple- meut sbed... Te anual meeting of the Cheese Co. wili ha held or., Saturday .. Bowmanville Higit Sohool boys played a frieudly gainae of foot baIl with oun boys last Friday aveniug which resulted lu s tis ... M. E. Hastings isviiiing friands at SI. Marys... . Mn. Frank Mason, Mid- laud, in visiting liane.Ma Thon. Elh- iott las beau soins wbat iudlapoaed for a few day .Last waek as Mn. Walter Orydprmun uf tbis place sud Mr. William Cryderman ai Boinnanville wae felling a tree lu the woods of tle latter, the- ires aplit sud suddsnly fiew back piuning Walter to the ground.' Mr. Crydaninan irith great dificulty subceseded in pnying the ires np no as to shlow tle victim to escape., There wereino, boues broken but WValter la badly brnnlsed.Mr. R. Hum- lay las enacted a neat wood shed. r. Bowmau bas removed froin ibis vili- age to bis Bowmanville mesdnce-tla Borland EBati. ' Ta ha free froinaick leadache, bilions. nasa, constipation, etc., use Carten's Little Livar Pila. Strictly vegetable. Tley gently stimulais the liver sud free ithe stomach front bile. 1 AUL IAW Nil lit 1!1 IV