DEOEMBER THOUGHTS. of the Omnipotent and Eternal, would be too bright to look upon. And yet this so-i FIRSTWEEK.ciety, this communion of saints, is thrown1 FIRT EJK.entirely into the shade, as we advance fur-1 'And 1 sent messengers unto thema, sayiug, 1 ther aud fnarther, with the sacred Scripturesi amn doing a great work, so' that I cannot corne down; why should the work cease, whlst 1 for or guide. Tax your imagination long- leave it, and corne dowu to youi- Ne,e mîah, er. Let me pass, ye prophets, ye aposties,1 VI., C. ye martyrs!ý A greater than you ail is Vet1 The end of our faitb, says the ýapostle, is to bce discovered! That society is biessedi the qaN-ition of the soul. And the eud or 1 with the peculiar presence of the great God 1. i msef ti hr htitrnifxd îe-eof the greatwork of personal religion,."Beold. te terae of Go is i en, whihis~hproucionoffaîhis reisely and lie willLdwell wivth -thema and they shall the sanie /thing-the everlasting felicity cf b jýpoladGdHliofàalb heaven.with theni and ie their (led. 'And Ccd shal It is the issue cf a work which decides its wîpe away ah 1tears froni their eyes; andi relative importance, even i ah earthly there shal hane more death, neither scr- thy' ý . That is a work cf nobler concep- l,ý,iyDIeteLhlteet n tiGcat, and cf more splendidacivmnrwnocrig etrshhhreeay wbiich issues in some grand benefit to the mlore pain1; for the former things have pass- human family, than that whicb issues in the ed away, and lie that sat upon the throne said, 1lhl maIre alI things new. And establishment of an inividual's prosperity 11esi noMWie o hs od r or honor. Robert Raikes was a greater truc and faiithful." The eye shail beholdJ man thjan Alexander or Napoleon; -and the tQNn o1fsba y Suuday,-,,-schiool systern i ch bas been reared th 1igl i eny onthejoundation wbich, iLu-the providence cBuiito t1r e oirtyofnstanwih gie cf God, Raikes was permitted te isy, is a tru-e cf Tno 01ther wseLYiety is ia uiteýd soci- work--which far outweighs in grandeur alt. vrymrieo Lîa sce lsth the achi evements in -whicb Alexander or etY. vr ebrc htscyla h Nao eonee aoe.Ad thus, what qsamen sympathies, the samie tastes, the sanie1 thpe w eeiroofaomplL Ang o hni iwthe same feelings; there are 1no ee the wee dsirus îacýomlisiin fo th m eut"s cf d iscord. Love supreme to God isi selv-es, aud have failed' iin the attempt, lie the common link wbicb binds them ail te-1 as, under Ced, accoiplisihd for himself. Theisue f he cr e reigon s hegetuter- -When the- saints-lef t -tlie-, earth, - Tel issedutes oheaveligionud the u- hey lef t al its dross and alilits imperfec-k eteral lesednss f have, ad tis on-tions behiud them, and hecanse there is ne stitutestlire greatness cf the werk. My pur-si hrte snoigt m hefl poie il to show-this froni the intrusive naturesiteetresnoigte arhefl pression, Lt appears to me, that connected wiÏth the worship of Alrnighty God, the iblesscd inhabitants of the celastial city will be engagel in the intercourse of that comn- munion of saints whjch wjll fill up the inter- val, if any such there be, between the anthems of the solemn sanctuary. It ought neot to be considered as a niatter at ail incredible orin the leastdegree unreasonable, that the saints-should then converse with one another on those great things which God bas done for their souls. What more rapt.ured employment and wliat more ravishing deliglit, than that the hoý4tà of the redeemed, as they had been rescued from the bitter pain of everlasting death, should testify to' one another, each perfect in sympathy, how much they were, indebted to that iatchlcss Savior who hurnbled Himself and became ohedient unto deatli for their sakes. What should hinder, that even in the. manslions of. never-ccasing felicity tbey should let the memeory rest for awhile ou the grace they liad long resisted, the dying love they had despised, the pa- tience they had ahused, the efforts they had scorned. Ail this retrospection, instead of producing unhappiness, would but magnify the grace of God. What should hinder, that, as they walk the golden streets, or recline under fthe shadow of the tree that bears twelve manner of fruits, or lave in the -rizver-th-at-make-glad-the-ct-of-Gd-ï--they should telI to on1e another the marveloos loving-kindness of the Savior; how Hie Hum- self subd-aed their nbelief. and bv what How ta Live. ýWe should s0 live thatýour stomaclis will nipver develop in advance of our chesits and heads Obesity indicates a diseascd body ftom wroug living. In the temperance re- formn, lecturers pose as examples of the evils of intemperance, and that is mv attitude irt thlis matter. I pose as aman who for years wý s, engaged in digging bis grave with the '~Sitance of, bis friends. But a grand and good woman put lier liand on my shoulder o4e day and said. «"Look here; had yen nqt btter change your mode of living? Ld1okinto this matter." I had'not thouglit ab utt. She arrested mny attention before it was too late. I abandoned the course I w 'S' pursuing and restored nerve and muscle, sigýht sud heariDg, and acquired a' new in- teijest Lu life by ehianging ny itiode ofliving, ani ordering it iu comformity with hygienic la ,s. I talk te teachers, about this thing, beqause, confined iu your school rooms, as mapy of you are from morniDg to niglit, aud part of the niglit also, and eating your th rye sud four meals a day and using yonr bra4ns, you are lable to degencrate phys- icaTy. Corne down te two meals a day; cselect wholesomc, bourishing food, avoid al conÈiments and stimilantalworlesa_-cx- croise more, and preserv-e this grand lu- strilment of the soul-the l'ody. for lnfanteand ChiIdren. 9 reeomm nd itas sperior to anyreciptin Sour Stomach, Diarrhce&, Eructation. ~fOU t m." H..AlsD. Wormns, gives sleep, and pron'Otes di- Tmz OimTAra CeopANr, 77 Mlurray Street, N. V7 FOR SALE BY J., HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE. i ) -fasi--et hescwwe1w en-the r hja-LOs 45Ze0mel ~- I-uha-e-tn-bea&idcsathose wh-ch- ar mèd-ks-t-ssubci u.h"r3 lt'- Ptîap iesaemhgitroIi1n7ri v,~-h4- lv +l~u vIn, I t.. t..i ~ A.A A- il ~ +ina, tm ,ufh nhuicllvhealthv rman. spirit of t4le denarted Queen. I -j1.- 4 _ -.5285 -'t-a - *F~ t -_ ~Pîr&e-hasûrs îiiomil&I~k to the Limbe E ..-, v*.nti%.----- I