r 1ra the most obstinate cases If taken perseVeringly. eA.NDHAM'S COUGH BAÂLSAM has stoocl ab test 0f years of trial. 13.&NDHAM'S COUGH BALSA M eau be ta ken by the youngest chlldren. la MLEÂSANT N TASTN. perfeetly afo, PEENTS CONSUMPTION, If taken lni tinte.- 9&NDHAM'S COUGH BÂ1ISAM s made troue a prescription of l5tablished Value Whltkftiias been in use for yeal's. Small Price. -PICE 22CTS. HAVE YOU L.,QtLs of Monfey i itmakes littie difference vd«ýyo.v buy your Xnias Preeents IMýf your cash on hand is sinali I I I WESTEN Fashionable new furs at Mayers. 1Lovoly Bm4skets and Gif t Bocks at Big 20. Mr. H. Gale of Coiborne was in town over Snnday. Mies Bella Shaw, Tornto, has been vis- iting friends in town. Misn R. S. Broad, Hlaydon, le visltlng lier sister Mrs. W. H. Banbury. Bey. J. T. Ruse atd wife, drafton, bave been viiting relatives In town. proeheé n St.J eh- chrchSidy PNTŽ~, PÂNTS, 81 np. Hundrede of pairs to choose froux at Masen'. lothlng Store. Caïl and ask to'see Mascn's3 own white shirt. The beut one' dollar ehirt lu the markiet. Mr. W. H. Seymour and Mr. Batker, Toronto, were guestî of Mr. W. Hl. Will- lame recently. Misa M. Epplett returned ou Saturday' lant from a two weeks' vieit with frienda at Port Granby. Mr. Dobson, of Big 20, le now sc busy ho has no timo to writo locals. A cal from Von la what ho wishes. Pleased to soe Mis. Donnelly of Berlin who has been visiting hier numerous -riends-iatown-for a-fer-da.ys.---- Crydorman aredselling the balance of their Ulsters at cost-this is a genuine sale. The smifig face of Joe Ha gladdened the home o! Mr. T. C. Jewell for a few houre on Saturday afternoon. Hoe re-ý ceived a numbero c illa fnom hum mauy fiends lu town. A vestry meeting was held lu St. John's church Monday night. Dr. Bcyle was chaÎrmnan ' -S-Burden, ecretar-y. A1de-ý putation eoxnposed o! Dr. Boyle, IR. Vin- tue aud W. Armestrong was appointed to go to Toronto te interview the Bishop iand report te an adjotnrned meeting Pnl- day nigbt. OHILuSTMÂ&S M& B& . E.Reynolds 'wll show hlm stock o!fnxeats froin Satur- Geo. Haines, Esq., P. M., in suifering severely faom, fala few days ago. The 7th annual convention o! thol Gai- adian Society o! Musicians meots in the Educationial Buildings, Toronto,ý Dec. 29 and 30. For particulars addrens lte Secretary, 150 Wiltou Ave., Toronto. It ie the common report that the $her- il! in in charge of the West Dtirluim;.News office and that H. Oaten je receiver. A, business man îix town had to guaýantee the printere' pay tItis week before' they wI1d w- kI The noor cld Z"ewx bai i'ad- ýahac.lie.-Tkh -building and pix-tinýg plant are mortgaged for about $4, f0, no there ln a blank outlook for the Ion~ suif-' ering creditors. We had hoped te prosent a forec ýst ou Municipal matiers this week, but 'have decided te defer the article until (next week. A lîvely content in expected lu town for the principal offices. It ýouId be good move wore the business men aud Ieading citime to imite lu nmre wqy to secure the election of capable and wýrthy men to represent their interestsa a the Council Board, tho doings of thef past year have been fan from creditable t -ou highly moral and respectable qoommU ity. They Gave $535.00. ---The auniversary oL f__the _Methýda church on Suuday was a mont rati ting success. 11ev. W. J. Jolliffe, B. C. 14, cf Oshawa, pieached two very able a.nd ap- propriate sermons, the morning discourue ou the duty cf ivig was especially tiniely, and evidently had a good eifeýt on the large audience. The popular pa'ltor, 11ev. T. W. Jolliffe, asked the congrega- ien aud Sabbath ScItool te place iu the plates an ofering cf $500, te crowxi the firat yean's occupancy et the new edifice, and th oug.h many of the members an' -d- herents had subscribed liberally to th, building fund the iesenue was vory ~n ereus, the total offrng bting f53P, o! which aune the Sabbath ehool gave a hittle over $100. The result waea annc- ed te the congregation before theyw'ere diamissed l n the evenlng att-or which t'ýeY_ The four Omeiciai Reports, U. S. Govern't, Bulletin Nâ- ic; Canadian Gov't, Bulletii No- x 3; Ohio Food Commission,. antd N. J. Food Commission,, show Oleveland7s- Baking Powder stirongest of al pure creamri of tartar powdersý. yielding (average), 12.87 percent. carbonic acid gas. TShe Seientific A.merican, after at most careful examina/ion of the Ogeiia? Re.ports, says: " Thek shou-. ing Cieveland's makes, combared wl/k ail theprincipal brands, is- sucit as ïop ut it embhat-ily at the'kead.ý" Thuraday lest, lOth mast., the quertenly service preparatory to the Communion and for the reception of new members asa held iu St. Paul's chunch. Af ter an able sermon by iRev. S. H. Earitman, B.A., cf Oshawe, thirteen persons were admit- ted. Four cf these were by ceptifleate from Toionto, sud nine on profession ef theïr faith, One cf the, latter was aIse baptlzed by te paster, Rev. R. D. Fras- er, MA., 'wto enade reference te those removed by death and otherwise during the quarter. Hoe further st>tud that, ,whilst te cengregation hbas suffm.red dur. Ing the year. in -common with the uther congregations o! the towu througli nany Notiese! orEirths, 25 cents; Marriages, 50 cenltsq Deaths. àe cents, eaeh Insertion -Lut I'IEE OF (CIURGE, wher. thc funcmrai caris are urinted at this offie. CONFÂA.L- In Brockport, N. Y.. Dec. 8th * the wife of Mr. Frank fJnnsaul, of a son. .ALLEN.-In Darlington, Dec. 2nd, the wi!e of Jno. B. Allen, of a daughter. CowEé-ln Oshawa, Dec. 28th. the wite or James Cowle, of a son. HILLMN.-In Oshawa. Dec. Ôth. Elli aeth Hei.IE.-ln Osbawa,Dec,6th,Davld lranclo. eldest son of John Hliee, aged 16 years. LKSLUm.-At the Manse, NewtonviUe. on Mon day. De. teh, Emily, the dearly belov ed wife of Rev. .&emLoLieaud daughter o R.v. George Purkis, Bowmanville. ageci 41 years. S&NDER-On Nov. Ztle, at Neath. near Swansea. Glamorganshire. South Wales. Solomon Sandera, aged 75 yrs. belovedl brother of S. W. Banders, of this town. BU WMAMVILLE MÂRKIITB. (Corete4 hy J. ltIcuitry, aven Ttgedal FiovU, f 100 Ibm ........ $2 35 to $2 701 WHEÂT, Fall, 1bnah.. 00 0te 0 95 w Sprieng, 's........O0 00 te 090 B.YE,.............O0O0îtu0 85 OÂvS, '..... . 000> tg O 31 BÂUtLzY, e bush, No. 1 .... i 0 010,etO050 I Two-rowed PEÂAs, Blackeye,'e bush... lbSmall, saBlue, s BurrieR, best table, P III... Eons, P dez ............. PoTATOzs, V, bush... PoRIR, p cwt ............ p Â, 'ton ..... ........ 0 00 0 00 000o o oo 000 4 50 0 00 0, 50 0 050 , 091 , 060 , 090 s,0 16 ,i0 16 f, 0 25 fi 4 75 fi 10 <0 J. E,.IIWL B ARISTE, SOICITOR, NOT. ART et., ffiesMeÂrthnr's block. RingStrot.BewanvUo.Muey tf0 ban.3B. -=rea~-a~w-=ft1~....r .~- r~r~:~ t . .. .. ~ -- ~ ...........- ~.'r-a~ie~=e~t .-ie.-.-~ **----. -~ ffHoJE Flannels. ... DON'T FORGET that we sel .... FLANNELS away duwn.-- .ne stm"ompee. aney- .... Military, Plain Military, .... Fancy Al-Wool, Fancy - ... Union, Navies, Grey Al - ... Wool-plain and twilled, *. ... (large variety of prices), ... Grey Unions, Saxonys, etc. .... .Call and inspect. DrssGoods. ... The stock of Dress Goods ...is very complete and the rance of prices is verxv J arge." We have a special ... - ne in 'Serge goods that .... you should see. The price - is low and We have al .... colorIS. *..Remeinber thàt our -Ger *..maxi made Jackets fur .. Ladies and Children -are InUjes before buying. Theirpce >wlll give you a U5sy JJmV. 2lthIUtil iriasrui seve. iioQr quality no one shaH boat his dlisplay and he wiIl sell cheaper this year thau bas been sold for many years past-quarters number of hogs to choose from, will also have a nioe goat, lambs and mutton. 1Peol2le MUv ex»et a bar'in this Ohrist - inasiLthey--calI on tie-pepleibutcher, Ail Blessings Flow." Httft h churclih hs held a tea iu connection with the anniversary, but by way of expert.- ment the peýpLe -ededd to try the ýcw plan and it has demonstrated that Mýth- odiste do not require a big feed to r' "se 'nonel for church purposes. A mi., ed Latatemnent-ofthe-1innts fhi o hrd of cmir1ui~t#has - etu&lIlv-iaereased, beinga now 187 as against 186 a year ago. Thero wera twenty-five nanes added to the Communion roll and 18 removed OOD WAGON FOR SALE, cheap 'w 'with box and hay rack. JOmN GaRio, Bowmanville. 51. tf cheapest in town. ...are selling very fast. They ---, izp - - - - -- - - i ZLE-- m, Mouze- maz qý;Guejj, iahur5ton & i --,«-- i ;5t. iiauils uhu- - - - S. î p 2. . .. 0 E)E) is 0 43 1 " ' - - --- m- -- -- - -,-;j rr i 1 1 - >0. 1 Il .... v v 1 -F e ý 1 ý 1 1 - 1 - 1