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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1891, p. 7

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Dits. P IEK .& LA5MfIliIN,I A TERRIBLE CHIRISTMAS EVE. DHY;SICIANS, SURGEjŽ48, ETC.' LOffice -Cor. Church au 1i Pemeraence Two, or three years agoý, in the 'best possi- StR. Night calis attended from Dr. uiIer )l e ,s1ii t ',aad withi the happiest auspices, I rssien. tIEM D ook a seat ini a f rs tclass ca ur age at London B. LAMMIM-4N, M. D. C. M. Trin. UnIv- RoadL Stationý, Manchester, wth a ticket in Feilow of Trin, Med. College, mny poc1ket whi,:h prociaimcd my destination Menber Coil. Phys. Surg., ont. to be far south. Tt was the niglit before ~ .. ~ liTEULLChrisTave, at abouit cleven o'colock, for OPM R 3 COLLEGE OF PHYSICIÂN Irmubrtetanaatda l2 u ~t5ndfagensOntario, Coroner, etc. huge station was filcd with ioisýy bustling )fri 3e and Res fidence, Enniskillen. 74. life; groups of ail classes of people hustledl 1> BlESE ~and jostied ecd other ou ,he platforin -~RJTP SOLCITR, ~ MORISsuorting enginea puffed, roa-ed, and screani- iX LOCK, npstairs, King Street. Bowin- ce ris~er otnal arxigadd Si e olicitor for the Ontari Bank parting ; porters wcrc cryiuin esanti lPrtvate Boiies loaned at the lOwa3t rate "By youtrleave' "aud wheeýling peuderousi trucks laden with niaîashrpcs ar- M. C. IfNKfLG nls of oysters, canvaýs-covered bains, crates T IONSE AUT IN EE RFOR of oranges, boxes of cheeses, baskets of game, .jû the Connty of Danham. Sales attended truîîks. parcels, packages of every, shape on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address and size. Hure and there seine anis or CcunuîcEu P. . 86tV individuai N\ud wak cllyfrgh fthe BOUT. O~NG,~. ~.bnstling crowdi, a ae bs ea i pre- ROBT.YOUN, V.viously-cngagedl compartient, whie lii les E-bFICE JN THE 'WEST DURUAMI fortunate feluGw-'_rcaturesý jostled and " News fllcck, where himself or assistant scranbled for tbeir places. On the wriole viL~ bejtensd fncm 8a.m, to 9 p.m. Night catis iewever It was a good-humeured crewd, gkt esidencée,dinecîiy oposite Drill Shed, Cauis l'y telcgrapli or telephene wili receive prompteaqeryfc atiarnthtxps AUt~Ion 17.r riîeof cheerfuhîýssa and good humour tlîat seems peculiar te Chrismastide. L. A. W. TetE, As te mlyseif, 1 feit brimming over witiî A UCTIONEER, APPRAJSR Real good tellowship towands ail mankind-so atedAgenf,. BownNnville Ontario.nuhs that 1had net the least objection _______ -- cnpied by two spiteful-lookiieg naiden ladies A. Aro~rand a fat elderly gentleman, wlîo stored A.HTE. PlaNTandtSpecifica. in genoral and tbe railway- RCHTEC. Plns ndSpeifia-porters lu particular ; and in the fuleesa eof A ltions prepared for every class of building. my heart I even bastened te open tic deor Speciat attention given te heating by stcm tanasotepitet oigt nid bot waten. and te sanitary arrangemeonsthtri aonhepntfiovgt Office: Gorrie Block, Whitby 43 -ljy' admit a iîarasscd dclicate-looking yenng weman with a vury yeung baby in her armsï and a hiuid cf two or three years dnaggiîîg -P EA TE T ilor$ at lier skirt8--for wvhich picce ef benevoleuce > 1I received some wvitbening giauces freinici Gelt3ntee's EJlthesMacle to Order. twe spinsfers and a1 wrafbhful growlfrom the stout eld gCarlemnan. -rRy None ef these litle incideats disturbed the sereuity of iny mind. I acknewledged MEzP -7 frowns and seer glances with a conciliatory seimade room for the yeung motion and her changes, iuaned bc ufecrae, and indulged in a deliglîtfuni reverie-for there was biiss in stere for me at fie terrain. _J3) ation ef my journey. I. was goîîîg te spend Christmnas with the deareat creesture lu tie wieie wenid -the swetest blue-eyeddarling * tiat ever gladdeued the eyes of a muan and P, lover. who, moreover, ll cd in oeeof The arrivai etfîny train wvas aninounced at atînlessiy arýong unden-growth and braciren. last:-,a;nd, atter uanother per-ied vet ciMl is- Was I te ramie about ail nigit, whilit conot, I neacicd tlie prctty rustie station Blanîche grew frantie af inysion-appearance ? ef Býriarly. I. thonglît'I knew tic path by heart fon it Cranilg imy necir ont et the carniage win- wvas in this vcny wood I had propesed te my dow, 1 bceld, a irigit emulling face inn&n adain and reccived ber shy whisper et coutiifur hat, anîd in anotiier moment ceousenit.- Tiat was iu the summer-time, had c Aapedlu y arias a dear little figure witli tic sunshine streaming dowu between clid lui a ruby-colouned dresa aand wanm the leaves, with tie birds singing, butter- seaakm jaket rcciinga îockreukefohies!fitting te and lire, and fiowers fillinîg SO0 il ig4iliful aproceieding in se public a place. the a ir with tlîeir fragrance; new, je the I did netý0 feel aabd The station-master darkness, F-loomy-iooking trues stoed black and tic portns et BùîlIriarily Station were wcli nd somîbre liKe gioat!y figures, suggestiug cquainted wthi me and witb the iaterestiîîg toglîts et gnomes and goluns. object ef my vi sit; aud, as for tic straîîgcre " Whatli a fool you munst have been ! w ho had lefi flic train and were mrlîn i emyscîf fr flic iret r.I along the piafform, xhat did I care for th,ý', Uitîd to wavik wariiy, for I fuir sure I was "Now ien, Mr. John Hope, if yen cao os to Blackman's Pool. Iiongit I recel- condescend te inotice any oee ess interestinig ýucfed a certain ciump ef trees beneath wiici than Blanche, hure are Hattie and 1 ready 4xe ield a pienie during the precelilig suin- towishamerry Christmnas, and nîany ofemT*'cml"uer;- sud I reinmbered tiîat we piîiied oen- I rurned to greet mytfuture brother-lu law ýclves about iu a little pu on the pool, Ted. tlic et et oBanche's brothens, and ývhtch rirank deccared te be tbirty or ferty hiesser H1attie; and fer a tew iniutes we etdeep in seule places. Very lovcly if kept up a deightf ni ciatter with our talk leekIedoatiat suimner day, wirhtiesetting, and laui ter. su-) shhîing tîpes it, turniug its waters te i~ nust hurry off te, 'Tic Maypeie,' I iod , but what a black, inky, horrible pool said at last, "and id mnysei fet fils railway ý-etali tfo cri Christinas Eve grimie, bne Ie cao put iii an appearauce at I1 tien nememberud iaving sudn a cottage Sanyme)de. I sec Jones has taken possession lise by anieng tic trucs, andwas ju et m uîyiggage." we1Udeing iI was near and wicticn its Bianche'lîonebiug cowded wifiChrist- emates couid direct me, whcn'I huard a mias and wcddiug gucars and lier niotier have rustliug amoeg the irsoken, and saw a ing V ery rigid notions ot propricty, If hadl wo eau fiyiugý towards me, winging ber b'i decmcd expedient fer me te take up ibands lu distreas. MY quartera at tie village Inn; te which I )"« Oh, ir, what menciful providence bas coud nef have tic sligitest objection, as I, sent yen hune juat now? YMy hnsband bas knew frein expenicuce that " Ths Maypoic" liad an accident, and ise ying, on fie floor was enefthti most comtotable and dciight. etf our cottage. Oh, bu wîi die ! I can't tel et hoîniely oid tashioised country inna, nutove hlm-, and tiers la uer a seul wîth me distanit enly ialt a mile fnom Sunnymede tg tetch a doctor. Do corne and ieip me for Orange. tic lovcetfHeiasen 1" "Yeu wiil nef be long hetore you joienus Witiîouf pauising te inquire jute the wili yen Jackl" said Blanche, as we partcdne r teacden, as lyfliwd at fie corner efthfe lane iuading te " Tice woman, who waiking along napidy Maypolc, ;" and. fiey turned inl anotien di- eqon led me te tic door ef a crazy tambie- rectiion foivands home. -"We dine at ciglît a d4we but. A ligit sioestirouigi a very littie laf or on yoer accont-and we are te srhail window, sud I uoticud wlîat a wnetcb. have a carpet-dance until fie waits corne. " cd, ill-conditionied hovel If appeared. I ,Yes; hurny np, Jackr 1" eried Tied. passed inside, and, te îîîy astonisimeat, tic "We'il have a regsîiar joliy Christmans Eve. womcn canetuily loci ed the door an d tien Ta-ta ton the present !" disappeancd. 1, looked round for the l'lb e witi yen in an, heur, or less," I wounded mnîtwleu I hîad cerne te aid, buti said as I strode off. saw ne igns et such a bciîîg. Ti 'en foilow-0 1Wheîi I reaclied tic Inn, I touud fiat my cdl tic most dneadfnl cxperencc I even passa iuggage had aiready anived and beun placeed c throueugi. Without a warning sonnd, I lu my ied-roem, wienc a inigit lire burued. tfet yssît snddeniy seized from ieiîd and Evcryfhing wore a cheenful air et expecta- piîîioed ; my legs- were tien tied, and I tien and weicome which was vcny grateful was thrown violeîîtly te tie floor. I saw tlîat te a tircd fraveler. The cause ef îny visit myý captons xveîsc fwo powentul vilaineus- -Imm "Thaiikileaven !" I exclaimed fervent- fGRAT FLTL-ÇQVMF ORTi4Uc1 iy, as I rose te my feet and * looed nound with a bewiidencdstare. "Tbank Heaven,là Ë if was oniy'a drearn A" Yes ; W iva s only a dream ! 1 was in fie dear eid tarniiiar reom; thene werc tic cases of jewels iying open on fie dressing-ta'Ie BREAKFAST. my empty coiffe-cnu ibad tallen frem my a "BY a thorougli knewiedge of the naturel baud sîd olic undr ticgrat, an w s d which goveru thre operations et' digestion handandroleduderthe rat, ad 1wasandnutrition, and by a caretul application of lu dnsssing-gown and alippens. There. bu- theefiue propertiog eI weil-seiected Cocon, Mr. side tic .jcwcls, iay tic coveted watchb; sud lpps bas pnorided car breakfast ilaites with a oeh tcpye t -f adsp r d elicPtely flivored beveragre wiich May saee itesopat -tuaandeic dine-hor s pany ieavïY dootori' bills. It le by the, tiirty miue attladtedn)rhl'iedpiops use et such articles of diet thnt a at Suuîîyside was elgir o'ciock. Blurantiqiuuay bc gradually bult np untîl wcuild bc trantic - ttrang enough te rosiat every tendency te Hastly wahedsbaeddresedLiJ îIieâsè; Iundreds of subtie.maladies are HasilyI wvhc, sîavd, rusud, 'urtclati-raon us ready Io attacir wioever adorncd inyscîf, gafhered lp îny treasures, itrere lsai wcsk poin t. We May' escape many nushed dDwn-stairs, sud in ticînîneas of ny t. fatai eiaft bhy keeping ourselvesweli fortified. hcart gave, the iaadlord a fervent grîp cf W] th Vurle blod -1(d a propsnly nonnished the aud wisiedhim mery Crismas Made simply wiiîhi boiliug water ormiik. and -ordened au nnlimitcd supphy ef punch aoidunlu npaciets. by Grocers. labelled thns: fer the iv olcetfthe nusttc coîîpauy ar tic J - nIlPs r iCo., Uoinoeathie Chefs ban te drinik my health. 1 ticîr raul off, 31, )îado5. n, ng1ausd Iheavieg fieemgndfl olkr et Il Thec Maypoic " A writcr lu tic ChturchlMi8sioniary Int ctli. vcry msc îci i bt as te my sanity. gencer saya tic Hindoos ef Calcutta bave set I avoidcd tflpari througlî Briariy Wood, te tic music of Moody and Sankcy hyne and kept te flie ros,, wahkieg a s ta as I hoafisome language, which fhîcy presuet as possiiiy cenid. 1 soon reacied t ice Grange, specimenis et the phrases sulîgi tic mIssion tireugliîVie windows et wici ahiea s m- serv ices. Tic, Magazine adds that Mr. San- 1iun' i ht, casting sacrry giowý, ouf lof, e ky pnobably never imagioed bis sweet aMe- lire dark nigit. Mdy entrance c'aused a sen- lodies void de duty in a service -whici may sation evei amng thc servants in tic hall, be designatedl as Satanie. sud lu a tew minutes I waa eunnounided by a cluster et wbite robcd ladies sud gentlemen For, Over Flft~v ears, in eveniug dress, ad ury prctty Blanche Mp.s. Wr. SLOW'S dOOTINe Sx up bas b3en was sobbiug bystricahiy lu my arias, whiue uscd hy milhlnoff moîhens non thein chiîdren I tnatiJhly ndeaourei teanswr ýwhile teuthiog. If disturbet i S nigit and I fantcal' l edeaourd t aîswr aseo ebreken cf y ur reet bye a ic cild snf.nng et qusint once. and cryicg 'with pain ef Cetting Teeti eend at' "tsail nîgit" I said 1 " cold't iîcip once sud ger, a bottisefor Mnsr. Winelow'e if!I'v bs anadvntrc;and ifyonîiSoothiig Sy ruî" for childrn' teething. It witi taie bu anadventue;,n f u ilevethe peer iittic suffener immediatsiy, tak ý ýu'sètsquictiy iy tic filec, l'Il tell 'Dsepeud upon il, mothene, tiers is ne mistake yen ail abouit if.," aboutit'. It ceres Diannhm a, regniates the We ail grouped ourselves round fhicliuge Sttonach sud Bowels, Cure3, Wiud, Coite. tinole ireiliar-t lgîtet îicr sonesoftenstus Geins, nuduces Iîîniination sud lie nth ibayte igtofwic hoegins toues ud energy te the whnIe sYstece. uipon thc expectant faces et young and old 'Mrs, Win siowi's SoDtlriug Syrnnp" for chiîdren Warnens, et cousins, auinresud uncles, and tcethîng ie pieusant te the taste and ie thre swerhearts, wie the pictîîredfaces of tie, prescription et eue ofthtie oldest aud best te- tuais' piassasd nurses ia the -United dead-and-gouc Vuarrens ghewed la tti rc- States. Pricet 25 cents a bottled Said by ai lilif as if they tee part icipated lunthc gea- druggists 1tirouehonttVhs wonld. Be sure aud oral jey sud giadness. sur for -Mas . WesnewS Suaa[iwZG rn Blanche sîestied on a low chair close by A stage fiat nuns betweea Sacrameînte îny ide, withblber baud ciasped in mine, as and Plymoth, was ield up by a bigiwayý- if te feei qurte suie ut îîy acruai presence ; eanl wio niled tie mail bag, sud, as ne pas- aud, as I gianced at bier swecf ioviug face senens lhadt stanted on tic trip, tire driver sud rieugit wiat bier tender huant would was compuhledl te give up iîis cash, arnount- bave suffered liad my drcami been s realiiy, in'g te aient $25. Il a tiat ahi tic money I couid net represe a shîudden. 11 you hiavef" thechigiwayiinan askcd. "Every 'Alwere cager Vo hear îny steny, aud I cent," tic driver replisd. Il Wcll, hene's a could net rcsist tic femptatien etflianrow - dollar," the highwaymau saisi, and hoe tossed ing their feeling ; sol began te tell tise tale -P rie coin.

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