UI......!...~,. Il h 0F .FOREIGN LITERA TURE, S3CIENCE a~nd ART E sR13-ZD blIn ite0a Tte ÎiItCj are--, a.a7te&ne1aradrh an --- A V * A ~ A -une _________________ - - ~- --- ~- = ~ "~""' Il- - 4 ILL ~ ~ T!~ I~ll1~ El i~z1t~ ,fIk-~ E k- - ~- - -- w w w E, q g g ~~-w~- g W Wl ~l - ----..-- ----- r uppearin tiihe paged 01li ECETIC. fur-~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -:L Ut Li ý .uurna...--X *15 sxmota.AdekMUNS -!VO,, i monrWeeknai. pahd i aIfa.IOXYGENIZED EMULSIONo URE I EUI141 e s ecued11 rgu P'U.LS 7S 61Boawy ewo the CticurUAntipainulaste, thei au Vitoria countles. Every horse-owfl- world y. rý thati a n We in Plas of the edCaOD LIVER OL fyu~aeDf-jViC,ýolsuA CAUGOLIC SALVE lea agat e hudhv 18 aer NTOA f ~Et.ml prtv o firat and only pain kiling trengthen. jiiCUlty 'f Breathing-Use it. For emie aid to internai meaitine in the treat=tent Fl av ne rice 5 cents a cep>'. R>'mail $2 a> acNTIugONALthe Sea ildV u oeI ot'Srofiious sortei, uMinaad asdsss e atig ortewherel&at. mg plaster. New in8tantaneous anid infallible. by ail druggista 35 cents per bottli, auMinleiandabeeeaa Liniment for Sale vrwe. Addres TE SUN, New York. 59 4w mevlng ail ebaîruenosa. 0 1 --i 1