~au TERMS :-81.50 PIRB ÂNn. 'OUR TOWN AN~D OOUNTY FIEBT: THE WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M. A JAMES EDITOR ANI) PPxOPRaMOR, NEW SEMIS, NUMBËË 690. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBETi 23 1891 VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBEP. 52 OLEARING SALE LADIES' and CHILDREN YS German made ULSTERS ON AND AFTER THIS DATE JOHNS-TON #& CRYDERMAN uuuuII> ---will sel ail lIJisters. --and-thoey--are al new, at and under OiOST PRICE!l This is a genuine sale and will afford those who require these goods an opporunity of getting new fahionab1e Ulsters below the coat. ofhmportation. OOUGH, JOHNSTON & ORYDERMANI l3owmanvilli, Dec. f$, 1891. HOLIDA Y One Door West o! Pnost «CfI.e GOGOS We have just received a large assortment of Silverware suitable for Christmas presents comprising Cruets, Pickle Castors, Silver Bake Dishes, Celery Dishes, Berry Bo wls, Tea Sets, Tete-te-tete Sets, Napkin Rings, Tea Pots, etc. ,A]so a fine line' of cutlery,' Carvers in Sets, Ch'ï,',dren's Sets, Ivory Table and Dessert Sets, Pooket Cutlery, etc. A full Une of AOME SKATES. Caîl and inspect. 52 TEHE IRONMONGERY, Bowmanvsille. NO TWO WAYS ABOUT IT. 1ICOOLL BIROS. & Co,, TORONTO.' The leading Oil firm of Canada, are stili pleasing the public with Oils- Why use pour Oit that will injure your machinerywhen you can get the celebrated Li AL.RIZ#DnI 1"TE7"4L YOU waflt your Cotton$, Linens, Flannels always sweetg dean, snowy white? YOU want '4the wash"Y don. the easiest. the clean. est, the quickest, thé oheap- est way ? S SU RPRISE Soap."the Sur- pris way" wihoutboilng o SHOPPING BY MAIL. A smnart fellow has made popular the phrase "a postal card w~i do," applied to shop- rping b mail. Think for a minute of the time and ex- pense and burden of a railroad jo.urney, and then consider that there are no difficulties in theway of purchasing goods by mail, either imaginary or rcal, which cannot bc over- coif- proper care is eyer- failiar - Manywho lhave becom-e f4i va ith thse simple de- tails find it oftentimes less troubiesome than shopping in person. T. EATON & 00. 190 te 200 Yonge St., Toronto. SThis is the way1l with the B. & Ç. corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it-but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your money.Ï For sale by Coucai JOHNsTON &City miss SHA WI bas a nice asortupent of YouNG MISSES' HATS in thJ'; leading style BABIES' BONNETS and CAPS. VELVET TAm-O'SHÂNTERLS, STUDENTS' CAPS-inth latest fashions.' Also a nice lot f1 WINGS and BIRDS, FEATHERS and Tips, j OSPRAY and PompoNs."d COURF7'CE. Mv. Geo. Morrow is visiting et Oak- v1ille ... . The shareholders o! tise D. U. C. F. held their annual meeting lest week and wound up a very successful year's business. They manufactured 45 tons o! ciseese tis season .... Mr. R. F. Riokards -attended tise wed4ing o! bis niece, Miss Ette Richards, Pickering .. . .Misti Fl -Courtice opent Stiuday witis relatives tt Oshawa. . Thse Sons' entertainnt -on Weduesdsy eveuing came off very suc- cessfualiy. The hall wee jarrmed aud every person s-upeared satisfied. Pro- ceeds ever $29. Tise members are weii pleesed with their new badges printed et THE STÂTESHNINOffice. The nid reliable boot asud shoe bouse in Bowmïauvil!e i. Treleven'.. iA VoicE FRoar SCOTLÂND. -DEAR SIEas, -1 cen highiy recommeud Ilagvard'is Pec- torial Balsani. Lt cured nsy daughter of e cougb she had been troubied with since chiidhood. Sise i. now twelve years nid. M s. M. FAIRCHILD, SÇOTLÂOND, ONT. HAMPTON. Tise annuel meeting o! the Cheese Ç(,. -tshie]d Saturday. Tise cheese made this vear bas been of an extra good quiality !and broiight tise top price in tise markset. Mr. Parr bas been reengaged for uext 4eason .. .. Rev. ït. T. Courtice, Newton-' ville, preached excellent sermnons Sunday miomning sud evening and special coltec- tions were taken iii plaoe of holding a tee, as on former years. Proceeds upwards o! $50. Programme and Christmas tree on- .Xmiasave. An enjoyabet time expectd ...M.Frank Parr and wife go eust ou ,a visit this week .. .. Mv. Walter Crydler- 1 man was eut Sundey ; le cen navigete [with tis eseo! a cane... .We omitted te Bstate that Mr. James Abrahamn retnmned ~from Manitoba two weeks tieo.. .. Mises Gertrude Brown bas been quite indisposed for e week but je improving slowly.' A-Âiwc.-Sin-s,For fEv. yeers I suif. ered from lumbago and could get no relief until 1 used Hagyand's Yellow Oil, sud must say 1 find ne bitter remedy for it. JO8lN DiEsuxutD.NÂ, SATDIcH, ONT. 1SOLJNA. Miss Lick, of Osawa, will tescis Mitc- lsell'si Corners school for 1892 ... . Division mneets Seturday îight this week. Fou leirnout requestefi.. . .Miss Seris Awde l retumzsed home frein Newossle,. .. Reym;eds is howl-fýrfe ni crbeDro ý) t înter. . .h!e W. 1%. Paooe and Mr ansd Mrs. Alex. Rose bavo returned frein their vit5it in Western Ontario.... Mrs. M. Roishins bas b.d a seveme attack of plurisy... .Rev. R. T. Courtice, of ~Newtonville, preached vemy acceptably et Mldad ou Suidey .... .Mr.'sud Mme. Wm. Waltems, o! Southern Dakota, are bere visiting relatives.. . .Mr. Win. VanNest is busy bauling meteniel for a largu baem ................................................. Mr. sud Mrs. Stepisen Washington have been gueste eat Mapie Lau. ..ri.... 1Mater Ilsrold Westlake bas dipistberie ..Mr. J. B. Reynolds, o! Toronto, ie speuding vacation here. . ..Tise Misses 1Werry gave a large pamty on Wedneaday night sud on Friday nigist Mmes. Werry wus "At Hlome" tu a large. number of guests. Betis occasions were much enjoy- ed by young sud old. Roselaud val. je fanious for mery social getherînge. A big surprise-tise wouderfuliy lcw 1prices for foot-we iv et Treleveu's, Bow- mlanville. îOvan A CENTURY OLD. --Many Cases are -, newn of pensons l.iving toeoover 100 years oid. sud there i. uno good reason wisy tisis should net occur. By Dayiug attenit- ion tu the healtis by using Bumdock Biood, Bitters when, necessamy te puni y tise blicd And stirengthen thse systemf sssuch may be added te the coinfont sud huajilness o! life even if tise century mark je not attained. Mn. Ricis. Oâboru bas eturued frein Mt.- Ciemens, Mich .. .. Mr. Sam'l Bragg lest a valuaible Durhamn heifer lest week with inflammation .... Miss Ida Osborne is bouse frointishe Model having passed ber exames uccessfully. . ... Mr. Fred Allun o! Owven Sound Collexiat3 Institute ilý vislting bis friendesud ister.... .No, doubt sortie o! tisose who couid not coin. to our XmasaTree entertaininent would liii te kisow how it came off. We wîll net pretend te give a very full descrip- tioni -o epvogmam. We had.a hue even- ing for ourClisitinas Treeansu sTin STATESMÂN let everybndy know about it the churcis was packed, mauy couid flot .gçt in et al. The programme iuciuded a ~chorus by tise choir; Misses Stella Black.. ~bunnd May Wighst swuug Indien Clubs; ~a ong entitled "Row Beatusan, R-ow" by Mr. W. J. Bragg sud J. Wight sud Miss L~. Allu and Misa Eusa Elford; Masters Wallace Elferd, Milton Wight and Mabel Kent recited short pleces. Tise readiug by Mr. D. McDonald and recitatiens by Misses V. Osborne,, Millie Oahemne sud Mr. L. T. Couitice were veny gond. One o! tise chie! numbers wee the dialogue "A ENFIELD. Mr. Jno. Burr bas moved to Manvers. ..Mr Jas. Hobbs i. visîting friquds in cMaripose . ... A piesnt tîme was spent 3 t tise resideuce of Mr. Wm. Hobishuon fWednesday 16th inet. A number of in- svited friends and relatives had assembied àthere te witness the marriage coremony o! )Mary, second deugister of Mr. Hobbs, and -Mr. Johiel oo&ldge, the, ceremony wes tperformed by Rev. R. MèCullocis. Miss 'Rundle of Little Britain was bridesucaid 1while Mr. Jno. Hobbs brother of the bride .acted as besttmin. The bride wss tise re- 1cipeut of some very well selected and cost- ly presents. The brida] couple are visit. ing friends in Mariposa and Brock, pre- vious to eettiing down in Euuiskiilen where Mr. Cooi]ge bas been engsaged as teecher. We join with their msny friends in oifering congratulations .. Mr. and Mro. Ssm. Bray speut a few days in Toronto recently... Mr. Jno. Dyer took a trip te Toronto lest Saturday .. Mr. Thos. Bradley and bis wife and fein. iiy bave had a severe etteck o! la grippe. Buy a pair of boots, thoes, or slippers et Trelevsu'o, B,, wmanville, for a present. A POPULÂR PnrsicsÂN -Tse popular physicien is unessumiog, pleaset and suc- cesuful iu treeting dieeasLe. Sncb au one in Burdock Blood Bitters- uuass3umin, -only a dollar a bottle-plea-ant, egree- able lu taste,-uccessful iun ine capes ont of tevn. utLth it may bc said B. B. B. la the popuia; -physician to the people, a tried and trusted faunîly friend in ait dis- --eafies 'nf-tis tne uh-l±'n, bes--a-ni biood. ENNP8KILL EN. Amoug the visitons: Miss Davey, Pon typool; Mr. Tisompson Newcasîle .. Miss Carnie Rogers in visitiog in Torinto.. Mr. F. Rogers visited thse citylest week. ...Miss Msggie Rogers sud Mr. John Lee have returned froun Port Hope Model Seheol having successfully passed thse ,r- deal. _. Mr. .Jas. Pye, j,., in home froin Manitoba to spend Xmas vacation. Hie likes the country aud wiil returu.. . We welcome to our village nur uew teacher, Mr. J. Coolidge, and bis bride who are settiing down tu housekeeping this week. We algio welcomne Mv. Henry Werry aud bride wbo are takiug up tiseir reeWdence near here. Mr. John Banton, Belmore, jwho basf jurt been in attendencea t~ Ot- [1awa% Norinalhas. ta>oen aw&* oe of ou hýr huwne.-<Congratulations tW al.... Tise iouse"ot 'Mr. Fred Griffin sud uife was taken possession o!fh'y about seveuty o! tiseir friends on Tuesday evening, iStis mest., tise occasion being ,tise 20tis enni- versary of tiseir wedding Tise usuel. feset wase iad and a hsappy evensng seas enjnyed. Tise gueste preseuted Mr. sud Mme. Griffu with s loveil isauging launp sud au excellent china tes set. The Harriers. Tise membens o! tise weli knowu Rane- lagis Harriers Club of London, Eng., know wisat je best when oeewrite. like tise f nil. ewing: Mr. W. F. Jeffermies, member o! tise Club raye. "I find St. Jacob's 0OÙ the best emedy I have ever used for spralos, stiffueses ad bruise. . t quickiy remeves pains sud swellings, sud if rubbed inte tise muscles, it wili be found o! great benefit te al athietes. 1 may aise add that several frienda o! mine bave fouud tise Oit a cure for vheuusatism sud neur- ail." TYRON9. Mr. Arthsur Manning, Hamilton Colt- egiate Institute i. home for tise Hnlidays. ...Mies Sarsh Emnierson bas been quite ili but is recoverin, .... Mr. James Bemmy, Bethesda, bas consented te occupy tise pul- pit o! Tyrone church Sabisatis moning net ..Mrs. sud Miss Maggie Martin Leekard have been visiting fniende bere. ...- Capt. Walker S. A. expeots te spend Christmaswitis frienda at home intise West. .... Mn. E. Ohaunon hsd a bad ffeu on M.onday week frou tise scaffolding o! tise baen te thse foom. EBe was piekel bup seus3les, but je now slowiy recovering. .... Tihe Sons e! T. wili boltiseir annuel Tes sud entertaiument Christmae Day ais usuel. Tees erved iu cisurcis vestry frein 4 30 p. i, Grand prograin in Sons' Hall at 7 oe'cleck by popular home snd feveigu talent, concluding wiîh tisat aide spiitting f arce"A Quiet Family". Te& sud concert only 25c. Everyboby come sud save a doctor's bilt...About 60 friands met et tise home of Mn. sud Mrs. Josephs Hew- key lest Fiday night to join in celebrat- ing tieir silver wedding. A very nice ad- drens was read by Mr. J. H. Ailin sud Mr. A. E. Clemens presented Mme. Haw- key with a silver butter cooler, sugar bouvi, bemry disis, cake bseket, doz. tea spoons, sait and pepper castors on oeisalf o! tise frieuds. Mr. M. A. James was cisaimman. Short speeches were made by Messrs W. Breut, W. Trewin, W. R. Clemens, G. H. Jardine, John S. Rur±dle, W. H. Creeper. Elect ors of Clarke. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Your vota and influence respectf ully so- licited for C. J. THORNTON for Reeve for 1892. 52-2w. .AUCTION SALES,; LEvi A. W.' ToiE's Lîsi'. WE»NEsDAY, Dec. 23.-Mr. James Gra- ham, Port Perry, wilI seli 50 Short. horn cows and heifers and 8 young bulle, at Spring Water Farm, Scuorog, near Port Perry, railway station. Notes te be made payable on the let day of Oct. 1892. WEDN.uSDÂY, Dac. 23.-Mr., Andrew Welch will soli on lot 4, con. 2, Dar- lington,half acre land with frsmehbonne, stable, woodshed, etc., good garden ot fruit, also furniture and effects. Sale at, 1 p. a. S. BURDEN & 0o, alictiongers. SI'ECIAL N"OTICE.-.When sale bis are- prinled at 'um 8TATESMàN office w' cgiVe a. free notice like the above up to date of sale. When we do nt print the bis the charge in, 25 cents a lino Ceaeh insertion. Fur sales in West Durham and East Whitby a notice la this paper is worth ai mach as 109 bills fromn eyolher office in Bowmanville, bacause the farinera ait read Taa hTATESUÂN. CEDAR DU-4LE. There are 60,000 bushes of peau in the Coryelf -elevato r, -and- at-1Ke nn . iire are nearly as many more. Se iimy girls are sorting the peas th at one i iflot te) be got for donsestie würk .. . .Benjamin Crandell's five h'unds in M,. Stone's woods routed a fox whieh they caught in an open field, hie \vs a big~ fell w r . . . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Conant celebreted their Silver Wedding in a quite wsy opu Sattur. day the 12th imat. Mr. Conmnt bas cross- ed the Atlantic a dozen times and the Pacifie three times. He le! t for Dudley, M&so., last week to participete in the de- dication. of a magnificent c'iurch trected by Mr. Hezekiah Conant, of Pawtucket, R. I., as a muorial to the progenitors of the Cenant femily in America. BEWHA V.EN. To every person a merry Christaias,.. Mr. T. H. Perkin erlled on hie brother Hnyon hia way ho-mnw to, ooçýh1 wler hohmbeAit engaed ag lhead ù h ....M.Wa'ter 0ke is aick. ...Sonaê. cases of a light type of diphtheia are re- ported a ound here. . ..Mr. Chas. Frank has die s d and siold 4 fine hogl te Mr. 0. M. Cawker for bis Chriatusas show.... Mr. Gdso. Witheridge has beeu visiting re- latives iu Toronto ... . Mr. Fred Werry- was beet men et bis brother Henry'. wed- ding et Orno .. . .Miss Luoy Richards, of Pickering, i. guest of her oster Mr&. S. Pickel.. . . Mr. W. J. Witheridge, of Long Sault, is visiting frienda here .... Mr. A if. Clark. of Pickering, vieited lsi. sister Mrs. J. ZIolt recenty... ýMr. E. Ton- kin hei been re-engaged at S. S. No. 4 for 1892. . ..Mr. Jas. Ruudie, jr., *ho had hie baru and, sheds burned will erect a new barn with store celar .... Mr. F. Bramupton and Miss Mary Curtis, of Oshawa,, spent Sunday at Mr. Siml, Burgess' Poplar Grove.. .Mr. snd Mrs. Wm. McReynolds, Brookhill iî~rv- vis ed Mr. John Clarke recentiy.,,. . Avcy interesting eutert,.biumEnt wai rendered by thse sehoiera of S, S. No. 3 o-.i Tuesday aftemnoon, in thse presance of a goodly number of parents and spectators who were highly pleaned. The retiring teach- er, Mr. Fred Werry, received a handsome prenent accoaspanied by su eppropriate addrecs. 'Worth Ten Dol lars a Bottie. Any person who bas uaed Polson's Nerv- iline, thse great pain cure, would not be without it if it cost ten dollars a bottie. A good thing in worth its weight in gold, aud Nerviline is the best remedy in the world for ail kinds of pain. Lt cures neur- argia ins five minutes; toothache in one minute; lame back at one application; headache in a few moments; aud ail pains junet as repidiy. Why not try it to dey. Lirge bottiles 25 cents, soid by ail drug- gis' A and country dealero. Use Poléon's nerve pain cure-Nerviline. NE WCA .TLE Mies Florence Allin is home from Tor- onto... Mr., B. Brent, of Trinity Med. ical School Toronto, is home for Xmas va- cation..Councillor D. Allun, who liad a 'sitroke' on Saturday, is slowly huaprov. ing....Dr John Burwash, o! Victoria College Cobourg, conducted the anuiver- sary services in the Methodist church lest Sabbath and delivered excellent discouraed. At these services the congregation con- tributsd eary $70 whch wth the moey on band , will wipe ont thse debt on the church'..The concert given by the Music Hall Thursday evenin DAe. 17Ilas 9v