r- r LOST IN THE FOREST, CHRISTMLAS TALE OF TIHE 11OLIDAYS lIN CANADA. IL was December, in the early part of the present centuiry. The winter had commenc- Id in guod earnest, although tlie f ali of shouw ý, ewas less than usual in Canada., Time has wrought changes in the district of London. since then. At the date of our story it vas4 very thinly peopled ; the settilements we-re few and far bet-ween. 1 Some gentlemen Il in ,edluced ciîrcuii- ritan ces," whom necessity had d ri ven to seek swamp, where they saw no trace of the fotithen fell. The gnawings of hunger suggesýt- of man. Giving up ail hope oif flding them, ced that tl'ey should kili hlm to help sus,ý either living or dead-for they had not once tain their own life ; but humanity, and ai- corne upon their track-tlhe party returned fection for the companion which had served home. Ithem ýwith îuch fldelity, got the better of There was une consideration which tended l ii,,tchi promptingi. to mitigate the distress of the situation, toý They had hardly proceeded a mile ou render the eut leis distressinig than it 'thirjjourney, titisseventh inorni-ng, we might have heen. ,The men had-no famxilynwdfclyapaedihehpeoani- se far as was known, toinourn their los, orpasabe wamp, wlîich compelled themii to te sufer hy their death ;It was çiitly ýthLeavt-he hank ni the riverandstike -tont jinto neighhors who were grieved y the sadand 1the -pathleýsswasLe.Thyakeaitatdy paiiuf ni endtowhich theyý concl uded Howay and the nxand about four 'clIock onihe1l and Nowlan had corne.' ninth day, they came upon the traeks of= CHINA'S POST OFFICE. Anl InstiîutÎsi nQiseeri iRmîn asll Wqho][1y Indepess<ient orf Uic State. Forr nany centuries puhlie dispatches have beren eonveyed through China by means of a departinent of the Board of ar Post )ods rigilially excellen t bu, now ,dîsgrace- fuli, raJiatE fromn Pekýin' to ail parts of the Emirad at distancesu, reguiated hby the] natuire of tie country are stationis where a ýsuppiy of horses is supposed to 'De kept- much as in Sîberia-for tue u"S nf -~ ~ ~'-t'-'-~4' e cas nNf"It~salti ~~i'~-do4w gsîCi5toî,jcrcocbniceRiUIo tukstpaum î i ditn Tr-_ -_ wnii-l.-etie U ov~nrneit e; ~-~~--- t in _ ,T - a i~i=if -1 . 1 i 4. 14