MM11LIERÇ'L'CAINADA'S MOUNTIED POLICE. that the prohibiùion laws and discipline will' MUST YOU MAI{RY? DH SCIAS, U [ct~E~, TC.bre1ak off t'le evilbaabits they have begun, lOfi.:C r.Chnrch . 'epeAnee crm. This isin rnostecass afailuire. The T!.oýi Listen te fleleu Combes's List or S'-tQ.Ngtci sineif Dr« 11H sA ore'Which Fatrois the Great Korth -prohiibition law does flot" make them sober,: les5 r ,sdne à West. snd ouly tee, olten does the temptation to HenCobsgestilitf dnt W.C. n 7E'.M. -drink coule back with- renewed vigar when 1fc e obsgvsti ito ldnt 13 1tA, M. D. C. TM. Trin. Urmv- fo-h1ewh onepaemtrmn eow or TinMd elg, Dlid ilneîs of Tihe filittry they Feizp liquor iu the execaîion of their, ý),ntgtna7Jdmtlynhv oe 1ember CoU,. Phys. Surg,, on t. SeUvc ',teiaSliers, Preveisi- duty. These, bowcvcr, are exceptions. Dntgtmridu~lynhv oe Issg mngginaisSua urîlissg Proper.1 The conduct of the men is excellent, and enocgh to furuislb a bome. It is a popular IL . C. &ITlELI , t.thsute belief thstwhat will kèep one will keep twn tediscipline fully msiutained, adtepby- but ti sfcin synwl ldi o A E 1', - t0F COLL E GIN0 F p 0FICIAN1 Th CandianNorsbest onntd polce sgue f themen s vcy goo.fae t / qSreons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. i(,( aiaNctwetcftel oiesiW o hemse18n is bas b an un ,ýo pay board bills. (ifi ýn Reacnce lnfkle1;,te must'valuable bodies iu thel hn sun188, tire ba ben a n pulblic servie% The foi-c is smaîl, but aý fortunste occasion for the men to work act- 1Don't make your inteuded wife believe Il Bi"?SSE I inS9D7N', oî xeln stare cf efficicncy is main- ively as soldiers, tbcy have shown them- thatycu are caruiing $20 per week wben $8 ~Bh1tî l OLICITOR, &c. MPI tai, and l 'c d]iscipline is excellent. The selecoladsadunr reuditli or $0 la nearer the mark.- She will fbd 1 OC t utairs, Kiniz s'rZtao,, 5S cmnocdc tndiisosIfv0etcoin a temiay udut ires rcquired cfont the trutb after thse wedding and judge ,,..Solicitor frte naiBa1 , corpso iisoso 10gn i l hemltisdtesrqiedoyiit -riiy ~~~~~~~~~~~~i itit os't0OnaiB-ws as nnah and 5 offieers, including medical thern. Rein g a perma~nent force, under con- Y0acrusgy lonei Ith - j hs orpratil ml oyi hrc staut discipline, they would ferrm a valuable, 1Dýn't marry a girl who bas not an idea. S. 1UKINGThscrnaaieysilboys agd nucleus for a cavalry regiment shonld occa- bc dpayn h sso a'în lqe with the fuli maintenance cf law and order sion arise, possessing, as-tbcy do in anucutin- ýor dressiug herseif up like awax doîl. Sncb T TCENSED AUCT ION EER FoR over'tihe whoie district frorn the Ried River etdge hcpidcrsee~r things are ail very well lu their way, but JJ thse Cotunty 0,'Duýrham. Sales attended -in the cast to the Rocky Mountains lu the good military body. The psy of tlie private ý paittd plates are neot gond eating and a Il on ehortest notice and lowest rates. Address - bu ,~ou ~ t, f-î ie15ssLhttheeaeinlicete tgooïl dinner appeals more stronlt ahn I __ A GROST AT SEA. BY CAPTAIN SIR 1W ILLEAM WIsEM's, SAIT. I bave spent Christmas in a got. d many odd places ahl over the world: Off Cape Horn witb a westerly gale blowing and evcrytbing frozen on deck ; in tIhe middle ef the Indian Ocean avbcn so bot that or Christmas dinner was spoiled ail because the stupid cook killed the turkey ln the mcmi- ing instcad cf waiting outil it was jtiit lime to cook bim (bow that turkey when hie was breught in cleared the cabin ! No one waited for a second whiff); but cf ail my strange, Christmas experienees the uaost notable was the eue when I saw a gbost. Il is a long time ago now, but I distinctly me- member evcry incident cf thut terrible night. 1 was qui te a youngster at the time, vcry proud of my neîv midshipman,% jacket, sud stili more se, of beiug put lu charge of a GRATEýFUL--COMFORTI-NG, «ly a t'r0 l kow 1deofl the n&ura, and nutrition. and by a carefol appicio aie>It ths ne'rop îet oweil-selected Cocoa, Mr.. Epps ia hprodedi dur breakfast isablesg with a tlelicately flavored beverage whiob may save 'ls =s heavy doctord' bis. It is by the Indion use of' sucb articles of duel îht a, Constitution my ha gradualy bit up untili strong enongis te resist every tendeoy ta disease. Hondreds off subtie maladies are floati ig around us ready Io attack- whereve7 there !0 s weak point. Ve may escape, manY, a fatal sbaft by lîeeping ourseives well f ortiflel 'viths pore blocd. and a -proparly norishtti f rame -Civ 1 Srrice Gazette." Made simply with boiling water or milll soldion.Y in packets. by Grocers. labellefiths et- J -)MES EPPS & Co., liOnseODathle Cisent If, ]tOsdois. England ls atandedIy-aie-lLeztrïig A. A P6~, c. The whole sriekelsiS-Districts. tw a-nlucrlters, .5 enLnaze.] -n Sthe work of F545tut-~ tt.ani.-i eounr,+t Bay H- yfýcme-a h If~~~~~~~~~~l yorcnqrne i-ti 1Ot1fO u~Loùg -roni-acnier,àïarcrisjite e jother baud, if uncxpected adverlsities1 of fruit. But- with ail Ifs heaîîtv anc he wonl bhis staff arnto be fond togetlier, .ith Seýnt nortii daiiy. I - --- r- - - ~ t, ~ ,..~ ...... sïnjp, or, nesicaxii t, lnan oeis 111V ses i -- - ~ ~ t-.iu- ~ tnî rnu-t~atavaaattrrtta c 5-,.,,U,.tt.. ..,,1dc5-.a Ut, l, Lat i tel. eutes lMer c1,30alc i ai r' st' tnrtrpn taiiuns. csch iiul-er a nu uteinIlcIICO uuugOLI nff-----,,W-. ficeru... s..,,., micie01 i îeatiVa, bil e ieuî v i Iv LO- w Ct, aiR tu-lU F! ý WU -- , "'- 1