XMAS STOCK UN EXCELLED. Everything bought iight, and 'will be sold at smallest living profit. Speelal lines for Sunday Sehool Teashers and Classes. It-wil pay you, and satisfy youi to give ime a cail. P. TREBILCOGK. FAMILY RE-UNIONS AND A COMING "«AT HOME." None of our festivals appeal to us Can- adians more farniliarly in farnily if e than Christmas, because this has f or rnany years been with rnost families the re-un- ion time when gathering frorn the East and the far West, the North and the South, the scattercd niembers of the fam- ilies corne together at the old homestead to join inthe season's festivîties, to greet one another and to talk over the changes that have occurreci since the last meeting around the festive board in the dear old horne. The dear old father or mother writes "We shahl expect you all home for Christ- mas." The writing may be cramped and trembling but love indites the message, and lovinz hearts, thronged with swect mernories of father, mother and the dear old home respond "We will corne." And corne they do just at this time a happy, Jmerry, throng, children and grand-child- ren. flere is the son frorn the town or city where he has become prosperous and noted in his profession or business 1with his stylishly dressed wif e and child- ren, but there is no place on earth so, dear as grandpa's, where they frolic at heart's content. Here too cornes the far- mer son with cheerful wif e and rosy- cheeked children who join their city cous- jns in the general merry-making. The laughter too cornes, possibly, f rom the far off North-west, Manitoba or western Ontario where she wenr, a few years ago a happy bride and with husband and one, two or three little darling graud-children are the mýýst joyfully welcomed of the home-coming ones. Then there is the son or daughter frorn college or High School, or perhaps the A fter the foregoing was in type the f ol- Io wing note and poemr came to hand: DEâ Mit. JAMES.-J enclose a few verses on whicb my mind has been run- ning for sorne time. As the Xrnas gath- erings corne together under the old home - roofs ther'i will be fuund mray vacant chairs, ernpty places, emfptied during 1891. They need our sympathy and prayers dur- ing these corning days. In the hope that it may be a consolation to thern to know they are not forgotten, 1 send you these lines. PRAYER Fon BEREAVED ONES. Dear Lord, we corne, on bended ]knep. to thee With suppliant voice, to breathe a fer- vent prayer, That Thou wilt solace send, and succor give To all oppressed with grief, burdened with care. The angel-song, sung in the long ago Which feil on Shepherds' ears, on Beth- lehem's plains, WVill corne again, in .rnemory, 'er the, vears, Oheering the weary pilgrirn, once again. And 'neath the homne-roof, family groupa will corne From far and near, sorrows and joys to share; Sorne from Elysian streams, have drunk their fil, Others on Marah's wçaters made to fare. A Bowmnanville Man Caught There ha8 been a big stir in town over the latest sensation abt Treheven'a Shoe $tore, Early in the oeason Mr, ]3sbcock erdered a heavy stock of boots, shoes, slippers-, rubbera, etc., a very popular stock in every sense containing just what the peophe of West Durham require and at prices within their means. The assort- nment was great, the values very good, the s5tyles correct, hence the big rush to get the bargains off ered. This is no adver- tising blow, the finest stock of foot wear to be seen in West Durham je positively at Treleven's, and the mani caught buying boots and shoes there will be credited with being a wise man. Big P dvertising is mouey wasted unless the advertiser can back up what ho says, this can be done at Treleven's old Reliable Shoe Store every time. Ail readers of THsE STATESMAN are iiuaranteed the best value for their money at that store. HTYmENEAL. -Doctor Wilbur H. Harris, of this town, and Edith. the only daught- er of S. B. CJhandler, Esq., of Parkdale, wçere uuited in holy matrirnony Tuesday. Tile cerernony was performed at 2 o'clock in St. Mark's church, Parkdale, by Rev. 0. Thgles, the rector. It was a very un- ostentatious event, with no bridesmaid or groomaman. The bride was plainly at- tired in ber, well-fitting brown travelling à8130s. The only invited guests were the near relatives of the principals. Af- ter lunch at Mr. Chandler's beautiftul res- ide nce, 78 Spencer Avenue, the bride and groom lef t for New York on a ten days' tour. Upon their retura they will reside ab "Oakland Villa," the residence from ,which Dr. Gilmour às about to remove to Anyone -çho7wants'to pur chase a Christmas Present Can mako the best selection by Iooking through our complote stock of 11HIOLJDIU-Y G-OOIDS carefully selectod and especially adapted to meet the require- monts of Holiday Shoppers. POPULAR PRICES DREASONABLE PRICES PIRICES WITIN YOUR MEANS. We please you and save you money. COME. KENNER BROS. VARIETY HALL.