* k I t &an4i4: fi tateznxn tÂATE FOREIGN NEWS WEDNSDAYDEC.30, 801.I ITho Russian army iscnltiva-iug f-be use ni bicycles. 7Eeuragia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BackachG, Toothache, Sore Throat, -Tbe Czar bias giveu bis consent f-o tbe ar- raugiug ni au lîtteruatinual Railway Cou- J recs in St. Petersbnrg duariug ftbe ensuiag year. Vigorous efforts are making in Niuef-oI ibreak up tbe gambliog bonse. Th-e cales chantants are sîmnef- ail attaclrd f-n gam liug bouses, sud raide are frequeuf- and fru it-I fui. The Guvernur-G ene-cal ni Irkoof-rk bas de- lared ibat f-be famîlies ni Jewisb exiles tu jSiberia bave nrigbt ni residenue in f-be Sîberran distrtcts, sud mut lbe transporf-ed bauk to f-be pale ni J ewisls set tiement. A subeuto for f-be reunion ni Cristiaus propossd in f-be I"Review nif-bhe Churebes " is for a wiuter frip ni ministere and laymeun ni differeint religions-f-o Norway. lunf-be long, dark eveuinge t-bey eau preseuf- fhein virws and endravor f-o barmouize. The German Reichstag will be asked fo apprupriate $12,5,000 f-nt-be. imperial secret service f-is year iustead ni $12,0d0l as bere- tf-one. Tbis incease is due f-n f-e Govera- meut s intention f-n restore f-o us rigbtfnil owners ftee Guelph fnund whicbi bas biereto- fore suppnrted f-be secret service. are strict probibif-inuista, f-be womnen drink brandy la large quntities. Women who came to Dr. Leuz'e bouse f-n sec bis Monrieb servants neyer isiled f-o ask bim for a glassj ni wiue or cognac, sud be wae cnrprised-no sc tbe quantities f-bey cnuld drink. Tbe imiportera nof and tradlers inartictes ni fashina at Sf-. Petersburg, alan f-be fashion- able milliners sud drese mnakers, bave an excepfinnally bard f-bac thie winf-er. Ibeir business is bad because, as was reported, af- f-be expressed desire ni tbe Czar nu balla are f-n be given af- f-e court t-is season, aud îuollnwing f-be evample nif-bhe imperial court, f-be bigbeet irules ni arisf-ocrsuy refrain frurn giving balla and holding fashinuable receptinus. Several large bousesbave lsiled aud ueauy more are expecf-ed f-n folluw suif-. Thousansa ni muliuery bande antI dresa- makers were f-bowa ouf- ni empînymeuf-. Up f-nIN ov. b1f-bu Russian irupertal treas- ury bad sprat *12,0,000 roubles on relief f-n f-be sfarving pensants. Att equalisen was grauted by t-be Czar for tbe sanie purpuse f-is moutb. If- ta estimaf-ed f-at from f-be communalft-asantes ni varions Guveru- nient and froni privaf-e contributions at leaet 50,000,000 roubles iwere realized for f-be relief nof-nhe sfarviubg peasauts. " Tbus," says Nnvoye Vremya, 1'over 100,000,000 roubles are already lest, aud f-be winter juaf- begins!1Bmw nsucb more ive will bave f-n spend until tbe ucaf- harveef- sud ni wbat bruefif- f-eae enormons sacrifices wihl becf-o us Beaven alune kuows." .AGRIOULTURAL. I'eminine rancies. A ebarmiug fin de siecle aovelty is f-be andMakeingFrdue. photngrapbing nif-bhe bauds o ni nn Bloning adMreigPoue Upon f-be score ni beanty f-bis v-et-y ew Farusers wbn bave stored their staple custoni bas gond reason. Puets have sprat crops 4aieiy are advieed f-nI make baste phrases upon f-he beauty nif-he perfect bauds sluwly,!' in înarkoting f-be saine. Jr.crdinary nif-boeit he.roine. No notrelis f ntf-e 'tias seas-nu if- is cnnsidered gond policy tn seil given to descriptive detail wonld om-it f-n raf-berthan keep most kinds ni fat-mr pro- mention ada4iringly tbe baud nif-bhe leadiug due. Bn f-is is an exueptional year- lady ni bis stnry in an enumerationofniber one 1 ' wbicb American farmers bave f-be ubarnis-be if- long, transluent and taper- veryirare combination ni large crnp and ad- iug, or cbubby, soit and warm. varncb g prices. The Foreign demraud for Sinueftbs giviug ni a womaa's baud bas nur gramu and meat (nntably wbeaf-, pnrk, alwaya bren symbolie nif-lie gis iug ni berseli and beef) will tnt nnly inurease f-be price ni -a symbol tbaf-lbas lied more than once or those af-ples, but bave a teudenuy f-n en- ev-en twiue iunf-be bistury ni mankiud-Siaue bance f-be value ni farta produce geaerally. if- bas ever been f-be privilege niof-bhe subject Ronce producara lnuaf-ed near or witbrn eîsy f-n kisse -e aud ni bis qneen, ni a kaigbt ni aceese f-n a fait market, aud wbuo aa keep ld f-o bise f-bat ni bis lady, ni a modern g aine,,apples, potaf-nes, aud vegef-ables froni lover teo pres thaf- ni bis beloved iu hic nwnl; onuef-nffour more mouf-be witbonf- material sinue. iudeed, a fine baud is snefrly beauf-i- bass or ieferiorafioa will prnbably be gainera fnl, wbetber if- unufaitis four aces or four byoan ig. Buttf-bse whu b-old their pro- flugers,a, sd stuc temperameat at beasf-, if douce for better pricea muet store if- wif-bunu- not eaub emaîl particularif-y ni ebarauf-er, is usual care aud guard againaf- lues from deoay, expressed la if-,f-be baud is certaiuly a auf- undue ebrinkage, f-be ravagea ni venmin, fiuieufly imîportauf- feaf-ure ni nur'a make-np etc. tn be nreserved in count-rieit preseaf-ment. By f-be way, if- isesurprisin g b ow mariy ni Tbépbuf-ograpbiug ofibanda uriginafedas a unr fanmera, af-er f-iliug for mouthsansd general cunef-un in Lonu don about a yoar ago. takiug special gains, luse muub or ah nif Bande bad been reprndued lu ouf-hue by f-beir pi:ufits by nf-ber nogligeuce lu sforing t-e camera betote f-bat tume. Wbeu fierons or carelessessalu paukiug, sbipping, or mat- Allen made cbiromauuy a lad-a lad nnw de- keting f-beir ninet valuable staples. Sncb muet-be incidenf-ly preseuted pictunea maif-akes in management, are discredif-able1 made frenm phutugrapha n inme well kauwn and witbal evpenisive. Surely peuple wbul1 bandaf-n ilînestrate bis wrifiuga upua pal- tiîttStt-t tOi nss -it ---------- no,, ~ ri uns ..toased l te guverumete ut t-azari vtttat..tH-- V,-1l as fnctae Pnerded ornâil fo en-6ing~-- nOî- Ostct.asa- -oce 'a rh----=--- -n-u-assa, -r-adburffl- -e Ts ap e-om ara, .clmuhonrniade lt-unLerst-nffed wttb ex- - -- .raiyt .Y1Ot.lri 88 -M erne-oa-aeuB-u.dz-c grab-eoe.noto As andieuîr4piia P.euvred wtÇtna.,~is-r- 15awoacecots irf-ot-rreietrg POve'.r5,; novwvfl th Enrre unble;abru nsrFïsrtiste etF't-t< . 1.ttt..tt..c t -~au.,W,. t-nn--h, utite uca wbcsboned.Adeteî U. aua ibcoss b.da-ni alt u r W Y Z Jt-Z ~ - i ---------th LtU , u î Ô . ~ i ~ * t ~ t _____ ___- -----w tL-. sn:: read.yùl wj-fla45filf Pc lairr ..t.. rt-t.---tn----;-- 1 _ ____________ _ _ __ _ _ or a44¾.;e.,f-pe i mi sný____ ra , ufln tw .it - .VTN a .,...... n .t..1.... rtsx b-i rntes %ilUFbeirnyGaui-f' tgtttisl-fltt&Wflue-rcu=-crnreasi itesn&rMeaite, X.r;4,1.,SC~"~tIZttsloryadt-tmruntei -ecvh ersssnatei1 ad uiaoy naret n. .u-.bntiv.n t fl Lwt iitdtti tIttUIRfhU 4 i. tf uhaa a~ t -RA..k ~ ~ twtn. . rr . . - .hWM- ~ dt-iii&.Y-Q}tLi-4-k- ~.j40r - ,4i r,>a-oooog hoEiOc -ce u!wtcuî -, bar . Éu-n-n~ bi ligbssulinrPai uu kadrsn Resîa-mre-ha~--5joo-raê-wee k:ledt ~ îd1l~>îcŽ,-thaivannïf ililiterantprntctig cctley o1 slfIardy VIiabtnIMpL ,- ý.ao itie1 LIL f-e ý cuteenac rPII. -t .ZEÊ Z rti... -- __ ~£ flX..Sr~fYMU SIO rr nhr eAi te * "j 's- b f- rdihirfFTh &ETv ri" ~ -nnfnceOtr-artflrrtre-tafle-etrrrerroei-o---"--l -z---'.----r---in Iiflwt tstr-N..w-ÏerI ~~ fl~y t.~OimaRVf-Oe4tubuLtTtflert. otrnabyn±nkntbm~n-uuinapuzooi rl, l'______ -- -- w egu5W±ftg ilLa ____________M 'le-.lt .4-S uuLI- lith4 t ài 1u Ne-a Stv-aoec tot drink" elatinrtsMrvt-orre îf.t~n. f-dve -,lr of~fj~fj wth.ea. -tC kiO.d tn fl Mil é,o fistic-Otnsu a , Fl5à niS theiitro-raMirT-fe . r -i- r-.-- L.; L; L- i L.,iîsîe~t arer on suLne f- drn v-nia euefRU t5o fvi:- Cl:!Ce. 1ý jW 15li: j'el; -US t'I't (n 0utut i-n :Lut anisr-$ vjdPE f ~ 2 a M na - rA oii nai. rs -3b 111s ,ridiiJs me ti h- a nd Pt.0 -t _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L D--.- - SQ.- t. - ___ r irt il . ,. t.t.tt-' t" j--r --au ilLaOS n ca--------an-------u CURE. 'Te success r this Great Couglh Cure iâ writhout a parallel ia the bistory of medicineé Mll drnggists are autborized to selliti on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that n other cure can suc. cessfully stand. That it rnay become kaowng the Proprietors, at an enorz-ons expense, ard placing a Sample Bottie Free into every bomeS in the United States aad Canada. If you bave a Cougb, Sure Tbroat, or Bronchitis, use il, foi ilwill cure ynu. If ynur child bas the Croup or Whonping Cougit, use it prnmptly, and relie is sure. I you dread that insidiour0disease Cnnsumpt-on, use it. Ask your Druggi*st foi SHILOH'S CURE, Frice su cts, 50 cf-s. aad $x.oo. If your Lunge are sure or Back lami %se Shloh's Forons Flaster, Price 25 cfs.