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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1891, p. 4

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XlMAS STOCK. NEXCE-LLED. erything bought right, and will be sold at smallest living profit. Special lines for Sunday Sehool Teashers- and Classes. It will pa y yu, and satisfy yoi; to give mne aealu. p. iTRKEBILCOCK. BowmÂNVILLE, DEc. 30, 1891. MUNICIPAL MA.TTERS. The nominations passed off yesterday, without any startling incidents as far as West Durham is concened. In D arlington Mr. W. Brent was elect- ed flrs deputy-reeve and L. M. Courtice and Thios. Pascoe councillors by acclama- tion, Mr. Thos. Smale, the present reeve, is opposed by Mr. Levi VanCamp for the reeveship and Messrs. W. Trewin and J. T. Pollock are opposing each other for second-depuity reeve. Mr. Pollock kias been two years in the counceil and Mr., Trewin one year. Those nominated but who would not accept the, position were: For Reeve, Thos Baker; fira,ýt-deputy-reeve, Jno.Oke, W. Trewin, L. Vancamp; second deputy- reeve, rMice; couneilors,W. Trew- in, J. T. Pollock, T. C .Langrnaid, J, P.; R. Pascoe, Jno. Potter, Jas. Pye, A. S. Tooley, Robt. Courtice. In Clarke Mr. W. H.-Reid is frst-de- puty reeve and Mr. J. Jackson second deputy reeve by acclama tion. Mr J. C. Thornton opposes T. W. Unlderwood for reeve and Messrs. Jno. Davey, W. Armn- strong and HughGbson are in the field fer councîllors. The intel est centres chieflv in the reeveship contest. In Bowinanville the following gentie- men are elected by acclamation: -Mayor -W. F. Allen; Reeve - W. P. Prower; Deputy-reeve--R. Worth. NOaeRH VÂnn COU-NcTLORS-S. J. H1all, M. A. James, J. Pattinson. The candidates in the other, Wards hav e nutil noon to-day to decide if they will run o-- not. U-p to the Itime of ivriting (Tuesday evening) the followiiig gentle- meon who had been nominated had not withcraw:- WEST WÂRtD,-Ed. Belîman, J. Jeffer ly, C. L. Munson, L. A. W. Tole. SOUTHs WARD,-D. Davis, W. Jewell, Thos Jirby, R. P. Loscombe, T. H. Spry, S. W. Mason, W. Winters. Mr., Mason's record this year will or should'place hira at the head of the poli. It is pretty certain that several of these gentlemen will withdlraw before the bal- lots are printed. Besides the namnes meutioned the follo6W- ing gentlemen were norinated and de- clîned: West Ward-M. C. -(albraith, W. M. Horsey, J. Percy, Dr, MceLaughlin, D. Burke Simpson, J. B. Mitchel, W.B. Couch, J. N. KivelI, W. E. Pethick<, S. Burdeh, J. O. LaBelle, W. H. Hanson, John Mc4lnrtry, J. C. Vanscone; South Ward 'H. Hesketh, S. Mitchell, S. Washington; North Ward-L. Cornish, MR. ,. OTTN'S HORS Our former worthy sud gonial, towns- man, Mr. Stephen-Cotton, was calling on a few of his many old frienda4 in Bowman- ville on bis way home from Scotland whoeolhe went with a shipment of horses last month. He bas just cornpleted a verysuccessful year's business in shipping horses to eue of the largest herse'deaiers in Scotland, having made a shipment cf fromn 35 te, 40 herses a mouth during the summer mouths sud a lesser number since. 0f ahl bis shiprnts only three head were lest. The herses selected by Mr. Cotton seeiu te have given pretty goed satisfac- tion, as we hear lie bas becu eugaged by the saine gentleman te buy for another year. We do net wonder that the gentle- man wishes te continue Mr. Cotton's services, as a better judge of sîl classes of herses would be bard te fiud in this, country, sud lhe is the rigbt uman for the business in which hoe is engaged as hie is thoroughly acquainted with the country sud as hundreds cf our readers can testi- fy lie bas always beeu, well liked through- eut this district by the farmers sud dealers with whom he has doue business fer se many yesrs. The casas of herses Mr. Cotton wants, priucipally are carniage sud saddle herses from 15-3 te 16-2 bauds, frem 5 te 8 years, sound sud alright with plenty cf style sud geod action, as witbout these qualities they will net psy for shipping. Ho will always psy a Lrood price for this cîas cf herses. Persons writing te Mr., Cotton should be very careful te state the exact. paiticulars, as hie travelled thou- sands cf miles last year te see herses recommeuded te hiru, that did net corne up te the description given te, hiuî. Auy nman haviug such herses for sale new. or dnring the ensuing year should write te him> sud lie will caîl sure sud see the animal as soon as hoe can get round. If after writiug te Mr, Cotton the herse or herses should be sold before hie gets round a card ststing the fact should be sent te himý te save tîme sud expense. - He will bny; any time a fast trotting herse alright, or heavy draught horses over 1,600 lbs. sound sud right. He will advertise after a wbile some herses for street car sud heavy herses for van purposes. He can ship a large number of îvork herses if he canbuy themn for what they are worth fer shippiug, as the expeuse cf shipping is se large that it nearly kilîs the business, the cost on each herse being about $70 per head t-, land them at Edinburgh. Parties writiug te Mr. Cotton frem the country should stp.te county, township, concession sud lot, sud from cities street sud numb- er. His permanent address is 61 Ontario, Street, Toronto, ORIGINAL ESýSAY RF-AD nr J. W. BuceuKs IN SouiNA Div- isioN, No. 40, S op T , DFE. 11. My age wss twenty-ene, I think That's when I firitbegan ti drink, And at the age cf twenty-twe 1 still wonld take a glass or two. And at the age cf tweuty-three, Oftimes l'va taken tee much for me, At the age of twenty four SURl fonnd me drinking more sud moe. At the age of 1 teck unto myself a wfe, This meat cf yen knew quite clear, t caused me te swear off a year. But at the age cf swenty-six, 1 found myself lun the same old ix; At the yeara cf tweuty seven sud ight Some said, I'd âhare a drunkard's fate. At the âge cf twenty.nine Oftimes l'va drank till nearly blirna, And at the aga cf thirty years My ýwife had shed many bitter tears. At the age c f thirty-one, In the downward course trudging ou, But at the age cf thirty two 1 said, AIchol I'm doue with yen If on the floor yeur wife shonlld kucel, And beg sud plead how would yen feel, 1 said, arige f rom off the floor, 1 For I've resolved te drink ne more. Rigbt then sud there 1 made my decision And weut snd joined Solins Division; Thr tythîe l passed and gone Found me iu the temperance cauze work- ing on. Also thirty-four la passed, And I have tasted my-last glass; Now yen senme at thirty-fiye,- Xeyýer btter in ail my life. Thon comae all yenmen who love your 1wires, As deary you should 9s yeu love four ires, Those whom you premised to love and cherish, But if yen don't chang-,ý your wires will perish - Electors of Darlington. LADiEs AND (GENTLEMEN- Iarn goiu befora yon as a candid- ate for THE REEVESHIIP of iDarling- ton and most respectfully solieit your vote and influence. 1I bave &erved the munici- pality to the best of my judgnient and ability for the past ei2ht years, andI arn lead to believe that my services have been very geuerally acc,,ptabie to the electorate. If elected again 1 shall endeavor te work for the interests of the township as a whole, just as faithfully as in the past. S1Yours Respectfully, 53-1w *THOS. SMALE. Reeveship Of Darlington. L&DiEs AND GENTLEME1N.-- Hfaving been strongly selicited te ntand fer THE REEVESHIP OF DAIt- LINGTON, sud havliug been nominated for that position. 1 meat respectffnPy se- liait yonr voteà sud influence in, my be- If elected 1 shaîl endeavor te serre you te the beat cf my abuiîy.- Yinrs faithfully, 53-1w1* L. VANCAMP. ~Electors of Darlington. LADiEs AND GENTLBEMEN.- Having been nominated for the pos- ition of SECOND DEPUTY REEVE for 1892, 1 most respectfully asik for s re- newal cf yonr confidence, pledg4ig,,my self if electel tei do my utaicat ahereto- fore fbr the interest cf the township. Your ebedieut serrant, W. TRjEWI1N, > Hsydon. r Darlington, Dec. 29, 1891. 53-lw.* Electors, of Dàrlington. Lsnsxs AND GE'NTLEMEN.- What are their serrows, whtt are they 1 have been bro ght bof r-s von for thinkiug the rosition of SECOND DE PUTY When yen are off te the hetels drlnking, REEVE for 1892, sud hereby respect- Thon lt us aIl reooýv(. -asin fully 8olbit yonr votes sud infb4ence in To stick te) our fpledize sud ho true tom- my behaif. POI< TYPOOL'. Thursday -the l7th mast. will long b à remembered as a recl letter day by the people of Pontypool and vicinity, it be- ing the day of the dedicatory services in conno.ction with the new Methidist church here. In the merning a sermon characterised by niuch thought sud 'or- iginal producLion, was preached by R9v. Dr. Stone of Meaford to a large and, at- tentive congregation. 'At the close of the service hundreds of auxieus cnes repaired to Coulter's hall where the tables, were laden with almost everything that goes, to make up a sumptueus dinner. At 2:30 o'clock the beautiful edifice was again filled to almost overflowing. Alter sîng- ing by the choir and prayer, led by the Rev. W. R, Young, B. A., Milibrook, Dr. Stone uudertook te lquidate the debt upon the church asking for twelve hund- red and flfty dollars, the amount o! lai- debteduess, one thousand dollars having been already subscribed, and in the spae of a few houro, by the tack sud cheerful peraeverauce of the doctor and the gen- erosity of the people, fourteen hundred and tif ty dollars were subscribtd.' At six o'clock the people again repaired te dining hall where the tables almost groan- ed beneath their load and every one came away happy and satisfied. Agaiu at 7:30 every arsi Iable space seemed occupi- ed sud after singing by the choir sud prayer led by Rev. W. G. Clarke, B. A., of <avan, several ministera Lave short and pithy speechep, after which the sol- emn dedicatory service was conducted by Rer. Dr. Stone, Rev. Mr. Edwards pro- nounici ng the benediction. The Kirby choir dici gratid service, diEcoursing sweet music at ail the services and they well deserve the appreciatien which those who listened to them folt. In addition te their services they donated the suri of $30 to the church. On Friday eveuing Ruv. Dr. Stone de- lighted a large audience by giving a lect- ure on "Serap3". On the Sunday follow- ing the eervîcts was of more than erdin- ary interest, ]Rer. J. Simpjson of Brant- ford preacnig merhing anud evening aud Rer. W. R. Youniz, 1 A., Millterook, in the aftereoon. Tibe nuw church is built o!f fame vcueered wth brick Ecnd is capable (if seaning three hundred com- fortably. The interior is a model of neat- ness aud comfort, sud reflects great credit on both architect sud workmen. Mr. MeQuade sud his estimable wife lhave completely won the hearts sud affections of the people during their stay and there is a generAl feeling of regret that the laws of the church do not permit their re- maIinig longer. -MiIlbrook . Reptrter. KENNER BROS. VARIET Y HALL. *Electors of Clarke. LADiEs AND GENTLEMEN- 1 beg te offer myself s candidate for COITNCILLOR for the year 1892, thauk- iug yen for the liberal support you gave me the past two yesrs, sud as it will be impossible fer me te calsud see you l peraonally, accept this intimation sud give me your vote sud influence. Wish- lug yen ail a Happy New Year. I am, Ladies sud Gentlemen, Your obedieut serrant, JOHN DAVEY. Dac. 29, 1891. 53-1 w. SALE BY- TENDER --OF THE- REAL ESTATE Which was the proper('y of J AMES 'MORRIS, rreq-,#e, Bowncuvil'i Tendersq wilil be received for the interest cf Fredric Cnbitt, as Truase for thse benefît et creditors of thse estata of Saute-sMarris. ot Bowmanville, Carriage-maker; iu loti 41 sud 129 lu block M in saifi towu. There iaonu the preperty abrieli building. rented foroffices, a brick building cent aining twe stoes snd a dw el]liZg a trame earriage and paint shop, a brick b acstaitli ah p sud a trame dwellsng bringing lu rental4s, withaut the ]stnamed dweliinzoet 1012 per annum. The said interest will be sold -nbjiee te a mortgage et $6300 on s me, bearing in reresat at six per cent. The tenders muet be in by the-105h day of January, 1892. The highest or auy tender net neceasarily ac cepted. For further ternisconditions. partieculars sud ternis et Tender papera, apply te Frederic CUBITT, Trustee, Bowmanville, er te D-. Burke Sîipseis. Barridter. Bowmanrille. Dated December 26th, 191. 1VIORTGAGE SALE I1ALURULIMM FIhM rUrui jFIItnN O HA w uu TOWNSHIP 0FDAR1INtgTON.CEITS& RJ 1'I. PURSUANT TO THE POWER 0F BOWMANVILLE, SALE coutained iu a certain indenume et Mortgage 11 bhch lb preduc et the time cf sleade y ee ThmasBredie ýAndunie Scott Brodie, bis wsfe, te Cyrus Mansen, there will be offered for sale by Public Auctien At The Bennett House, LiM in the Town of Bowmia u098e, Satuidai, I6th dal et Jantiaîy1 Neat, Novel. and'Interesting. the following lands and premises, uamely:- That certain parcel or tract of land sndI premises situate, lyiug aud beng in the tewn. I ship of Darliugteu. in the Coanty cf Durham measaremaut One bnndred sud six acres, two reefis and thirty.eihl perches of laud.mere or less. beîng compe.!ed etpart et lot number 15 iu the first concession ofthtie said Township, and which said parcel or tract of land msy lbe better known aud desceibed as follows:- Commencîug at s, post planted at the sou-h. ea8t angle of said lot, thence north sixteen dogrees west fi fty-three chaîns thirteen links. thenc e sonth serenty-four deerees west twenty chaîne nine links te, the west boundry et said lot number Ifit eeu. thence snuris six teen degrees east fit ty-tbree chaius thirteen links to the front ot the first coucession,thence north seveuty- four degrees eàst twenty chains nine links 10 the place cf beglnuing, sud cou- talning by admeasurement oe u udred aid six acres, twoi roedsansd thirty-eight perches et land, be thse saine maor e rba. Upon the premises are said te lis erected, s Reod oee sd-a bslf-story trame -dwelling bouse 22x26 teet, with a trame addition 20x26 test, sudsa-wodsh ed 12xl2 test. Aie a trame barn 40x90 tept. under part et whicb lea a aone cellar sud cattie bouse. Alan a pig bouse 1lx30 teet. s tramue driirg shed 22xl40etd, sud a root bouse I0a14.teet. Ail these buildings are said te bc in a gond state ot ropair. The tarm -o- Our display of Holiday Goods this year exceeds by far any previous efforts in this branch. O<}ryýFWe invite you to examine our goods and-prices-- Our stock consists of PluÊh, Oxidized Silver, and Oak Toilet Cases, Odor Cases, Gents' ýTravelling CJases, 'Manicure Sets, Beautiful flair Brushes, Basket Perfurnes, TÉoilet Botties, Plush and Horn Whiskholders, Mirrors, etc. Bulk Perfumes ail odors froîn 10 cents to 75 cents per ounce. 1lwIy' stock ofJ2d and Winter Hats is com- plete --- al the NEW StyleS. I 1 n ringm- - - ,. - . - .-- .T..---- . IIan aia] lu~~~ adiint h trr eartmee-t ers cf the rAeus daim that this wîll ha Orono, Der. 29, 1891. 53.1 ,td aI threre are- 24-para -f sirelat-et- standard- -"ahe-gr-at Auericaîx Love'and certsttlly tà_________________t i sud popular ouf ic. ,Piice, 10 cents par it bids fair te be by far the aitrongeat work B t copy. Publihed by NVhit"-mith Music thas as yet cere frein the peu of the NATIONAL&X-rPLUS are a mildi purgtive m11 pro , 1 ag on the bruclUena .Bo lsre17-tf euerai repair. A presen. (ntiu 1 Ssuitable> al orders eftîai ikr. J 1r-Houas i-or-my bouge,- Liberty st~[Cl-t hl- de o e-ts- ew How re -yaur- fur-,ladiesi- If they re7- hteiorrs eidne il eev improved Read Oart-just the thing. qur rpiring taice theai to Mayer the I. J. WEEKES, Something entirely-new sud very cheap, Furrier before hiý usy season opemff. klomav1le.tee. Den't wait till yen»id thein te wear. iliiAnir rinsi f ,nrtrRnTVI W. D. FARMERS' INSTITUTB. Ayn h wants to purchase a A very interestiug series of public meet- ings will be held under the auspices of Christm as .resont the auspices of the West Durham Farm- ers, Institute as follows: Blackstock, Tuesday, Jan. 5, Town Hall at 1:30- p. m. Speakers-Prof. H. Il. Dean on Dairying in Ontario; Mr. D. McCrae on Cross-breeding; Mr. A. M. Smith, on Farmers' Lawns sud Fruit- gardons. Orono, Friday, Jan. 8, Town Hall, at 1:30 p. m. Speakers--Prof.. Dean on Dairying in Ontario; Mr. McCrae on Draught horses; Mr. Smith on Hlow to grow Fruit for profit. Bewmauville, Town Hall, Friday 8th; at 7 o'clock P. m. Speakers-Prof. Dean Can make the best selection by looking through Our comËirete on~ How to make a Dairy psy; Mr.,Mc- 0tck_ Crae ou Draught Herses; Mr. Smith ou tcko How to grow Fruit for profit. G~~- r-w-'. A 7 ï -0 (~ VV Free discussion will be allowed at sl y L . I.. i-.À . .S '3Sk thes meting towhich aIl farmers aud otes ite se are cordially iuvited. carefully selected and especially adapted to meet the require- The gentlemen sent by the Agricultural ments of Holiday Shoppers. College are well qualified to speak' on the subjects aasigued them a profitable POPJJLAIR PIRICES time is assured at each meeting. E S N B P I S WESLEY MOUNTJOY, JAMES PARR, IE SN BE P IE 2w, Secretary. Presideut. PIRICES WITIIIN YOUR MEAISS. ___________________. We please yeu and save you money. COME. H- 1E BIC- HOLIDAY STOCK fiAS COME 1 The elegant presents. J. are now on exhibition. The Shrewd Buyers are Getting the first pick froin our grand display cf holiday Goods. Neyer have sucli nice goods been shown.- Neyer have greater varieties been offored. Neyer have prices been so liow. Sometlaing for everybody and everybody id pjeased who sees and purchases froin our Great line of' cheice selections in Boots and Shoes, S'li-pero, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks, Valeses,,&. It is impossible te tell what we have. You must see our display, 1to appreciate the multitude of appropriatte presents we offer for one a& l - I1, edand yeung. Our beautiful new stock is alI bright, clean anàd 'ï.s -1 and censists wýhelly cf the latest, and most popular desigus. Our prices make these beautiful goods irresistible. There is sure te be a Merry Christmnas at your bouse, if yen buy yeur Boots and Shoes at 49. Sieu of the Big Boot drawn bis Two Horse«.,,

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