ANH A M'S DI .4the Most obsti:ate cases, iftke 9ANDIIAM'SCOUGII BALSAM Ias stood the test of years off trial. SÂNDHAM'S COUGH BALSÂM can bc ta ken by the youngest children, is P LEASANT N TASTE, perffectly afe, Confectionary flrat-class at C. Tod's. Mr. W. Dolling, Oshawa, spent Sun- day hiere. Stock-talting sale at Big 20 this week cheap for cash. Miss Nettie Sherin, is spending the holidays at home. Miss Ezma Lasby bas been viitin'g friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fortt spent the holidays in Lindeay. Mr. S. Noble, Rochester, N. Y., is vis- iting at Mr. J. Frank'o. Scotch Shortbread 'Made from Jeffrey'fs Jersey butter at C. Tod's. Mr. and, Mrs. A. S. Vogt, Toronto, are pueste of Mr, W. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. A. Binghamn, Chathami, are guets of Mr. W. G. Glover. Rev. S. T. Bartlett, wife and family, Lakefield, are guests of Mr. John Hellyar. Mr. Tbos. Binghatn picked a bouquet of pansies in bis garden on Christmas day. Mr. Clark Tyler, Berlin, is visitiog friends bere. Mr. JohnArcher and family.of Toronto are visiting, at Mr. H. Dnnsford'so. j Rev. Cano n Farncomb will preach in St. John's church next Sunday., Mr. W. Wech was home froin Berlin over Christmas Iooking saplendid. Miss Jennie Smal], teacher, Port Hope, is visiting ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Webster. Tbis bas truly been a green Christmas, mud and slusb everywhere. To day ýit jes rainiog heavily again. The West DJurham News office is stili in charge of the sherif. Mr. J. Noble is acting'deputy in cbarge. If you want to opend a few b ours pleas- antly New Year's Day, drive out to tbe Presbyterian tea at Enniskillen. Mr. (3. M. Cawker made the finest show of Xrnas meats in towo. Mr. S. H. Reynolds made a close second.. The D. 0. & P. Co. Mutual Benefit C leveland's BaKing Powder Does flot contain arfmmonia; Costs *no more than ammonia powclers; It goes farther; It is pure ànd wholesome. You should use 1't A fine w3sortment Men's and Boys' ready-made Overcoats no w showing at Conch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Notices of Birtils, 25 cents; Marrlages. 50 cents;,i»eaths. 5o cents, eaeh insertion -but FICEE OF CIXARGE, when thse fanerai cards are srited ai tits offi ce. HERAL.- In Bewmanville, Dec. 17th, the wife off Mr. Fred T1ea1t of a son. RÀâmm.-Near Haydon, Dec. liih, the wiffe off Mr, Henry Ramm, off a daughter. STAINTON.-At Enniakillen. Dec. 2lst, the wife off Mr, James Stainton, off a son. MoORIQ.-Tn Orono. Dec. lSlhthe wife off Mr. Archie Moeoree.of a son. LtFEoN-BRoADn---At the bride's residence. Orono, Dec. l6th, by Rev. Thoa. Jackson, brother off the bride,a sseisted by Iteve. 1). F. Gee and Geo. Brown, W. Luxon. and Mary, *widow off the late Win. L. Broad. SILVEgR-POLL0Ge.-At the residence off the bride's father Dec, iBth,by Rev. J. B. McLaren Mr. Joel Silver. off Roach. and Miss Elizabeth A. . daughter off Mr. Jamess Pollock. off We$t' 'Whitby. WEST ENHOUSE A HAPPY NEW YEAU TOC ONE AND ALL. We st art stock- taking i>n, January, and on February lst we iniaugurate a-- I-----~ t t I t j