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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1891, p. 6

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i ---, -.- - DI9.IKLLE~.tLAiiIMNET. UNDAY RE ADING. -TICIANS, SURGEJLNý,,,EC Office :-Cor. Churoh an Temperauce Ste. Night calis attended from Dr. HUiler s The Simplicity of Faith. W, 0. HîLnIER, M. D. B. LAmmimAx, M. D. . M. Tria. UnIV- Dy Mus. EMMsA CtURTIs HOPu'cî's. Fellow or Trin, Mcd. Cllege, oswetfrhio Ilember Col. Phys. Surg., ont. "H1e, bcaring His crs,« n otsLt a place caiied tise place of, a skull." Thse tDu. j. C. NITCHEIÏ., historyof Jesus Christ is the history cf ene ME-MeER QF COLLEGE 0OP PHYSICIAN who, knowîug tisat ise. owns immense poes- anti, Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Ofl~and Reaidence. Enniskilien. 7j sessions, takes upon Hirnacif the estate of _________________tise lowiiest people, not te give te tisem as » BUSRE siIIpsOir if tisey were objecta of His chaity, but te B ABI'IkRSOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS teacis tiesu how te have as mucli as Ile ha". 1 RIOCK, ujsîairs, King Street. Bowawn- H le L is e iistory of eue who takes upon ville. Solicitor for tise Ontari. Bank1 Himseif ail -kinds cf sicknesses te teacis sick & 1vate Uo3eys loanedet tiseloweat rate pole isow te, gat waii. ~. C. HUKI~4~ He is tise iistery cf oee his takes tise deepest grief upon Himnself te teacis iow te LICENSED -AUOT ION E E R FOR risceut cf t. Hie is tise history cf ene who L the Ceunty or Durham. Sales attendd teaches how te get vcry wise sud succesaf ni o n Rhortest notice and lowest rates. Âddress Ccusres P. 0. 36:tf 8wisile being ignorant sud untortunate. ln other werds, Hie bore tise cross of tise worid. ItOPI1T. TOIIG, V. S. If hie, being ricis,isad given large provi- àhFFIO E 1N THIE WEST DURHAM siens te tise poorlise would have been a fail- Newis Biücle wliere himself or assistant ure. If lie, heing powerful, isad simnplv Nii 1 t lound fres 8 a.m. teo9 p.m. Nigbt ceill healed a few and liftcd up a few and en- RIt residea cedis ect]Y epposite DrillSised. Oels ligiteuezi a few ha wouid have been as great 11Y telegîspis Or telephone will recaive prompt a failere as those otiser powerfuni people whe attenion 11.yrcondescended Lu tise time of tise choiera in t. A. ~. Avery nicis mau rode among the~ A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real poor people Lu bis carniage carryiug brotbs Fa1I~tae Age nt. Bowm.'n'ille. Ontario. sud medicines, but tisey were se enraged at Sales attenlded in any part of Province. hL m tisat tbey mobbed hLm, broke his car- niage Lu pieces, tore tise harncss offhiis herses sud nearly heid a net Luntise cîty. King A. A. POS~T, Hlumbert went amoug thesu, dressed just AROHITEOT. Plans1 and Specifica. like oeeof thym, isciped tisem nurse tiscir £.liensa prepared for every ciasa cf builing. sick sud bcry thymr desd, sud they neyer Special attention g veu te tbasting by steam toucised hisu, tisough tîihy knew tisat ise suid bot water sud to saitary arrangements. was riciser tissu tise etier man. offilce: Gos rie Blocle, Whitby 43 43' Thsis n'as iecause ise did net flaunt the différence cf bis position Lu tiseir faces. 'R'. PEATE, Tailor Now if King Humbert a odera th Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. fold more possessions tissu tley isad, sud explainad t te them lion' tlieymight ise as poxverfui sud weli fed as hirsimaf, t wouid Zr!have been some'cinig like wisat Jesus Christ H1e bore yocr xery experieuîceansd 'old yen tise exact n'sy te he oct cf tisasu. He was offered money sud bouses sud castles - - sund kiugdoms if ise nould take tise n'ord's way cf gettiug thora. He wss sisowu hon' able a fiuoancier hoe was by nature ; Low able a ruicrise wold maze ; how nobleisehoId - appear as a prince, aud if bce nouid deal tise n'orld's way ise eonld overiep even tise Ciesars. Hie saw tisai he hadn-iagical healingpow- C HA NDEN L.D. s. ers; 'hat ise eould performn ail tise migisty HARN 77Ntricks cf legerdenîsin Solomoîî bas exeelled Graduate cf tise Royal College cf Dental ai. It isad been considcred tisai Solomon Surgeonis, Ontario. was wecderfui, because lic cocld pierce a OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. delicate peari, strng in'cicateîy perforated C OI FILII C SPE I LTYdiamonds, sud auswer peculiar conundruims. COLDFILL M A PECILTYAl ibis was se simple sud easy for tise Artiflujal Toeli, inserted without youngJcsus. Plates, But hie said: «'I wili net geV my great- Great Reduction s su prîce ou ail Dental nesta tawy. I wili get wiseiLutise kn- Werk. Vîtalsmed Air, eostantly in use pro- ledge cf spirit. I wili gel, ail my pwers ducing Painless Operatious. Particular atten- from (led Lu straigist communion n'itsh led, tion paid te tise regulal son cf Obliren s Teetis.asd not 'iii I eau' explain hon' God as tise 1 spirit." Oua bas te walk rigisi ovar tise 'YOUNG FOLK& n'erds audtecciings cf theiseîtlleci jusi as Jesus did. Tisere is a iigiser faculty tissu tise intellect wiîisin yen. is aspirit. Intel- A Ohild W'ho BelIieved in Pairies. leci is more powerful tissu muscle. IV La Sisen'as a uitile -girl I kuen wiseu firsi I more succesaful tisan muscle. Intellect is was marricd, sud I shah ainays remember as ureliable, isowever, ,as muscle. Tiseliser as se was ihen, wisen sisen'as 7 years pen'erfnl intellect wiil tel!ilus that n'a muai oid and n'e were intimate acquainiauces. net give te tise northy pooar hbecause if w Sise n'as Lu faci at chat frne tise only very isced te evany cry cf pain wewen !d accu he intimate acquaintance I isad thougis I knew as poor as tise peeres. SpjiV say7s feed a gond many people. every eue witis a portion oqf your hounty We were about tise same age, tisoughis t sud yen wili have al the more. Intellect ila trile tisaiI1 had livcd somis urne longer sys, I mus put my mocy ite uisttltions tissu she haL. But tisera wss sometising Viat n'îll praise my nairn9, aud cnt dowun -y censiderate about Birdie n'iich made mie employas aftarwsrd. - feel thsat af er ail they did net usake se Spirii sysI ua put every creatuire Lto miucis differauce' beiween us tisose few ie n'aycfarigLsoulvn. Ift can years- whici hiad enti'cled me te lie marriad, net do tiseways of Vlise isrldl, se mucis Vie Sise was mueis more mature -and sarions more cause for my prehectiva care suad Wise Lu soea nays tissu I was, but tisai probabiy instruction. I muai e ldu y aima 'ce ha arose from ber greatar experience. accu of men. Houer amng ibis generation Sise was the motisar cf a mesS iuteresting ceunis for uething Tise f atiîse ill read family, sud 1 hald not yet beau inircduced my motive clean asa bock., te Boy sud tise Socialist., 1 Tise intellect ia prend ever mnuscle. Spirit Itn'as indeed ibreugis a -mçmber of hier is prend over unobody sud uotbing, but far famîly tisai we becamne sncb intimate trans,,cend(Lsalal tisa poners cf, ail creatures. frienïda. h n'as thirougis Miss Auna, Whio Intellect bas is place Lu tiese kuil. Jeas s ad beau stiienn' itlî tise messies, sud Christ bas no place. Fis ail place-n- breu gisanaucomplaienesa Lu tisa maîter cf bouunded,lismîtîcas, infiuite. Alga;ai,..arashs wiicis wss snpposad tO has Ilstriking pions Arabian, living about 1058, saad tisatii "ilsieaad cf "coming eut," ,was gieing baer hae was eemple'caly astoiiseod wlisau be fouud paInrenti tisa graveat anxiaîy. ho-s tise seuses deceived hiim, sud bis judýg- MissAuna was net a young lady,- as manis allsdte hcalal correAcid by bis initel- micglit ha supposad. lise n'as a large dcii, leci. fHe noticed ise'tise stars are report'- sud altisougis aise iookad yening, se n'as cd te ha amail as mouay pla-es 1)y snaion, q uit- adancd L yars fradol-fer sec but corracied by Ltelctare eailad auisdwl"8,arscd worlds.fHe n'as sure cf cvery'isugsu"Slsa bautie dli c f Birdie's aunt, eve'cybody baing différent t te 'ujdgmnlt se was i r ai dnirc,au surespecied tros wisai tisheses stte.Thisane ha a anjsudier il, ali wainade cf china.' te doubi tise reportis cf lisintelect'Tie 1tir ic I aw iser 1 iit ddriven ont Hie said liha'stsflad enongiwl is te see Lrdjulsmsmrya atithe clsarming lieuse seuses unbl intellectaieýid t1iseir 'c1simiony. iu tisa couintr y .w.ere 'cey lived. Then lha gran' dissaLi,if,i'thiintellct ud1ith'sink tiasoaccuas 1 enîered tise rocîn wondered if tisera wer e lt soîne Iiiser face I sa'MiâsAunsd observed tisai sise nas ulty'stili tisai xouid corretLt euse-anivii.Sise n'as lyiugin învalid claie explainis tisailie will tai sa iigliserîti pna oa erJi rm e carafcily tise greataît intellect. tckdaway codjýeris e shan'l tisai covered Pilate, tise rapresentaktive f Viserîd isai er,and beril ce ch;1ina cyca ware flxed ratiser acta acccrding teoits feelings, jas' ingl'y ad stariugly npon space. Evideuîiy se nas wilfully eails tise spiritual teaciiug isenl- coucatrating altise energies cf a gigzantic Lug intention cf Judaisîn. china il'ceilqcV epon bher illisiess. Tise cward deastiseway cf tise wr. Hsviug a streîg privata affecýtioni for deils He says tVisspritnual wonld L isim i (j; Iflnd t ae Ilasswii ess.Ieu says t lainîs todo avcrytlîing, but seý( fan net, to-day pasa tise winidu ocfLePetit as hasecs dccinoting. RLeligionis tasisers, Nain Bleu in tise boulevard des Capucines try toeaxpiain tuatinideed tisey do net ha- n'i'ciout lcitering). I could net isalpcastîng haeve Lun spini as tisair provider sud isealar an oceasional ntcrested gisuce aitishe sofa sud teacher. Il Ve do tisa salue n'ays yenn'tîile 1l tslked te Birdie's mamîna sud tisa do e 'try t*.e tricks of ail trades just like major (I"Itlie imajo)r" n'as Birdie's papa.) yen ;n' balera Lun'ays, sud n'a cmploy But sndldenfly my intereat n'as graatly in- deetors Vo examine our puise sud 1,iascribe 1creased. ' T(is dem cpaned sud a a lender, for 0cr livers j uai like yen ; n'a stndy houks delieste ultile girl came iii, snd, seeming te as isard asacrer n'a eau to learu about God's îbiîîk 'chat asýthîe uow-u-peoplen'ere talk- lan's n'th cartisquakas sud cyclones. In- ing uic 'oid bha unioticeej, nt Witl tise deed, piesse, great n'oldiy mmnd, don't most i ises-Insd sbsorhed liule face te tise think for as rmani tisai n'aare se foolisi s ~sofa. te balera Lu Spirit." "lWVrite net, IKing Bie n'as a very pretty chiil. Sisewnas cf tise Jan's." vary sligb'c, suri moved vary softly; se bad But tise norld ainays n'iil insisitishit t îi5finue brownu air, n'iclîisnung loosa, a pure, tise very natnre cf religion t te csaissbetter fair skin, n'itis a falîji roseleaf colon, sud a n'ay tissu material performances 'c e ha sc- deiseate, small face,'tistise deareat, iunoe- cassaful sud ihappy Sitis. eut golden-bhn'es c I aven san'. Tiseran'as ne auguisis yen eau go tbrongis This de cca ad tisabeauty cf'a crysial n'iîh cf mind or body suiy greastean tuii pool Lu tise dep fonasi a poln'isicis iad "For the fairnes?'" 1 said. GR ATEFUL-COMFO-PTI-NGl. Well, yenl see.*' she said, glancing D 4 round at thse wind-swept, sun.dappled field ' flowers anud grasses, "lthere are so many of 1 them here. They lire in the country, you know; they don't like thse town to lire in -tsey oniy go there te see people thcy are BREAKFAST. fond of. "BY a thorough knowledge of thse natural "IRiersde"(tht ws te nme f teirlaws whf,h govern the operatiens of digestion Rivesid " thatwasthenaie ofther ad ntrition. and by a careful appliea lion cf country liouse) Il sf iul of them, sud they tbe fine properties f el-or eedCcoMr, are sefond of swinging. S when I corne EPpa has pro'sided our breakfast 1îables with a eut Itie the tops of the long grasses and delieately fievored beveraze whiichnay sav tus msny h-'avy doctori' bilsis. W-sý y-tbe bend them 07cr, It suakes a iittle swing, judjejous use of sueob articles o+ Jet tisat a you sec." constitution may be grad, 'aily bu,, Yul, untî saw that it did, and I saw, toe, that she stroneg enougis te resisi e ery t4 rfCyt had ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dies. ntahawcfdbittit oud Hundred3 or sutie maý,,-tcoare haa et shaow f dobt hatit ýyoud foat igarouud us ready le attack weee sway o and fro with the light weight of a there is a weak point. We may escape ro any fairy before it hadl time te Wjther. a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves weil f en, "de a grea&t rany things fer thes, with pure blood ,nd a proDerly nour: y em rame."-' Civil Service Gazette." she said: "nd they aie se glad and they Mde simply witis beilrng water or mille. do se like me." sIonl n ipacitets. by Grocers. labAlled thes:- "Let us make somne more swings," I said J"MES EIPS ktCo., loinoeopathlc Cheta kneeling dewn-i and beginning te look fer t'ILondons. England the, tallest grasses. "And tel me wbat ____________________ other thinigs yen de. De yeu knew thorm- tise fainies, I me.aul'ý only I know she neyer reads papers, andmry 'AhI 1knew them," she answered, busy- dear little Birdie, who must bc a gnwn-up ing lierseif wvith another swing, "IbutlIhave yecng lady by this time, wenld uuderstaud n1eyeri secuemiii. I just de tlîings te make' how far I arn frem meaning any disrespecf them hlappy. Yen sec they are se tiuy, te hier dear old china memory. tinjy, tiny, thatt it isn't easy te sec thein, It was very absorbing when Boy was in- "They think wr are gianits, and they are troduced, te Bird je and Miss Auna and my- ratiser fi ,igh1ten'ý-c at us until they kuow we'self. Birdie's experience as a parent was are their friends, and they mun away and very useful te me in my first venture, and liile im flewýer cepsý and nder leaves aud in she isad a very geedl opinion of Bey, thisugis t ise grass. They. knew îîew that 1 wen' I 1tbiîîk we were beth quite frankin s admit- hurt ihein, se perhaps I may sec tisem seinel ting tiat just at first hie wss more big tisan day. 1Ilhope I sisall." exact1y beautiful. TI wîsh 1 çould sec thesu, 'I said Il I went abread the next sprîng, sud when ~alwayLýs did se3 n e1e ~sy kissedl Birdie fer tise last time I thought îiev are se pretty, " sise said. 'lThcy we should bc intimnate friends again in aboub are dressed in clothes made cf flowers, er twe ycars. spcn eut cf sparkiing spiders' webs, and Btsnetsedychcebspaceil tisey have diamonds made cf dew drops, us sîmosi at différent ends cf tise world. sud sometinies their bail dresses are -spcin Birdie must be by now a grown -ip young eut cf suisine and inoonsisine, and tisai lady. Wisen I think cf lher, as 1 often de0. light, white morning mis t." knowing how many fairy 'chinga seern te Sise spoke cf tise fainies as -if she were fade awsy as we grow frosu a cild te a w- speaking cf humming birds, or- butterfiies mail. I canuot iseip sayin., te myseif Wîst- or becs. Ifeltasiftheymigst be$warming fclly: about us at 'hat very inete. I trsed te 'Ilhopesaise stili helieve, in pretend te inyscîf tisatit was true, and I sud I hope- because she ids s an sd uceddpretty well, tee. teuder-sise sonietimies Secs ene. "Have. tley 'halls and hall dresses," I -mm î- sked. "But cf tèourse they have, beoause The Head Surzeon V've read about themi." IlThey are fond of halls, ' sie answered. 0f tise Lnbon Medicai Company is noat "Tley dance every nigist 'ciere Ls inoon- at Teroite, Canada,, and îuiay lie con- iigbt. They have asked Miss Anus te th--ir sulted either Lu person or by letter on al halls tisey are net afraid of ier-they think chrosîie discases peculiar te man. Men, she is a Sert cf relation." young, oid, or middle-aged, who find tises- "Did sise ever go ?" I inquired. 'selves nervous, weak an exhaustcd, wiso are "Weli, ne., She's smail cOmpared with us broken down from excess or ovcrwrrk, yen know, but se is big coiup"red te fairies, resultig u auy of tise foiiowing symp- and I tisink she was afraLd sise migisi tread toms M lental depression, premature oid, on Seule cf them, sud that would have speil- age, 1io0s of vitaiity, ioss of memory, bad cd ail their .Partcy."' dreams, dimness cf sight, palpitation of thse "Seot wculd," Ireplied. "But it would iseart, emissions, iack of encrgy, pain Lu tise have been nice if she could have gone andj kidncys, headacise, pimpico on the face or sat duwu arefully, sud juat iuked ou. Tisen 1body, iteising or peculiar sensation about tise sise couid have teld yoc about it. Now we' scrotum, wasting of tise ergans, dizziness, have made swings enougis, wisat could wel speeks befere the eycs, twitcising of tise do uextc?" mucles, eye li?s and eisewisere, bashfunuess, -"lI have juat tisocght cf somthing very deposits in titis urine, loss cf wili power, important," said Birdie. -"There is a full ienderness cf thse scalp and spîne,. weak sud

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