I inherit sffine tendency to Dys- pepsia from rny mother. I snffered two years in this way; consuilted a number of doctors. Trhey did me no0 good. I then used Relfeved In your August Flower and it was just two days when 1 feit great relief. I soon got so, that I could sleep and eat, and I feit that I was welL, That was three years ago, and I amn stili first- class. I arn neyer Two Days. withoutabottle, and if I feel constipated thie least particle a dose or two of A MEMORA? Bl W. GLNP The little sitting-reom, ah wbosceopenu wiedow I1iras acatefi, ivavery bot. Fronm the lodigieg on eitbcr band et me there broIe . inte tbc quietude ef tbe nigbt a berrid,1 distractieg noise et jiegiing pianna, ccom-i pacied by a aqueaiing ot female veicea. Thbe bour ivas about cieven. I filed my pipe atrcab, ictth re beese, and waiked in tbc direction et the beach.1 Thbe meen rodebigb. I bad neyer heferei eea tbe erb se amali, mnd se briiliantlyt piereing tee. She dîffused a widc base et greeihasliter round about ber la t1e beevens, in the shirts et wbicb a tcw stars et magnitude abene sareiy, Ibeugli cicar et the apbercet this stemm-iie radiance tbe shky trembled with britants, and ivent bovering te the sea-line, rieb witb prisma and crystala. lJe tbc bcart et the ileet ocese iýay the tn-abaped wckc cf tbe moon,t f = - -- - -- ---- - __ _ - __ --- -- . _t.- - _ I.-. ..ý-ý ý - 4- *-uwis aIi i-- - EUELiS g -'_ 1 JI l E.it J 1 if~tUtli iO and1 saIli_ 'V Pg ! LI*11 ,ý[i4tXViI1 i_____ _ --1 ý fl - ___ __ -. -~ .77 . NF ý : 1 - _ ---1 ý - _I_' j ý . me-e snmùïer F=n wtnh-hE - -- e. - - -ý - w-f 1jrro - -Iý - - _______ __n dIf ts-R o e t Ç t3i.iJté L . -- r- - .!- - a j~m t -s4 ~ m a .s- '_n - -r wn n s-te t ---,------- ----nrru d _____ ___ ri w it-l ~j'r uar - i r ,ifrrg~rglft&hft f ier ~Ucta- Ïtfatc ir nrz -a. e, lie - ýs r -i< 4p4e -v 1 1 _-____ ____ _ __ _ _ ý 1ý. - -- -y - --' -il. - --- L_- -ïFm t) lllT I rni ------------xu au __kkk~E anti-. >2ij*0kft* ffi 1' __E 111_ -- rio nara-,ý ,ren wa- _'.ene hhý iiab at - - - -- --ý - - _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ ----_--.- -- _ -r. _ _ - . - - 3 ( - v - f i -Z U ~ E e - _- ý_ _ _ _ - -- - - -_ ý :ý _ ý_ _ - _ ý ý _ _ _ ______ P- -- -_____ ___ - . - ; _ __ - _ _- _ _ --7 tm-_e__ _ __ -r - - xr w u r cý __ . - ,.i I - !I f±-h -r- - - r r- r rvt , -- __ . - -__ _ -_ _ _ _ __ :11- E _ _____ _ ____ _ ___ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ r E -' _ _ ____ -o __ W_ r-- au -..-- - - 4 __ ----- --r- - __Z , à _ý Il__ _ _ _ .. . .ý - - - _ - - -- - - _ _ _ 1 ý _ __ __ _ ý _ __ ý - _ - - - - - -- - - ý - -,I- *ts.a-r __ -5 o r 4 - t -n i~ __ - - - .... . -- - , rý _ _ ý V7 f - - fl ý " - -- i- .r -c â!UÀZ A- 1 ý - - 'l U TO- .. ,. 7W - --- - - ---- -.> - ___0 ir-r rï r -,-- __ - - - - -. r --t 't-~- -- ~ - ___ __ _ _- == Z __--r -wrfr -1 ý h_ i -Wr~r - V__ s G o-::W s:1 l-e u m---1 -a rh -_"> f L 1 - e --- t ______________ -hU _ _ _ __.t _i- _ .----- ------- __ r-___ -- -- - -- - -- - - -i..ý.-t U _ o ý ý relz l- L . . . . .' - - . -- -_0 1î b-i e -1 - --_ -- - .I.--E w in-h n [în,.o a$ f tsi t er E - -hlt une0 t 1 E 1 o r (;.. ~ h - 1 yr _ _- - - -- - - - - _ _ A, ,11. 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P1-- _ - --. ______ _-IX 5 , Il, ca - ..-Il.1 r M ..s'- - ..- - k 1k . k, -c-.;E1---.1-____-__E___Eo-m-..,-a - - --.-.-t--___________ __ &- i - _ ___k - -.n.r,, r , ____ - - - -- - -IF .- _ - M'A - JAý ký IIdkk-.- 1 n1 _ l _11 I_7W _ -_ __ _ _ --4. _ _ - -- - i= -sIMSH ± -H+MJ-u-o-.-±, ; - jz - - rc-u IEsnyA-bk th-nmeradz& t Azr- c-r ZZ-- _ .do t-i - .1 - 17 - --.____- _ 1 . . 1- -1L .t.El i-c- J ---r ~4 7 . 4t - ..- 1-eri; 1ý>'ý1 ,t.c n - z , -cr- - --t - _ ---. _ _ -- _ -- - - - - - - k- -j - - - - - - L - r- i- r-e . _ _--- Ë hii- ..J.. 1 w- tJLL -fm r- _ ý__ - _ - --- - - __ -'- ,~ , - 1 .- - ____ _ _-__ ___ __ -- -- = - -- __ -- - - --k-..- - _ _ -- -- - --- _ _ __ __ ._ > ____ ____ -~'o. ___- - - _ - - --- . - - - E - E . -- __--- _ -- __ r --r-- 7r. ,,.T= ZZ =. -c= ~ , - - -- -_ _ -r- -- Jý- !% !!-- -----n .. -~-.--, = 'F-L==. _= _ C - - _ - -~ - _t___nii - - caý-_ _ ý' -1,--ý e_ t c secetins -t the -- , _ aine rý=_ LimeM_ Cor amiý7 _ , "Go- nib, mt-er. -as agi et tb se aide._ It a-w.yinost-h'ec lmi tre'yfme i i ae et t atO te a reti.g Acdt o! th Stmah "G .dng. , he enwrd atet-l mo i- ot Auut an tb beta Auua lepm tro th p e brasa -untr ber th ow iva -iutd ad s- wea, _ it d et lckn 1i dr a e euh2 Bxounes Dppsa surv-yin me by tbe lib-ttemn. tbtI:-_ee br-A rte .tlrbe tbrbigan1 ogueo aer tm ewedtr bsba okbe celoa vr bodidc i . ;n = 'ý ý i , . - , 1 Iý -, _ _ - , e2 -1 1 L ý _ _ 7ý __ 1 ýý l LL _ ý12 11! _- ý M ' -'5e M ý 't - ý l - Z fý -L _ -ýl - % .. %- - - ý _ _ _ _ _ - -----r o- --n d HecaeeDîznss ertun " r emwbé retlss1 altI 'Ibato Lno, e hette-ec m ok inin str i eastegbietne iu im ht st sy ve h bieetbcs- e hrbe iur-oe te rîm hee bieo mi hnbte - _ -__ _ ___ _r r __1-_ ____--- __ --- -' ___ra -ic -~Jst wIavý4wk-. . 11404ee-7 R _ ý 0ýp . __ _ _ ___ ..- __ . .- - .- i4S4< Pmg ýr. -- ( -s ý *r f ï ïr 1- üUle FbrrttLU -ý W U - - '_ý_'I" " L (,-l------- -- - -__ _- - - - -_ _ _ _ --- ___ - - e 1-- ---- 'l ----- ___' __ Ia gUL T -h __ -- _ ___ _ - - - ,-iti-____--__ -~ .- -- . -n --,. -c ---_ jrl----- -f Th b. ,Ias tba et a, man eterat -ý -leatti cr o 3 utiýse ac.r iatcas wc» ['vbi admce acb;bet orbndrabi idlaîu idatrise yl>e1 A -iWt - --- ,llôIMLLe-Iî uacs. A can equala 20 peunda Sel Soda. Sold b> Ail Grocers and Drugglts. mu. W.. rlff","rnoa perfect,1' amîd tbe nat-guerd. Tbcy'rc meatiy &laile up se as te be nerecegniz- ahi-' -- -r -lu£ -& 0 a rlntJ-tYww-a--t-a-- ere - a -ïïôïmb-ago. bine. tUbre- aa-alittle air --ft -n ti fucadrwe idyo R anafcv dclicately rippied the ses. I bebelfi net 5a there rwn cioud in the sky-no, net se mucb as e sbrc et vepor et the aize et e man's band. ïn te j Oh' wms yen the gent, LU-'u, as teil te herber the refi canyas et amacha preparing i witb tbaî. body V" aaid tbe in, regardicgý ~&flTh&0NTFNffRfl It is raid et Lord BrougbiamIltbat be j'lever iett a Minute ucempioyed.î, - AIIcencinas at-zatiers k ablique praise -ef self. It la nttered te order te abeow bew mucbhie speaker can bear, It bas li tbe tevidinuseesa et selt-praise, and ail the re- premcb et tmiîeboed. 'i E T i r' t e go t e sea pai te di the iater nder t em . 1H eé sot t wind brocgbt many wbeiesejme BL SW. o v li I oes of r f awbib ofest et tbe bera o- tbe nestrils. As I approacbed tbat part et ýRK RUSSEL. lengieg te tbe town were eengregated, a man wbo was ieanicg witb bis back te me ove-r a atone post, gazing in tbe directien et -I reeeiled, and said. IlWby arn ataraid tbe .anda, turned bis bead, and guessicg et oftbis body? It carnent burt nie. It is but!I my inentin, by nbservinig the towcls I a dead mac, and eemely tee. Wby, as t liesI carrîrd, atcop ereet witb alacrity, and cail- bere, eat guard, be màiglit be tormed et ed out 1"'Boat, ir? Thbe wcrry mercia ivory, moeldedeby tbe fingers efthte sea fer a awirn, ir. A abeet calm, aed the eut et its ewc teamn, and caît up thes. And 1'llood's cely now a-going te make." yet," saifi J, ieekieg round, wiub a sily, Tbeugb I hadf rem ftnme te time visited b-iliy abiver runnîeg tbrongb mc, ,"I be- thie uwe, I bad neyer spent more than tbrec eiI rcdtstn ah ytiboyliei'c it wouid go neer te u-paetticg ry iits ayra&t a time in it ; and the boatrncn,tbere-- were thoredtesan1 atbby .i odytre, ivere strangers te me. I said te tbis ai -bogb the nîebt bere.îP man: 1I sec be's go t bis rings on,' said tbe 11 Yes, it is tbe vcry morning for a swim. esatter-cf-tact ceat-guard, atcepicg te bring jWbat sort et a boat las yeurs?1' bis cyca close to the ingera et tlie bedy. 11"Tbe beat boat la tbe barber, ir,1'fie "Wbat ta cciv te be donc V" aaid I. aeawered. IlTber abe les, ir-a reai "W bicb way migbit yen bc goigai? beauty, " and b e pointedecageriy at a werry "Home-baek te thé towni," 1 repiied j painted bine, witb raised thele-pina, atter "I bave walked ecougli by, the aca-abore J tbc fashion et the beata et tbe TUbames to-nigbt. watermen. IBOUNSALTJS MARBIE A ND GRANITE O RKS, BowmanviHle, Ont. (Established 1857) HURE CUTR-AL Importer, Manufacturer, an-d Dealer in Monuments, Tomhs Sarcophagi, Tablets, Ileadstones and ail kinds of Architectur- al and Cemetery Work i» the best Enropean and American Granites and Marbies. Moderate Prives, Latest Designs, Superior Workmanship and ]3est Materials. WiIl be happy to quote prives on any kind of work. Give me a cali before purchasing.