WEDNESDAY jAN. 27, 1891. STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. capital pald ssP, $1,000,OOO.Rest, $26M.f09 This Bank is prepared to do Legiti- mate Banking in ail its branches. Farrner's notes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on accounts of $5 and upwards in Savings, Bank Departinent. DRAFTS Is-uell and Colletices made in Europe United 3tatee, and Canada. W. J. JONES, ge ONTARIO BANKX continues to do a General Bauking Bus~iness Bowmlanvilie Agency. DEPOSITS nec ,ived In È4avinkb lBanke Departmeflt and on cai and interest ailowed at ourrent rtes 5No flotlo f withdrawal neCOBSry. ~ depesits Payable On d ercnd, I_____ CURE. The succes J Ibis Great Cough ture is xrithout a parallel in the histery cf medicine,. KIl druggists are authorizefi te sell it on a pos. itive guarautee, a t1est that ne other cure cau suc- cessfuily stand. Thait il may become kuown, the Proprietors, at aun er.nous expense, ard placing a Sample Bettie Free inte every home iu the lUited States sud Canada. If you bave a Cougýh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, foi it n-i cure yen. If your child bas the Croup, or Wbooping Cougli, use it prcmptly, and relie;' is sure, if yen dread ibat insidiourdisease Consumpt-ion, use il. esk your Drugit foi SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10etcS., 5. cîs. and $i.oo. If your Lungi% are sore or Back lame usie Siloh'ls Perces Plater, Price 25 cts. The Cod Trhat 1H9iPSto Cure The CoUd. The disagreeable Ae taste of the COD LIVER DIL cid rqpnnfp.ï in- JiOUSEH-OLD. Sepaxation Ah! we werc very near to-night The siope word-for whicih we longed, And there were moments when 1 thought 0cr impulses couid net be wr-onged1 Why was it, %-heu you changed your place And passed se close beside my chair, Thtalte liCe within me tbril led Witi plesurethat was hlaf despai r W hy wa, it, that 1 f elt your gaze Stili fived upon nie as 1 read, Yet with a strauge, defiaut fear, lRefused tee weli te turn my head l How came it that we lingered on As ceef by eue the rest witbdrew, Till,,-wv¶ hout seeing, 1 was sure That I1n-as lef t alone with yeu. Could youa net hear my pages fast Turned ever with a restiess hand Did they net whisper ail your wtsh Iu words net hard te understand? And, lu the stiilness, did they soundl Likebreathiess nsstlings ef the leaves That, tresnbliig, wait the biackening sterin Which slent haugs abeve the trees I A. werd had doue it! WTtb a flash 0f fleaveu'sen-n liglit from heart te hea-rt, Resistiess love hafi reut the prifle That kcpt cur peut up lives apart! But ere it came a sufiden hrcath, 'rhe rising wind cf commen 1fe, Anedcoouon us and wne sighed, Anf tuneduste eur lonely strife, S. W. SCADDINU. Tiio Jhe LeapYeax Question. good use if a housekeeper is careful and They say, toc, that by chopping up lemen or orange peel, putting the pieces in a bot- tie and peuriog a little aichohol over thern you get as good flavoring for rice puddings as yen could wish, and ail cooks know or, should know, the value of every, crumb cf 'bread. Every scrape of cold vegetables may be uised as salads or garnishes, and every bone is valuabl'e for stock, as well every spoonfuni c f gravy. Besides the delightful feeling that she is lessening the cost cf living by thus utilizing what would otberwise go te waste it ought te give an intelligent woman great pleasure te conduct thse household affairs on a strictly business basis, wbetîser she is rich cr poor. A. Loving Mother's Sacrifice. A loving mother passed tbrough a tryiug ordeal at Bellevue Hospital New York, the other day for the sake cf her little -,on, aud the sacrifice made will prcbably save the chiid's life, The womau xwas Mrs. Ann Munchi mother cf ilyman Munch aged eigbt who was almost burued te death over two meuths age, and the operatien per- fermed was skin-grafting, the skisr being transferred from thse thigis cf the mother te the body cf the sou. On October 28, Hyman, wben playing with matches at his home, in lier motiser's absence, set his clotiiing on fire, and before the flames could be extiuguîsbed the boy was frightfuiy burued. Aitheughbcb receiv- ed the best medical attention in the city, LOOKING BACKWARB, A Glance at Ontario in 1792, Au Intes'esting Bit of Canadien RistorY. Wbile the year 1892, says tbe Mail, brîngs witb it tbe four huudreth anversary cf the discevery cf America by Clumbus-an ex- ploit of continental interest-it aise intre- duces us to elocal centeunial, namely, that cf the extension of separate geverument te wbat is now the Province ef Outario. For many years after thse settlement of Quebec this upper province remained au unknown wild, except for tbe visits of tbe trader and the missiouary. The former n-as lu pursuit of feurs, aud tbe latter, at mucb per- sonal risk, was endeavouring te ceuvert tbe Indian and te sas-e bis seul. There was ne partîcalar formi of geverument west of tbe Ottawa until after the grauticig cf the con- stitution cf 1774, when Lord Dorchester, iu vien- no deubt cf tb.e eemiog cf tbe Loyal- ists, divided thse territcry in)to four districts, which, theugh beering German namnes, were tbe eriginals cf the Home, Midland, West- ern, andi Eastern districts cf later days. As tbe necessity for making PRO VISIONt FOR THEREFUGEES became n'ore pressing thse ruiers cf thse ceunitry increased their interest in Western Canada. Settlements were explored and prevision was mrade for thse reception cf tbe n-anderers. Wbile the Loyalîsts were. pou.rng çlunit hecame -apprent that a f-r cf geverument suitable te -tbeir circumsteu- ces weuld bave te be couferred upen themn, PUREST9 STRGNGEST9 BESTU, P.iate ,o ny Injuriant nUL J. C. RIWTCUEUI, Offl e and Resîdence, Enniokillen. i L r ,suu ucas tuat 50Cm wofl[Cf nive te niTrer r ~ ~ LL