A MEMURABLE SWIM, BY W. CLARK RUSSELL. These tbonghte sweptwsitîs flic espeeti of ahning lier foracucrvatureiîs haladthat âreanîtlhrough my lead' I crïet coud ina 1111gh1t have passeat for cmnaueby h voide of bitte'r despair-als aeteiy xaizîgsec remcýined c blaek, seve for thosetii sow the niuderaus villicn'sitnio sIad tn a lluonth hrio. T' Liough I bcd spent cn heur le)dige t ;if:-terwsst tethe foo o 'it e ceet ; bt IlFor Gode sake do uet leaee mu e hee te le the litle bay for wlîich jtlx, aj11cm ,wa lrewe. Takemxi at yen wnt; take alilîat aiinig I couiti parceive, as thea boat rose on 1 have. Have mercy upon me. Ltine reach thli sliglit swell that was eow runnig, tbe Vour boat aed rest !" glecin of senti. Nothuseg stirred ont the He cetinedetot rose, sifli is face avert-- baet; iva wcre now witlsin a quarter of a ed from me, ccd I secs near ennugli te hlmmile, but'not a mnving objeat wa visible, te eesiiy eheerve the villas eus, diebliici 1He contioeuatt rose ontil lise boat secs in expanesn ha teroestije ai ls ics-lecoun- tise embraca <xi the bay. ise dcrk cliffs texpresi ta eeisne on thesecret like a colossal rempart te hsgh ex er- lent ., Iturned lupouiniy bcc to sse the sat. and et aisher cxtrernify of the curve ced ail the wbîle my ieverisly beatieg beart of the bey, et the point of cither bore ofi t, seeed o b saing IlWbat is tobatdone? there secs a litle lapay of surf. Tho man Mst medro Ynearesaying:mff, drae jable ocre ced stoot eIp. Muemt yen toen Yn are net ýtwoids "ive me -that watch and c-bain of tance? Rest awlsila on yoir bcck, assdthan. yourn ! " lic about cd. strike ont like a mac. Yon have neoet bar I rosa te iny feef. cýhanice for yeur 11e. Tîsat demon youder "Gaive me that watcli, anti clain," 'ne intente that yen shall drosen. Hee seul se- roaret egein, aed tbm'usting hie great des k crete the hoty hm mecans te take eut ef hniset to hie breeches poeket, lie whippet your poakefs, ccd ivill row ashore ced put out c bigcasp-knife,N'vlichhaeopenedi. "No on a face of consternation, ced report that troublee, a xciaimiet, "or 'Pil eut ycur wen- yen wera overboat yen wera seized throat.'l witli aramp, ced saek on a suddan ike e 1 picced tiseseat ch anti ain desen tpen atoe." a tbsecrt, andtlha pociketedt tisam. Whilst Ithus lay upen my bck, besieged IlNose pull oct ail tli meiey ye vn have.', by the meeft rectiful thoughts, hall mcd Thils I did ccd ha took thaie (ins and pafe wilfh v'rctlianti witli despair. flie boatinan than le bis pooket, sculiat back te me, anti putting the, blade "1pull off thet isîg." of bïis lai t oar upenu my brecef, thr us t wit This I aise dit. -Ha ayed me c ali oér if, sifl the idea of subinergiug me. I stiil gmspiog the leuifa. Tiien lookissg te. grespat the cr,, ac eld it twiîh the seard ftie beach, lha sait.. .Thafewhare tanacity of c dying mac,.lia could nef imgoing te lentda Ynr agob wm sliakç me off. Hie reglif cr eippat iroin mer. Juoîp ivrboar." hiel heand ced went overberti;;lic boeft "if yoa land me there," sait 1, I"T shall sswaey a cgereusly. Msy dasira, indeed, ha drowaad. Tha eatar s rising,ced those secs te eapsize if, beccusa I sheait hava thelicreks arcesot te hae clitnbadl."-î ruffian et ce advaetcge if 1 couiet get hlm "Juscp.ovrboartil" ae ie ith a men- inito flthe ater, haaviiy cled as lie secs, aven acing fiourish cf h>'ie kifa. thougislha shocld ha as expertea ewimmer as le Itjis a bit oiea swjm c e yt," scid 1. "I I ; cnd then these wauid lba the boat te boit cm sick ccd silisout strengfhl. For Got'e te, because, hcissg liglit cnd witbonst ballast, sake put me a littia dloser tes beacel thet avec, if she filuet ahe wouid nef siek. Fur- I1nîay have a chance 1 tliarmore, there waa the certcinfy of our H1e hesifeteti a moemant thMen stoeped te situation being wifccssed frein fiahe cefs, piak np an car. lin that instant I boundet aud of blp being deepatcbad forthissefl. apon hlm. Impellet hy ùtise -icomm-unicable It might have been thaf lie fearedthfli agocy of mimd Isecs iv, 1by eisefIînay truly boat wQûenit aps'zean cd if migit lhavre bean ccilithat terrifie impulsec fb-he taspeir thet thet ho gueszeti s healt iehaprescntly oh- secs epon ce, 1Iiaapftua iethwart witi tise servedt flreuglsieatel escopa lavllet et ce velecty of eaeoif et flu ay anti aera ,ho frocs the nier or cliffé. He satitinlv criet. could it hiseyaes I bat put my shonîdler te The superintendent tliumped bLis ieg«. "I've been suspicions of that clau I tbrougb," said ha. Freenman, ealauoncscd Woodward, cnd taka the boatf ced get the ma. The flood 'Il net be at its beig!l t yet, anîd the mac blmsa!lf'l l e as prettily hi«e as tho)ligh \,,e lbcd hlm ln thelcup 1 hea,ýrd Ihlmi proneaiceathesa word,1 t hesi a bio)od-red blAze o rf fire aeemed tervuszh frei nimy braii eut t1irough, my cyc,. ' feil, and i rieiniber sno more. wasý in bcd le my ewe igieigs. All qcs 5cary infor.mation bp me had becc! found lei my peakat, iii the shape of letteils d carda. My sister bati been telagrapheûti for, andi was as my bedaîda whlen 1 awoI-:, a fter flîree a:c-sof utter insensibility. When1 wes strong enongh te listen ant1 i cvrs, was told >that -the pelico-boat bcd 1lled dowe to the littie bay, fouiàLfe li ,m cd breuglît bise te the tewn, wbere bi va. lyîng, locked up, carged iwtl thi, at tuejpt te meurder me. (onfirmetocy pr-oof of is guilt, ceaide the steryI had ralateti 'o thýe saiperinteedant, ware founti uplon hie par- son; for the denion, prebably fo--,( tjeg ln hie time of paril that lieha'tI pocketad iInîy omittedt teconceai th i-or ling thein as wben thec peilcebeat see esi on thecernier. Bt this waa net a I; w: istors hailest their lives withîn a aarýt. Tho bcdý1yoef ena oniywas receveret.I, cnd this vas tihe apeor fellow wliose remaies I bcd stumblIeti up)on ure ylonaiy ynoligit wtil al1 ig t he sanAs. If wscsbaleveI tathofIl itlies 11)en liait purixnad 1whllst atig ri.a beat, anit~co-rner, uring thie inqucet Lt epon dA, body lthat liae eandec trd hetriueenmented smwa infc ntl pon test ercansacce of both these dlisaatershav. ing occumeti frein tis aiebea, e arg of the snie ma. And eew, whilstI hti aieunconscionus, tlic police had searcheilic litfci lîeoap,,r1 reem, e Lpit y the )bctii uinad Iý Gypisy B il, ced thara týhey bcd disecov-ircd a golti encil-a cedàapair ef oi pine!ne glasies andtia watch chaini, olhicharticles the fermer twewr ieiasblnigt the mac wbo bad bacc dro-ceii -l) eepr viocs yecr, wiîIsf the waclî la a swore te by thiewidù%w cf tha e tinn sehose bodiy 1 bcdtiieovereti, ti(,e 1poser ladý,y happening t e injetowe wl-st I lay nei- conecieus. The upaliet efi'f' was that i ypsy Bill wee seetencedt tepel ses vtude forý,)Y lifeý. Tîstha ewtsg'tLy £otwe nudm wae certain, nnd itherefore oilit hv bacc liceet. Nxatiis iecru steetici avideneedit net'eem eîffsitle The Elder's Scrmon. 0ur eider toicd us yestes day we hid net lcareed te lis e Until we icarned how blessed 'tis f0 pardon and fergive; The dear, swe et, precleuq words ho spaka lke heavýcily enasa f e; Tha perfect peace they hreught our hearts ne himan worcs cen t "Loe rings milenil pnc." he ad and I stili 1ept hni;gi -n euAe,an W 1 r11bwnup" thle woeld,," liesid cdI "Se, oayour r ncihbnr as- ourself, 'Lthea egn egain. But Suas" Fitz, acre- the aisle, lie shouted e t ,"A m en I' Wbat riglît had he te à cIl Amen, thelew-toneil, Maasly hound luo o yc, my naw ilah cew and ,okdhe atha potnad. The lew-down, raw-boed, hemel crcnk, a& lueiah 10eand aarcdnasolotit, r Whes loe ad gace and hear n elhv ai ien 1rut ycam" eut," shauandaiie Gavehlma chiel0f sea teCafccL'et h bcasloff ed ded Ne lng-lgge siepieo l dm lovet thear Bat. oh theeti e 'r[ n ThIn, uld ove teheer preached agale, !aý cres h ic te. 1 S. . oss PERfiONAL Sencrai Sir Hienry Possonby, tisa Quieca s prvtoscre! cri aced keeper of lber Majas- f fa privy purse, inte,. bis position ne sice- cure. XX lierai er flic Qucel "n gees, lhamuet accempauy lier, ced a-s]iahaila an indeatig- cic 1P orler, 1 l i lice vary i hs oumslise cen ccli le eexs. Uponhmi devol-ves tisa re- (peihlt c nliigitýo isa egeesuine- ces f f e nau apealmai-teeQuean fer clean- ity, ci uisj, -, is flic ;(duty ef ha- ha~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý isasifeieei chtu osi edetjust enicî dercasdiga efvesithe diffamrent messîbers of tha royal f amiv. For alluehi lia receixes tIsaesmunificent recempense of a houce cnt $10,000 par ain m., ý Alexander III. of Riissie je paseioncteîy fend of the cisase, andti makes a peint of spenting severai xvceksecvamy year et Spala, bis nxsgnificasît pomtiiig estate isi the soutis- cmn portion of liusselan Pelant, As soon ce he cirrives thare, thea Eiparer changes nef only blis habits, but aven bis very cliaracter. [le laye alietahflcacres ef stata, be-om-es gay, isglif.ieatd, antigégal,aniailef c& diepeesiuceeste play practîcaijokes, tetese anlt teargue. Hise ie suia dy issp in.letisa vaet f oreate, icedratie of miles je extasîf, ,htumand tiflichtauocvysd, bee:r, ,ant i ay cici'akiii gia Somanhat Jazy ccideeffli Cardceý exeatof bis aheeting b y measîs ofbattues3, or "ýtraibjct. Jules Verne n rites bis aztraordincry stor-, ses in a stndy percliset c the top of flic fosecr cif bis Aminslieuse. The ronle crowded with charte, elactricai apperatue, ant ioe vareous sciantifie iristumients seifliclli the anflior surrounde himseaf whlih e elbo afing flic iaegiîsemy ativasturas of bis baroasl for evaýn le hie meat tcring fligLif of faceyý, hae keep ce neras hé a cn toe i iaof scient ific possiblity. Verne ije meef tah- stemieuse fer an cet-ber, anti a Francýhlinto cf fliat, drick;ng citer le préférercetesa anti eining tobacco. Rli l a vemy pieis- takieg consposer, anti rewritas hie nîccus- cript savara? fiuas haereaendiifte 0lie printer. Iae ayc tJhat hie lbeyish liking for Berone Tiulsshhacsen'smaviustlsfa- et hlm te explore tflfiitof ctoeinj wl .icbhaielias heen se ecesfi One cf Biauxrk's amuïsemnts ïje'pistol prs.clce, of seli blise vemy fend,ced e which le hie yocf h li e wscsexertlTe range c Fiarilimu s croas ea simil.lake, prapaa undrcAt yards4 h le iaxater, anti!fbie Iron ~'c'Ior'es baud is etilli eady eiougli for hem te isarli ITEMS OI1 I'TElEk3T. 8 It je said that fouzr-fif th- of ail the bail - atorms occur ie the day-tiern (2onsumption is more prevalen tfin Ireland than in either Eiigland or Wv %aias. The thinnei esePper measures 1-1200 of an miii, h iii 'kn ess. "fhe provncsaetil twenty ,lie pro. Thie Britýis!i horae's welra famous whez Jiillis C( ýr evde t i1iutry, ,nd corne of teinwerecariedby humii as trophies te Mon1 y is the dýay of the week upen li 'h mot letLers are d'slivared in Londn. T7:e reason for this is bcante there is ne Sucday delivery in London. The average amouet of e ach lie f srac poiicy ie the United Kingdom £460, Nearly forty thousand men desecrt, frem the Gerinseamny every te el)re menths. Japan has, now tiwe thou-saed nwpape'rs, where twenty-flve years ago net a- 8in)ile journal existed. Edward IL, who was the father of __ -i sýons and dlevon daughbers, bcd more chil- dren tha-n aey uther of car scvereignis. Col otra fpsaestamnps Nill be glad threughount 1Preesia ie'r týJie »eeiLas ail wlio are feund mnfcuigferged ,,tainpb. Tbe prettiest royal girl in Eastern Europe ïs saita ha the Princess Helen,, of Moutene- gr-, wio, it is reported, is tbe chosen bride of the THe'ir _Apparent te the Rassia n threne Mieteors of ararieus sizes reach the eceth iirnny places, A receet calclatien shows that thGnra E e the earth's weight an- nlu&liyfrein meiteeric sources is aet90;,000 An ceteographl ltter from '(he Qucen, Written te the lte Prince Louis Lucien Boaaton the occasion of ber jubilea, wa, leiicvcord anlce witli the Priece's wssh, rpkaed je thec breastpecket of bis coat before isinternent. rThe-Czar in one of tb'e few living ban1queCt. ers, it la said, wbo cen"drnka toast" ccording te the oldste1 wlwîgthe toasted apple, liquer cndail , from the >brimnmi ng cup., Thie eumbey n ladewernjethe United Kingdom le est iitoi by Sir lamesi Caird, eue ' Jý Q.ef Land Comm11ission ai, et lS0,000O pains vho pseabtcnthese tise hie o th e agricult ural land frein ten acres opuwarde