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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1892, p. 3

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HEBAITH.J tîa as ree P,,e onuibtted that tbey euje] ged balt '1ratment of Bon it wii lkstb la ixbor. oigtheurs ayl Thu firat thing te wich te direct attention4 lie clered the ameu-nt 'l'e>,Ssary" folr Pu sente brenuimitis is the kind et airwiub muet! joîku, if takeis wben dresl'poil isinaled by the patient. Confinement te thèe earth, a'ii hro l itLin unie't ouroom shoulfi bu strictly euforced,aud th- ehi tebreaking in ef the moiring liglit. airfet tat room sh3uld bucnsainrained, as (Ordunarily this is sufficienrt teursyet- fer;,aï possible, ut a uniforitemperaturee a' nrw nirustore, thecrulto aie six n fam 65degreesFalir. This necessitates, ofeourlse, adtenre e h asdtc bc A Farmner at ily. Wc ,e in a iitl- he reful management off -bc tire, aWalt o, - atis fui btter, the empioyclent of Sleep utne other'timu wil[lkuup thl b, Edo'î,Taxsplace where we are some tenul etofslow-combustion teve. c P h loiaîdnre efres cl d ft l l et sttbject t oet j ýuiimuat bu se regniatufi as te ensure ,a ithe glea otfliealth. Ne't om111fathe igl S-Ayz: Col ds and Lung constant renuwal ef air wltbent lrauglifs :u'nadu for re§t, but'thu sunlighis m i fo Troubles. 1 ha ve and, besîdes t his, the atmespbere sbeuld bu bcealtb. Wbioloses a part of th(-da. s igltA used GermanS î. for six years rkndered t¶fficienîtly meist by the ditfusion especially thu: for'eparv -et tlie da,tmuwets et Stream tbroughont theu mcm Irons a bron- Vwitluau -irreparablo insu, and paýlIer aud suclcessfully for Sore'i hroat, Cough, chitis kettle. Expectorant remedies, sno pmstatien are thu natural oeunc. Col,- Hoarseness, z ainS inl the as ipecaduaiuba sud sqnills, i eeal that sleup at nighît sud to em otl th Cbest and Lungs, and spittin-p eudueul omiuf vtb eitber beoein dylighr preservus the body unficotne o f , lo o d . , I1 h a v e trie d m a n y d iff e r- t1 e e a n d a s i î n a t ik b a b n o t u tr b as a n g o w n b al h w i - 1s te of ammonia, or somie s \datvu aordiug ont whicli thure eau buciso genuin eauy e}1 inds of cough Syrups in my Ite the condition efthtle patieîît. Couniter Eariy te buf and 'eanlte risc, is theSrefore, t, but let ne say to ýrvorle want- irritation is et til n eployed, suid usediçatefi fonînded ou tlie truc pbysîolegy of our i~'suc a edi*,e rman Syrup inhalations trequntly, prove of servicebîîs is the best. - Tlhat has; been my ex- Constipatins is nsually present, and a purge - perience, If, you use it once, 1 is geneî-aily benieflciai ut the enset et the will ~ ~ ce gobcyt t hnvr3OU diab , îI n seveme attaeks alcohol is invali To, Girls Who Sîng, need itgo t giveto tal reie an su alearnd seis opium, but the latte partie- ~eba syt nedi.I ie oa eifadf lryreqoires teélie aduinistered mwitismuel iceu bthîo o a qu ick cure. My advice to every-cure, sud shouifi en ne acceunt bu givun Save yenliav-e a veice (says a primsa donna) isu te one suffering with Lung T b.ry under the doctor's directions. Chîroîic bren- subinit yourselt te a tlioronughly gond ttu-ahj roublesis cîitis is a diseuse in whiuh mucli eau bu doue e r, sud ubi fi by bis or lier' judgmun, aI- -Try it.YoL' W'11 S500 be Con- if the patient's teusperant asud circnm- tiiengi,' if yen po3,iusu gond intellige, vinced. In. all the faMilies where stances permit it. In cases svbeme a wiuter mu.iisical appreciation, auîd a really artistic, yuGerman Syrup cenglu las becemne a matter et course ît Sensy boud able te judge foür yesir- is used we have no John it siionîfibu madeuaîîinsvariabie rule te keep Ifd thuen1 yuoe are ty ruisidesweucssar t ewt h rnln insidu the bouse during tbu cold seasen et thse ýoan hs-acteolruitsncsay yuar Tuf, o resdene duithtesewin er, acommsencemenut in vocal educatioiî. Lug a i. t~ i ouewrîe liae bua fF Sfregth, steadineus, volume, su! abiiity thle medicine for this laufi,ý is a inepu non ini tbu treatment o mf vt tanîg u wuteasu re Jones. chroniec bronchitis. If a stop uat-hluiu- poilic}micas are .natural giftt. Tbese eau liaidly1 G P .GEE'N, Sole M-a'f wodur,.I is adoptufi every thing dependsisipo th b- aque. Tue opinionet your frieuds an , odbryJ.patiets cn rl;te eP"'iu'teaîud relativesis tiss uatter, iinlestly re; --_______ ~---v-0utirue, ut lu the evertiug, jutý for onceif, more learned tan lvig, vill be otbntlit Ê' TuECANOIA 1TTElA yeldLt, ftein sdoes allthe beriefit deris- Value te yen. They are us a îule-bec-ause 1 N edroii th sef dnialet ioiuîîinlutlîeir ignorance asud affe-,tiou f1 liey :conl- OMNADIiNnoue anc ovcrieeii musoutsegiaring tauotam-tise ?1 vpiu nnjeadysmuce, erierwise' $t.5). ,,!,rptivslwy3 Payable ut the o011,C )f PUislies,1-.ieu . Alverti3[nZ rates nali se s' e-m rues, 10 cenkt' 1alin, 1nocai)sie finît inusît un and5 1-nt 'r liis ecdi nauie tam- M. A.J S, Publiis-P .1 D -30acnes, 2 ilsues fromn Witby- geonami btldjumuan sor sAockrai g or e, Aeed applv. J. H. Dow, Wbtby. 32 tfr' DYEINC ANDCLEANINC Ladmes' and Gents' wcar et al hindi, Feutîs- ers, Gleves, Ribbeuis, Laces, Curtuins, 'aud DM ýkiîîdsoetfsmîecy geeda Dyed, Cleaued cm Freucl Clesuefi. Wonk poiively guaran- teefi tbuCt. No pcddlmug wagon employed.f A reliaii i lu uveny ten. BRITSIVMEnCANDYEINOCO'Y., GliMedaliat Dycra. tdeu'îtrcul. Toroý,uto, Ottawva sud Quebec. Agent in Bewmauviiie.t J. H DOBSON, STATEONER. f FARMS FORr% SALE.ý2 '" ill purchase 76 acreE wssguod hotsae and good vun bildings oi hUI o, l4jarliogton,uoùiI gooci da emalc1earOckt $ :j çv() li wdpmrase goed borna1 on 4hcn.Darlmngroncon c tainîm'g 100 acres, goeo ine house, good out-1 àuilins. $ [5000tebs as eec Bowmanville anid le ar contiuung 15o tores. O wiIl purchase 100 acres $11120""lu Mauvers wirh gooti buildings, ail leared, goed son. 4 acres ef land coîsidered, te be -1 ose ef the best tarison Con. 1, ,Dring. goobufidings,'gond 1ocaity ad mîust be sold. For any ef aboya prepoertie5 ippyto , 1Î,VI A.- W. TOLE 1 1>i Rui sat gent sud Anctieoneer. Gents, lothing Cieaned, Died. Pressed and Repuired by 9 T0OS. PAT Dyer anud Clofhues Cleanaor,. Peeuds wtrr, med te lie as no ose wihI kncwv tbcm ft rom new when d(e Corner Kung ara Ontario Strýels, 8 Biowmanville. Sorne flealth Pointers. Lut is theaushine. Ba'îushs su confusion. Clesulliness is tise firat rulu. Muhue uustaifi platers thuîî, Ask the doe3toi' as teý visitons. DecD't sliqulinîsa et )fsick people. ea a ean dUes aîsd ça bu'igit seule. J'lweu ae erillsihebiitueeur lu pro- Simpe iuptiss ae apleasure to s cen- Rheuusic atieîus îoud dlie bctwveeîî wolu iaeets. Est a cu'auker ortuve butore going inito the roem of cîutagimc. Asidn'ihmiisuueed rasvlseetsteak uîttemi temrptsa sus ivalid. S A musmard piaster mixed wsitl tIse whitec et aun egg 'ili net blistr.-j Watcli the ventilation snd gauge tlue feimu- pet attire by a tiierusoumuter. Treatmnent of a Cold. A briik walk la ruc ,omunendefofr ireaieing, ,up a coîd. The person tbreateneui shoulfi put om extra eletbiug, sud svalk Iarti sud fust nîîntil Leise lalua freeperspiration' Tbhen, wbile stili fbeatefi'11p, huc alnfigo home, qnekly unresausud oýget luito a Warinulbcd, asud taIre sglasatul etÀihot wafur orhlof leumumiafl. bure tiiscouirse is piir ucd the chances are mauy tbst allthe tbreatemîing aigus will have disappuaref tîme tollowing mmormnug A -"s'eat"' alwaya acts adusirab1y imn any ikindofe colfi, aîud if usertliouglit about by (2xericise, it ouglit te bu pmoducefi by sousu et the mauy ethuer useana kmuowîste Imouse- kuepurs. If the colf isl in tbe beafi, te l-1 1lewiig frca-tm-euît promises sycil: Afifia teuspoo.niifuil e o wd),)ýercd cauuplor te a pitcher et bnilimugý watur. Ovun this place a iconse madufle1et1i;hck paper or pastubosrl, and bolfi tise osan sd moutîs over the susal opcuing. 'fli vapor ariilng, fron tbe n-atur la uburguil sith campbor, aud will speedily relies e iiany oethflicdisturbimig symptoms. If sbould. bu inhule for ftour or five msinutes ut a sirting«. And threu sm-h truatineîsts are usually suflicienit te amuîstthflic s rebel- liens " uolf11inusthec heui." But iuuauy et thei victime eofthis treuble must bc u t sudabout, simd rbey accus ra tluluk they canet sare flic fime for tise inhlatiomns, A anufi'plusses thein best. aud s vcry gocd onu ,can wieMufle up as felhows': -Menthol, tbree grains ; posvduned boracie acifi, oee iacmi; ambirate 'et bismujîris, andi pewder iscuzion cdiV drachme. A god sizcd p ni ay lis ausHiTédi up fvor six tinies a day. Wli e l'id puomnises te taIre tise fbru et breucèhitis3, flic ictim shueulfi arrange bus affaira se t1it lie can keep luis estenu fr;,day or two. Fasting inthbuîkindfi tcoltfihai a4 ratisuss ore lbnîlliant cffeot than in colf i l fhli eaf. A -"swuat" will, et connse, forrity, fltheatue and assist a cure ifs cougi couses,S sud 1iltheru rhuetightifecl u !sorunesa l icnuperpart oet the cct, wis1icb îuuustur avp1 irelo not Inelieve', then it hs ajways beatesen) fou' a pbys"ici tu;l whe1o rime dan1ger etci m;plicatiome. sud hati I orut criticus ad afisurs that a girl eau f possibly have. If a girl uxpects to nake imuai et ler voic, by NvhiiubI uuucs if siîe itenda te siug witb style, methofi, goodi I tuste andi expression, either in publie or in lber bsoule, tbe usual twe lessous n-wuek, witb tIse duily praetice ut lhonte, are, un mist cases, uselees. I believe in daily lussous, 'or, botterstilliln oming sud atternsouî llesseisa Idsily. Tbis obsiates flue iecessity forac- tice alone, aud enaies tbe pupil te give lier veluetise exercise neessary te seenru its texibiiry sud beat elets, under'intelligent guaî'fiauship. Lut use snggesLet rin evilof enghyas uveil usofisaped practuce. Unider mue cireuinstaincea shonld the voiceulbu usefi continuouul1y fer more thaus haIt su eu. I thuîiktiereta bttonu opin- ous iu ths a ttur, sud thut is, that longer ýoutiînuuus usec tends te destroy both tise qiaity' amd capability et a voicu. Es-un opera, singura, sylho simîg during a twc er three heur performnance, have ulways a nuit jbetweeu their lices. 'flic gruateaîudanuger te, a voielue ovenssork. Notlmg will rein vocal powera se usuels as te overtax tbuuu. What Incense ià Marie 0f. The inceumie ordered ton the sersvlueeofthte tabernacle, to bie burned lu a ceuser aud on flue altar, cu ost f tautony-'ba, gal- banum nd mf frmnkiii enseý in equsi parts. Stacte, wliicbila tuehe kLtuaîslatom et tise Iieb)rew -word ustaplih, signlifies a liquil ex- edfin o omtiu ii. Piiiuy deacribus it as zthe lnaturaý el îîatieuî et the msirrb trucý, flosv u itthflictruc hein£,pune- turefi, umi moruee eted thaus thé îuyrrlî iitl. 'bobrsusaisoenstionîs tsvo sots etOiusyrlris, cimeliqui1 sud onu solid. Onyclia l ise He Ibrew Subecbeletb, "edf- fruonshalcî" It, la the oecurnuofeta apecies et stembus, torinerly well kîucwn is Europe unden flic nause oet blatta byzaîs. fina, tcund. in the tMediterraiean sud in tic Redi Sua, frein wbîehlatter tflIslraélitesî ne doubt procurcd it. It ia eccaaionaliy te bu ýeeiu ut tIse Cuatouui'ffeuse et Boumbay, sybere it ila iîrperted, te bumu sitb incense mn the te-mples, net sen ueclisoui accolant. et suy pleasing odeuür et its ewun as te, briug ont tlie odeur et ether perfumnea. It is a whitce, tranisparen t sheli,: reaeîusbling lu shape 'the liman finger-uail ; isenue its Greek naine 01yx, fimer-nuil. It la geuerally believecl that time fiauinhabitiug thia ebeili ucquires peculiar odeour by teediîîg cmia upecies et jý Iudliam isard. TFic wordGaiban uni signifies1 sermetiing unctuous,iisud eviduenrly pplies j te a balpam. 4ýccordlîug to soule auithorit'es' it Ns s fine sert et gialmuuusfouuud ou Moîmit AmnuuluSynia, dif'eriag eutirely trous Uic edinarygalbaîuum, si nad iin ued1icine, et whicb the odeur is asnytiiug' bultit weet. But the tashions etoftbfs uvrîfi change, sud if ne,uoir day, fil"iudmuno etsesin gal- banuns, saffren asud spk,;rd, ir n reason'- s-vi ficanc(iurS did net, sudne' i reason l1wilsy OrIntasl ioulfi umot Ceveti suon. At the preacu- ayt hu lýe Perain cîua fmtida "tlà food fif tise god," trIme Ruisa leigl ilu cav1i!ve, sdthe Eqiaxin train oul. The Evolution: of the flanrikerbiiief. Theflicutiionfties are niber clear lnonus harpseuy as regardi thme history oet te bamîd- The Minstrel s Loti My ady' , wbeuthy cavaliers 'flînt sootefi tluee sitb ituog Hxtl les itscbur, th strng aý,re wute Anid Pe igbtl tluoiî 'tongisesceu ts ueue t twarla Am.onu Clltbybudt pes Thon deat belieof il hriu ss bys va Th'l o rit ontthe wbule And ylet at e nsbelite me lve Thonbilsgrautat mue eu n. X et wlmeuli, erbaue sese es tam )ol aîl liy n gbtsdeawas,'; And thuIo torelttul of y carma, 1 ýduntortLivtejtu r, 1Fiethu luargt'pen oenef lane Sbld -yAbilîhppssis t i eod , ko oi, e' 'ty- sorroe Instbii, Amu',i la IreduoyMs lle. Thy tlo,-glit insolit isloe avalr, Wiliou lsgiiot rodersa ay; The lote dsptlî inuly stur 1 Loue e my oil aygrnd AIl happives hs atiîiuuin tm But ielover i tre imy se srng ( Wy riefsare ouby mille. [i'e SoutMuneshins lve I liolfi, As9ifi'ent oatiet nderaandufierOàu eree astemu maggiqug thint jeioly dreau s are dramu 0e prieLuas The le s n ictreiinumrîsymuertuer nk owa n'aioa ati teadi. o ontFlavhi tcot nesininlarpururey s t'i-,it ynfrin Couvs al înl e nirl o ary lona s re in eFtîeul .ori bucý teli.ablot 'borna," esas Osteooat Lte stukue thesaofe.Te horno te lengpi ofItfa ou etiu'g mrehn apthebur- ane enipostaeod aintuatbi,'. You cnt i lýýi tw sud, hemingitsotrutre uscîder 'I- e mirsopeas id,'Alleniniua tr- stucueynsfiudit lamufloe pfoustiriyet litgri tubs royaîling b-oates. 0f, c >ourse oftimesearent ptbeoselvcs hairs , butthey stucturecla tue saie. hu bomtral e tb Atrican rhuihiocero mti -esgew extis Bourýsi maker allr oum orail. en mymmibi iga te tatlîc badnosfi etthe a iieibyUmloeguase.iii 'Al nQuater rbuîiouero,- nAraave mpoyed f, er bic- ingie epa oya pr. uns the mictc rion somticu\, l i ilthe dteinu suc)l as maryo liveu(nîld de ope s tiý seoîny mateial vmyt h Si vcralspeceoet longeero-a,t jno cx tûincTiie onl ltomufi us t slite, u i ;te e stwbil, adne orus Tiet aIl. The usnel imeautug as it douaiiltorndniomi,is rtim erta isiimur ny her as f Se 1,era kicet rphioerou fs Arialse tvborna, eutheu bud tbeothuLorbut the ýerte t iera;s, iuraî î itis nese aipdeoy aide. aîy det theý berng ai1hgreat lizad ow tne us ther ciiý topbi abig hm over aedi e are lltte ueou i(ýats noie. lic dinem ras suid thu ine tr us ghavtemamursots i e ctu - oly u trbeads owbcnebebetieduavTh whch hemlaceuupaud te qnicklyades lieng lasrgeycmsed of elatine sud ote animi attesoie that sese uppen)idags rel o,(eh, et , buast wbc sdthen)s asingld. "Some tiabeus base bocrn, whiebare uct asrlly àurgmoels d et e nthi ,isa. fli etrte globe-a it tIc el or hluhesi b oraoaIse stnetimous. Tise ion te rcans- ce (shcb l relatudte tbeinc lsa sge, hem atuf exit ts aku îssl], sringng torn csrtilegiîsous ben asdcuviîupvad . i It ma really aîoified teholater florglIi a trup atý res ery i omly pribe;à ovei uvt rhum. thu pset tr icer 'atp Hogtiristea dahave ossvoi exista, but a foail nucimn ua fon witb borîî;.s. Srci apnagsfiei case arc abiormnal d tellopmeoftboule." BOUNSALL'S iMeA RBL E ANOi GRANITE v F!:S BownanvileOnt., (EstaIblishe-d 1857) fIm-porter, Manuiiifacturer, and Dealer in Montiments, Torïïbs Sarcophagi, Tablets, Headstones and ail kinds of Architectur- al and Cemetery Work in the, best Ettropean and Americari Granites and Marbies. Moderateie s Latest'Designs, Superior Workmanship and ,Best Mtras WiII be happy to quote prices on any kind of work. Give me~ a cali before purchasing. will be found in his old shop, next door aoor to Express Office, where he keeps constantly -on hand ALARGE& COMPLETE ASSORTM)ZNT -F Coarse and Fine sU for Men and Boys, Women and Childreri. Rubbers, Slippers, etc.ý Trunks, Valises, Satchels Special attention given to Repairing. ODDS AND, ENDS,.[ Definition of Kiss, Morepeele augl atus han ith~, ome finie ago an English paper offered a >heepe l a apearat usth on wt. sprize for the b st definition of akis. Seven howeer f iay apea atflicmomnt. thousand definitions were rccejved. A cor- \Vhen a tbieýf lias no opportunity to steal respondent bas selected thirty-four from the lie .cosjders himeif an bonest man. ljst and forwarded them te the Journal for The great'eud , 1al buman industry is publication.' The first one on the lijt was hie attainment of ha piness. -[Hume, sent in by Mrr. Benjamin J. Gruunwood of Th e way te proc ure insults is to submit Lulu Hill. London, aud for which hie was_ to tem.A mn mets jthno oreru-awarde' the prize. tthm an iecxat-Haitt.n mre j An iu'si1id, ta-steles morsel, whichbcb- spect ta.leeat.-Hzit cornes delîcious and delectable in proportion Whun yon want a bard master. work for as it is fiavored with love., a beggar wbo bas just beçoine ricli. What the chimney swuep împrinted on Strawbelr-Tbýiere is atbread ou you the rosy lips of the scullery maid wlueu she ýc0utCllar.told him she favored his soot. cot ola. igel-Thas1fs ail right. Let The sweetest fruit on the tres of ioýv. it staY thuru. I a on to caîlt on a girl. The ofteuer plncked the, more abnnraut iti Thuç huminan ear:t is se madue that it cun- Zrows. nob 611l itself, ahd it will cithur 'lie filled- A thing of use to no eue, but muýh -pized( withi God or the euemiy. -[John MeNuil. by two. There are anme folks in this werld wiio That wbich you give witbout rakirng and spend thuir whole lives L-lîuiitiîig after cannot taku without gliving righteousness, and cauýt find any finie to jTbe food V which1 the fLare of love is pructice it. led. The flag of truce in thse petty wars of There is more saving virtue in one quick courtship aud marriage. Stern reproofthau lunanuliour's aimless scold- The aume of agony te a bashfuïîmanu. ug. A scolding womau la a constant thorsiheoluw sak htwl ai n the fleui. Teol nw Isak htwl ai a Storm. Collector-I luftt a bill here yesturday for A telegram to the beart in whielh the oper- See shirts your husband got. Did Yeu ation uses thec "souîîding" system. look t over ? Lady -of the liouse-No, he Nothfing divided hetween two. overluoked it. Not enougli for eue, j nst euough for two, No man cau tell whethur lbu is rich or and fo c cl for thruu. poor by tnrning to bis ledger. It is the huart The enly really agreeablu two faced action tbat makes the man rici. lHe is ricli au- under tlie sun, or ou the men either,, uordiug te what lie is, not according te The sweetest labialof the world's-lau- wb at bue bas. guage. "He-nry," s le said, Ilpapa askud nme last A wOmaii's most effective argumen-t, niiglit if you sinoked." "Yes?"hbereplied, wlîetlier todcajoIu the beart of a father, uox, . wonderiug. "ýWell," she continued, Il 1 trol tlic humors of s busband, or console the think it would bce a good tbing if you should. griefs of cbildhood. o ffer, hÈaiu a cigar occasiouallv." Soinetbing rathur dangurous, Soepeople are boru te iii luck. An old S-etin1ateruje wemiau wýho had pasted uearly 5,000 med- Sometbing rather wicked, 'ical reuipe 's ini& a book durin g the last 40 years Thougli it eau t lie called a vice. lias; net lad aui opportuîîity te uEe eue of Some tbink it niaughty, tbem, beuauss shesb lias neyer beun ill a day Others tbin k i t wî oug, iu lier lite, aud sbic la growiiîg discouruged. AUl agree it'sý jolly, A tahr aud buixoii widew, who lias buriefi ATbough it dlen't last long. Lîree busbjands. receutly went witb a% guntle. bA kisa fromn a pretty girl is like havitg inanl wbo, in bis youinger days, bafi paid ber t treacle poured down yùur back, by markud attention, te inspeet the graves of angels. ber eardepated Attr ntemlatiî 'Lune tbunder-clap of the lips wbiub inevit- lier e ir dparte.abfey cfolloltisgthe ligbtening glanue of tlie

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