MISS SHAW bas a nice assortment of YOUNG MISSES' HIATS ini the leading style B3ABiEs' BONNETS and CAPS. VELVET TÂm-O'SHANTERS. A. SUCOESSFUL ORDER. Lodges of the Ancient Order of United Workmen have been working successfully in Bowmanville, Orono and Oshawa, and there are 390 such lodges ini Canada, mostly in Ontario. The Ontario Grand Lodge closed the year 1891 with 24,580 inembers, beîng a net gain for the year of 2167, representing additional insuranlce of $4,334,000,as every member's if e is insur- ed for $2000. The death calis for 1891 SABBATHI SC1{OOLS. ren, using the blackboard, and giving great satisfaction to, ber audience. CONVENTION 0F THE WEST DuRHAMý As- Bowmanville was chosen as the place for SOCIATION. holding the next annual meeting. The ]Executive Cornmittee was authorized to The sixth annual convention of the organize a County Normal class. West Durham Sabbath School Teachiers' The evening meeting was attended by Atsociation was held in the Methodist the citizens en asse, the large sacred church Newcastle, Jan. 26 and 27 and edifice being crowded After dEvotional despite the very cold weather the district exerciseg, Dr. J. W. McLaughlin, Rogis- was well representeci. Among the del- trar, inroduced the subject, "Thie Sup- egates presen- were: From Bowmanville erintendent," in an inspiring and force- Rev. T. W. Jollifi e, Thos, Kirby, Jas. fui address. The oubjcct was spoken to MeLEan, Mrs. McLean, A. Younie, W. E. by Rev. A. A. Drommord, and Messrs. Anyone -who wants to purchase a Christmas Presont