--UýSE ONLY THE- IZDAHIL BRAND --OF PURE- NORWEG IAN Fashionable new furs at Mayers. Good House te, Rent. Apply te M. A. James. Take notice of Treleven'a new advt. on opposite page. Small Farm Wanted te, Rent. Apply to M. A. James. The Dominion Parliarnent is called te meet on February 25th. Fresh oy8ters and haddies always on hand at Cawker & Tait's. Cebourg's debt is over $200,000. Hligh Sehool concert Friday evening, Feb. 5th in Town Hall. The Public sehool grants have boen is tributed by Inspector Tilley. Mrs. E. S. Meath and Mies Kathleen are viiting relatives in Toronto. Rev. J. Liddy wili preach in the Met b- odist church next Sunday mýorning. Rev. Chas. Il. Spurgeon, the famous London preacher. diedi Sunday night. Absolutel-y S. Il. Reynolds' Notice. Notice is hereby given to ail persons indebted te me onà book accounb or other- wise that ahl accounts net settled thie week will be placed in the bands of Mr. Geo. H. Webster for collection. H1e will be found daily at the old stand where payment muet be made. Your prompt attention to tbis matter le paricularly requested. S. H. REYNoLDS, Butcher. AU suisanLouVvVIrIo ait nwP ""u .-'-..... ueci MAA.LVLVJLI'IS1ULIO. flA prions before moving at Mason's Clothing good time is expected in the evening store. when the public are cordially invited te Mantle cloths aI greatly reduced prices attend. JACOB STEVENs, D. W. P. În Benvers, Serges, Wors ,'ds, etc., at J. 1.A. L. PÂscop, D. S. J. Mason's prier te stocktaking. . Mr. A. B. McLeod, Brandon, Man- IKOur thanhas ara due te Mr. Francis the itoba, in forwarding his subecription fer well-know fiorist, of Oshawa, for a rare 1892, writes: We are ail hale and hearty lot of carnations sent te us a few days after the cold speil we have had. We had two welts of pretty cold weatber, 80170 reristering between 35 and 50 degrees Rev.N. . Hoardfathr o Rev E.below zero for several daye; but t pres- B. Howard well known as a former pastor oti ssrn ieadfn ihhrl on Darlington circuit, died laat week in ent il isnp ring ike an fin i th al his 78th year. point. Business is pretty, good and lots New bleached and unbleached Collons, of wbeat coming in yet, eelling frein 50c. new bleaohed and unbleached Sheetings, te 60 cents a bushel, and any quantity of new Pillow CotIons in ail widths opened eats for 20 cents. 1 have been down wiîli put at Cauch, Jobnston & Ciyderman's. la grippe for a few days but ara s]right FRUIT TRxEEsFO R SPRING PLANTING.- again. Âny person wishing to exehange wood, We see by the ist of Standing commit. hay, oats, potatees, or other f arma pro. tees of the Counties' Counicil kindly sent duce fer $5 or $10 wortb of choicr. fruit us by Mr. N. F. Macnochton, County treea or other nursery stock should se Clerk, that the worthy Reeve of Darling- M. A. James for a big bargain. ton. Thos. Smale, Esq., ba.s been re-elect- We caîl attention te the farine adver- ed Chairinan of the High and Public tîsed by Mr. Dyer. These are among the Sceols Commiîee-a weli merited trib- lbest farma in the county, are close te En- ute te a man who has taken a very deep fiel where are echool, church. P. 0., interest in eduicat ion. Reeve Sinale is a store'and blackermith shop, and land is in gentleman that wears well-the btter he excelent condition. This in a chance sel- in known the btter lie is liked. A high- dom ofiered. er tribute could hardly be patd to any 1One cf the boat sermons on temperance man than was accorded Mr. Sinale at the te whlch we have harkened for many a late municipal election when every vote day was delivered by Rev. T. W. Jolliffe pelled in hie home municipaliîy was on Sunday nigbt te a full church. Re plicad for hum. Il je said by many tee gave ie nncetein eound respecting the lIat Darlington bas seldomn if e ver had a resp6umýl 4jhty of ail persons who give sup.mare capable reeve. port in -fny way te the liquor traio. MONTRE AL, Aug. 4th 1891 Asic YouR FRiaENUs ABOUT I.-Your My head was literally f ull of Dandruif distreasing cough can be cnred. We and nothing applied gave visible relief un- know il because Kemp's Balsam within tii using Anti-Dandruif, afew applications the past few years bas cured se many of whidh bas se thoroughly remnoved the coughis and colda in this, community. dandruif there is net a grain te be found. ils remarkable sale bas been won entirely W. I. O'REGAN, by its genuine menit. Ask nome f iend ]RY. Mail Clerk. 'who ha. used il what bie Ihinka o! Kemp's ~ ~ WSE edatnc Baluxn. There isneomedicine se pure , givhigWEAR sh buidn e a cne cons eeffective. Largeebotiea 50c. IhUSibu»*W» BEaif Iva nd IVIn. 0 * mUmm Cy ue. * *Jwer, nvputy-revewortil Ufbun .JVlU lors Pattinson, HaliJames, Jeffery, Tole, Bellman, Mason,.Davis, Spry. TIhe chief business wae the appointment al foiiows of TOWN OFFICERS FOR 1892. R. Wuîdatt, town clerk, $500. S. Burden, assessor $175. Robt. Virtue, coilector, $175. D. Truscctt, Sup. Cemetery, $350. Richard Jarvîs, chief of police, $500. .los. Halpany, North Ward constable. George Downey, West Ward constable. G. D. Fletcher, South Ward constable. Thou. Hoar, capt. Fire Brigade, $20.ý Geo C. Haines, engineer, do do $110. Thou. Tapson., assistant enaineer, $60. G. D. Fletchbr, steward Alert Fire Co., $45. Walter Todgham, steward S. W. F îre Co., $30. J. C. Nos worthy, Jas Ileal, Thos. Darch, Fence-vieweris. Thos. Loing, Pound Keeper. Councillor Jeffory introduced a by-laal to regulate the dog tax. Paissedl thîe readinge Moved by M. A. James, seconded by S. W. Mason, that thl, collector be fur-, nished with a cash book in which he shal enter ail monies received and deposits made esch dal on behaif of this cerpola tion. Carried. Moved by M. A. James, secondedl Joui. Jeffery, that the Finance Committee examine the bondis of the collector and report full pàrticulars of saine to this counicil at next meeting. Carried, Moved by Thos. H. Spry, ileconded by M.ý A. James, that Mayor Allen, Reçve Prower, Dap. Reeve Worth, the move and seconder be a Manufacturer.%' Cern. mâiteee 1 solicit correspondence with a view to encouràging the establish ment of manufactories in tbis town. Carried. Moved by J. Pattinson, seconded ýby S. W. Malon that ail town accouints ýbe handed Mr. Windatt by 2 o'clock Satur day previeus te ecl regular meeting1 of ConiCarried. ., 'JLflu. .ÂU5flng taai.. **~ll t ULUV&0ne of'Court Pride may eet hi,» in Heaven where all sorrow and suffering ie unkn- Own. Believe me, gentlemen, to remain Yours Very FaithfulIy, MRts. JOHN ARCHIBÂLD. Rediands, Cal., jan. 7, 1892. SEEDS -0- If you have Clover or other Seeds to sell, sees Quick before closing sale. Will pay the highest price in cash. Second door east of Pont Office Bow- manville. BOWMANVILLE X ARKETS; Corrected by J. 11CMurtr7, everyV uesday Fnoui,I 10Ibo ........ $2 25 to $2 65 WHEÂTw, Fail, VI bush..0 00 et 0 95 là Spring, il ....000,il 088 RYB, "............0 00,le 085 OÂTS, "............ 000,,0 30 BÂRLHcy, P 'bnsh, No. 1 .... 0 00 0O48 e a ,2x.. 0 00es 0 45 2 ....000 ,0 40 Two-rowed O00 0 O50 Buckwheat 9V bush ...... 0 0 0 45 PEÂAs, Blackeye, YV bush... O00 etO090: ilMummy .0 O80 Il 0 03 la Small, a O0 0 le O 60 là Blue, 'a 0. O85 fi 0 90 BuTriRr, beat table, P' lb ... 0 00 te O 16 EGGiS, e doz ............ 000,le 015 PoTiTOzs, YV bush .......O025 et O 30 PoRE,Y' cwt ...........5 0011550 HÂY V ton .... *il........ ()QG,,10 00 VALUABLE FARM FOq SALE. Muet be sold te wind up ihe estate,10 ACRES, one mile and hait east of WVhitby Town on Kingston road. WVill ba sold whole or twe parts of 50 and 93 acres esch or 70 and 70 acrei eah. Good lecality. 2 erchards, trilxhous3e, 2 barns. atone stables. creek runung ail the year. Apply on tarin te. MRS. F. 'McKENZIE, Administratrix, 4-1w. Whttby P?. O. Tenders for Sehool. Sealed tenders reparate or ln bulk will be recelved by the underaigned ua te 12 o'clock neon on Menday, Fe3b lirh. 18J2. for the diff- erent works required lu 'ha erection of a two. rom School Honse in the villageot Tyrene. accordiniz to plans and speoifications prepared by Mr. :Wm. Bnnney, Itegistered .ctet Bowman'vllle. Plans and specificatiens can b3 seen at the store of Thomas Creeper. Esq . Tyrone,on and after Monday F'eb. lot, 1892. The lowest or any tender not necelsariy accsptfid. W. R. CLIEMENS, Secy.*te theBoard, 4-2w. Tyrone. Ont. 200 ACRE > ARM FOR SALE OR RENT in ..LClaîke. Being lot 35,in the 81h concession of the township of Clarke. Weil located. oe mile weet of Leskard, god ol, Weil fenceci and ln a goond tate of cultivation Fali plow- ing dons. WiU be sold on favorable terme. If net sold at once will be rented. For further r rticulars apply te me at Orono, Ont., or te OBT. MOMENT, P.M. 3-tf. A. J. ISTAPLESO, Orone.1 'MakeWANTE D fi 'é takiecharge cf a Local =yecy.eo openingfoer righItman, un sai- aryr cmmisio. Woleor art time. We are the only rewers of both Canadian and American stock. Nurseries at RidgevllleOnt.; and Rochiester, N. Y. ViBitors welcome at grounds <Sandays excepted.) Be quick and Write for full Information. We want yon now, BROWN BROS. CO., TORONTO, ONT. ThisHoise e arellable,lnc.Co.,Paid CapitalI Jewelry, Silverware, You can- buy a genu- ine American Gold Filled' Watch. and Gold Filled Chain and Seal, AIJL for only $5, CASH@ Everything else sold equally as cheap. eWe do the business and can af- ford to seil cheap. In Repairing we excel, as everyboc3l knows; we do ail kinds and give the bestiof sat-'a isfaction, MAYNARD ct- m m 0j eM4, r (D .q4 CD