GRATEFUL- CO)MFOPTING. _B 1E ýA S T. t\ a tho'ý11ougt> knwedge oi0 ý tintr al Ia'p Sh hrOenth prtinodiet jnad i î.I'o ami ' il a osrofa aplliofl0f deluiaPl \lvrdbveae hre~ve usdde nsnyhex'> doctih o ' blUs. h isory ik. ëricou s t aue agie S of dlie 4ihai a one of te. Unues ofen bt1 e-mladi edr Gloly g arofsetr Medy ¶o at,>ai hrv. there !s s x'e, poan We farite es man confatale lhazy bat e irses w e keiotifls with th erth blon i aurnsonri noraxid !Ie Head Sura:eon Of t-ha Lulion Medîcal (Jampany s nai at Tarant-a, Canada, sudnay lie cou slted et-ler lu person or '11y ltter on a] cbranic diseuses peculia t-o mn.Mer, youug, aId, or middla-aged, wito fIne t-han salves nervous, weak an exhauistedl wbo au brokan do3wu irom excess or averw-s' rasuitý- in lu any af the iollowieeg sysnj t-aus: Mental depression, premainre aio age, bss ai vit-aity, loss ai memary, lis dreamas, dimnesoi sigît-, palpitation af t-h heurt, emissiaus, lack aofcungy, pain in t-h kiducys, beadacle, pimpler, an t-ha facea body, it-ciug or peu a ensýation about t-h scrotum, wastesg oaihpt-leanls, dizzines. speeka bai"re thD eeas t-w itoàiug ai t-i deit n tlisurine, boaiwill powe tendae,sasft-le scalp snd spine, waak au, flaliby muscles, desire ta sloop, failure ta i rest-e] ly sloop, constipatian, dulines s0 heaing, bloss ai vaice, desere for soitudE excttability ai Camper, sunkan aye surround ed wilh LEAL dt CIRIL, Oily ooking akiri et-., are ail symptons af nervons deiilit- t-lit lae] Ctu insanit-y suddeat- l ics curai Tle aping on vital force having l its t-en alan Pavery uect-bn wanes lu cons--equauice Thosa wlo ý2,througb auuse cousîunitt-cd ii ignri(lance imay lie permasientby cuned. Sem your: addna7ss forbooûk on sldsae es'- taO man. Books sent frac ses Heurt- diseuse, t-ha symptonus of wýicl anr faint speils, purpia lips, nu Fus, apita tion, skip bouts, bot flushes, rus ailoa( t-o the leAd, dilpain in thc Icant- withl beatý 71ogrp ie] suirnaguitle oueri lesat qiekr -ant-i f -psnabo,_ut t-h( breasat linect-., ecan piativly iare] No cura1î, 1no paty. Sasse] fox bol0. Addresi î. V. LUBONX, 24 McoulAvenn,,Tor. auo-, Ont-. Whieî'eDuIlîess la Profitable, Hov are tLI)ings us yoon business ? -2t[ull, l'un gise] t-o rpr 'Glad :',a .i 1 VoTs, l'un aà wsaree. Ver Os-er FilSs'ver MES W slw SOTHNO yuupbas lbeci usesi 7,1ils is u;t mtessfo usi leidresu wlh'Olatetis.If dus ube ati ighri sud braiten c our resi b1-a sic,hls ufa-a ane].crl>ig wih pil of CeUegTeetti s-nd se Onice and gsi a botlaor"rs WVinsslaw' Saating S~rnfnchîltirea teethig. le wit salit-va sfic pon iitula sufféeenimmedlat-eîy Depeusi upan it, usatbcre. thore a isnua istake about ï,. Irauras Dianrbceeî, raguhates Cthi Suomadli and Bosseli, C-re3s Wiad, Colle' Bfiéssthe Guims. redusses Infismiatian sud Rives toue sud energy ta the whole systaus '"Mrs Wioslos"'s Sorthing yrup'- ror vhidrea teaibing uls pluasaneta the testeand suft-bs Prescription ainnu o t-uei an sd bhasttea maie physcien snuss i rh-jJuitai Statees: Psi" 25 ccans a buttle: S Ad by ai. drggist hniu,rb ,uetse ewondi. lis su-e auj ak for> "Mas. liLWuscws doruNe Sv.Up A naw matenial lab biug iud by an Englial ýcomn]y whuc, rsenhesleatiser suand 4.ben u wl i mae inte boots and]soawîepoo ot-bing sud at-ber sýimilar produets. t i kwn an' bisudyte, bl lu 't-hcaupas1idon is not masde publie. Catarrh. Sufferers aroe110ot genleraUly swane that t-bese issusý are contagions, or t-balt-la3 ara due t-o île pros-suce ai living parasites ln t-he litiiiig usemabrasnaai t-ha nase sud eustachis"ritilbea. Microscopie research hassara,,has 8pravit-OliS toa ac adi the reesull ai shis dlscos'ary la lIat a sim-' ple remiedly bas beau oiaeulst-ed where- by cal rrh, catarrhal deainasanduday fever avis perinanently curad in on t-, threa iml aplctionS Dmade at, home by tle fpdient-(once lu t-wo weeka. N. B.-T1iia treinucut- is nt- snu1ff or u ol mieut; bath baye beau dis. -arded as i1njuiaus. A- pamphi ai-ex- Dn espt ivsamu o t py po)staze, by J. G. Dixon & Co_ 345 Wesl Kinug St. Tor- [sto iud.Cîiîa dvocate. shoule] earcisîiV uiy nase l aoq7a. sd t Soia laretiwitis Icing luepli- cte i lu lo-aaistthè lives of Prince i 'lucif. 'r"Ie cook w>t-l arneed as le was soonl t-a lac utycîsuinain t-la rayai food, liotiI4jhY §rizea fer tflovs nul iGls Tha 'Suight" Sop Ca.,poro, Ofnts oloigpze very moud iti itiiur oie ta loi s zsudgirls iurderl1, raiitbnnoc osme f "u"'li'esaper is, t,; n esuniilit" Soau 5fce 4 S)t St, Tcirouto [lo itlerthan 29il i;it snii uSmre ige. ansi Ofsher- aiwnaoers Wiesnar laras ssii] e cbîloic TseZoronbo M Smallula~~ as'ii isvefaciags oai relve, wiîl .ius{s2îl a1coque featîers os- a arga -bird prVied on tise ida, art-e]tal Oopis ( a i nilin. When a by was scrwegave lier Castonia, When s'uhasi A ef-hem Cston HOUSEIHOLD. MOS O AY. An abnno cde-cor sons-ow: vsucl utile teylas'g in l, e f1ebaui Th, grnusipurceprt e1 dfll 1,iliac an tsogue oh smous; inEoaEasi iv My s noul au be eeauborroux ,,4y trt darlingsz thcy essi aid live do g Iadly I bil for ËCisc suorro se. T11wie uci Ipis ,NviIb whîbýinig sls'oi. Apd lani-h allc ,sc aud arow WIilu s jewxing gariniuts -o suefiy mti 'ro, caver usy lovuti one bo-iorrous'. uRIDutAY. As tha grnius and diitt 1i euxcep axent Msîy nud no roubli can bornais, Finre lvdscase n liaih url-s mereda,' I. roltit-day. forto-morrosu. eStieUiDAv- The inuunîhine- foodt i setaand stir, dAn, joy oiisly sinL,h or- no sonnow En'ns nîY iaif taflon for lova, S L c resi comath sure on lise morrosv St NO iv 1 go lu tha Blessedel Oa vîo lno-w', EverY form of eaî'thuty soru-ous; noonis by a chlest of drawers and GoC-llen Theughts foi Every Day. a low comfortalile dresing-table, but1, as tbis nacessitatcs t1Ic Use of tçxxa pieces of fil trei lacetof('one, 1,t-e bureau jî 'is lte hr xa happylaud onhii 'Cht ecds no mooss atil!It, netaiued, a'sd is thel,, iy pie"e of elaliorate 'Ïo sun at nooud-cas in the sks, ly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i cavdfrntr1,owbej aenc Ilult ce-cruwhere is light. fasionblabeeroo. Tse hevl gass -i; O> ia ýi ior lcft tisai land wc lenow, Whclthe fli leugrh oflte fgeierny e And put liiscrowri aside, sus, ealuusosbt o ancssr pr u-fin os eîdays boloux. oft-h untr.Aswcar ihcn A nd i Lhensintorture (lied. seat, bu unuphosieed oesslowlouga, ~o lm tOsuk fe caie ta Save place of whcb'vv, tjnaprtanPWrelcr worth than goid, cdan' asailbedidetabe, reai tse A ightyprisehe gladly gave other picea s of furnre necessr or, tIld'ý Tha r -vrbcbetold., I nos elboaicy urishd iedoon.A su- O f, e e f1t lIts happy heaven '['bat we usîg t know Ris w 11, thcedbane. The ol( daeie i. T recs i ose xii lowcd nI( I-idwaalgh ahcnan Ielers Taylors. of hee nuîla'n ace orInda slkwhih "uedayt-tis a joy taenme to know t-bat nauy l Ou iy au 'Jed 'Tlied--ltesteis ti, lisinsw the Icommunion oftlsis thenpy dapry hî '0i S grca uta lue rental t uc Chnistiaus toblefind saline Con-e-ssn io lcquld !e slnwcd ri. A il) eGog ~txs.We ae icher tClan gre,,,manyof te ewbrss iestad hve w oaFa iliere are growing pear a lalfteser uu solog a ths s kpe av tvc~,apie-troscherry- trees, and slmub4, ured W;1Ils ami tr ai ttislLcaý,sily vsUndeui1 lud;"blosso. 1ng vines, and flowers af every andis eptexqisialyfreh ad danit-s le sd ooz bt 1 am- glad thai sonie a onemet ise lsead aii 0prTtyseu slav lcoilown over thbe Wall, ,and t-bt e w ondleba t iei t p.Te hilfrit tre es au.d fiowers most pleasant ta pîlowshns spprtedbyhili rnsienalt-e sy snecpigigup t-boreas. -[ur pillows atthCIelia, a,ýre nlot as o0t11se1,0ad Bechcr now as a round Loîster of isair, wisicl i,,s coi - ered by thc uphoisterer with soîne material 'dedy to, match tle couniterpane. n strteifei!u ow fo Grewvpeace-frolevil, goos1, -canue knowledge H-e giveen mmuanna fr my soûsi, Blicet confort to-day ansd tCi ornaw. e1u Foinits. "Eiouglî for the day ils the evil thereaf;> The hurnao skeleton consisîs of more te Th!, promise a,,urces'e of soî'row twnhbn For guidance, sand srengtli, ech ad y 1 pray, t ffihudreddistinct boules,.ettasot Feexea~ . acLu They\-are deaa wîe be ustbli net to ------- oliaii a ivelih!ood. leimoy.When makinig ausaLes maý,k a partlu- n- r satie adntS eyln sm5li cakes and the remiaindei put in long k, ao liLhr, hen ileproesson Ws oen viuwite cotton bags twclve icfi long and ago st-erhenanaproesson vasope tafixe inlies wlde. These liags arc luun ua~ womeu, a profession wicbelinot ail could dry, (cool place ta use later. fentier imtothongb ail sîlgît desire todl, o z iotaileeop of cîlgar, a 1ý profession for^,,w'ilîih macs were tIl tei p ofabutte ýr, two egga, one cup'ai se coaotîes, and for'ivlîi the coîuipeLtitve sweet i ik, a littde sait, thice teaspoonfu.lns searinaticur was a liattie lu whieh tIcemaie of baking powder arid flour enaugh ta nak" radiant cliaruis usually ottained theasitogltar]oît l' grLeateat uu1nl)r rof imarks --tihe Fprofession 'l'O caver thbe nîseuststf castor or, i fmatriusouy. odlivxer al uttab,(ileoofli staind 113 No douilit-tis ýfiact \wais ialays;,to a car- u n jiceiiaL vngsa pu -ie i i l tain extent, gosedovr.lewas a tact tIsne ce no iseauioiani tses quez rI sldan or neyer putt initol plain wo,,rds. It- îew draps of tlise jicýe 1pon I ha ajil andiuo it was dressed np la ieuphemisms, pîeked thoe edge of tise glass. eoingeicess and ic-ar lies about a himbers, xxine, and otiier glasses îssay le ou eail e cteprewa ppesbut ailirenderedesaytouiîas ta lbe practicatly luis fj soL 'aa gating ovar breakabey placissg t-lenr in a x'essal of c.t. lu youels jisaidans "pttocoid watrn g uaiiy Iringing it ta a a, uScheland. sle i; ý ýo acatr ardlioiliig point, cana lieiug takais ta place "carcout"It wc ,har b, i a latis litweai tisens so t-bat they arc ual Wleu t-heyinjîrad duningealillitiose. Ort-ey usay ha a nïeas ta ho tlsairtecacsers tisaI tlay isad piaced lu a very hot aven aud aliowed grad- got t-iýlelesson off Iy hbar, aud tiien once iiy t-o grow coid.ý t he hdurcis hall chimed, oncea tIsaorgasi l ais leig uiiami ocb El pal exding marcl, and tIc air waxv a d igs chigauds hr s oeb dinuvt ncasd liewlsthai wearnu gt ansround thecvaist. Tiîey r ucidalyv prasste oua ypartai tisa body coneaining vary aipe of Iai -> ite satin, eh0 e sos38i bousesdelicate udimpos tant orgaus. wiicb, il e igî,ýt at iatlie tlrowu a ida n h pasdot isae cuam-ispi u amacipta puil us foth ros tseilîness, Lthat no doctor eaui cura. A greatN Matten ae atîser iareu t ow. G Wrls1 n of pet-icoats, too, hanging frou tise wbuiefeelng a ail ruc ame Girltsurîwaist only, doesnischL cem. (sartacs,alaso, bný "ý'igit e is glu tis te amue con oi hpprnsoutsellod esassd reuîsl Spinaesa, have eianed (tai. takea cause woîa, orincosa vains. 17sarle naitional vie,,,-of existene, oiudlt seco t-bat mtatnimon)iy, a1esirale as it is wheu learts are bound lu anc " witlî golden case " ~1sfrYngHoeeees as weii as livas, is not t-be ouiy flower that 1. A diuling-roouî îmust lini perfect orden blooms ly the çway sidae'oai tisahumsin pil- lefora breakfast- isses îed. grinage. Intellect is cultivated uow for 2. A waitrass is nesponsill for t-le heat lt-s own sake, sud not oniy liecause certain of tlise ibe ait-arl, bey caline trous the kit-ch-b sneisare lvradeiaceernes in theï l ap1I1 Co liaI i se must, Cool t-lie1; i o heaaca ince l aillianut imàarry, il is lot lei,-auglis Iemuse s-nd t-hein iack. P weilt-bat al sbo rdoul st their couire 3. Calice snd bot milk inusi lia kept ain hiopes upon t-ibt soipetinies ýioutfnl bIcbls- thîe rigle tesuiperature ta preserva tiseir buse i n r rblaeell otiue aone 4. Watern ssic ofreds ad cool. ' 1 ofIte nîantisly aaznsavcry iienetiug 5. Btter must not lia serv-cl ed sooîî as article ou t-be s orlus iloen, davu.taliecoie ý,soie sud aiiy. Ziuig ta nosraethe rsot is l ain .Brsnust li fshlycsut. H iLt i b t u Ie ial sud femnale sees. omnG, 7. Glassas m i)-lekepi lt i. I) aie) b ianreakl are Wise anîd truclu' lt t-o 8S. Noîling but an unexpected extra otesil is probable tîsat snany wiLake s>ould aven lie asked 1cr.a sexception. Sue says tIsai t-be 1ivairv ai ,a-l. ilverybhing mostle passed attisalait, i mrern lsedaonlgt anlsl-ns sv plaeed St t-ha ight.0 ing 11iducedt !Gtaaduo sycuitivatel 10. lu càiaaing tle table food mustsi le uiLcir clams ý and foster andi dex-eiop 1 lei'- iraI nauîoved; tisee soiied clisna, glass, aileeni etalents, lias licen for incalculable lietfit toansd cuitleny; tIen crunîs lIeusi. This sourds Plausible enofugli, but- 1Il. Everyebing relatig t- oana course t wa dýou1t if tlie trucat- and hast- of woiehust lic reusatved liefore :servilug anoviu'e' 1wil fail ta sce tsrougb it. No doulit uîny couirse.-[jGood llonsekeeping. gsrls, Iy nature sone vhat il-iiumouired, if norýt- sessuly blad ýtesspared, have icanaf uiiy coîîeealed tise fac froîn'seél'f iutarestcd mo- Oanýada's World's Faircommissioner. t s tivas, hava susoot-leeit-be natural inowîs sud Prof. Sauinders, direct-or ni expenimaetai t Casssîmcdi the sînnat-unal smilc, lave lsugliet farms, Ottawa- bas leen appolineted by thelf switlsonit t-le sweet spirit af nintli prampîing Dominiion -Gavero ment- Coînnmilsasner to t-l It-lien jluiarder ta gain cert ain mnatrüionial World's Fair for Canlada. Hc a says t-bat f antis. lhe question a, IHaveit-bey neaiiy whie t-lis imsportant sud resposliedutym - linefitad tbenîsei'. s ly striving in sncb a wili entail a large ausount- af extra work ise, N spirit ? Dr. Keneaiy appainnt ly hinkasa. lapes, iran lis laisse lu s position ai t-bar-a Maisy ,ilL dooltith. ongle tond witî t-be difleresît-Departaiests -Marriage manoeuvres,"sIie says, Ilereata ai Agriculture tîrougisant the tDaminioni,l > ur igulsie1, atmsospîcre, yet tisa industre-, au- that- lis task wiii lie renderedeasier than i tarpnrise suild i]]wti lsctiay are se- taider 'atlier circuaCs ces.'Whie le is t- conîiplisised have lrought out sud developed pranature t-a make auy foraecast of t-be cout'e femunîneinesaurces, plysicalsud rmental, pietëes with wliiuh'Canadà, will lie repre'c- ýwb icb, w thant tbis stimîulus, would have sent-ad ly aui exhihit as < usuri opulent lu t ,theesu dormant- sud ment." Very likeiy; lut every respect as t-haesagoificiant rasources d rthse ignoble at-maspbere suraly vielatas snd oit-be Dominion should deiiuand. ý The fruit "a neutralises ail t-le ativauitage accruiug inom 2xhibit-, le thiuks, should lie cspeciallyI tise isîdusiny, cuterpnise and slsiîl. - strang, sud should lie oee that would open g Besîdes, t-le abject of sudh effort-s atit-sm- tise ayes of t-be citizens ai t-ha Repullic Ca hI e], what- bac& sft-ewipnsn ne ut-be sont-luoaius. ' lHe attachesasa t-be iigli. t-isý struggic for t-lic matrimonial srown ? est importance t-et-be liva-stock exîlieit, Are tlsey sl1,swif tly laid aside, and sllawcd whicb wiil require talae ail t-le morle excel- t-o rust lu t-be armas-y, t-otisa greatastonish. lent ail accaunt ai t-be keeni competition ment sud disguost af t-be luiand?'iThe situ- wliîdh t-be cattle oi t-be W'estern States' a *ulated good tessîpas soon v anishies. Thle. ac-taches wiii affer. On tle. reuit wiil de-w complisîsmfeuts anaswe tl droppad. Tise pen-d eousiderahly 11ie.costiisuaiou ait-be mutsic wbicb citaînîed t-ha maile beart as t-be prestige of Cana,,disu carttie. The Dominioni singfing oft-be syreus ecisariioed tisa pasaing Live Stock'Associstion wili proliably lie st marisiers iS given opr. TsePainting> is pnt calîcti.upon t-o malte t-be selection8, sud les aside. 'And ti en nateraly tlisaubsand feels expe ts every co-oiperation'fram tisis anaer-' V dissatistieti, sud fecels t-at he bas beau won geeic liody, wisse interasts will dainan(itheIc iy false preteuces.;,Atuda 'ucha feeling, once, hest nepreseutat-iou possible. Dairy produce, ie ut- lias eki oat-, la fatal t-a wedded liss. t-le professer thinka, wilinake, a capital.i i display, sud lu t-lis dapartient, le wili hsave t-le advant-age of Prof. Rabertson's as The lledroom. invalualleaid sud J sssistance. Heanatici- lIae cane of ijedroons uecessariîy iîînpîies pates, ai course, tIat t-be Domninion G(oy- ni PLoper vent-liaflis. Aldance ouf air sud ennuinent wili psy t-be transportat-iana of t-le, f ab ofuea sun-ligut are ueeessary ta ia- exhihits, sud hus fosteran sd encourage as cf sure -whlusomse qualics lu auy living-room. maguificent- a dispisuy as t-le country cala Yet is net anu usscoissmosu t-ing t-o Sud t-be uake. Y airai t-be bedroossi close sud t-be noon itseif Carii oitae epn 5soitnatad tîsat-stinsbine isi'.npossible. Au -lrigaCneaeWao. h inside raclai, ventilateti only liy doors opep- "1lWbydo ysu refuse t-a live witl your it ingino ot-ler roaîus, caunot raider any cm-. wiie'?" iuquired Jutige 'Cowirg in a case in cuniances la a hleaitby sicýepiuig-noom., A wbara a woan' was ulisrged w iitl lalviug ri sleeping rùoasu uesis abutndance of ligît'as a enie] ta kil] bier lasbaudi. rp disîsfectassi of imptiies in t-le ais-, just as"Bekasa Lin in dbnead av me aife wlsJ it uecdsabundanceoiair. Ouaait-le great- ler." est iuistalses-made in tisa_ furnisl;iieg of, aHo is yrour lufe audaugercd ?" th ledu-ooîîs is Ca dut-Car tise roon up witîe u1n- ",SIc siteals aiesuc, yar lonor, wid a au nacesaary turnitu roi- Wa are daing away concayied wýeeplon. She las it ounlier par- t- witb t-la oroatefurnitra whichI ebaracteri- son,,non." t- ~zed'île old-fashioned lbadroama. AMassixr It's 'alieJudge. lha trutls's e ln carved waodcnlbedstcsadc are givinig p he - im." -th t-li iîplo'u]mr rilleaeaisof Sîlaincel, woîssani,"sidtIse jta."Off- lirass. Tise I"sînt at--au, pic ,carbias auy ciuicealad wecapoiî liecu Jouird 's' of fureitura in which tîsere waavytîgot-iwomnani e'nc to coýndesun, hecause i 'aîr1 csia> > No, your bosor." ili-suited ta iti porpos, is passingdu a What do yirncan by sayingf liat,3your; use. Tisesisuphe meEai lsi -1,11 ~ wfaaneaacocacdwapn7 being gencraliy used. iisea llasedi Wbat do I mean is iC? If yaerel usan - nu arinotnut aifMate cap njure it. .r_-riedlt-o ler ye'd kîsaw wbat- I mesu7" c that ta get Acqtsl ýirtance3 with the way o' the world, M'a mueit not fret Nov i uiuse on altitudes cf self-cuffieiency, But bd a f rank rarewell ta wlsat-we tiink- slitould ha- Adwitb as good a grace, weicome what is-we -[Robent Browning. h kersday -Au estabuisheti, expenieucce], GpinlChristian is, in tie wrld, like an icebejrg iii a swciling sea.. Tle wsves risc sud tajl.Siast-nain, aud shiven, asie] od ou tieIgit-ated waters. lELIt tle iceberg isay, lie seau fr tfà~r, receivýing t-le break- ers ae is suow-wliite-les, caaing tisem off inîssovati, and, wheue ailaiel i ockiugt-o sud ira, standing stable like tise everlastiug bilîs, Tle cause ai its staadiness is, us deptit. Ils bulk is bedded in calta water hesin-sirlit-be tumuit- ebat rag,-s on tise sur-i ,faca'. Aýleliougbh, 1i ka t-lia si t, is lloating utIse wates-, il rece,ý.ives sumd tisrows off-tle angrly wva!ike 1tliisa 'ocks t-lui ttgird t-ha Ohs! biesant-iai ine, oh'eavybeant anti sone, Of 1'lî tsigît snt ndiug onCiscInui 0f ths st1Lreussu uiit or i-vi-mrehr s eorawa tieid 5n oldstt-o no , tsud Poar Lear.!I bronliveailyvanst-orte ro- 0fsuic jone uiri tera a Che surce 0f ni Oc, r nere noreon ;sud eulerc Be keil rut odtis fnlove sud puac. Salud ay-ol ha rt. e s ai m îs o ne uai re insuss and l. or si elasau e enisi sc-iosi whrIojut-e hritiai nwis rcar boso wyt-heiend ands te kawndat snýit-, - no dicinhave nanelotsudt-heoin- prsaediug (late anuniedens scaa dwer- tleir îer pa e e iane Caircaionsi dog, otler ut- coti e uccrt- a)ut su eue], u1ý"_ýý dicosuefon-t. O)it-rimaIouaen- taits ~ ~ i ip u-swon oua. Somve thurog fewes' lavelat ngt 'dbut sunah ias. l lie-o itliolanainss andf cosneu]i Hde s u,rddoily. Towleai aotaIse"eue]di dfer iti uie] outsan Truc (3linstiu isdou lioshdostsaeupie] nefst-lieauynd asÈa cun'g olmtic ha 1sianyltsrtadcoi- pse ,' sa sd btIc sa fnie d ctioysn atar eîudsucceion, so t-ele w Cliistasi, a- deavres, suds Andone ouly liveaàvic urase suoa li rewy peaallta l iaI ivd -[i se ,. ail.fu rotsagbfr th ThIe Hios et e f Pofit-inean tismed-ed Ioipe snceo thIcxforisof- i t-e aw Ai thbae afinicyucobtI su-sut- sdres- "Yes, ser. hAne]I-vat yonr alce ast. t-oed t-iebst artd t-ooee]." om i oo ue,1 aboss; aourlmontîs aga, iefor te il cîvîtiau mat, aforndof urse.n Ct-si neat asîce] nuaerspt lupntfor ai tmtisdme -in li rm isadt-at-if Ia wold ie] hom ten la w hss entir.d lan uvti sli a tIse I u oscameig. TI dyraret.naI stsrctchleutboomn ndhe edt:,il maugy t trough ltny e;fot,aouse.a Iewsn I ord slader tili. - Spnt uny ie ao'( ne me on alin aalylass t-osecli t yriaafatht-aie]bo- Iay 1 a ae -octchDoyeimein sus] i îca lly d lgîc]aI m ain ; atadm tsaI yeo i s~hunitrajs.u"nedlysyn ucwols moueet euna bit." th Cicm "Yau 0issm un reedy ndeah " "Wb àJýa- I I isaves'lnd yous cn ta aa ledukoed pufticatscand-res seust-w-uiy lier. ar. IBIt- eus.nt urderstaud t-bepe dche atsar e larbu eut-ba ve ntion I weu'l roTun arae wliooîa Il up for lm at-er Il layfonrmy wiia$'s;d0t-vasecampai-n iic t-oi ut-sprebat-srasie]dses takquiet- 14Yeas. Il ibrd I ekuo," rapic CIe "Thtou,s but-yu ave noinaedy. aou hmthasen strlue wand uaîtedby me ne- in aemer, Ieisciuona$20ae aupagof ueunlsepress promise t- Ck cr ieusomebodyrisa le] so neigaboute t-d lus , au penlt-te , wmseiflai eupo n a 'swp ape adiscusson sud nthe e a ol aifo nyscia signe ynakforn un tlis ci- "lIuhe sno aswhaee "Andse]an doicclingyspn-$1?" epn lest-.". "let las one kaksoiroas e] atinsile ied r ise i icai ndltan."k anplt I lva ndo nmeely onbis'pro "Anle I cdangdrueiugon fb" eofie " Nthing M. for Infalato zndChden zOflOa;o welladapted to &il<en- t IIcatr'i.cures Colle, constiratien, I rcomenf fis speioro ay pesciptonsor Stoznach, Diarrhoea, Eructatiofl, ksioW tome" LH.A. AucimaR, M. D mils Worms, gives Bleep, and prornote8dl :Uc Oxordst.gestion, il U. ~or S.,BroklnN.Y. WIUout Wiuriosis medication. THa C'rÂun Cosu'Mrr, 77 Yurray Street, N. Y4 FO 4SLE BY J. 1GNBTA & SON, BOWINANVILLE. i I B eOWMANVILLE, Hleadquarters ilu Wes t Darhi M for FINE Di nner and Tea Sets, Chinawar, Hiall, ±2arior and Hand'Lamps Fane y Cups, 8aucers, Vases, Vater and Lemonacle Sets, etc OUR FAMILY Is as well supplled with the veybest goods at lo-west prics-e Hi'Lghest Pr fices for, ýarm Produce- Leading Seeds'men in the, distri'ct, Always pleased tO show goods. Inspection solicited MURDOCH BROS. Vicci oria Buildigst Bo6wmanville.24 HLAINES' OARRIACUTE WOIRK8 GEORGE O. HAINES, Proprietor, MANUFCTURER O- OAR1AC8~SLEICH1Sý OUJIERSe WAOUS MI& R KING STRtEET, BOWMANVILLE. Now on handa number of x'einicles andi is manufacturing ra agmr fte1ts patterns and best finish, w.hich I arnom rn o aea the loat priceonstn with due regard to workinanship andi quality. The following is a 1151 of the principal vahicles nainuftactured by me Double Covered Carniages..................... ............ $50 lJpWard. Single Phoetous ....... .........................100 pnBugy................. ...... ...................70 " TopuBugy............................. ........ ....0 Deinocrat Wagons.. ý....... .......................65 Lumnber Wagons ........ ........................55 Light Wagon.............. ...... ................-............. 4 Express Wagon ............ ........................... 5 Skeleton.......... ..........................--... ....50 «1 Sulky ........ ....... ................ ..............40 Possessingsupcrior facilities for mauufactnng carniages, I intenf ta seli very eiîeap for cash approvad credit, and by so doing I1op to greatiy increase my number of sales, Wae - 1s'll the wood parts only, or the geirings of buggies ironofi., Ail Kinds of Vèhicles Repair'ed At the Shortest Notice, Pals4ted and Trimnîied if Dasired At the Factory 1 alse do -Planning, liMntcIhing,,.T,,rnin., andi Sawîng wvith Circle, Baud or Fra Saws. and prepar ailr kiuds flusefocaPenters anf others forbuiling pupses ornameltal and Plain Pickees for fences in every style rcquired, made te order. ýl