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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1892, p. 8

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(Condensed from the News.) 1 Mrs. Brown and Etta Brown Ennifikillfl visited bier daugliter, Mrs. Sid Gamsby who has been very ill,at Mr. L. A. Gains- by's. . ._Albert Kerr and wife, Mariposa, visited friends in Kirby and vicinity te- cently... . A. Tamblyn bas imported a pair ?f Bron zTurkey-a gobbler from the province of Quebee, and a hien f romý Western Onario. They are a handsome and superior class of bird ; be bas a]o iniporteda pair of Shropshire 3heep from Scotland, whjch we understand he' wil exhibit at the World's fair. Mr. Tamblynj in one of ont mont entererising f armer. . .The entertaininent of the Epworth League on Fridayevening, Jan. 22, was well attendled and an interestiDg prograin was given by members of the League and the visiting members of Port Granby Ljeague. A pleasing event of the evening vins the prepentation of a silver tea service to Mr.1 .Werry, nec Georgina Tam- blyn. Mr. Moment,- Superintendeflt-of the S. Sehool, made the addreas, wbich vins extempore andi nade some pleasing and flattering reînarks to Mrs. Werry in lier work lu the S. Sebool from ber child. hood to wonanbood, which was replied to by Mr. Werry on behaif of hia wife. The entertalnment caxue to a close aU er whieh refreshinents &c., were served. M C. C. Richards & Co. Gents,-J have used your MINARD'S LI1NMENT in my family for a number of years for varlous cases of siokness, and more partienlarly in a severe attaîk of la grippe which 1 vuntracted'last winter, and I firmly believe that it was the mens of 'saving niy lif e. 0.. L. Hague Sidney 0. B. LINES ON A SILVER WED- DING. Tie following pretty hunes, written by Rev. J. L. Burrows, former pastor cf the Churchi of tie Evanigelista, Oswego,N. Y., were addressed to Mi. andi Mrs. M. P. Neal: O, aie lu five aud twenty years What joys and sorrows meet, Oft tiere la laughter, sometimes tears- How soon away tiey fleet1 Thus far you've travelled baud lu baud, Iu sunîhine or in siatie, In calmn or v3torm, by sea or landi, But ever uutiismayed. Witi hopeýs audsenlIes, witi chîldi-en deai-, You have both geninsaud gold: O, travel ou ; wat ueed you fear h Your goo i is scarce hait told. There's no band-writing ),ou the wall, Birds of a Feather. A Parrot is a great screecher snd imita.- toi-, but you kuow it's a Pari-ct stil. Certain manufacturers, jealous cf the wcrlti-wide auccescf "Sunlight" Soap, try te lîinitate it sud gain business ce "Suulight's" reputatien. But it's only theParrot's attempt,and es iasily detected. Thei- Scap la poor, injurlous stuff still, anti the stealîng cf "Sunlîgit's" directions an lui Smý th( NOXON BROS.' INGERSOLL, ONTAI MANUFACTT STEEL FRAME HOOSIER DRILL CORD) SAYîNG Tn INDEPENDENT STEEL SPRING TC A FULL STOCK 0F IMPLEM4ENTýç lbouees, 222. 224,22M6, st Paul S t MONT. King Sb. LONDON. Good active agenta wanted ini ail unocoi saving Bindeir before purchasing. '10 summon up youi- bar;08HAWA. And proventefis e-ailRecent visitors: Ja..Mitchell Bowman- Ansibeavn iselfis nar.ville;, Miss Dew.r, Toi-ontho; Mrs. Eng- - - liei, Messrs. Pied. Ioýllnd and Steward; T-n~' inimeiit foir Rbeumnatisin. Mr. John H. Boue, Hici . ... Mr-. F. E. Dingle waià in New York !ast weàk... A PLEASANT HlERB jI)RINK-A SPBRING Ed.oTaylùr who fornerly wcikîd for S. MErniciN-Tie druggists tell us that H. Reynolds, butcer, Bowmanville, bas people cail daîly for the uew cure for con- secutesi a situation witi Mr. Cochraue.. stipation aud ick-ieadacho discovered by .Thos. Holliday, Uppen Bedford, Que., Dr.- Sulas. Laue It is Faid te be Oregon was caîleti hQro te inter tie bodiy cf bis grope root (a gyreat rem edy te the far Wst daughier, wbo di-ti on Jau. 23 .... O. R. fcr tiose complaints) combined with 5im- White, East Whithy, bas beught a rosi- pie herba, andi le madle for use by pnuring douce.frein Mc. ......... Jas. Barnett bas on boiling watur te di-aw eut the a'trengtb purcbasiad from G. S. Bo i tii preperty It selle at 50-i ansi $1 a package and in eal- be formerly occupieti on Coîborne street ed Lane's Family Medicine. ... .Mrs. ALders. ii bas accepted a ne- sponsib2e position in Detroit,. .. .Rev. T. The New Canadian Monthly. Manntng, TLroLt, formeriy pastor cf Canadians evervwhere wil be deligbted Simcoe St. Methotiitt chunci, preacliosi with the, new magaziue, tii DomINioN iu that pulpit las»t S-bbti in aid cf mis- ILITUSTRATEtS MONTHLY, tii fiust issue cf siens,... .On Tuesday i laB lss rs. whiih has jiitt eacied us. The publiai. Weallernl,rother cf llattliew Western, ers lu their prospectus declaned thein was founti unceuscions on bei- kitchk)n intention te suake this uew magazine, in flnor. The postiu n whici sie was ite literary, artistie and mechiasical feat- I eund indi,3aî-d that ini roachirig ta take unes, a credit te Canada ; sudtii initial a match te start a fire fel labciai-tiasu number is a decided proof tiat îiey le- it i5s uppoîed wss p ra!izedi She wass tend te keep their word. The numbor cosfrtable (tircunîs4iiean sd alirsys a ln accompauied by a beautiful coloured v6ry induatioum vcomar.. Mný. Wesern supplemen, "Tii Cobbler's Siop," fron came te Oehawa 40 yeans ego trom Dungi- the pai.ting by Van ilsanan. (A supple, von Co., Derry, lreiand, anti bas naisideti meut is isgued, witi ove-y number and bei-e ever since. She was 80 yeai-s cf age miii provesa met atiactive feat ure.)$1.50 and bas been a wldow since 1875. per aneuin. Tii Sabiston Litho. & Pub. C., Montreal. BABYS FACE WAS RAW "Amateur Gardeieg," s new monînîy publisied for tie leve rs sud cultivators of fiowers sud fruit, je f ull cf information for tiese wio are desireus-cf baving a fine garde n* It centaine practical blets ou ail tie diffenent courses in seed plaetieg anti flower production. Price 50 cents. The publisiors are Clark W. Bryau & C., Springfield, Mass. Tic contente ef tii February number cf tii NontrihAmericaibRebqew are uuusually vaied sud enfonce th E firet cf the four articles by Mr. Gladstone on tii Olympian Religion. The Duty andi Detiey of Eng- landi in Ails, by Sir Edmuud Arnoldi; aud tii Fleur cf the Future iu tie attractive subj oct of an article b-v Erastus Wmman. Tie DELÏNIi&.TOR fer Màrch will b-3 a gneat numbe-,, raplete withi novelties in every departinent otf fashlien, sud illus- trateti by from two tote hnedet carefully executediengravinge. Don't fail te, secure a cepy of tie Mac number. It will pîcase yeu. Tii subscriptio piici cf the magazine is $1 a year. Single ceepy 15 cents. Send endors direct' teTiie Dlintiator 'Publisbing Cempany cf To- rento, Limititi, 33 Richmond Street West, Toronto. Tii article wici will attract met at- tention in THE METHIODIST MAGAZINE for February is a reemeial tribute tethie late Dr. Stafford by tee cfhils friends accom- panied by an excellent portrait. T wo illustrated papere of missionary interesli are: 1"Indus: Its Temples, its Pamces, and its People," and the Rer. Pr, Hlart.'z "Miesienary Journeys lu Wetern China." Tii Editor bas alme a paper ou "'Acnosg tie Continent," witb uome striking illus. trations. Othe articles make up a strong number. Price $2 a Vear ; $1 for six mntis ; 20 cents pe number. * Toronto, William Biggs. THE STATEs5îI&.N lias no âagents; pay uub- sriptions te M. A. James. Dit;.ILOW'S SILPHIIJRSOAP l% a delightfil fihampoo. It -cleanses the sg2an id t(siit e as grey hair. Distresslng Itching SkIn Disease Cured in One Month by the Ctieura Remedies. Wh len our boy was six weelks nid hi hall s. rash enî lii check. fI spread on both choeekeand ohin. 1,13 fac2 waa raw. 1 doctored with various erime- dli s, but *h et no0 botter. My mthîr advised me t ry the Ct TIC IMA RECLEDIES. I used thorm faithfully, and in one wcek the bo'i Slooked botter. In om' month howaseu rd, a.nd now hole'athroc years old mnd no ~ ~ signe Of it retullrning. Tho chil waeso bad 1 Ihait totic him in a pillez -case, and pn bise hands down so ' that lie coud nt -~~.---.--- )j scratch his face. I ,.inuiot speak ton bigblv of the CUTICURA PIrai- Erirs. i recommend CUTICURÂ A henever I ca. I ivould bc pleased to sec any one and talhk te themi of the geod ih bas done my boy. Mas. CYRUJS PROSCIT, Coyteevi]le, Fort Lee P. 0., N. J. N. B. My husband is president of the ]rosch Manufacturing Company proprietore of the IlDu- plex" mad "TIripler" Phlotographie Shutters, 3M9 Broome Street, New York City. He dislilcea un- deirabis noteriety, but is willing te couse sacrifices te benefit others, and aseent3 te ibis testimonial le encourage the Use Of CUTIctURA, aUdt hus brinig relief io othere. Cuticura Resolvent The new B3loctiand 5kmn Purifier, internally, mld CUTbCURA, the great Slin Cure, and CITIC tIA SeM', an exquisite SkUn leautlfier, externally, ini- stantly relieve and speedily cure every diseaso and humer of the skn, scalp, and blood, with lois of bair, from infncy te age, fromn pimples te scrofula. È old everywbhtn. Price' , dT!Cltàii c.;, OP 35c'; RESOLVTOIT, $1.50 Pzrepared by the POTIrER DnUG AND> CREaIcAL CORPORSATION, Boston,. £ý&- end for Il How te Cure 5kmn Diseases," 64 pages, 50 Illustrations, andi 100 testimoniiale. j)AD" lin and Scalp purified andi beaWttified [RABU by CuTIcULA SOAP. AbSQlntelY Pure.- '~ RHEUMATIG PAINS In one minute thée Cu ticuM ÂAnti- rain Plaster reheVes rheumnatie, sel. atic, ip, kidney,, c1éstjara musceular pains andi -ie a sies. rice,5 Minard'si Liniment la the Haîr Restorer. 1-S USE UT FOR CENTS Difficulty of Breathing' Tightness of the Chest - A - Wasting Away of Flesh Bn TI Throat Troubles 13 u 1Consumption Bronchitis,Weak Lungs- Asthma, Coughs 2 ay botter. "Sunlight" possessbeu- Catarrh, Colds i1L properties -wt --found--in -any -other oap, hence it enjoys the largeat sale in DR. T. A S LO0CU TM s MFG. CO. (Ltd.) Oxygenîzed Emulsion of Pure ,10. Estabiished 1856. URERS 0F _ L TASTELESS. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LAOORATORY, TORONTO, ONT. ýS, guartnteed the best Drill made WINE BIINDERS, OTHI CULTIVATOR SEEDERSUL R.eAuL, 86 Front St. TORONTO, 125 -upied territory. Farmers, see our cord Keep V\arm and Comfortable, GREATEST 0F ALI BY BUYING Wool Underwear, Heavy SUT Mason's Dry Goods and Jewelry Ilouse to make room for our im- and Overcoats, mense spring importations which bave already cornnenced to corne AL L AT R EDU CED PR ICES i n. We reno Plligai wrierbefore moving to our new shop. goods at trernendous reductions. S We don't want to carry over one M S 0 N àSC ULOT.lIN G TO E. doliar's woi-th of winter, goods, and ware prepared to give extraor-' Corne and we will prove beyond a doubt thati, diar ndceetst ceai althis is the people's opportunity for best goods ab, out. Now is your chance to get lx vcs bai-gains, Yours, etc., DO NOT MISS IT. T. GEO. MASON. We can't enumerate one quarter _______________ of the bargains, but as a sampie MOUNT VERNON. -VI SALEOR RE NT.-House and M ~ ~ 1TNfPyf Mr. Samuel Souci bas a devere attack -à'ii ~acres for gale or te cent. ituate on IW RfS - D NlC A S Tk read the followin,. - of la grippe .... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brad- Scugog street north. ThepeIse o f leyNorh Daota Mc.Corelie Elorda god ouse with every oonveniene. drivin~ Se, outh Dakota, M Corte liusEl- hd, glseltable, etc. The garden centaine a loti1 as decided, to make a Ladies Short Coats, worth frornSuhDkoa ieKaeAln isElthe cicsi fruit or ail varietiiB. Icornediate $2.0 t $400 e re ow eîlngford, Miss Wright, Mr. Arthur Elford, Possesion can ho given. For uiarticnlar8 applY 82.0 o 4.0 Ne renowseligProvidence and Mr. anti Mrs. A. 0. Allie, Fte W. K isn Bowmauville Ont.49t at fom 1.0 to$20 bee MrFre flli Mr G49r" C L'E AR I 1,41 G , Bowmanville are visiting frientis ai-oundA GENTS WANTED.-F6ntbill Nur ut frm. $.00 o $200. ere.. Mr Fre Bealie nd MaiG. es1- largeet ,in Canada, 10, acres. We Wilbur were visitiug friends in Toronto wn eibe nrei o osi u u--FBR Ulstrs rom$l.0 U- lsi ee~.. Mr.Bd.Sanieron ur sey sock prvieus exporieuce net necessary; Ladies n tr rm$.0u-ls ek ..M.E.SnesnorPP any inan 'wiîth tact aud enorgy can succîed; ular teacher got frost bitten during the terms liboral, outfit free. Oun agentshaef anrs.y advantsges.surh as sellingho-gwn cold snap. Three mile walk is good fcr Cande n soc. oienwspeciaitios, ENT IRE ST C î wards. e&y OPEl _______ secryadin ust. Webae ice n patilar T Children's Hev Wool Hosthe b ealth. Ed. which -are of value. and which can only hofo KENDALL. ~atten5li)f te tihe propagation of HARDY VA R-Inodrtmaeorn srg 110W t1cetpr pair. M-IltTIES suitahle te the norihen sections cf se]ig t 0Mens.e John Carson i. rocoversng frein an Canada. Fer terme spply te PSTONE & WELL- goods. Ladies Heavy Wool Hose foi- 15 aIttack" of congestion of the lunge ...r. ~ ~ m etHt eln o 5,wrb Tics. Hancock of Newtonvillo was visit- I tHasslin o 5, ot ingog the sixti lino last week... .Mr. Nr.V NEUVE BEAINS are a new ds Sam.Devrel, S. o Maver lastaingNervous Dshjlity, Lst Vigor and cents ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1ý,.n pe0aru. w0hSi.Dvrei e fMnesI tyn oo; restos thse Birds, Wrngs, and ail trirnnings Ladies Knitted Skirts wih7ýe i o' r n.Dvrl.Rv BEANS wec.knes. of be or mind caused A. Leslie bas botne is seriesofds by over-work, or t aeerosre- ilbsod hf cents selling for â7ý cents. course% on The lîfe of David ... Mna. D. Boluteiy suces the mou 1sinte cases wsen ail ther Stewart cf New Park is visiting at Mr. etusÂTS a aVefailedeyeeto nliee. Solêlby 'ug- LADIES, rernember this js Corresponding reductions in Neil Stewart's ..A branci cf the Young receiptof price ,- .- - - Wrtefo amhlt. l- bona-fide clearing sale. Poople'sj Society cf Christian Endeavor4 mft si Biankets, Flannels, etc., Ladies, bas bien organized in connection witi the Bowmianviîîî by STOTT & JURY. Our Good Healtli Corsets are sell- Preabytenian churai ber .... Mr. Sam. io el ivn-g)-( aifcin Gents ar6l Children's underwear., Casey of Mitchell is vlsiting, frinds bore. MANHOOD RESTORED. ngelgVgg dsasfci. àc k à3D,1f6ArItl CuarantesfrheT'otD Brg aPuFrida nigh A tI takn po. sats, ul p ie a W p alc gefii t -e J

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