j TERMH :-11.5O Pzn ANNUm. OUR TOWN ÂAND OOUNTY FIRST: TIMWORLD .APTERWÂRDS. M. Â JAMES EDITOB. AND PROPRIETOR, NEw BSERixs1 BOWMIÂNVILLE ONTARIO, WED)l5,ESD.&Y, FEBRUAIRY 10, 1892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NumBER SIOCKTAKIN NAE SJOHN~STONi CYDERMN _p -as nrr n. e s-iI:- LINES ~SOLIJxA. N~EW HA VEN. EWGHTB LINVE DARLINGTON. On the death of Loran Pascoe beloved son Qujart#irly meeting will be held at Zioni Mifs Nancy VanCamp in visiting in Thos, Evans 198t a valuable horse on of Thomas and Margaret Pasooe who on Suinday at 10.30 a. m... . Master Eddy Carke and Orono.... Mrs. Walter Oke isn.Friday in Bowmanville of inflammation.. died on January 2lst, 1892. Millsoxnj bas been quite sick but ifi ri cov- visiting relatives in Port Perry .. .. Miss . .Wm. Tordifl, sr., has commenced ering. ..Mr. John Pascoe bas purchased M. E. VanCamp recenfly visited her sis- marketing his 1,500 bushels of wheat Nýow our ranks are once more broken 50 acre- of land ad oining his own farta ter Mrs. Dickie, Oehawa. . .. A very And we feel the loss once more, from h,-bIrother Mr. Edward Pasýoe of pleasant social time was spent at the This la Moant for you For our brother we loved dearly West Whitby. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. home of Mr. Chaq. Frank on Tbursday It bas been truly said that half the fias been called to the et ornai shore. Walters and son Ieft for home in South evening. It was a surprise party. The world dloes not know how the other haif flr olythog be akota thiWkaferpondêingearly2 i yntehnn'iLalnÂe___ Did not murmur or complain mot stn hi red. r .e omk h ussfe ihm.T eet health, owing to the impure condition But the thought that he maint leave us W., P ýeoe han resumed his studios at evening was Ppent in the usual pastîmes, of our blood. But wo rab along from day Mre. W. Martyn of Bowmanville and McDorta!d. The compoeitor madle ft forced to our attention, of the thousands Ator metngsin e lail, visitinghar.... Mr. Edwin Reynolds is the popular paper in this district Sev- fuisa, sait irheum and other serious. blood Whera from week to week you helped us has relarned homo from visiting bis orsi new names have been addod to its ai- disordoesand whose agonÏes can oui bo Mr.- A- J-- n l-im rea-,yextensî-ve circu Hio. ý - IDohno wee -for tOran more, -ville.. . . TThere is--some t1k-sata. "~-~ E in-our avertiing co ins fre -i _i -10 bB-j-aL pa q.i l-- -- revvacena ooi - .ai, w n e ailv-e a[ nsi t On 1 hat bright and happy shore. OO 3 i ounuains, aisCoverec a foot Eai of this excellent medicins by ail who know 'Il 1. 1" - ,BAD, WoxsE, WORST -Oold, cough, wheu combined with orher horba, ruakes J that their. blood is disordered. Every W"W "" i" o . .,nl5tn±TrTrnfTt3T-.,rTT" ___________________________________ us neanugjn tue _uli _ _ _ _lu ~rr ,-~ "~'-~~-~u-~ '-~ _________ i ~ ITi h nei pvInin> j ~ LD.-KIFA md.n fr lir., bluu , 'N N.ITFUI(II. 1-111 ~ t 1~VWT~.4JCTTJ.7tlV * *~ i E-~.A-