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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1892, p. 2

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This is the query per- What le petually on your littie 11boy's lips. And lie is It For? no worse than the big- ger, older, balder-head- ed.boys., Life is an interrogation, pon. " What is it for?". we con- Einually cry from the cradie to the grave. So with this littie introduc- tory sermon we turn and ask: "What Is AuGUST ]FIOWeR FOR ?" As easily answered as asked : It is for ]Dys- pepsia. It is a special remedy for the Stomach and Liîver. Kothing more than this; but this briniful. We believe August Ftlower cures Dyspepsia. We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it, Iwenty years ago it started in a sniail country town. To-day it has an honored place ini every city and country store, possesses one of the largest manu- facturing plants in the country and seils everywhere. Why is this ?The reason is as simple as a child's thought., It is honest, does one thing, and does it rigit along-it cures Dyspepsia. @ G. G. GiREEN, Sole Man'frWoodburyN.J. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLI-HED 1854 SI ver annum In advance. otherwise $1.51. Subseriptions always payable at the o0111 ns Publication. .Advertstng rates unleas by Ptic ract. 10 cent3 per lino. nonp.%rie 1I first inaert on. and 5 cents pî3r lino eaeh subsoquent in- 95e:tion. Locale, 10 cents per line. M. A. JAMES, Publishe ASTHMA URever fai ;ed your address,an ewlC R malfs ti bottie. DR. TAFT flROS, ROCHES FR TEE.NYCnadan DetiStAdelaid- ~. TonOET0, UA]D. ruo RENT.-For term of years, (ilieln kDhu "-300 acres, 2 miles from Whtby- L'ond buildings and soli, Admirable 'or stncl or dairy. ci' ance for going extensively into Toronto milk businos or stock raising for imerican Marke . mon wth capital oniy .Aeed apply. J. ]à. Dow, Whitby. 32 if* DYEINC ANDCLEANINC Ladies' and Gents' wear of ail kinds, Feath- ers, Glooes, Ribbons, Laces, Curtains, and ail kinds of fancy goods Dyed, (ieaned cr Froench Cieaned. Work positively guaran- teed the best. No peddiing wagon employed. A reliable agen' in every town. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC CO'Y., Coid Medalist Dyers. MonUe'ai, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. HOUSEHOLD. A Wife's Infla"noe. A good wifu brings te ber lhcslbacd wis-1 doni, streugth; a bad wif e conusion, weak- u ah, sud dospair Ne condition becouses bopeless so long as osan's wif e pessesseafirmuess, decision and a seusecf trucecéonolny. IRer steadfastness is ballast, ber reselution bis anchor, and ber prudent expendituros' tht tiller ropes that maketht storm-beaten vessel ar.swer tc bier wise touch iu tht threateniug seas of banlruptcy, while ber face the dear heacti- fui, bomaly face fulIl of, the divine light of prcu'iso, i tht oct glenmiug star in tht clocded heavens above him. But if a foolish baud lieat tht wbeel if from waut cf tare the ballast roll fromr sidt to sidt; if the anchor break the ropo of w' al intention and ne star gleam amid the acgry storm clocds, then straghtway into the dotep and driving seas of disaster Rots tht ittle barque, bearing; its buman freight to destruction. No sirit, however trc or strong, anu en- dure bad influences for long, or witbstaud tbem atogether. Rarely dues a stroke of ligbtniug fell the monarch of tht foret- but often is a groat trot weaktntd by n bost of tiny, ildious, gnawiug insots, until it faIls, sud lits a useless, rotten log upon tht surface of the eartb. Mac is strong, but bis heart is neot adamant; and, like the tnwtr- ing tret, tht littb t iigsansd bores and f ret- tings cf everyday will Lu time bay hLmn low. Mac ueeds a tranquil mid to offset bis owc, ao filled at times witb anxioty and tsar. Ris responîibilîty malees hLm a prey te dread, and hoe ueeds tht antidote that couses or îbould tomne, in tht shape cf a peacefulIhonme existence. Rn needi tht moral force that osly a true wif e tan give. Ie bis couflict with tht world. To reit after eath day's battit,lise needs a place full of a pervading secat cf peste'sud harmony. Thus bis sncb regains its wasted streugtb, and goes forth ou thteuinrrow with rtned vigor te begin againi its battles with the But if at homo hoe tmd no rot: if he ou- counter dark Indes, and angry wordi - if gloomn o'ershadew tht loveby ligbt cf home, anmd jealousy dwell therein, thon is tht bravo spirit doue te, death, and beneathcomplaiut aud censure, ho sots hope vanish, and him- self ine dcwn, down jute that awful abysa of dissipation that bas ongulfed so mauy premising seuls. Rainv Dav Amusements. If yen wish te prevîde enditas amusement fer cross sud iWle chldren dcring tht raioy and tnrmy days of tht leosg winter meuths, let thhum malet a acrap acreen oct cf tolored pictures. Net oly will it imaure occupation and ittereat.duriug its construction, but t will bu a valuable acquisition for the nur- sery, affordicg tonstant entertainmeut for dawnig intelligence. Te malet this desir- able article, you will firat purchase a rather low clothea herse, aud, cutting off eue pai- el, leave only three te bu covered. Then wtt some nubleacbed musin, af ter sewing tht br)Adths together, aud eail it ou beth aides, top aîsd bettomi, cf tht roda, laying it vory îmeotb. Iu drying t will abrinle some- wbat, sud thus strotch tant aud sîuooth. Af ter t is quite dry yen must "ize " t, just as tht paperbangers prepare a wal ho- fore haneing the nanr ; this is dont bv quart of the best flour ; add thr Le table spoonfuls of baking poxvder and sift it through the sieve with the flour. Uiub a piece of botter the size of an egg througb the flour and ub, it throughi so thorouighly , hat anme portion of the butter toîtches every portion of the flour. The su.-cas of any ba king-powder or of a soda biscit ide- pends upon care at this point. Nom- aa pint'of rich, niew, milk. Stir it icito the mass, which shouid 1ho n soft dough. Add a.cup of rmapie sugar, cut np into iri egular dico, 'about the size of poas. Dred,(ge a board ; turc out tht dough. Dredve 1four over Lt, and roll it as quickly, as possible tilI il is about an inch thick. Cnt Out thhe bis- Ecuit cutter, not. »ver two or two ~da q1iarter inches ine dianieter. Bake f rom twelve to fifteen minutes in a very bo3t oven, Serve these biscuits bot. 1 J-LAIN GINGER COOIÇIES. -Mix 00e egg one cupful of sugar, one table spoonful e(ach of ginger and vinegar and a littie sai t. Put oneteacupful of molasses, in a basini and isot on the stove., When it bouls wdd one tahiespunrful of-soda, proviously dissolved in a littie boiiog wator. Stir the bot mix- ture into the cold.and add flour enoughi to make a sJýff dougb. SmÂIL FRUIrrCAKES.-One pint Of genu- lated sugar, ont ,'ery scantcupfui of butter, four eggs (leaving oct the whitos of two1, ont cnpful of milk, one tcaspoo4i of lcioves, oue generousf tabiespoonful of tic- c amon, ont cupful of dried currants, out- hall eupful of seeded raisins, one-baîf top- fui of flnely shredded citron, two teaspoon- fuis baking powder and three and oono-haîf îcupfuls of flour. Mix butter and sgrto a cream, add beaten yoiks and spice, thon mnille and part of the flur then b)eaten whites. Stir the bakiug powder iicto the flour. Reserve ne copf ci to mix with fruit, Beat in the rest, thon add the floured fruit. Bake in smaîl tins of any desired s5hape and utilize the whites ef t over for frostin.-j, Janet's Visit to the Scottish Elves. 'Janet was a littie Highland girl. She lived Ln the uortb of Scotland acd fier father called ber bis "Highland issie." Li ttai far-away country the ebiîdren of pooýr people have to do p.trt of the work,, juat as the chiidren of the poor in this counitzy do. They muet look after tht sheep anid beLl the porridge and take tare of the baby nnd help to cwash the dishes. XVhen they are big enot gh they are taught how to spi,,- Most of the cbildren do these thioigs very cheerfully. They know that ah tht otheýr chldren are doing the ame thinga, 1and so they don'tinind. But Janet didinid. She didn't like to work, and when she woke up in tht morcing sho would scowi and look nnibappy. She xvas ie worse humour than canaýl onu mcrning. She looked ont over the bibis, wbere all the white heather belîs verS nod- ding, and what do yon suppose she dýidi? She left the porridge on ti e sto ve 1,e hure and tht baby asleep i scrbatoghh knew thatLt was sure ro wakeunp apd cry, and the sheep to wander wherever they wished, and away she went over t 1 chis.i For a long time she, rau about. TLon abej gyot tired and lay dowu undler a greatb ush of sweet white furze. She strotcbiedbe l riself ont on ber back and put bier badaunder hier hed and lay looking up at theskýy. She tbougit ase was allalune, S ycmay guesa how surprised aime was when,,3ho hbard a voice right inelier car, saying: IlWe have invited a lot of our wcodlaud frieuda, and we aie going to have a great time in honor of your beconsing ont of us.' They rau to a big open space among what at frst thonghtw~ere trees. But when she came to look et them more closeiy abe saw that they wtro stra %berry plants. Everybody bad to do something, and wbaït fcn tbey had ! The firat upon the pro- grammne was tht spider. He got upon ont of tht highest leave2s and spun a beautiful web between them and thetamon. It was as fine as tht ficeait lace, and wheo it was finished he toole a dainty silleen thread and traced acroas tht web the name "J anet."î That pleased tht littie girl very snuch. Next came 1t'he daddy-long-itgs5who walked on stilts, te, the great amusement of the crowd. Then the jack-rabbit was calied upon. They buddledinto a heap and the jade-rab- bit juamped over tht whole foreit and audi- ence. d"l.Now, " tbey said to Janet, Ilyon mus.t dosomietbing." 1"1 don't know how to do anything ex- cept speak a piece," replied Janet. IlVery well," said they, "that will do," so Janet stood cp and m;ade ber bet bow and began: *Twinkle, twinkle littie star, Its flette was white as snow, And when she got there tht cupboard xvas hare, Tht Lamh was sure to go. "That dotss not item quito rigbt," said Janet. IlOh, we like t," said tht little folkes. "lGive us aenmeenmore." So Janet began again. ThureNvasan odwoman wentup oua room- stick,- Seventy tines as high as tht moon: Tht mac fromt tht South ho burnt his moentht Beca-ise he came dowu too soon. ,Il don't thick that's tht way t is in tht book etht said Janet, doubtfully "Oh ,it'*lal right," reaponded tht audi- ence. IINow for tht dance.", Taking hold of each other's bauds tbey spun around aud arocnd until their feet twinkled let drumasticlea. Janet thougiît it was fun at firat., But by aud by ber legs grew tired and bhe wanted to stop, but site conld not, for the dance went on and on until tht poor littît girl was exb.austed and thern they tosstd ber awny among a lot of dry leaves. How she wished for ber home and ber mother, Tht baby and tht sbeep and the tîresome spincing wheeb were beautiful to lier now. Just as she was in utter despair she heard a voLte caiing : "Janet, Janet, 'where are you? Up she sprang nnd rubbed ber eyts. Oh, joy ! She was a little girl aîter ail, and st [ran as fait as she couid so as to get home Lu tiîne to keep the porridge front bcrning. Little Dorotliy Made Hlm Go. What gentienessanad kînduesi in tht treatmnent of dumb animais will accomplisb was democstrated by a striking incident that happened on Prairie avenue yesterday morniDg. A large trucle-borse, harnessed to a heav- ily-ioaded expi-ess wagon, bad Il beeome balky. " Tht load had over-taxed bis streogtb, and in spite of tht savage blows deait hbin be refused to move. The mac fluaily tried tht uxperimeîst cf striking the horst's front lees, but it was wiÏbout effect, Tise animal scemed entirtly dis- couraged under tht trentment, aiî t emtpt. ed to lie down Lu tht haruesa. Tht occupants cf severai cf ttnih COarse, and .-Fine for Meni and Boys, Women and Chlidren. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels Special attention given to Repairing. How an Old Proverb Led to an Innocent1 Man's Conviction.1 A rather strileiug case bas just beenl brougbt before a Vicksburg justice of tht peace, says tht Arkausaw Traveber. A mac namod Rathbone suod ont Jackson for "' Weli,", saLC1 tht justice, when tht case was cniled, -' You bave bronght an action1 bore for time, but yen do not specify. Did1 yen give this mac Jackson se much of your time and bas hc refusod to pay von for it?" II~ war. Boat tht white of an egg "'and er litîinnfarotho hafeua froi wok t a sche 1fnlconclusion by tht froth and add te the fruit together witls hucg on a biadeocf grass, ho told ber. t omolek twothirds cfa ccpcf gracuiatod sugara "Oaherj f.that Mr. Carnegio asserts tht work wl one respoonul of anill. "0 , Illy how ittle1 ain! (yhoimcompletDepdLu sixlemoditlsi m anteraf Lt ii i coi- il. 'r, t - "X The, we,,Ato of-s eep. .l1 5 r,nn I PLURE Ache they wonld be al m ot priceleas to those who suffer from thia distrossing cempluint- but fortnately their gocdnesz dots net euti here. aud those who once trv them savli find these littît pilla valuaile in se nany w.cya that tht-v wil ot ct. ilaii~intodc-I.attthem. qoi byAilGT oesan 5r-gst. aa.elves tolà ber, . -Of' an LtUrot ai Icourse -it thoie O ATEZMEDlOI. z Co., hew York. Sold bY All pcoudâtaon cfu tI etpm ioers domoralized by juror had hbusiuoss te trausact in the P's .~- ~ I M~trnxSUGÂR BîscuîT-Meascrt oct - "Couse, now, for a dance," tboy saii.liesanbrdgtoter erncs Chilren ry or P tche's aGtoI, honsehiold bu must ho txcused. i iL flL BOUNSALL'8 MARBIE AND CRANITE WORKS, Bownianvllle, Ont. (Establisbed 1857.) Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Monuments, Tom-,b2 Sarcophagi, Tablets, Headstonles and ail kinds of Architectur- ai and Cemetery Work in the best Enropean and,-Amrrerican Granites and Marbies. Moderate Prices, Latest Designs., Superior Workmanship and Beat Mlaterials. WiIl be hap'py to qnote prices on any kind of work. Give me, a eall before purchasing. will be found in his old shop, next door cioor to Express Office,, B O)WMIAN-VI LTj Ev where he keeps constantly on hand A LARGE & COMPLETE AssORTM,)rNT -OF Du DýAVis

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