GR TFJRCMO TIG EALTH. through the careless habit of hcling sueh A BATTLE WITH 10E FLOEB,ýý things in their mouths. Careful parents will instruct their children in better habits, Forcilu,- a Passage Through The Straits Into AU Aristocracy of Rlealth. but the great majority of chlldren are net Hudsou's Bay. EFS'S CU~O The tendency of mnan is to separate, a,- observed with sufficiently care, neither "oeecp hs h aebe hr, cording te natural afinities, finte clans and are thcy sufhicienI]y we]l iustructed, said the, Rev. Mr. Simpson, a retnrned mis- J BREAKI~ ASTclasses. We have had, from tinie immemor- tep8ettefeuntocrec fcsssionary," to an 0ttawa reporter the other "Z ~ thiorougni knowledge ot the natural jaaitcaisfmltrgoyof politicai in whicli foreign bodies, of more or less day,"a fully nnderstand thedagr of Is hih govern the operations of digestla- iarsoacef itrylynngsUý audnuti n ad b acarfulapi C ono'powrof andd staesofweathofills.haripful and dangerous nature, have been that great northern sea, Hudson ay th in ndpro rt of efse ppect aiooa f .tin nety f mt iis f"odswailowed. The hast rnethod of dealing wth was honi for Fort York, which was to be ei Frips has; providefi our breakfasti ables wlth a famille, u i nn te distinctive cases of this sort was discov ered by a Gar- My bs feaain o ymsinr dectltvorefi beverage wh il may sava dai-ms. Eventhmotralocitsaemasugnseyasag.Aae well services among the Indians of that far-off us msuy h avy doctoris b ils. h s by theah otrrllclte r lutaigtevlso hs ebdwsr-nrhýi ad eetrdHdo ri X mid ceus use oI snob articles of diet ths.t a nlot altogather free frein persons who have ilsrtn h au fti ahdwsr-nrhr ad eetrdHdo ri cOstitutiOn may be gradually bruit np until pretentious aspirations to aristocratie exclu- cently reported hy Dr. Silveýr, of New York. on the 2lst of July in cemparatively open strong enough te resst every tendency te sAaei ntThaytattise-yesr.old boywielignhswtr u ynu u he ek'btl o.lf n $ a d Calrn disesse. Hundred3 of subtie maladies are pbuee.A thonea lug , aiwhi yinaonlarg e rbtbnoioutrewes'btefrI fa s d Ch den fioti g arounfi us ready te attack wberever al wrorg would, ha perbaps, to make an at-bcko a ogeplyn with [ ite ice had begun. The ice-field there is aweak point. We may escapa msuy tack upon humrail nature ln generai. We, which hie vas treatin g as a cgar, zrtretched lfrom Cape Resoîntion on the north 0, fatal shaft by Iieeping ourseives weii fortified eniy want to point ont not only a hsrinless suddaniy swallowad the pin. His mother te Buttons on the sonth, somne thirty-fivc 4'Oastorla ssgowell adapted toehildren htCatotta evifes CollconmpttioYt, frithue.' btoodi Svieazette." nou s~dbut vastiy beneficent channel into which hadchmnisulau ntunu e , n d as far ahead as the eye could reach recommend itassuperiortoanyprescrip tion Stanc i Md ipywilh boilinif water or milk. titis tendEncy of our nature M'ay be divert- war th bo an asingdhathe ad onegesion sioid o;nin lu ckets. byGrocers,. labnllefi thuis; ed. We wish te propose teetbihetwith the shawl hle rmty epid from e asth wrpead stse for îomead utmo."0. frdS. B oàl M . . U omgvsaep n rnoe i J4INUES I1I'IS & Co, ilonxSooaiel Chemj of an aristeCracy ci haalth. What a grand " Me est it up." 'The mother, of course, net knowming when it would clear, the Cap-TE mTUCopN,7MurySet,. ~t ene. nladthing it is'te bc e wli hem -te comae into wss very moch aiarmod, but on ex- tain det rmined te __________________________this world with a sound physique sud an un- aiuing the- child's throat coitld see PUT THE 8111P 1USTO IT. clouded intellect. What a splendid ambition ne trae eof the pin. She took the At firît -edde h ag lcs but as Tommys Excuse, t is te live so that the intaegrity of the body cida net hscawoas aewe ad% anced tlîey became tee numierous te Teacher -HTava yen any excuse for your may rausain unimparad, and the power of a caref ni examination but cou]d find ne trace do that, and we just butted thema aside right tardiness this merni, g? mid may mcrasme until advanced age oft1 wlee rice h ehrW5and lafti. This kiud of thing sfforded a O AEB .HGIBTA OBW AVLE Tommy Tuicker-Y as'm, paw sud maw Imagine in the distant future the accotint dire.cted te giva the boy nothing but pots- little pleasant amusement in tihe gînîg ______*_______________ was havîn' a fight, I was waitin' te ses of a marriage lu "oe of our Most select tees te est for two days, but te allow him We hsd yet te learu the strange freadéirof whe hpe.circles" The perfect syrnmetry audax te eat iraely oi thîs vagatabla. Four days thosae floas undar the influenîce of stroug \, iI j j iîm u iv .ai u which whippad. ~~quisite complexion of the bride sud te after the pin was swalloead, it was passad curreut' Smtîe c htyntr rmI I-III~i - ~ ii~ii;i-~ I'rsanadicsreor tseexstnc o mnlystrangth and bearing of te groom sus- wtotdflutteha onad n as an uittariy impassable barrier suddenly Ilerian dvies, epot th exitene ofma nd t bc mbeded n athick, at opens oLit sud lets yen pass through, while much auti-foraigu feeling in Parsia, dua te for many generations have baan free from thea mass of uudigestad potate. Thse piiiWa, agalu t ise base bits that yen are working thse heliai that the Englîsh are raspousible lgts taint of syphilis, screfuis, tuber- three luchas in langth, a~nd the diamater of sud hold yen fait. for he ebaco mnoply.cUili, inssuity, narvous debility, theuma- ts hs ia eehaliuh assin ~thse evecingoffcaur firt day's ex- TheHed Sr~outism, sud ail organic weakness or constitu- which articles witb ragged afiges or Bsharp periance. About nine o'clock I beard a tre 0f he ubn Mdial ompnyis owtionai tondeucies to disease, but tisa inora- corners have beau swaliowad, the samne ran-- mandons humping sud scraping of the sides Of t)e LbonMedial Cmpay 18nOwbars of which slways dia ai old age ; famîlies edy has been empleyed with equally good fore sali t. Some influence bad set the %t Toronte, Canada, sud înay ha con- wisose rosy-cheekad womon neyer wore ce.wisole field lu motion and it had closed lu mi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o teteigerht -eronor-ese,- ~~neyer süffël'-e pn Whilyetore lickpt converg- ohronic diÀýeasas peculiar te man. Men, imprudent axposure at tihe nenstrual apocis, Doe ols oing ouns.Donthy ae n0iouan1 young, nId, nor ide-ed hfndte-uriuduigad in unwisome formi of forming a compact mass ail areund us. WVe or are ial dissipations ; woem nover boies ecpin att fts ywera coight in thise and influec have te r' resulting in many of the following yp ia their tissues witis aicohol, or n a he roBp sdivr sn uti- ade ha oeto wud pnthmsu JE . Èons : Mental deprassion, premature oid cgd thair systenis by gormandizing or te tise worid, my fatisar wrota a letter o1 lot us opit. WVisra our passage had been bg, lois of vitality, 1083 of memory, bad indolene ios 'bud u i dd counsel t eacis, writes Mamie Dickensinl anw aso ugig rsigia u heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain intei accumuiated, but reserved thairvia Us" lu tise February Ladies' Haute Journal. tise chaumIii was clear. But thesa few yards kidneys, ýheadache, pimples on tisa face or forces te contribute te more perfeot healtb Haro is Oue sncb latter :ecud e m thuhwlddmr at-