t - I L-IV11 SHAW bas a -nice assortment of YOUNG MISSES' HATS in the leading style. ~BABES' BONNETS and CAPS, VELVËT-TAm-O'SIIANTERS. STUDENTS' CAPS-iff the Litest fashions. Also a nice lot of -A TPt. VTTVXt Robert Everson Sam Everson Win EverSOn, jr WB Ellens Levi Ellens John English '4 E:~ John Elford Cornelius Elford 8 Edger Thos Edgerton Thos Ellison J B Fairbairn, P M Rev A Fraser Rhys D Fairhairn Mrs T Fraser W G Fairbairn John Frank J N Fairhairn Jno N Farley David Fisher Mrs M French miss J M Fisher Miss K Forsyth John Foster Gweo Found Rich Foster Wtn Fursey Miss A Foster Wm Frayn S R~ Frv oi rv John Rundie Fred Rundie W G IRundie Geo Riekard Sam'1 Riekard John Rickard James Riokard J il Reid Dr L Il Reid Mrs John Reid John Reid John Ruddock Mrs Rd, Ruddock D Burke Simpson James Smith John Smith Sam'I Rohhins Moses Robbins El Reavie Mrs W S Russel John Ranton Levi iReattoire Alex iRiggs .John Rinch John Robinson Thos Rowe Mrs John iRainey Frank Ruse W Souch Wm Squires F Sainsbury VAR/ETY is the place to get yoý- WRITINC PAPER ANO ENVELOPES a fuli stock of J -9 -~ 'a '&tf-A L L