ON THE MARSUES 0F DEVA, CHAPTER 1. casionally addressed me lu unsisu a pharseology, would assume a look cf saine- "Abrabam Riche, 1larmer-Whaais in- ig appreaching disgust when sIc saw juilar titlewfte a -noe V', I reflected as 1Ihmeltakle dowe tue wcapou cf ishe dbase and .id my fowing piece across the thwarts and begin tefili my belis with cartridrle$. leisurely began 'te fill my briar, scaeurng What, for do yen go eut ln the nîglit meanwbule the letters paieted cenishe stern air, Mr. Graham, when you bring notbire -Il and what a menster cf a gun !" back with yeu but a cold? she bursis eut oný I bad seen nothing larger hitherto tha n eeoccasion. "But, lndeed, yen wlllcoe an eigbtbore fowlig-piece; and the siglit cf back drowned sonie fine niýzht-mark my tshe six-foot barri il wilb a mouzzle as wide as words, if you don't. Yeu iili, for sure!" a liaLf-piuis isumbler filled me wîtLh asisomsb- Despite these eecouraging predictices, 1 ment,.It was fitted te a stock cf like wouîd sally forth as usual ; and later lu the proportions, and cf the shapp cf evenieg my breechîcader wouid be restieg an ordiuary shoulder-gun and rested in ihe cosy ingle cf the lieuse, wbose dis- lu a groove in the bows, reachieg alrnost taeis liglit seemed t«e beckoe me like a ray frein end te aed cf the littIe craf t. Goiath cf hope c-rer the wastes that ILay between. cf Gath when uçs > the war-patli wculd have Se day f ollowed day until a certain event- shouldered just such ancther weapan, if it fui Saturday drew near. The fcllcwing had then been inventcd,;ltuis 1 carne te tihe Meuday was te winess sheep w ssh- conclusion that the gun was far toc cumber- îng upcn a grand scale on athe somne te le used tc advantage by the average the (narsh; and as 1 lad expressed a desire human being. te witness wbat was te me a novel siglit, I found af terwards that for every duck or Abraharn, with characteristie kindness, ine pic-rer siain by my gun, after heurs cf vited mie te spend the Suilday and Moniday patient watcbing lu the dykes cf the marsh, under bis roof. " You'll have te corne Abraham ltichie's leviathan wouid strîke round by rail, tI ougis, my lad," lie rernarli down scores with esse. I had the picasere ed, o h pigtlsaeo;adi cf trying it in after days; snd o onee fo f o r dnthe spreticrss are n;ad Il these occasions, after thba recoil liad, as usual [embankment]. Piisy the traies run se awk- driven the littie fiat-bottamed x'essei sevxra ward, for yen cant get liera tili the afiser- feet biaçkwards, I paddled forward to find nedn. We'll have isba dinner an heur later, ne fewer than thirteen widgeou iying dead thougli:;isba ycung fellew who is eaming upan the tide.-Bnt I arn anticipatrng. eut frein Liverpool won'is mmd." The rnarslics cf tIre Dee estuary are cf I did net relisli thbadca ef I"a ycung fel- censiderable extent, and off Burton, near lew frem Liverpool ;" butI accepted the Chester, they cever almosis the wbolc cf the invitation. three miles cf river-bcd that dividas the itsaS happened that thc Saturday eveeieg Flintsh ire and Cheshire coasisi ais ihis peint. was an arsnivarsary that always brings me a Tbcy a&M the niglt-launt cf the nurnerous train ef sad reflectiens, and this was ne ex- wild fcwl thaîr frequent the river; and often ception. I laid down my book and w ander- during the seasseri ad I tramped c-rer freim cd eut in ishe dusk thrcugh thissireets cf the Flint te talle up my watch wiisb the wild- uittle town, and on, te thc river. I sais down fowlers ie the heleows which the tides bave under the sbadow of the craeîbuing casisie cxcavated in the marsli. A fisherman lied wall and looked cuis o-er the river baeks. pointad cuis aÎspot wbere isba, Deep-a chian- The shore was deserted; buit ever and anon ual by whicb shipping passes te and frem tbc distant report cf a gun ivas borne Chester and Connalis Quay-couid lia safely across the silence of the rirrslies; and fordad aislcw water; and cquipped xith a in fancy I could see the wildfowl- pair cf taîl boots, I found that I ceuld ers crcuchîng lew ln thc dykes and reacli the marshes ou the Chseshire sidae agarly watclîing the paiscl cf gray sky wiisb but littie inconvenience. I lad heard ove r their heads, as wish fingar on many siorles cf Abrsham's wbolesale trigger they waitcd for a snap-slioisais the si!augliter cf wiidfowl, whilc upon mny swît-wingad birds whe acre swacping up "fiiglitirsg" expedîtieons. lIow Abrabamtisbate isba marsbes' for the niglit. Others, eider, who now - ay lu Burton cliurchyard, again, ware standing crecis in thc solisude had, esiabished 'hîmself upon thc feai like santinels, and witb thair guns ais thc naw cccupîed by "lAba" thc younger by 11raady "position, were peering steadfastly fringing ishe stalîs cf ishe Liverpool poul- ise the gathering gloom. tarers wiisl wild hirdv ; and how the ycung. Vhile I thus mused, a slim ycung men er strove faiisfuly te follow in tbe fathers leoked calmily down ais ber reflection le the footsteps by engaging in midniglit excursions deep ; and miles away, the familiar liglits on lu a litisie white cuboe, whc reh isba milkcant thc Chcshire side began te fliiker liseo which- ratilad cuis cf the farmyard in the existence. 1 knew tbem ail. Thoe was early haurs of the eîarning frequently carried thc solitary 1lfigbis cf Abraliam's farmsisaad, au additional burden, and Aba's banikig gleaming likes dianiond le ts dusky settsug- accounit grew apace. A little te the left,' another dismond point Whlen I dîscovered the cance, Iwasreturn- marked ishe whbereaboeuts of Denhal; and ing frorn a bootless expedition, wbidh lad hIi horn the bill ahove twiekled ishe village usefi e Lp the greater portion of a Satuirday liughtq cf Ness, where littia, Emy Lyon- afiernoon ; but this I did nais mmd. ,I was Lord Nelsou's Lady Harnilton-was bore. fond cf solitude, and the change from the A litisie way dowu the river, again, the siuffy haek in whicb I sppt nxy working liglits of thIl"forgotten watering place,' heurs te the prairie-like marshes everrun by Parkgate, wera struner together like a glit- the f rcsh breezes cf the Irish Sca, was grate. tering neckiace; and far, far beyand, the lui indeed. liglits cf Liverpool iashad upan the boriyoîî As I concluded my inspection, sud 'a like a miglrty conflagration, iuring te go homne, I noticed Cht'b the Soon thc halls etFlilet Churcli began te bernerons sheep which had been -%idely ring for evening service, and again my scattered o-rer the marali wcre closing inte o glits wsndered axvay ta certain graves large flocks-, while a black, sbaep-dog, wbrch 1ying ail peacef ni eneegli, beueatb the lu tise distance iockad exlactly like a flying sound of dhurci bli n the nerth country. crow, was darting witb great rapidity in t're Anon h el idaa;te1ls el iirection of seme distant siragglers. At sisruoutpas rre away; nta lai bll ffiesaie mmen I ecam aw reof fealeworshippers; snd in tshe silence that follow- figure standing upon thba grsss-grown cm- cd, tise whisiling cries of the wildfcwl cauid bankmenis, whicb was pushed cuiso-rer tIe again ha beard. ruarsbes in a fruitiesa and expansive attempis h g in a owcae; h lihia ta wn sineof he roadacrs fr cltiatýwas o-rer for the niglit, and the wiidlcwlers 'on. She was wstching itba motions cf tIc would now, I knew, lie toiling lsomewards dcog, and my rouis lay directly pasis the spot o-rer the broad stratchas cf sand. I rose ais where she was standing. J noticed ihat lier lasis stiff wiish tIc long sitting, and was ture- :ppearance was attractive; buis.,as I drew -n wyfo h ecwe er -err etta.suhatriwudb other lootsiseps grating upon isba shiegle vcry inadeqeata description cf ihisenchant- and gradually appreaching me. I pausefi, ingnympli cf the marsbas. snd idly watched a buman figure grow eut Rer sweeis girlish face wss lighted hy cf itba dira liglît, fifty yards uway. Thc wonderfui gray eyes, shaded unow hy a littie mon was obscured ut the moment; and wiish white land, us she leokefi away westwsrd dfiutyImd'ettcnroc mnwt tae where e b a rs1wer'e returennz ina, -- - - ---- I a M paculiarities of an old friand. I have wstchI- cd the Storm King a ihousand tinies as lie ha girdad hînîseil lu the distantîsis i ' stslked on legs of vapeur o-rer isba estuury;- and ycis, il I am asked a few heurs alter- wards wbat tune the tide wili begîn ta rol lu, I arn cbiigad te make isbaiehurniliaisingi confession isbat I'dc net know. Yaislsris laid bis hand ieîprassivaly upoIn my shoulder as ha made ansuvar :,,Maser,Z I know avery inch a land lu the st-rer and I eau gais ye te isba' Ccp siore isba tide cornes in us easy as winklin'. -Whlen culd Yctbi- art dos a job," hae udded fers'autly, bae " is gradely [properly] ; sud th' Master sudl Missis woldna ha" sent me o-rer te ye if is wasna resis. Besides, Master, do ye tbink ,ould Yatheris waets te slipbis wind? Nay, nay 1 Comae on store ts tec luise.' Yeislîri's knowiadgc of isba banks sud ef isba spots firsis covered by tIc tide was, I' knaw, perfect; and sItar s littie basitatiýon, I returned wiish hlm te rny aparismauts, oliiained possession of a smail travelling bf sud returning te tlîe shore,, aa waded eau- iiously c-rer the Deep, and sisapped on te th e firm sandbank hayond. No secear lad we rcacbed isba opposite sida, bowever, than Yctbert's aagerness de- parisad, sud bis habituai gloom cf manner returnad. Ha sauntared alcng in isbaold! beas-ing dburlisb fashion, semetimes labor- img ly my sida, soemres wuiking s littie in adx'unce, sud more ofisen laggieg in isba rear. Findiug that I ceuld ne longer draw a word freim.huîn, I strode steadily on in isba semi-darkness, my eycs e-rer fixed on s tiniy liglit far abead, and my mmnd bnsy among other mattars, wiish thle mysisrieus 'ycun)g felow' wlhema I was te sec on isba merrow-,v sud cf whose parsonality or ralationship te isba Riche family I was as yet quise igno- sut. WVe reacha i1isba marsh, snd I -isa soon, fully cugaged lu laaping or lnding isbe net- work of dykes and thc tiuy lakelets tlt contieuaily barrcd my prcgress. Yetiîert ieapad isba smaller obstacles wltb mccl greatan agility tIse Imight hava beau ex- pactad from bis appearance, and wadadl tbrougb thc broadar pools, as I had of tan sean him ais Burton, withouis raering bis boots, and with isba nismosis uncenceru.fIe had fallen bahind cousidarably, sud appear- eutly wus net ovar-sexieus te gat upone-a terres wiish me for wbenevan I leard isba peculian sucking noise made liy bis saisurated boots, they aiways soundad a long way lu isba rear. This did net surprise me. My great ests surprise bad heen the exirardinary affa- bility Yethent bad displayed tcwards me su the carliar portion of isbae eeneg, and isba unusual eagernescfhIls manuer. I seî'ersl times fancied ishais isbawaters lisbahédykes was rising; buis my confidence lu Yethert's superior knowiedge cf the banirs sud tides ,vas sncb thatIs a pprehendeldnodanger, a1 isba Cp-a sure refuge lrorn ihe iides Yss begînnlmîg te show issal like a darli shadowý, acrass isba marsb. Saparatiîîg tire Cep frcin tisa marss is a broad shaiiowsýtream, whidh, baera it begins te ha ied by isba tida, is sel- domr more than two lacis deep; sud wnen 1 ihouglit about isba maiter ais ail, my ollly feeling cf uneasinass was, ihat befora wa raa2ed is, is miglit lave- risen te sud s beiglis as te cause us ta wsde te an siea-- van lent depisî. The mccc bung c-rer tic Haîkin Mounts- ains ais our back, wca-begonc hall circleis cf pale gold; buis the stars sIoes uis wi great bnilliance, sud isba Cep was baginning te dafina issaf more and, marc cleaany againsi tIse horizon. I couid aven faintly. disiingulal isba rude shed oan ts summit, jei whicb Abrahsm's sheplisrd boy occasi onal Iy1 stood sentry o-rer liii wooly charges ou. tIc plain lielow; sud I was congratuIxatJr. myseli on my near approa cli tebacomIrnfrt cf Abrsarnm's well îtockad Irader, wîan I, was Irougît to a sddeu stand-stili by isb appearanca of a niumberof glitcring obJeetLs on isb arenusoe distance in frcnt cf ime, which wavarad sud fickered about lu isba mest extraordîeary mannar. 1 conld net make t eut, and 1 waiked on ugain towards isba spot. A faw strides cxplaincd isba yý- stary. On isba marsîs lu front cf me was a vivid refiection of tIe sturry csnopy aboya; sud as 1 siscod rootad te thc spot, with my beart tlumpieg againsis my rîis, I ceuld leurisba meassarad rhythmic ipple of tisba HUNTING TRE MOOSE. E-qsrenceecr a Noa'ble Viscouîst and iss Tutar iln Ottawa Woods. A moose dear wban -woundcd is a daugarcus enemy. This conclusionr was arriveud ais by, Viscount Iilfoyle, sitar a bnie buis vary cx- citrng inter'view witb cneecf ishese lcrdly ani- mais whe roam isbe Ganadisu fürests. The Viscouet was ycueg. The eider Viscount, his faishar, diad sud lait tlîis young mac a titia, s large rantris aIlnsdsa seat in the Brut- is, flouse of Lords. The young Viscounis, isoweu-er, did net cure very mucli for isba latter jusis yet. Ha was only 20 yesrs of age wban lha dropped ise lis passassions, sud ais20 net nany ycungsters, espacially if they bava pleniy cf monay sud nothing te do, care muai for uuything but their own cnjey- nient. TIc yousug Lord Kilfeyle mardel up lis mind te sac as muclio eb worid as ha could sud as eariy as possiola. Wiisl this objacis lu view hae egagad a Luisor te look sitar hlm -au Oxford gradluale, isba Rev. William White. The tutor was net mach in udvance of thba Visconut le yeurs, sud cartaiuly net su worldly expeniance, huis, accerdiug te dus- tom, lae was isba propar persan ta accompsny isba young lord le lis trayais. Se, with bnigit santicipations as to wbat they should sac and heur lu America, thay sailed. for New York. lis wss midwinter lisbaheyear 1887 wbau ha raached Ottawa. TIc terrible cold cf a Ca- nadisu winter was quise s new thing ta lis Lordship ; buis li developed au ides of geiîrg iste the wildarnaess sud killing soe wild animal or animais, sud Ottawa was s good placafor dbtaining isba necassary information as te how hae sbould set about is. Whan lie beard lIais moosa dear ware plautiful fifisy miles te the norîli, be made up bis mind ishat moose wss jusisttre thîug lha lad cerne te Amenicu te kili, sud sccordingly isbe lord sud theaLtrnequippad ihanslvas fanrisba expadition. Moccassns and sncw shoas, fer coats sud fur raits, Ballard rifles sud ansmu- nition, sud oSIer uacessary adjunets wara fanislwitb procurad udhlic unting party starised eut. Philanthropîc parsons suggcsised te the lordiy fledgliing lIai a guida-one expani- enced ilu woode-raft-should lic engagad te prevent a calamiisy, buis my lord of Kiiioyie wanted ail isba lonor te himseli oi killieg s moome. If s practieul hunter accompanlad hini, beexplaînad, t would take isba appa- lita away rmmtisbaad-rau turc. LHa wunted ta sîay s moosa, parbapu rnany cf ihcm, buis le wanted te do is alonea sud unaidad. The moosa, as Ilînse well scquaintai wiisi isba animal knûv, liard togethan dîring isba sa rre weather cf wînter sud pick eut for tîarnuelves s place of vary green woods. This place of green woods usay ha twenty miles is circurnierenca, or is mcay ha only flua, according te the number berding te- geisher. But tise place wlîcre isbey bard muis be well w-odced wiliîgreen pine or thay wiil net ulilde tbere. Tbey feed on isba green houjîsansd lu goiog about they muka numerabla patî ways runnsug lu ail direc- tions sud crossiug eascii ther ais ail kieds cf angles. This i whsis is called s mnoose "yard." IL was a briglit and erispy mornirsg ln the month cf February ishais isbaViscounis and lis tuter Mn. White, srnivad aisona cf Ibese "yards." TIc luhabitant, Jean Baptiste Cay, who drove tireur in lis "juiiper" sleigir gavaeisba youog men sema useful Malts. lHe tld tbem te stick together sud ha vary caratul te maire marks.as tuey %vont along isbaIl"paisîis" se tlîay would ta abla ta raturu. lHa expisined te islam thai iswas isba yary esasistiîhing luisbah world te gais lest in foliowieg Up these pass; they wera ào numrabiesuid crossed each other 13sO msny diferant directions, that uniesi isba nismosis cane iras taken tlîay would ba ln danger or- 'vandering fo;r days baeora being alla te regaiy -laý point isbey started from The plan that pr_,îtical hunies asdoptad le s inoosa Ilyyrd" ivas te Ilblaze" clîlpi s trea lare sud tIare us they weis along, buis isiey wanis along, huis tic "blaze" should bca plsced on isba sida of isba trac in tIe direc- tion livîich they waut, se as te sxcid cocir fusion. As a lest werd hae told islam that a muose would figlis like s lion. My Lord Killoyle and.bis Ltesr listaned vanr upatienttalinsbt lhiaIattention wrrs on The sight of the animal, lashed te fury by' the agony of the wound was- appalling, but the young Englishman was nervy, and lie had confidence in his aire and in his rifle. With rapid speed the deer advanced. When within twe-nty yards t.he Vîscount, raised bis rifle again, and, taking carefuli aime for a spot between tshe eyes; the rifle cracked. Whether the buliet went wide of the mark, or wbethier it struck the frontal boue and gianced-off, the Viscount neyer knew. But this lie did know, that before lie could fire again the animal was upon hlm. As the mouse bore down upon the Eng-1 lishman the latter spranil behîud a tree andÊ escapel a blow fromn the head of the animal that had power enough in it to kîli the whoie House of Lords. As the Englishmnan sprang aside frorn the descending horns and1 and let the tree stand the shock, lie unfort-1 unately dropped bis -rifle, which at once sank ont c f siglir in the deep suow. . Then hegan aseries cf dodgingrnovemnents whicli developed an ami-ount cf agility that surprisedl the young feilow birnself. The wounded meose would charge ais lis enemyi in a way that'meant instant death, and the1 latter wouid avoid the beast by dodgîeg lbe- hind the immense pice which served bime fer -a barricade. The young Englishman could sec that the brute desired te trample hlm te deatli heneath ts sharp hoofs, and lie knew that the oniy escape left hlm was te keep a sharp eye on thle animal and a ready leg, se that when lie charged lie could place the troe betweeu them. Once dnring a pause in the brute's mcvements lie thouglit of ciimbing up the tree, but a look at its immense trunk ehowed bime that that was eut, cf the question, for the pille was wiithoat branches for over fil ty feet frein the ground; besides ts girth xvas more than than lie could embrace. There was nothing for himt te do but dodge around the troc unti] tlie tuter, attracted by the report cf the shoeting, would corne on the scelle, shoot the meose, and rtlieve him. If hie could enly avoid the brute then for a little whîle, ail wouid bc well. With that hope lu lis heart lie feit equai te the emergency. The mnoose, after eccl successive charge would retire ten or fifteen feet, pause for a second or te, and then witli a bellow that made ishe branches quiver, bear down upon his fo. Twenty minutes cf this perilous dcdging began te tell upen the Viscount. qlc feit himself grcwing exhaus. ted, whilc the mad moose seemied te be growing rnadder. What was te lie donc? The tut had evidently wandered tee far away te bear the report, or cisc s9omething liad befalien bitm. If lie could only burrow lu the snew eut cf siglit, but that was im- possible, for the snow was barely three leet deep ou the level. Then diîring cneecf the pauses that the moose teck te gather wlnd a plan cf escape came te hlm. Could lie net take offlils fur ceat and when the moose bore down on him, throw the coat e-rer the brnte's borns and then mun for his ie. The thouglit gave hlm fresh energy, lu an lestant the garment was off and in bis hands, and when the animal again advanced, with an adroit swing cf the ceat is was tb'cwn over the borns and the Viscount tore away down the path witlî the spced cf a reeket. The sudden turu et affaîrs bewildered the animai. lHe sbook bis liead lu fury and rage, but the coat stili clung te the prongs. Part- ially blinding him. Again and againhle dn- deavored te shake the gar-ment off, but with euta-rail. Eacb shakoe etangled il the more. Finrliîg thais bis efforts were useless lie dashed away on the path, but in a direction opposite te that taken by the Viscetînt. Just then tlien the tutor, after rennieg up cnee path and down the other hardly knowing wlrether lie waà cerning in the right direc- tion or net, have, in siglit, and seeing the moose lying down the path with the Vis- count's ceat ce bis head, came te the con- clusion that the nobliman was le the coat, and cf course was premptiy strieken with horror at. the awf ni fate cf tbe bouse cf Kil- foyle berne away by a flerce animal te lis de. vî>ured. Wliat a sisory the Rev. Mr. White wDuld have te tell te frieuds in England- that the Lord cf Kilfcyj'e bad actually leen carried away, and ail by a terrible animal lu the Canadian wcod. With the disappearance cf the meese the tutor theeglit the safest thieg te do under Latest From Europe The Plazue in Londou-Auxioty for tha Safety of Gladstonea and Other 011-l.Mun -Disturbancas in Spaîn- London, and for ishas matten Englaud, is stili under the spaill cf tha influenza plague. Ie many loculilica3 business is-a7ssusst sus pended and avcny whena social ltais i3dis- snran'ged.' Invitatio)ns are beiug ~nae sud plans lîrokan 1)y bereax'emant. The datb rate continuas 1a, li earier tîsun in tIc worst ceiders 3sars, sud theicpap-Drs lave ail adoptad thc innov'ation of long. tac ding lista of isba ailiug snd convalescenlt witb tiacomimant chaugcd. fr(cm day te day. lIlsc'eegloomy circumataucas liP. tbcugît aI Panliamens meeting nuisesv' preuesions as te the safaty et Mr., G1ud- stona and other old men sisbahencisciously noxicusatmasplera of St, Stcpbec's, sud uothing bus the necessitias of lise suppiy prevassîs a yostpouamenso ef sadata of reý assembling. Mr. Gladstsone is rcpartad ,te be parfacrily well sud immense]y kisdd Dvr Rossaudule suad cugar te lia on lîaud ut the openirg ta precipitate an assuls upon tic Govanrnccis's Irish local goveruménr scheree., The Prince sud Pninceisscf W/aies lava israî'dlled quiatly fmcm Sellclinghm isthîs week te Esibourca, whcne lhcy haabn stsviug ut Crompton place, isba delgbf ully secludad natrat cf ithe Duke et Dev-onshrir. Nais eu-en the viliagers round about kuew cf isba royal visitons' presence amoný-.t-hem. The Pnincems will in a faw days leave for isba soutil cf France, sud lu ail prohobility Princa George wîll accompany bier. TIey wili live in strict seclusion tIare. The disturbancas lu $pain are socialisii. Itîïs a countsry whera Secialism bas fon mauy 3 cars beau a fonce, tlnix-iug lu a congenial sou cf igneranda. The strike et Blbso cîrds uvitb a staeof siege, the Gcvannmant ha- lieving isîsis;ts laders ane anarchists and that isba disorden ismeacis ta la te rel)al- lieu. The sti-ikas continua, bus the neots arc qucllad. The troops ana masters- and isba mica ownans are nesolved net te glu-a wsy. IlGo'crnisn," sard a MinuRter as Madrid, "b a-a liisberto beau coulent te dispersa isb a sanebisîs. They ara now ne- selrad te dacimate islam." Wliut will lie donc with isba other ue-sens is nais stat- cd. famsly ajsdsl If a man'- focs arc thosa of lii own hanse. bld, cantsinly s womsc's saveress cnitics ara te ha found tIare alss,. Few cf ris reulixa hew surely aur words sud actions are being waighed aud measurad liy ti b lservens, large suddirnaîl, ivbe surund us We arc unconscious etfisba judgrncnts pssad because tlîay ara usuelly silent-snes. W/heu they happan te lae spoken ont insteact of ouiy isbonght,vwearsic isken abacir, andsemns- isirappaliad, aistise arraignment sud sent- eceaof wbich via l ad beau ceisirely unaware. It is isba privilega cf thc iemily cnitie te ba ruishlassly frank. Poiitaness W iii nucas- sany, sud censideratieul foribthe -,alingýs cf thc condeneadee idiculously ir4sppýropi- - aise. The stnictunes une given eareles-sly u~ lrely, sud ohisence as isbap!aib speakîng la s cceisingeuey neyer imagined. Il is is only JanDie ; she always Gays wbat sIc tbinks." I"No ana minds Will;:le ai- waysspaaks eut." "n'fmic ore nay say anyting." And wbly, pray. Chldren are tcmsstril flml cnitics. Tlîey sc' se straighis. Yoeur -"n' te islammeaus "ne,"sua un" yes,"" yes." Yeu cannos dacaive tliam nwitb i lftrutîs, on liy a jnggle etfuverds. Thcy coistshcougb your subterfuge sud cwnvics ycu ais once. Their straighsforward sirnpllcîty mnaltes ycu sshamed of your fslsehood. And of ail cnitics a boy is isba crualass, Hie la mie respactor cf vunities or sbams. Ris cool questions sud downrighisremarks maka yen wnithe -wbîle you langh, aud lmugI while- Yeu bure. Onecf ibis sort, aed fif teen. sskcd latcly. J- -~