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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1892, p. 7

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YOUNGFOLKS. The Rudder. WEDNESDAY FB. 10, 1892. 0f ha are -ou thinking rny littile lad> with the honect eyec of blue, - -~----- As yuu watch the vecsseIs tha.t sWl y glido o'er the level ocean floor ? S A NU RD BANK ,A'- away f rom our vie w, CA N D doBeatifu, rof thsie wrasy o, OF CAN DA. i seek cone farf shore. COpltnI pf a p, S1,ooo,ooo.itest, S2%, Tbey séecm to be scatterefi abroafi by chance to movo ai the breezes' will, TiAlmleccly wandering hitlier aýdnf Oi, andi hsBank is preparod to do- Legiti- mcinltng in distaknce gray; Mate Banking in ail its branches. But cach one moves toa purpoce firrn, andithe F4armer's-notes discounted; Dueposits Lkfihusrmî pe bmalo hi received and Jnterest paid on accounts aponeia. of $5 and upwards in SavingS Bank For eaoh bac a r,'dder, my dear little lad, with a stanch man ai the wheel, Depatinnt.And the rufIdern" neyer leftto 0itseif, but 1> Il A %the willof the man je there; H A 'TS There is nover a moment, day, or night, that Isd nd su ollectious made in Europe the or,,se does flot feel Th oce of the purpose that chapes lier United States, and Canada. Course and the hehmsman's watchful care. W. J. ,TONES, Aven ONTARIO ]BANK rontinues to do a General Banking Business Ï ýuwmianvijle Agency. fum.eday von will lanci your ship, my buy, on lit e's, wide. troacierous sea: Be sure yuur rudder le wrougit ut cîrengîli >lu stand tie strees uf the gale; AnfI your hanfi on tie wieel, don't let il flinci, wbetever the tumult ho, For tie wil ut man, witb lie ielp uf Gufi, shall conqoor and prevail. CEusA TH IXTER. flu (vd u ta±nr, HnkUeaT mn do Littie Maud Hood, of Sydenhamn. Ualnitrsaîwebturn e o Maud Mooudje only a tiny mite, ut 13, flole on itdrmawan eesadA eost1and, theretore, net capable ut duing anytlîing Iu~yabe o dorand.on wlîat lie wouldwould call a great scale ; EXCHANGE but neverîhoees ber namo menite a place ini 13 tfltu oect >,îisseuoltrp he large -"Book ut Golden Deed." Tiere Uuited States and Canada, aiea Goid,Sive' and are soveiu moth3rless iittie unes in Maud's Uuited$tauee (Green backhoueit aud sold. home, in Lower Sydenham, ail youug. COLLE TIONSTheir tather, a workiîsg watchnsaker, bas lu COLLE TIONSearn tise bousehold bresd, and une brother Pr 'rpî nue &u curruub rbie epon 0 aitpr heipa in the procese by acting ne a green cf Direat Britalu ls UiedSats&u"îgrucer'c errand boy. Anuhher isan invalid, IJO embu olOanada. co tse bd, and thbe cares ut the ibouse- Telegraph Transfers holà and tise ovrsight ut the younger oe MI 1 Elî beu nacs vMun etol. Éart t fal ali upoîsLittle Motber SMaud. W bile >,uada. This la especialiy advsauîago0 e t, slie was atteîîding tu the envaiid, Arthur, por- eue IlOvng Iu Mauitoba or theNorth-'- est tour years old, severely scaided himseoi, hy pil ac h nu'val1leîonea li psieling a teapot at the ireplace. Mani Other parilculars caîl atthe isaýk. and lier eider brother guI bii m bed and dresscd the wonnds M iti nil as best tbey E.L. FORTT GO. IIcGILL, couud.Thgre oc'sutmr we Accoutant.Manag watîng, and tie 'erraisd lad had tu go, eyv- ing bis sister in suie ch'urge. She dccided, tiaItishe burned chîld requred boiter Iroat- ment Vian cuo could give, so sie marcned off lu tise Home for Sick Childress, lu lay Vise case betore them. Yes, tbey wuuld ake hins in, but she mustet rot a letter ut admis- sion. Wiere? Tiey gave ber tie namnes ut several subecribers. Off shewsentho canv ase, and wao happily succesetul. low lu gel Ihim lu lie hume? She borrowed a poram- bulatorcaretuliy piaced the injured chiid tnpun tise cushions, and wheeled il herseiftol the institut;.on, where tise invaiid wae at oce admitted. Al Ibis energy and devo- -2 tiesn were ut nu avail, for tie borne were tou severe. -Paif Mal fia--df . Profession for Boys. When Walter Besant urte hie înost ta- N ~moue book, thal was tic tfirst inspiration ol tise great Peopie's Palace in London, prupo- "Stop that, Wllie!" he said sharply; but Willie did net stop. "Stop that, or yo ll have to leave the table!" lie exciaimel. Stili Wilbie did nul ýstop. 1Nw presnmie you wnnld givec in," l'eý said to is wife, "bot tha isjnt my way. We'1l figbît it right out on this lino, and the next lime 1 epeak he'1il know that I meani business." She said nothing, and hoe got up, took Wiliie out of bis higli -chair, and pot lîim duwn on the floor. "When you stop crying,," hoe said, se-1 verely. "ll'Il put yon back in yonr chair." But Willie kept righýt on; it act he yelledi loudor than ever " W llîe,"I said bhie father at last, " 1if you don't stop that you'll have to beave the rjoor. 1 suppose you tbînk that's cruel, Jane, lie added, but if we flgbt iout nov! we'1l have no further trouble. It's the only way." jS ho emade nu reply and hoe again got up and carried the struggling, soreamusg Wiilie i sto anotber roomn. " Wlen yeu can ho quiet, Willie, you may corne back," hoe said. Il Mas5 or 10 minlutes later ttisaI ho look- 0(1 up from lus after dinner coffee and ask- ed : "'Do yon suppose the boy will make hiîn- self sick hy bis cryi)g V' She shook bier bead. Il He stood it for a few minutes longer, and thon lho gave iu. " Perbaps, Mrc. Brinker 1" hie exclaimed as ho operied the door and brought the boy back-" perbaps you are beartless enougli te lot your son cry himself into a fit. Per- bepc you have. nu nerves te ho unstrung by sucb infernal yliug-Husb, Willie, it's al riglht now-but 1 arn but on a different plan, Mrs. Binker ; on au oentirely différeut plan-shut up, you imp ?" " Bnt a little7irmness, James- "Mrs. Binker !" 11Il you figbî it out once, you kuow-' hiHe put Willie down on ber lap, grabbed bs bat, and slarted ont, and as ho was closing the front door hoe heard ber call soft- ly after him. "WbVenever you have any valuable ideas ,lthe managoet of cblldren, James'- The. lie slammed the uor. If hoe bad waited ho would hiave fouud lîcat she bad Willie quiet in five minutes and asleep in ton. 7'EWFIK PASHA. 4;n EetesaesnSketch of the Late Mue. dive. Thoýugli Tewfik Pasha, Kbedive Vîceroy ut P:gypt, whose pale lite gLmmered intu gomi recently, wae a tollower of the Prop- -eeMohamnmed, thislea part uf une ut the up 1tirlndmenîs banded down f0 the Prophet Mulses ut which hodouobtlesa realized the ve rbal inspiration, Il tisai wh job comprises Ihe(, whole moudern theory ot beî'edity in the wos'ds which Il vîsit cîpun the cbildreu tie siii, ut tise tather." Paa Ismail hall yachts ; and Suez Canais; and visits trom Etngenie, Empresut Franice nul alune, EnmprEss ut the world ut beauty audý tashion ; and uperas by Verdi-the only Ili!ug uto Ismail'surdering by-tbe-way, which wvi1l suýrvive in the musicofu Aida"; and Ameriocan rilitaryoufilcers ; and a bigh court ut higli-priced juriets from ail over the wu.rld; and the love utf}is peuple; and the1 wunderiiLg admiration ut Nile tuu'iste ; andi everyliîing, in tact, shat severai hundred million horrowed dollars, at fitty per cent. discount, couud buy in the bande ut a man wbose Oriental imagination had been buth etirnulated and educated by a long Parisian residence, Sou Tewfik isad his people's hatred, une wife, nu operas, nu canaIs, nuornllilarv staff, upyglot jurist staff, visitstfrom El Mahdi inetead ut Eugenie, lessened lerritury, nar- rowed revenues-al liaI the yr.ung lord whuse predecessor on the ostale bas been a splendid spendtbrifttin the bande ut usurore ba S and bas nul. If we louk at hîm in Ibis lighl as a plain ssater-oî-fact son ut a gorgeous sire, wio settles down lu pinch himself in order Vo pay off the morigages and free the estate, we can find sumethi2u admirable in bis thirteen yeairs of suvcreignty and bis forly years ut lite, Ris very taking off was in, keoping wiih Ibis roie, An Oriental munarch wbo should hy precedoent have (lied ut assassina- tion, choiera, bowsringig-or uld age, like bis farno's great-grandfahr-he perished of the ossentiaily onrornantic andI raîher bouýrgeois malady ut grip. 1t ie a short but memorable dynasty wbich is now represenîed on lthe Kbedival tbrone byAishas Pasha, a lad ut seventeeni, whoee disposition to take or noltu take bis Brjtish medicine rnay plonge ahl Europe mbt a war; the sure participation ut England and lie crippiled condition ut Rossia nsaking il tise ,,est chance that the Driebund will ever ba ve tu adminiister a crippling bluw te tie hybrid union ut Muscovite and Gaul. Mie- hemel Ali, tounder ut the Egyptiani dynasly, lett hie lithoe tobacco sbop in Cavala, AI- baîcýia, to march as a subaltern voluinleer aga inet the French invader ut the Sultan's vassal state ot Egypt. The French invader wa" Napoleon, thon about tu found bis dyniasty. It was just a littie wbile beture an otîcer tirrer-np out hings, Bolivar, set the' Somith Anserican pot to boiling ils e Spanish lid off, c Tewfix Pacha was nul burn in the purpie. h M1eheinet Ali, wben hie crossed the isthm us, b and w rested thse Sultau's Asian possessions. froîn ijm, and wae oniy restraîîsed by the li coînbined povere ut Europe frein tranîfer- T.bRBOR OF'.NSLVNA A Mysterliouî Band Have Coenmitted a Long ,Sosies of Horrible Hsssders, J01INSTO)WM, Pa., Feb.,12.-A series of mysteriuus mordors have occurrod recently witlîin 12 voiles ofthis place. On Deem- ber 4 the body of a well dressed man was fonid in the svoods near Galletzen, wîth a bulle' bole in hie head. A week later the body of another mnan was fouud with abhoIe through bis head. The body was identifi- edas that ut George Myers,,a prosperous citizeu of Friîgality lHe wae murdered, for bis muney. Less than a week ago lie de- ,çomposed bud(y #utfanoîber was3 fourd. in the woods> neaî' Baîhlc. The- clothes ýwore ut good quality, but net hing eould ho discover- ed te establiss bis- identity. The horrible butcbery of uld man KinLy and bis wîfe, and the cremation of their bodios four, uigbts ago, is attrihuted te the saine mystorious mus derems who are evidontly hîding in the mountainst eady tu pounce upon any victim who is stippo'sed te have money. Rot Appreciated. At a Steinway she was posing, And lier vocal-volume closing, She remarked, 1 l'Il play you sornething that will suit yOu." Thon with Wagner she assaulted My anriculars and halted To intormn me 'twas Il the music of the future." [ awaîted but the dying Ofthe strains se mystifying, Thon I rnuttered in a manner effervescent, "Thon yonr ailU is misdirecled, F'or altbon' yuu'vo net delocled The condition, I arn livig in the pro. sent." -[Boston Courier. An lAwîul ,Story. Tiere je a litto inaiden Who bas an awfut limie; She bas to, hurry awful Te got to scieul at n ne, Sbc bac an awt ni leacluer; lier tasks are awful liard; lier play mates ail are awful rougi When playing in tie yard, Sie bas an awful kitty, Who uf ten sbows ber claws; A dog wlîo jumips upon bier dress With awtul muddy pawc; She bas a baby sister With an awuful litile noce, With awful cuniuîir dimples And sucb awful litile tues! Sie bac îwu littho brotiers, And lhEy are awful boys; Witb their awful drume and trumpets Tbey make an awful nuise, Du orne g-oo ffairy Commun fonce, Corne, and this enaid defend; or else, 1 fear, ber awtnl life Wiillbave au a-isul endi. The Best Joke. As 1 was loaving Piîîsburg I was approach. ed by a yc ung man who, afier giving me his crd, thanked me muet earnestly for my lecture uf last night; in tact, hoe neaily orn- braced me. "I .1 eveî' enjuyed mysoît se much ils my ite," ho said. I grasped bis hand. PUREST9 STRONGEST, BESTU Contains nu Alurn, Arncnna Lime, hophat, or any Injuriant E. W. CILLETT. Toronto. Ont DE. J. Cl. ETCHIILL. tEMBERU OF OLL F PfYSTIÂN 'I and Surgeons, Outario, Coroner, etc. Otb-,ie aud Resideuce. Enulekillen. 74. Bý D B5'RI4E 8IPRON, BcPRIa-e e-.R isOLICITO 13, Fc. MOPRIS L~OCK, upàtai s, King Street. Bow.nan- ville. àloîlcitor for go Outari Bank Cilvate 1Moîseyx boansd ut tho IOwest rate SC. HITNIING ICOENSED AUCTIONEER FORL LAthe County of Durharn. Sales atlendod c on ehortest notice aud lowesl rates. Addrese Cumnîsuse P. 0. :Vt IIOBT. YOUNGEl.V . OFFICE JN THE WEST DURUIAM 0News Block, uiere bimeeîf or aseistan wil' bo found from 8a.rn. to 9 p.rn. Nigit catis at resideuce.direcsly opposite Dril Shed. Calls by telegrapis or lelephono will receive prompt attetio7 17yr IA. W. TqLE. A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real Sals Estato Agent, Bowm,-nIlville, Ontario- Sae ttended un auy part ut Province.

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