NE WTOSVJLLIL The Mthodi8ts of this circuit being unable to secure the services of the, (Jhairman of the District for Sunday de- cided to hold their Quarterly meeting in NewtonvilIer on Monday. At 2 30 p. m. the business' meeting was held Roy. Mr. Jollifla presiding. The financial report ~vas encouraginmg and IRev. R. T. Courtice was invited-to romain a second year and accepted tie invitation. AtS3 30 o'cock Rev T. W. Jolliffe preached an appropri- ate sermon and ad Ministered the Sacra. ment to a large number of communicants af ter which the entire congregation was entertained by the ladies of the N{ewton- ville church, au excellent tes being pro. vided free to al. In the evening at 7.3~0 the annual mieeting of the Bible Society was held ia the Presbyterian churcli The attendasuce was not large but the meeting wa% good. The addresses on thej /1 le. ~ .q,, -~ Birds of a Feather.' A Parrot is a great screecher and imi ta- tor, but yon knio-% it's a Parrot stil.- Certain, manufacturers, jealous of the world-wide success of "Sunlight" Soap, try to itaitate it and gain business on "Sunlight's" reputation. But its only thelParrot's atteimpt.and is easily detected. Their Soap is poor, injurious stuf stili, and tlie stealing of "Sunlight's" directions by ilev8. -. LUSlièad CENTS lm1A- USE UT FOR Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesb. OTTIE Throat Troubles _________ onsumpti.on Bronchitis,Weak Lungs AsthmaCu». !' ~ -I ~..jd ua±~ifi. LflI CI S R.WINDATT, Tp. 0. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. 1cd liaue's Family Medîcine, T"Lb ne frt and only palir A i ruir 11.J. 4L±C & SonI, 39-te. 1- ýmn p f.h.- Sk- m-fý -LrT-- ful a 1 la 1- woi, ni aiý .qnV