vi18 s}I~~w~ LETTER F.ROM INDIA, In this enlightened age among the - niany great questions which engage the xinds of ail intelligent' people the mis- bas a nice assortment of ýsion cause is one which occupies, and 'YOUNG MISSES' HATS in the rightly too, a prominent position. Last week a friend of mission work living at leading style TIyrofnewas the recipent of a lengthy lot- -te foi alady resident in India who IBABIES' BONNETs and CAPs. went out a few years ago as a missionary's 'wif e and who is nobly developing that VELVET TAm-O'SHiANTER.S. christian character of which she gave snob briglit piomîse in her girlhood. Think- STUDENTS' CAPS-in the ing that some one might be inspired to deeper thankfulness for the blessings o. lhtest fashions. Also a nice lot of christianity and helped in a measure t t endure small trials by contrasting their WINGS and BIRDS, experience with those who have lef b home FEATEItSand îps, friends, the refinements of civilized life, FEATIERSand ips, for a land where the weather duringa OSPRY an POMONSpart of the year is intolerably hot, the OSPRY an POMONS.society superstitious, sus picious heathens, L4adies, please reinember that and other discomforts too numerous te mention here. The following extracts keep a large, stock of have been taken from the lady's letter: Mission flouse, Co'anada, India, SATINS AND PLUSHES, Dec. 12,.1891. Suitable for Fancy Work and Painting. One dloor East of Post office, King st., Bownianville. 41 BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 17, 189.2. $15,000 LOST TO FARMERS. 0f the one tbousand- head of ca ttie Pfhipped from this district, to outer mark- etsan sulive huîîdned more (in round nuunbors) kilhed for home consumption asat year, flot more than one balE were goodl grades. The difference in the aelling price of a wei-bred sud a scrub animal averages $20 per head. Therefore our farmers lost $20 per hiead on 750 head asat yoar, equal to $15,000. The rnemedy La simple-put one to three dollars into the calves' bhood by using a good male for ail the cows used for breeding. A law ebou Id ho passed probibiting farmers fromn breediuig from other than thoro'- bred irs. An officiai report tates that DEAR FFRIEND,-Jt is some tinie sînce I received your ltter but so many duties have filled tbe hours that the days have slipped away almoat u aconsciously. Iu your letton you mention a fieud who bopes to devote ber lif to wonk for the Master in some dark corner of bis vinoyard. We who are here aleady tbauk God sud take courage wben we hear of others who feel that they bave beon calcd to ho light. bearers ro their brotiiers sud sisters who it in a darkness that is beyond the corn- prehension of those uvho bave nover been in the rîidst of it. As we ]ook at the people around us our bearta ache aud we say "Oh for the gift of thue fly Spirit snch as was poured out on the apostles on the day of ]Pentecost," sud thon we begin to aearch our hearts to find out wby ive have not received that gift and we find so mnuch pride aud selfishuesa thiere that there is not rcom for it. We are not willing to go sny place, to ho auything or nothîng sund to have it said of us as it was of the disciples "They are full of new wine" so thuat Christs namo may ho ghoified sud souls saved. I feel so muci cf this in my ouvu heart sud life that I am f ull of shame sud bumility when I think of how litthe I arn doing in comparison iith whist I sbould do. Mis- sionanies in common with ail christians should ho thîoroughhy consecrated. But there are somie special qualifications ne- quired by missionarios snch as a hardy constitution, strong nerves, go)od common sense, tlie power to lead sud enthuse mon bis toes for a vice, and bas the most pîrm itive tools imaginable. Indeed we find ethat the toes are very useful littie mens ýe bers for we sec the people pickitig up -small articles with them as tbey w'alk a- d long and passing them up to their hainds 3t with the greatest dexterity; and if you Lt were counting monoy before a heathen b- and should 'drop a smiall piece without onôticing it,his foot would cover it likea 1s flash, and in a moment wlien he thougbt ýt you were busily occupied it would bc h passed up to lus baud and out of sighit in :- a twinkling. If ive want anysei o done we must get a man who is, caled f Dirgie to do it for us and instead of run oning the needie tbrough the cloth towards rhim as we would, ho shoves it throug]-c Baway from hini. This looks very awk- wardto us and yet be can sew very neuat- aly indeed. Tbey bave many feasts and aone of tbemn caled the Depavala feast or feast of li glts, is quite interesting as' they illuminate the town by jlacing roîVs of ssmall lights before the bouses, banging Chinese lanterns about and puttink up trocs and arches in the i'treets which tbey decorate witlî lights, flags and streamers. Fireworks arc let off for ten or fiËteen dlays and on the last day "the great day iof the feast" there is a constant succession of bangs, snaps, whirs, siss's that is rath- discoînposing if one happons to ho driv- ing thogh the streets with a young' or fractious pony. This year the last day came on Sunday and as we wore driving home from cburch in the evening our ponies which were young got frightened and one backed into the carriage behind it breaking the carrnage a little but doing no fuither darnage. There was an eclipse of the moon visible a fow weeks ago and as it took place at 4 or 4.30 a. mn. and the moon went down bebind the horizon, while itwas stili covered the people bail to fast and pray to their gods ail day that it might ho released from the great niDnster who bad it in its lutches. When it ap- peared again the next evening they *or- sbipped it and bad a feast. As we' se the people bowing dlown I0 the lights of this world we long for the day when they shahl have heard of and accepted the true ligaht that makes the pathway ahl clear sud leads up to the abode of liglît ýnd glory. Pray for those who are- striNing to scatter this light through this and other dark lands that their lives may be rcflec- tions seen of many. I presume you have hoard tbat we- bave two little- boys, Stanley Lockhart and John Wilson. Stanley bas not been well lately; ho bas been suffering from bouls and foyer. Blis teînperature was 103 one night but ho is a very patient littie sufferer. Baby is a much hardier 1. DISTRICT DIVISION. Èd , -â21 q S l- The District Division of the County of e ip Durham iwas held at Mt. Oarawell Feb. 1-10. The forcnoon session was opened by ls Bro. J. Stevens,D. W. P. A committee eu was appointedl to draft an order of buei- . a ncss for the afternoon. 18 tne place 'to get yottr t In the afteraoon a very large represen. a tation of dehegates and other members )e f ,-Ecresulted au foihows. D.W.P.- W .n H. Argue, Solina;Dl. W. A -MisoL. Pàscoe, uU ýg Enfield; D. R 5.-W. E. Courtice, Mt. - a Carswell; D.F.S.-Thos.Creeper,Tyrone; t D-,D Tras -W. Foley, Maple Giovai; D. & u l s o k o s8 Oha ..os latwortby, Ilamputon; D. h CJond.-Sid J. Brooks, Mt. . w ;D. -Sentinel-T T. Jardine, Tyrono. After F i ecrs by G. W. P. Brooks and the usual à% U P L E ,r responses, the reports front subordinate O M ydivisions were pres3nted showing the N ' t;H u% ,f order to be in a Eatisf.actory snd lourish- Iin g condition. Following is the numnber pof membersi in oach Division reportcch.-4_ ySolina 155, Enfleld 61, Mt. Carswell M,105p e e in o L . atWhitby 43, Hampton 56, Maple Ju to e e i e 'o iGrove 67, Tyrone 77, Orono, Cadmus Lotus and rystal Spring nob reported: of Valentines at iAt the sugges!ion of G. S. Bewell propo- gation committees were then formed to try to resuscitate.'the BowxanvileEnis- K E-IN N,,E R R S killen,BWackstock sud Purple Hllhlodges. The Program fer discussion was then read ______________________________________ by W. E. Courtice, D. R. S. The nom- mittee ont subjeots for discussion renom tmiended the following:lH for introducing the question oflo ri pe E L AD IN C H USE tion to the people in the municipalities. I. Repolved that the timte bas no w comte when tomperance people shauId Qua1itév is .ÈilsoluL>e. abandon politics sud the old' time of party, andi ahould now meet in a temper. F i e1,1 t'e suce parby to enet members to the house r c is Ϋe a v . of parliament and miipial counculs. III. Itesolved that it i3 advieable for almnibers of churches to vote as tbey pray, that ie they sbould cither ceasa_ to leray or c-ease to vote for whiskey,, i. e. against the obigations of our Division.. IV. What i» the hest 'neasn. of introdue ing into oui snhûrdinate»iu'xii -s temper-! ance educaition 1 V. Resolved' thitt ail temperanca. organý- izafions shoxld now uni e in pe iýioning paliameut to ahbo,don the licenauo syctem). These queattiens vere mereiy toucued ___________ upon and it was resolved to beave in powor of the executive comrnittee the- sppointing of proper persons to introduce'X E hawe the stock that meets th .e- exTpetation and gratifies the- the questions at thi next meeting of thie taste. Facts and Figures convince ail corners that we offer tha, District Division ho be held in Hâmpton opportunity of the season in BOOTS ANYSHOES. in June. Oarrieic. Interesting addrcsses were givon bvi Our stcpk îiare_ our and v h