1 have been a great Asthrna. sufferer frorn Asth- nma and severe Coids every Winter, and last Fali rny friends as weil as myseif thouglit because of rny feeble condition, and great distress frotn constant cough- ing, and inability to raise anyof the accurnulated matter from Mny lunigs,' that rny tme was close at hand. When nearly worn out for want of sleep and rest, a friend recornmend- ed me to try thy valuable medicine, Boschee's German Gentie, Syrup. 1 arn con- RefrehIng fident it saved my Refrehlng life. Almost the first Sleep. dose gave me great relief and a gentie re. freshing sleep, sncb as 1 had not had for weeks. My cough began immedi' ately to loosen and pass away, and 1 found mnyseif rapidly gain ing ini health and weight. I arn pleased to inforin thee-nnsolicited-tbat I arn in excellent health and do cer- tainly attribute it to thy Boschee's Gernman Syrup. C. B. S.rIcKNUY, Ficton, Ontario." THIE COANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLI 'HED 1854 $1 -par annum lu advanee. otherwise $1.51. subgeriptions a1wtysi payable aI the offi n if puablication. Advertisinîï rates uniegs by 0,) ract, 10 cent i par lin, noap trie first insert en, and à cents pgr line euch subsequGut in- section. Locals, 10 cents p9r lino. M. A. JAM ES, Publishe D)R.TA FTTASTIIMALENS A ST HMAC EDnever fails; send rur addlress, and ire w nIUR mail free ria ~ottle. DRt. TAFTI BitOK, ROCIIF FRE E TEK.,N.YCanaiian flepIt.SAead 8c. TotoNro, GÂNADiA. T O iRE NT. -For terni of years, "Mlen _UDh. "-300 acres, 2 miles frttm Whlîby-. gcud buildings3 and soli Admirable or stonli or dairy. CI auce for going exter4slvely line Toronto millk busine,-s or stock raising fol simerican me. ke . Mon wîtla captal ouir Aeed applv. J. . tDow, whtby, 32 tr- DYEINC ANDCLEANINC Ladies' and Gents' wear of ail kinds, Feath- crs, Gloves, Rihhons, Laces, Curtains, .and 1i1 kinds of fancy goods Dyed, Cleaned cr French Cleaned. Work positiveiy gnaran- led the best. No peddling wagon ern-ploycd, A reliable agen in evcry town., BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC 03'l., Gold Medalist Byers. Wlontreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. Agent in Bowmanville. FÀRMS FOR SALE. nu builin 0 will purchase 76 acrei âuuiCîà, .on Cou.. Dgrn~oolig oais1an aPaIcearou wilipurcasegood huai $350 0O cri th-on. ri:e gon o ,aling 100 acres, good atone bose,îgtanout $ 5 00qy 0 the abest farinebetweei Bowmanviile and Newcastle cotaiuîng la acres. oïl - ' will purob use 10ar ,'ý; 07 I Maners with goea buildings.,6a1l clenred. good soli. I 0 acres of land corsidered te b orne of the hest faims un Con.i Darliegon. good buildings, gond locality aui musC be sold. For anY of abova propertie appir ta LEVI A. W. TOLE- Recal Estate Agent ani Auctioneer. Gents' clothing Cleaned, Died. Pressed and Repared by Dyer and ClaUses Cleaner, Gcods warrarted tn bc as no one wli kn them !rom new wlsen doune. Corner Kng and Ontario Stres, Bowmanville. PReuaes h tra FOWr adEReD 1unocts PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. Ready for use inuany euaetity For making Soi b0ftenina Water, Disnfeeting, andîa buradreàotl Mues. A eau equals 20 ounds Sal Soda, Sold by Al Grocers and Dr-ugglsts. YOVNG F LK& [l'ie restof the day must have been very B US duli, as Frank mukes ne mention cif it.]j A, asi ef ytieece Nursates Semne In-'î_ 5 Th Ire LtieChir T uesday-G ot up e arl y au d tookuicold - teresîîsîg Fartieillars, wuIe bah. Ten ore orkou te wod- The chuse of differeut kinds ef gaule Theyqatalfone by the brght wodfdre, pile. Forgot to dry uiy ha îr lnah back animais aI the Wes clils for widely dif The grau -hired danie and the aged sire, and it froze solifi. Caugh ta bad coifi and ferent capacities lu the hanter himseif. The The ear dr-ops feil du ech wrinkledclheek, came ieur huvîng amnent.. on mais who huuts the ig horn or mountaîn Bow trn liÂVLJ 1 They hoth had thouglits that they could not what that is, bat it nuut bc somcthîbý'g aw- shcep mnust, aboie ail thinge, be a uood speu]<, fui, for the ldon lie eaid il was wVoree'u the climber, stout in wind and limbe, able taeEtblse Acathcr ttrdasgiineasies. 1I(Jouit know what's te oe stand fatigue and bardships. The same 7 For thieir sud and tearfui ereq desried of me, uoliow. [Frank becomes desp1ond- qualities in a aomewi-aî Iess degrree are need- Three 10 tic chairs pl-sced side by sie eut.] I'm aiways in trouble. Wiîeii-1 try ed ini the pursuit cf the blaci-ea il deer. On Agminstthe sittingL-reein's ivli; te be good 1 gel sick, a' wheu lDu bad I the other hand, thehunter ofilie white-tai- Importer, Mvanufacturer, and iiea 0 d-fa-1ioned enough as there tbey stood, chiss~frsadhi facewO, get licked. So what'e a feller ta dol ed deer iseeda especialy to show steath and i With their backs se straight and tai,"W nsdyTo ic tesItwd caution and to possees the capacity te hit a Sarcohg, aZtsnedsoe this merning. Pa had tedoit, aud î,imade suap shot, ruîînlng, at close quarters. The a] and Cemetery Work in the be Then the sire shooTe his slvery lie -d, elf osshmsetnaa ntb akna h uistegi7yi hc iie Anti with trembling volice lie gently sa'd m aft e l setu wyl h ac nnwohnstegrzl utiktme 1"Mother, thos' eînpîy chairs1 yard. H1e cul hisself ou tihe tee au' sýwere ha te display a good deal of ners e and cool- Granites and1 ,Thcýy bring ue suchi sali, ead thoughts to.utghl, awful, 1He used te make fun af nie -v.heu Iues. 1INoderate Prces, Latest Designs, Ine nll t lemfreeroeiut ef sigligel linrt. Now lhe knGws how itla h 'isself. I1n shoot îug untelope, howevser, the oee s atr l. Wi b hpyt Ina smullarkrooniuslatrs.'The oiy thing I did to-day iras sues 0a girl qualiîy of more use than aiii others le ekili etM tras XIIb ap Bzut slieanswered: " Father, no net et, who saîd 1 stole lier blotter. The teacimer ins haudliîîg the long-range rifle. Anteloe of work. Gxive ine, a cali Fer-look at thero, andi I forget said 1 talked tue much, and gave ina 300 are huuted lu lwo ways ; the liret beiug Th t he c ili- n we t y oo words te write. 1 gel even w itlî the girl, w ith greyhounds on horsebrk, the second, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W 1h le apsen on of checkereti blue, îhough. I pushed lier off the id1cwlký, aud wiih tise rifle. Naw, in meet game shoot- Ami sit here every day. the nuuf splashed ahl over lier dress. ing, tise shiots are usually obtuinefi ut under "Se lot hein stand, thougli onîpty uow, " hursday- Still too sick te work.ý, I do a huodred yards, Andi everv lune wlîen lieue we buw wsh tiiere wue soeine tier meut besidelaýý sas- The -.hot ut a white-tail le apt te bie a At the Father's Ibrene îepray, sage in this world. Mu Jaboys il because run'singo eeat lese thaîs that distanice. The We'il acT te meet thie ciltirpn above, there's ne wasîe te lt--ne boues unl fat. black-tuii and big-horn are usually killed ut Iu our Savioîr'- honiie of rast and lovei. Whcrc ne chiid goeth uway." Just fer a change I'd eut all tule fat I frein 50 te 150 yards. The prong-buck or ______ could get and ick the houes cdean. MY preng-herni antelope, nsustiually be chot , t. 1 ho Story of The Cjond. siter Kate ehe's got a fller uanied Peter ut greater distances,.lune othet kicîds of wi.ll ve jo fu . 111 ils O W isou. I caîl him Pete for short. l4ýaté game shooting are se usauy shote expended lu tise librury st luttle Ruth, guzinge ear- hadn'î had ne use for me toduy beceos last for every animal kilcd as iu antelope hut- o E n nestly ut the hrihit glowing tire lunlise open night I hunded Peter a chair witlhLSenle ing. Il! ailsli habits the preg-hon is the cioor t x r grate, lookiug for the queer and beautifril molasses candyv on the seat. Alter tuiking re.vers.e of the white-tlau deer. Thîe white- pictures whîcii I am sure ail of yoîî have td my lister for severul heurs Pete gel uP tail deer relies nsainly uiponi its noce, its " M there wac the head of a deg, a splendid big Pete'e trousers, H1e hud te get eut hic preng-huckeon the contrary trustschiefly te dog, jîlet like Wauh, wise ived uext door, kuife au' cul the seul ont of tise chair biefore its greut bîîlging eyes. situated rîght ut the an 1 was the terrer of ahl tramps whlo dured l'e got loose, Now I didn't pultishat candy base of the liornas; like a pair of twin tels- w here ho keeps con set foot iu the yard; there over in tise cor- tiiere, but Kate an' lier feler they bath scepes. A whitc-tuiled speuds the day in uer, were a horse snd rider; precently tise think l twus me. Jiat My lb. the thickeet and mosi secludefi nover aîîd , .. rider feil off u'nd reied head leong doscu jute IlFriday-Hurrah, sio echeol to-day ; oniy ventures out ut nighit. The prou g-A .AR E '..OVLPL the rwg bed of ceaie. Teere was a cas- Wushingîoîs's birthday. I don't believe bnck neyer gees le nover al ail if il eau A G Y, L M L I îeandRnhwhe hadl heen readiug of the iliat tory, though, about wisutlha said te lie possihly avoidefi and le quite as iively caeîled Rhine, thouglît she could trace the hie father wheu lie'cut the ciîerry-tree. 1 duriu..g the day as al uight. ',hle whitetaii - OF- river ruuing in a iarrow eîream of dlame doî'i sehew a feler cao live without lyxu.' is aiways seeking te aveid observation. Il ucrose the grate. Only angels cals (le that, a' I nevgr saw tries te, escape danger by not being seels, G ~ a - ~ ~ ~ 1I wonder where ceai comos from and any wiîsgs ou Waahington lu the pict zorn îutngb hic las elepoe fre C~' wbat il is made of," she saia alotud. IlSaunt dsy-Broze rmy recordl-'dIbsmou hidiug and ekulking. The autelope, on the -As she spoka a ltle red ceai. danced eut ing. SPlit and piled balf a nord of weood- other hand, never tries te escape observation and up te lier 'with the evident iîsîeun M ays sise places graut hopes lu mie. 1 feel ut ail, but truste purely te ic osvu watch- ufling rsing l~ nbrkue slk a hippycrit whien she tlks iike thaut. I fuînees. Il do'.s rnu cure a rap whther or shle started bacle lu leur of bein g bîtred, a wus walking peaceubiy aloug thie afteruoounet il is seen itseif, se long usi can see its0"fàà queer thin littie velce said,- iwhen a felier naniad Thompsou dure,; me te lues. The autelope le the heust of the IlDo' bc fraid, littie girl, 1 heard yon kuocie a chip off bie shoulder. I nover take prairie and tise wide roliiug plaine, It eau dwondering jusi uow where the ceai came a dure un' seoI gave a shove an' thç chiip feil truvel vety fat for long distances, s0 il le for Men and Boys, Wc Il frein, and Iiow i lesade, and feeling nin aoff. Then lie pasted me lu the eye. 1, didn't ofteisond cnany miles away Irons water, veryý social, confidentialnsood, I theugbt waîît te tuke off my ceat uernunthin' a' -on su,-baked st'-etclses of grounfi where the R b e s lp %r ,e Iild jlst ceeut and tel] yen ail about il. " met let hii have il. We hafi been figîtin' cactus5 and eugebrueh und ocoaionai patches RYbr , S i p r , e "YsIsaid Ruth, pulliug ber hair te about lUve minutes when Semas eue hollored cf coarse glass orin the oniy vegetutien. 14'U3 .~ seue whether sue was awake or net. IlYes, 'nop il'au' me a' Thompeon rau. I had a Iu censequenice of the liat, open nutura of -rnls I woud like to kuew, but I nex-er kuew blacke eye un' bloody nese, but the ether its hant., il lsau pecuiiarly diffheuit animalSp ca ate io gî bafore thut ceai could talle," feller got us geod as lie sent. Now puaund te etalk aud as a raie il le only by chance il p ca ate io g IOh!" laugliefi the ceai, and burned ia is awfl differeut. Pa, heie sys: ' oneu au bc approached closeiy On the other refider thaun ever, Il Oh. yec, we nstelk 1Ilare a VWilouglh n u n u lr i h'd lwl iusadsllwithiu lange I iaarned ages ugo when the world was ercp.' Ma, she suys : I"Thats whut fer a varv long shet and allow several rounds Young." yen gel for geiug in bad cempany. Yen are of carîridgee te be fired which prebubiy oniy Wiîy, how old are yen?" qneie Rî. a diagrace te the fumiiy.' I do't kuow what kicke U? the dust near hy. Il le alway, The GerunSoilseaettntigt 'I sin eîsiy five, sud l'in lots bige han le muke of it aIl. Bei I gues ifina was a, tempiîsg the buter te take a long chot ut it, make themsseives feit, by auforoing a at - on"man che wold't treul me likea that. and il is for This reusen that ce înuny nart- boycott of all geede net bearing the etainp "WTeii I don't exactiy know myself, but IlSunnday-This is the dulleet day I ever 1 ridges are firad for avery baud of autelope iud icaticsg that the îianfacturera bave sub- Iby the nearest cempttation I must bc some- spant lu miy whoie lifa. Suuday always baggcd. mitted te the %ocialists' regilatieu cf wages. rwhere lu tise neigbborhood of a few million makes mie îjred. When I'm ut honle lhey Ouaeof the features of prong-hnck charac- The llebrews eft'Vlontana, pariicnla5rlin l -years." wou tînlt me de iiilil,' anîd lu the ufterumoeu1er is extreme cnriosity, aven wheu fright- H1elena, are colecîiug fonde ai-d usaking Ruth weoered vary much whuî --conspu. theymake use go te Sndy cenol. Jusi anen or surprîsed, sogreut i - ts u -.-itYgenerai aranemntstosettle usaHe talioni" couid bel that made anythiîsg se aifî didn't gel schooi acîough onuweek days Ihat ilu pl,,,es whern il ie net înuch huîtedhbrew rafugeas lu Montaua. The proposition dreadfuiiy old, and sai,- Yen bei, when 1 gaiele oha a msan I wo'l il le oftei, ossible te allure it toward th,' is te work lu haruseuy, if utot ini conîsectien, Il %\hy, thàts eider then Mthuselah!" treat my litile boys liec that.' hbunier by iyingdowu and waving armd-llag ýwith-theB,rouflrschsnheme. Thev thinki "Oh, biess Yen, yes?" uncwared the ceai. Wbentlselfaîherliadfiniehed reudïiingtisis, onuthe end of a stick. When the aitelope Montana an&.cellent place ferthsei- "I ived uges before Methoeelahwâ's bhem." lhe looked ut Frank a moment andi suid - cehcba performianecegoing co,, il rue imeut cf large nushers cf these People, sud "Wherc did yen livef sakeci Rnth, ueow " We11, my boy, you arc a genuD, ,yvog away a sihort distance, then goes siOWer, believe both the ici ugees and the Ste te thorongliîy icterasted lu this actaduitsvian American aller ail. Joal go to yoilr ro", halte, truisete and Ire, tanspiug tise grounJd wonld be grcatly benefiîcd. antiqniby. anti tay there for the reet cf li eîî>,isg, ancd snortiug, and by degree, lu a succes- Teonr fsvrlsiigvseswoc d IlWeli, I livefi dewn, deepcdown' , deep Iand bernai 1er do' go outaide the 'yard unu sien ofshort rue sappicaches te within Thre wuern Wfsingtmaposaiti vesse ah r dowu in the eartli; once, se long aotatItl f Sgive yen permission. . di1'L like îrange of the recenei hI r.Udfils Osralinaw luie shigosert a eulstae fer a eau scrc ts en, bertl I livcd iii a ferest. way yen axpress yoîîr se,_ntiments abutne of panc and terrer, tIse proug-bnck, wiil pleutiful ut Cape Fiuttery and in Barclay 1wsn'tcatbt grew ou, thie banC of and tîsings lu general."ac withent the met regard fer ils cit irn!Süiid. They Say that tise stories 0 a feun; millions of us spores, us yen n'uui ___________sufety and cnay piange right jute the duo- 'about'tise seule dîsuppeariug frein the euhl us linlsese daye, flu te the greund, ansd ger il le seekiîîg te avoid. Aistelope felow 'Pribylov Islauds are Munchauscu yurus ofb ewitu ütiser vegetabie grewîlî wercesnjeeted one aniother like sheep and il an animal gels lcsîerestadci 'ployaas of seuliig comsaiee, (c to great lieat, inoisture er.d pressure. This To a boutiiern Girl. star*ed in ene direction the otîser f oliow il' and daclure that seals lu thut regloîl have was n'ha isle kown by acholars as the car- 11cr eves in a maid race and, by thus uceompauyiug heen mora pîcutif oh iu 1891 and se far iu fboifereus age." Woid match tise Southeru sie lt urge it ferward aiong the pulls of de- 1892 than lu the paet twenty years. In "IVWsat big words it nses fer snch a littie \Vheîi Socîtheru skies are bluesi: I: structiou. An actieu for damages n'as iseiisg lîard 50 thing!" îicoughî Ruth. Hem heurt Once- remeusher trying te creep np ou a ut the Bridgeud Couuly Court, Eîsglaîsd, re- "For tbeusande of yeare, cii masy î1isever Wil uiways tak ilis part baud of twenl-y-flvcetrihirty antelope whcn ceîmîiy, and eue important witness remailie3. cold telliyou hen many, we iay there util Wbere Sont heru heurts are triiest. Ilnlyiuiecnetmsl ib ie eb xmudwe iearved fer the'h eue day ave weme broken off lu places by men frgtpa' rons a distance cf over four lîundred yards. Jutige te teave by traie. Iln'as dcsired toet sl wihpcs n- idorevsi are Pih erb stoed bhiid a ilîl as I siiet and leaped finish the case with oui adjeurnîug h i te a n'thpek, u fun ureie ii are Tise gaine cf Southeru girls, eut rn tisa briole te see the reenit cffîcsy fuiture date, se the Jndge witis the celu- 1 daîsp place, lit by little lampa whicis the 11eî- viuniug emile discioses; markmaiiship. My buliot mec ely lenockcd selon beth ides andi the witnees travciied ma,- oelufot lthiacp.Thsita er cheeks, up the dnst te eue side of the master hune together te Liantrissunt. The n'ilnase gave ar colne, pu i aremciigesasmeminets re We dsiaineekof the baud. Away waut Ithe autelope liiia hie evideusce lu the carniage duiogthe jour., waleenxipotllre cgsuiie w Wear ouily Sothero roses. comspact body but ivheu tisey had run a uay, and the Judge gave hile decisimn lu the topef imecîIl And tiie ne mre, 1 rvoeehunîdred yards er so they suddcniy haltea station museer's office 'hcn tise train arriv- tprf se m inyyareeAnd tse scsmire, By natue adbyccocand camne np loto lne like se usany cavalry, cd utliDantriceaut.Ruiahv Ater o miiesrouh e spresuetshiren E'naurcoe adw h kuebr lgh thlie browu and white lacing ou their neeks lTh-e wiue groers cf seutheru - 'eparatien u lerslghes nd heude giving ilhein the appearance of be-1 senla semoriul te the M inister of tlie Icn- ing, which le the sprto of the larger Will flufi ing uniformed. Ini anether minute tbey terior recomisending the introductionî of frein the emalaer coul, n'e neu-e ioaded on As coi t as Seuthemu wind t oue mhrectly fer the bill ou whîcis I was the Chîns ine utoRsi.ise vîms cars sud brought by raiireud te Ibis city, Wbeu Southeru winde arc iigliteet., eit uii.Tevn wisea n' beansefre thepreprîyof teStanduing, sud geiug struight te its base, growc wiid lu varionîs districts lu China acsd. ceai dealers and theuu of your fatiucî. Acîdi 11r iaughi sepuraîed jute two bande wlieh, pusio n. pred'uces '.weet giapes. If the juice of the un what next v lil happen uis 1usi sure 1 As light us win or chufF, itîser sida cf me wiîhin ses nnty-fivn yards, grapes lbe kept a few usonths hi unus icîte s fi camelt teli; we shah hecbirown o ut te lie Breaks clean, ut wiîty saluies, gave me an uppertuîîity te kiii ene and goeed wne of a dure med celer n'ltl the c su ad shiver ou au Seli heap, I expect." As brooks wound anotiser, n'hih e veniuiiy gel. flux-or of Tokay wxin. If il be kepi longer IlI will kenp yen mysel, aiwaye, 1"saîi Run bubbiing through the noces> Again I reinember once while riding it ferments nitlie't elsemicale. The vine Ruths, 1"for îellicsglise suds a ulce sîery. 1 Ofali er Soutîserci vlîcys acrose the cpeuý prairie secing a body of six eau be cultlvuted aasily. The Rusîuîîn wie wii put yen away in a pety uittle box, as or eighît anlelepe drawn opc and iooking ai grewers belleva thut peasauls eau de n'eu msansmu dccc bier rings, sud thut eau be your Suîch yoîth, me. They were tben within haib a mile te with the vine iu tise southeri, steppes and - -bouge us long as I live." Wh al lis cisarose, forsooti,-. eue sidle ef me. Being ce fur off, 1 inade ne shouîd ha enoouraged te cuiivate il. _Î2 Il "Moch obliged, 'm sure," said the ceai. Alas, toe well I know itl efcfort te go allerl thein, but jegged ailong on1 The Medical Cèut ,nolcfi St. Petersbusrg ' Speaking cf your îuther's rings, panhupe ,iii daam the trail I n'as following. Fer somes mca- has prohbitad tue bren sale ci a nien intoxi- yen doûel kuon' thai I amn second or third A song of love aud fume, sou, hcwever, they evidentiy thougist 1 n'as caîiug beverage, called Il anodine," wiih- cousio te the dlumond ihat flashes cu bil- S un, by Soule Soutisaru peet. trymng te hue id thein off, sud, allýer a few consicîts of uphurie ether and a suîal m liaîîtlinluoee of thei." secconds besitation, they made a dushch0i-qoantiîy of aîcoisei, sud is iighly narcetin. "Voa ? rahe dobtfll axiaied But she liqey le my lirse of travel. As ceeu as I Like morphine sud other poiseneus nurce- Ronet" aler abtesthuyexslihes lu future yearscsle u'wa hyneedig1plsoet î tics, il causes a craviug for more, sud je Rustmine betweae t seisifcae litete Thase verses muy discovar, herse sud rau hlm as liard as I ceuld aioug aqnally ruinons t the consttutioin. Etis.r iucem blfebued eali in hi bat ifl Semetinse the trail. 1--as sodeid l i n uRussia because ouiy dimeudof hich sared wit ai the ere fui May read this luttin rbyme Wheui the unîniopes sun' uy herse mon- 1 ceaiste, photographers, aud other proies- kisew aviera I stoppai to play mambles, ai' lHc reunsef throngh gallenins of art tiaeegetvraioamutsenntse thair stores avre elr.Te rdc wnt theme an' found il is a mud isoleIl And palaces of kings, rdspect ; there are muny n'hich eau be faim- Ilestimeu te proeatisaitise thinovuilzs svo n'as a litIle mnddy, butau iteI. h gel aleng And filed bis csemory n'iîisstore armudoe n ago d r hchtesitstorsean'ie thame ad oht ts lu ee'pehnywiti pretty geod till the jggerby ciass. I'm n 0f rare and wonr!rous things; ne ters e n'hli te c'ît dgaiv dnnas, and isads*uid ber it ne more tisai. lie goed.oijoggerfy. Whe fi the teaciier ssked ntoetk nîepuice il n'as n'ot As maîcy officials of me avhere natorul gue dame frein, a' I cuir! And then he came te that susul vain, Tnvon)ort. POOEsVvFcr. igh standing 'ouil bave been umpicuied Mua- 'n'eut Content ne mure le reain, uexpesureofteshrte atr ýhe Mdgas-car sha fainted. ' sntmy lbcu e hl sba fteehne iemle bal, theugis, I thought tisaIn'es tiseplace. AnfI saiti, " There'e net in n' te orld, Teei uhbt srelugiotîs iate, xw's drpped and the stores ofbh ibeciants k-That n'as the buiysMbresk 1I ada to-day, an Se sn'eet a place as Hoee" aud uo snob love as Christiuuc love. wareqnssaaled. chlldrenOrvfoi pltcher's Castoria.o Ile, Ot 1857) ier in iMonumnents, Toi-fbs- nd ail kinds of Architectur- est Eturopean and American, M arb les. Superior Workmanship, and to quote prices on any kind 1 before purchasiîîg. id shop, next door ,ess Office, JVILT"à .stantly on hand ETIE ASSORTXr-ýNT nd Fine imen and Children. tc, 1,V alises, Satcheis' ren to Repairing. Î, Lxigl' v 7,en Fo-.CtSp.~ , . 1 have fler!the La edi~ Le cca unss ef Cluronic Bronchitis, andtOeaIy tsg c anh'ds sdhave beh em li leud uh herei JAYtSK ROMD 1 have user! yca rNio 0acaeo Brooklyn, N.Y.,Lce -- s185 1 ran strongiy nccornuuend ila Se Lch sn ti5lf ai t. t ht.relifund! pessbly the cure f.iLig ir'cua i ervous Affecton, alid age t- ra oi uphysic ddebilsu,. jODHN É. TALMA"-,'iLD, Bruooklyn, N.Y, Orct E ' Iregatrd Tlan Se!inlso as V-reatly sup jorl 7 ies £7, S rNewv eu Ag.eiss 1 bave mer!your ruax-sed EnolsinCr om in a severe case cf Mal-nutrition an, thereseS ma mre thu" oped for-it %is smrvoes c!nn unuoce. 1 rcemmend it <cheerfellv t1b ueess or! huuuaniry au large. M.H.GIL It1-1.D SoId by LDruggis-cs, Prco$ ,O rL.AX-.-E-ED EUSO O 35 LibertyS.5ewok ICP",R-ER ITE 1eudEbe e Ruaî' ITL jraP n'hile othars do net. C-avTcsLITTLnELivEa Fi Lce ara vemy emali sud er7yeasytotatke. One or two pille mair a doe. Tbey aie slu'ictiy vegetable and dQ ucl gripa or purge, but by their genile acliop please ah wlîe use thain In visîs at 25 cents; fve fer $1. ibid evnmywlsnme, or sent by mail CAPTEZ MED01II CO., hiw York. '