THE GUREAT DEAD .E>1EAOHER. fu and disclose teeth flot fair te look upon. --Ris nese is thick andi not well lpro)por- 'i YîAUisU lthIcLai ist lriel if. Spsîrgeoîes tionied. His cyas îeem smailbas they look TaSser a le. eut fromn under iis bushy eyebrows: but tishe À-lBY FoSTI2R Cc 4TES. foraisead is broad aund comosanding. His Tise tollowing sketch was writt! etisotîn, 8sioulder-s are rounsd, aud he has an immiieri before tise deatis ef Englanid' most v.ouciei' sity of girti tisai, if it fines not tel cf gond fnl preacher :-It was easy enougis f0 gain living, tells of insuflicient exarcise. Bis an entr-ance if tise visiter hisd taken tise clotising isili fittiug, but whien hie speatkS ail precaution lu ask, a day or two in afivance, tisese defeets disappear . His veine i, meý for tickets cf admission. I had drue this Iodions. Tt is as swaat as the oasln fa and hiafi fonnd nu difflcdlty in passiug in ai Ibrook in Jonc. Tt lises and talla is efc a -ide fluor, Seeni througis American eyes risythm. It is a vuice that captivatc.s anm \.k- for tisa firat ftime tise interior cf Spurgeons holds tise iearer speilbonîîd. Tisere la not ebcurcis is isardly wisat one wuuid suppose it a trace uf Englîsis accent iu it, althiis its 1,u ba, Itis nlot attractive lu any way. enri nEngi ýsan, as were bits fis,1er huTie winduw panes are not uvar cdeantise andi grandfatiesar before him. As hie finisses walls are grimy, tise seats ara narrow andl readingtiseastline cftise hymu isewafvan(es tise backa traigisi and stiff. Trisume efthtie a stap or two, and, in a quiet, familiar wax', --pcws tlsreatre cusisiona, but in tise majoritv tells bis audience tisat ise wisbes everyis!oîly jutat plain board seat. Thore is a slighttesg;tsttreaen ragrsutul' .. incline to tise iboor, su tîsat worsîîipersMay bsouse, and tisat, whiba ssme uft tiose present get a tairly good view ot wisat is goiug cri nayoet be Niissuîîs or Maries, y2t it ià teir in tise insmediate front ufthtielieuse. Tie dnty te praise ce0d. Saisias are uarrow and arranged witis patent At tlîis momient a gray-liaired mani o fltty seats, se tisat every av ailable inschset room taps uimbly torward opposite the preacis oe tise greunuf fleur is occupiefi. A gallery er. Ha takes an ld fasiied tuning furk rîsns arouitise cisurcis, excapt in tise direct 1I rom bis pueket, tapa it te bis car ntil ise rear c tise pit.sAytha ro7gis0gess igats tise preper note, and tisen inacrke PU ESTr wofdte sata t sAtisat 7,000 pess ad far froni pleasant suite eada tisa vast Contains no Alum, Ammemia, Lime, cunifi ie accomninsdated. Yen look in vain cngregatirin in siuging. Tisis is, parisapa, Phosphates,, or any injumsant. for an organ er f.)r a choir luf t fer singers. tise Moat novel featîsre ufthtie great cisorcîs. xxi.. . ~., .x ... ý.. Tise urphan bisv on thse batform below HOUSEHOLD. Dried Apple Pies. 1 loath, abhor, cietest, desapise. Abom inate dried appie pies. 1 like good br(cad, 1 lice good ineat, Or anything that's goodtiet cat. But of ail por grub b neath the skies The poorest s drieci apple pies. Give mie the tooth ache or sore eyes, Iu preference te such kind of pies. Thse fariner piucks bis knariast fruit, Tis wormny. bitter, hard to bout; le lbaves the su is o make us cugsh, Aud don't take ixif the peeling off; Then on a dirtv eori they'rc strung And frouiseione ehamber window huug. And there they ,ýrve a rouit for fies, Until they're rcady to miake pies, Tread ou Inny curns, or tell me lies. But dcn't passinie cried appie pies. Economy in Housework. When on une pair uf hauds, oue pair of' tact and oue brain dep.suds the smootls run uiug outhtie honsaisuld mnaehinery, it is flot surprising that the mutor power is soon co s sumed and consigned tu retireme'st in tise camnetery ; or partly consunsed, a pisysical wreck tise consequanuce. Believing tisat "c]eanlinacs is uext togoodlinessl' is not what is wearing ontour wumcn, but tise effort to realize tisat proveris is wisat îs doing WONDERFUL MACHINES. icrelws so saIlt h" t ?09,009 are Reqsîiita- ta Malt a a îsmud. Net tise beast isarvelous ufthtie mnany lu- zenieus autensatin machlines efthtie present day is une for tnrning out tise smali scraws andi parts ut a watcs. Tise Horological Review says et if : -"Sumaof tise scraws are se smalb -that tise tisrcad and siet for tise s;crew driver eau net be sean by tise naked aye. If takes about 200,000 uft tise litti sews, made by tise aistunatie machsines, to make a pounfi, and yet tisey ara perfect ils shape. Tisey are made tisus :Tise wire is ted in tise machine aoîomaicaby tisrugis a ssvifrly revols ing spindie, andi is gripefi by a cisuck. Instantly a circular cutter cornes jute place and turms down the scraw part. While tise turning is iseing doue a tisreading dia is oeratîng, ansd tisa instant tisaetutter is tisrough with ifs part tise dia tomns aronsd un tise tuned part and scmews ou and off bike a flash, cnttinig tise tisread. At once a steel arm is seau fe s wing over, an d j ust as tise screw is iseing cnt off trois tisa wire it is piekefi up by steel fingars andi carriefi uvar te a spot wisera a saw is swiffly rnnning. 1Tislot is than cnt and anotisar me- tien ufthtis arm andi fingers relcases tise scraw, whichis l carried by a strearu cf oil into a siave among tseusanis of acraws juat WEDNESDAY FER3 24, 18I2 ~Ieur it aaat1cA ~ubaose BackaS.hy, Headache _________________________________________________________________ pt,..C. fliflu ,Itt.I .flxdI flllfl' c,,,-,,,..,.,er., .fl..LrttLa V.-. ~<-.Vt,-V.-. 4ZU -< -, V - ,-~--.-~ cxl ~5,,53.. 7. 4- -..--,4--.-.,,- I -.-V.-,,--.-b-x.--~--V--- -A- -- -- - ,- -...-.-----.-...---- -~ FIv~r anfi-tha assies - ___ A- -s----- -