---USE ONLI THE- * IZDAIIL BIAND ,IORWEG IAN Cod Liver Oil.1 Note change in date of Eli Earl's sale. Good flouse to lient. Apply ta M. A. James. Mr. Harry, Goodman, Toronto, was in town last week. Have you any freah eggs to Peli ? Try Murdoch Bras. Mrs. John Libby bas been visitiag Mr. John Grant, Toronto. Fresh oysters and haddies always an hand at Cawker & Tait's. Messrs. Geo. and Fred. Allun were vis- iting friends at Rinsale recently. Good butter will command a gaod price. Who will buy at Murdoch Bras'? Mrs, David Mutto n is visiting hin Bis- ter Mrs. John Moore, Kiiimount. Cawker & Tait have juat received a large coneignment of canned gouda which Mr. Mann advertises Duck Bill barley for seed.1 Mr. Fred Roblin, Toronto, was in towni aset week. A lady's purse containlng money and other things awaits an owner at STATE,'. MAN office. Cali at Murdoch Bras' and get Martre lade Oranges. Mr. Wm. Thams)n has gona ta Me- David, Florida. Did yau try Murdoch Bras' for chesp sugar ?(Cash). Rev. Gea. Purkis occupied the pulpit in Trinity church Stinday. Mr. Stewart Morrison has secured a situation in Defiance, Ohio. flouse waàted ta buy in Bowmanville -simall-$500 ta $800 for two persans. offcial Reports, U. S. Govcrn't, Bulletin No. io; Canadian Gov't,Bulletîn No. 13; Ohio Food Commission, and N. J. Food Commission, show Oleveand's J3aking Powder strongest of al Horses Wanted. The undersigned is prepared ta buy carniage and saddle horses 16 to 16ý hands, with good style and action. «Will buy faist trotting horses; heavy draught horses over 1,600 lbs., and some 1,450 ta 1500 Ibs. Ail horseq must he sohnd and right. Bring harses early. I will be at Blue's Haotel, Kendal, Wednesday, Mar. 2. Chinn'e ilatel, Brookliu, Thursday, Mar, 3. Oriental ilotel, Part Perry, Friday, Mar. 4. Veitch's Houe], Lindsay, Saturday, Mar. 5. S. COTTON, Horse Bayer. Permanent address: 61 Ontario st. Ta. ronto. SPR ING 000US ARRIVINC DA ILY. Lovely INew Prints, Newv Dress Goods,