'>PATFUL-CO±IFORTING, BREAKF~AST. "B horough klenOwledge1athe naturel Ias hh prn the. op e0iof ieto bnd nutrition. and by a caret ni application af 'be fine 0roeio f well-seleeted Cacoa, Mr. ~P5hsproviàdd our breakfast t ables with a delicately fiavored beverage which may save u msny heavy doctori' bis. It is by the udicions use ot such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until etrong enough to resist every tendency to tliseas3e; Hundreds of subtie maladies are doatiag around us ready Ia attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keepinq ourselves well fortifled with pure blaod and al proplerly nourished rame. -ýCivil ServiceGaet. Maasimply with boiling water or m»Ille. sola onl n packets. by Grocers. labelled thus: J41RES EPPS d&4Co., ilomoeopathle Ebem St, !Londlon. Ejaglanul The Hlead SurgSeon Of the Lubon Medical Company ht now at Toronto, Canada, and may- be von- anltedether in person or by letter eni al chronic diseases peculiar to man. M , young, c'd, or middle-aged, who find them- seies ervus weak an exhausted, whoâ are broken down from excess or overwerk resnlting in many of the followingsy - toms : Mental depression, premature ad age, lose of vitality, lose of memory, bad dreams, dîmness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissians, iack of energy. pain in thse kidneys, headache, pimplos on the face orJ body, itching or peculiar sensation about thse îcrotm, watg of the organs, dizziness, îpeks efre ~a eyes, twitching of thse muscles, eye Iis and eisewhere, bashfulness, deposits i thn urine, loss of will power,1 tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleop, failure to be rested by, sleep, constipation, duliness of hearig, iss o voîedsire for solitude, excitabýility of temper, sunken oye surrouud- ed with LEAL-ýN CIRCULE, olly looking skin,1 etc., are ail symptoms of nervous debility1 that lead to insanity and death unless curod. The spring or vital force having lost its ten1 ï THE HUDS~ON BAY COMPANY. NINE DAYS WITHOUT FuOD. Tise, Iteîîarkable Stery of a itemarisabie Stewawtay Bnrzelle Alive ait. 1 e enel efq 9-a Inmsttution. 1 Terrible Voyage front New Orlean s. The Hudson Bay Cornpauy's agents woro The unloading of the Morgan Ln tae not the irst huntors andlfur-tradeis in Brit- El Mdonte, which arrived at New ïYork onm ishAmerica, ancientaswas their foundation. Tuesday night witli a c,îrgo of cottoni and The French, frons the Caiada's, precedied various otho r tiîings from Aigiers, opposite them no one knows how many years, thaugb INew (rieanî, had so far advanced at 10 it is said that it was as oarly as 1627 that o'clock nlext înlorning, that the dock just Louis MILI chartered a company of the over the ald had been pretty well cleared , samne sort and for the samo atiis-as,,the Eng- and the stern hatelles of the hoid \weroe- lish Company. posed. Three mon who were standing near Whatever came of thiat corporatiou I do these batches heard a6 cry which issued[ ap- not know, but by the time the Englishmen parentiy f romi the hold. They lifted up the established theniselves, an Hudson Bay, in- hatehes, and lsoon over thteclosoly piledbae dividual Frencismen and halfbreeds had of catton a man carne crawiing ta stare up penetratod the country stillfarther west. at the liîgit and open wide bis mouth ta They wore of hardy adycuturaus stock, and catch the fresh air. Ris face wvas yellow a nd they ioved the free roving lifo of the trap- sunken, and bis body, 'hardly concealed l'y per and hanter. Fitted ont by the mer- bis scanty, tori clothing, was shrusîk and chants af Canada, they would« pursue the wasted. The men stooped down, and liftedl waterways which there eut up the wilder- him ta the deck. IlStarving !" lhe gasped. ness in every direction, their canoes laden I'm nine days witbout food. witb goods ta tempht he savages, aud their The shîp lift Aigiers a week ago Thurs- guns or traps forming part of their hurden.' day morninig, and this stowaway, whose They would be gane the greater part of a name is Chaýrles Burzelle, must have'ecrawýled" year, and always retnruned with a store Of into the hoid1 the day before. Ho lîad a few furs ta be converted inta money, which was, crackers in- hîs packet, and these hoie tc bee ln toril, dissipated in tihe cities with devil- fore the ship lo t Algiers, Ris hidîug pace; may-earo jollity. was coverEd by the deck, with the hatches- Th,se wvere the courriers du bois, and cloaied down, and this was piled with freight, th.eirs was the stock fram whicb came the sa that no one could get îîoar ta hear the voyageurs af the next ora, and the half- calis for help hie must have uttered. It is breeds. who joined the service of the rivai not cicar how hoe gaI air enaugh ta keep hiînw fur companios, and who, hy-the-way, red- lalive, nor eau it ho easily understood how deued the history of the Northwest territor- [he could endure the stifling heat whicb, ses with the littie hioadshed that mars it.1 sometims1-s sets a cargo af cotan afire fromn Charles I. of EnLylaisd was made ta ho- spoutaneous combustion. lieve that wanders in the way of discavery Ho had tamn the lining ont of bis broad- and trade wouid resuit from a grant of the brimmed soft hat and haàd chewed it. Hoe Hudson Bay territory toe rtaiu friends and had opened a barrel of soap starch, and had- petitioners. Au experimental voyage was eaten this until lus stomach refused ta tai1 made witb good resuits lu 1668, and any moreoaiit. Ho had chewed cotton lso in 1672 the King granted the charter Time must have passed with horrible slow- to what bie syled IlThe Govemnor nesuin cb darkuess and beat and craviug1 and Company of Adventurers of Engl sud for food and drink, and it is a wonder thiat trading into Hudsoni's Bay anc body cor- was able ta keep anything ise an accurato parate and politique, iu deed and in namoe record af it. really and fuily forever, for Us, Our heirs Immediately after bis uncaveing an arn-, and .'uccssors. " It was iudeed a royal and balance took hlm ta St. Vincenits Hospital, a whoiesale charter, for the King declared, where lho naw lies at tbe point ai death. Ho We haý'e civen e-rantel aud ennfirned lun- i, i - n.n . 4-.. f,aAA.ý a ond .,,9,R . n-- ,i Lîlkîns, the Eumorit. Blkins, the humorist, scratched his head, Itsý hard to be always fuuny," ie said5 "To tUrn3,out twa columns a week of wit, It's enugh to make my poor head split." Just thon, down the stairs with clatter and Camielintothe raom his fair haired boys 1Hlaroldt the gray-eyed, Willie the blue, And star-eyed Teddy, just turned two. 110wr they teased him-each mnerry lad; Thcy puhiefi bis hair-what littie hoehad; àAnd the questions that came fromn each iittle eif Would puzzle the Sphinx to answer herself. Poor Bikins'head swam round and round Uintil he couifi scarcely sec the ground, UTIl hle suddenly thought cf a brilliant sI ee, And bis cou ntenance shone with a smile su- preme Ht. wrote ail about the gald-haired boys,' About their questions and their noise; 0f what they did and what they saifi, But chiefly hie wroteo f little Ted. Ere long the lettes- was almost thrangh- Fiishefi, ail but a sentence or two, "lVin giad thats over"-so Blikins said, And hoe went for a frolic with littie Ted. So the manuscript lay on bis desk ail night, But a visitor came bel are thc light, And lef t that bouse to a dosolate day, For ho took littie gold-haired Teddy away. Ah! The wvorld seemed bleaki and drear that night As Bilkins sut down to bis desk to write, "The living must live tho' the laved are dead; Imust finish this letter,"- su Bilkins said. Then ho wrote, whiie bis hecart was numb witb pain, 0f a tease who wouid neyer tease again; And hie wrote, tho' the page was biotted witb tears, 0f brave littie Teddy's bopos and f cars, Thon the last words, that were almnost a prayer, And almost a cry of dark despair, About men who work and women who wecp While gold-hair Teddy lies still-aslcep. Over the country the papiers sped ; And Biikins' lottes- was widesy road. They iaughîed at the prank,ý of the gold-hairedl- boys A.nd emiiefi over Teddy's chidish j oys. But wben they came ta the sad last part, An aching came into each ni others oast; An d ecad fathor said as hie 10 ked away, 'Why! Ililkins is't so funny to-day." China,- Ha1Iou BOWMANVIILLE,' Headquarterê inWest Durh'am for FINE for Infants and Children,. elcatoilais soweladapted tochidren't I e tn« Côrt e, commlpatIO1I, 1 recommend it as superior to any prescription1 Sour 8tomach, Diarrhoea. ertatiOfl, ,nowuutomne." HEL . AÂca, M. D., Km Wos, î vîon,. "pr-te 211 oe xord st., Brookim ,N. y. IWÂ.ouilinuroun modWcaW. T= Cnimuà.a Coxv.urr, i7 Murray Street, K. T. F'OR SALE LY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE.