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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1892, p. 7

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HOUSEHOLD have indeedbeeu thebetterfor lier day, amd, ý?-Hy SOME DELEAMS ARE P 0- the powerless sorrow of lier BOUNSALLS transformitselfinto a majesty of The Good-Niglit Kiss. and belleficent peace. Sitting with -and 4lippers, .1 1>0etl>rls linvestigatious lu the Shadoi C ID C RAIN U E W- -57ý In,,,y own a sy-chair, -ïLným Crented by Hair Awakened Wheii a Young Womau is Wise, days vae 'qý wor% Th The question as to the su ý.rDs Ji ýsth! it,,.Ile age Anil the eh ildren g va' 0 a B ow m anville, O nt. In their raillant ndrth and boauty, woman te marry is one tha ne Impressions made upon the seuses are f re- Itina..h..r.ýlbright thephilosopher, the politica loelit-ly the starting points of dreanis, 'but (Established 1877.) Aýý the one they fill with frolie au. '-Uere is soinethïng froli, Afr. Frank Bafore they say good-night. moralist a-id the physici tioý,igli all nations have, te a greater or less , ale, proprietor of the De Witt many instances and needs te be studiud un - in all ages of the world, belfeved in 'A. H E iglit is the chime that qcnd,ý thom, der, such different aspects that it is 110t lý the peophetic nature of dreams, we now Ilotise, 1,ewiston, and the Tontine ý5campering Lip the stairs. strangetheanswersare somatimes widely iliat the relation, insteadof beingoile 1-lotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men With ýleef ulshouts and giggle, different. (ýf prophecy and fulfilment, * is simply that IMporter, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Monuments, Tornbg Hus ait ai their ovening prayer-, nieet the world as it comes and goes, Then, flushed and sweet as the flower8, In. general, it may bestated that a woo1ýIII (À cati" and affect. Veryslivhtimpressions Sarcophaci, Tablets, Headstones and all kinds of Architeettir--, and are not slow in sizing people On the ýnowy pillows laid, la wise who delays lier marriage until qhe is viaje lipon tilesensesduringsleep areez- Zn ThËy will drift te the isies of dream-land, 24 or 25 years of aga. aggarateil by the partially awakened brain. al and Cemetery Work in the best Etiropean and American ard things up for what they arc ach dear little lad and maid. The firstevidence of approaching paralysis Granites and Marbles. worth. He says that lie has lost a And first: Will you kiss me, maranla Î Thinzo the Queen 0an'z Do. -ay be a very minute degree of numbuess, father and several brothers and sis- Be sure you don't forget Mâderate Prices, Latest Desiens Superior Workmanship and SI) Mmute that the brain, when awake and ters froin Pulmonary Consumptlon, Of reach dainty hotisehold pet, queen, probably learned te rend just lik Clea and sweet is the mandate Her Majesty, net having been born a ellgaged with the busy thoughts of active Best Materialé. Will be happy to qnote prices on any kind Fnd is himself frequently troubled And "l'in waiting, Mamma, darling, otherpersons. Butaftershebecameafflict e -ife, fnils te appreciate it. During sleep, Sohurryandtuekmein; liowev,,ýr, the brain is quiescent, till soine of work. Give me, a call before purchasing. with colds, and he And though Fin asleep, why kiss me,' ed with royalty abc found that a queen îs exciting cause sets it in uncontrollable ac- 1-iareditary often coughs enougb Th ey cry with inerry din. net allowed te have a great many privileges tion, and dreaming results. Snell a cause to make him sick at And if qweet blue eyes grow heavy that the humblest of bar subjects can boast. ,iay bc the incipient numbness of a limb, Consumptionhis stomach. When- Before the Inother's love For instance, abc isn't allowed te handle 111 ýý, dreant of its being turned into Stone, or In the kiss of zood night bleqýing newspaper of any kind, nor a magazine, t off, or violeritly strurk is the conse- ever he has taken a Is dropped the brow above lier a latter froni any pers(In except frein (ýý1 "M N, ext day 1 mill haar the question [Sasso goes en developing and didy likissin lier own family, and no mouiller of the royal quence. The di -à cold of this kind lie uses Boschee's ïaii îl, , - cou makes its presence unmistakable. German Syrup, and it cures- him om the rose-bud lips of the baby, family or household is allowod te speak te 8 For several years past I have made in- LD Swe et as an ange 's call. every time. Here is a man who lier of any place of news in any publication. ùuiries of i)atients and others relative te kilows the full danger of lung trou- Sitting with pipe and slippers All the information the Queen is permit- ýl1eir dreams, and have thus collected a large Ilisten, and o-,,erhead ted te have must first be %trained through amotint of material bearing upon the sub- w ill be found in his old shop, next door bles, and would therefore be most 1 hear the prattie of children the intellect of a m3m whose business it i8 jiot. With reference te the peint under pa'rticular as to the medicine he used. Merrily going te bed ; te out out frein the paliers each day what onsideration, the data in my possession are What is his opinion? Listen 1 On lils gold and ivory thrace. he thmks alla would like te know. These exceedingly important and interesting. aoor to JExpress, Office, use nothing but Boschee's German As [ reign in my little kingdoni Scraps lie fastens on a silk sheet with a 4mong the cases which have thus come With every heart my own. gold fringe all about it, and presents te, her ri , rider my observation of disoases being Syrup, and have advised, 1 presume, unfortunat a majesty. This silken Shoot with à . plreceded by morbid dreams ar& the follow- IB 'Op XVAVT -M- _Z' _NJ V Il IL Li jnÀ more than a hundred différent per- In the Sick Boom goldfringe is imperative for all commuul. ing:_ sons to,ýtake it. They agree with Do net select a gloomy recto for an inva- cations of the Queen. Any one who wishes DREAMED HE WAS CUT IN TWO. me th2it is the best cough Syrup lid. If the patient canýbe movad at all, . munication of a y kind (excepta personal A gentleman, two days before an attack w here he keeps constantly on hand în the market." (P change frons a cheerless apartment te ne n of herniplegia, dreamed that lie was eut in . latter, which the poor lady ion't allowed te where there is warmth and brightross 18 have at ail) must have it printed in gilt tWo, exactly down the mesial line from chin COM PLETE A sSORTMr-,N'r better in its affects oftentimes than much letters oit one of these silk shoota with a gold te the perineum. By some maillas union of A L ARGE OG ýTHE CAMADIAN STATESMAN medicine. The sun should be able te come in fringe, just se many inches wid, and ne the divided surfaces was obtained, but bc at the windows, and there should bc blinds wider all about it. These gold triminirigs cpuld only move te one aide. On awakening - OF EsrIBLI-,I-IED is54 and shutters also, whereby his too glaring wil, iý returned te him in time, as they are ai little numbness existed in the aide which beams may be tempered, or, if nocessary, expansive, and the Quee i 'is kindly and bc had dreamed was jaralyzed. This acon 51 par annule in advance. otherwise $1.5). shut out altogether. But the sun-should thrif y, but for the Queerns presence they pàssedoff, and camail te engage his atter.7 SUW still be allowed te shine ripou the enter case- are imperative. tien. The following night lie had a seule- C o a rs e Eà IL il d - F î n u ejcriptions alwaya payable at the ofn,,e of il ýat,ýn. Advertising rates unles by ocn mentsfor the thought of his golden beanis, The deprivations of the Queen's life are What similiar ciream. and the next day, te- r&ct, 10 conti par lino. noupriel Airst irisait even though the room, for the time being,18 pathetically illustrateil by an incident which "lard evening, was séized with the attack on, and 5 cents par une each 8ub3eqiiant , la- carefully guarded frein such solar intrusion, occurred net long ago, which rendered him hemiplegic. ý;-tÀ9n- Locals, 10 cents par lino. An American lady D 0 M. A. JAMES, Illublisher cheering te a sufferer. A dull, gloomy sent lier majestyan immense collection of nother dreamed one night that a man 'rsooul, where the sunlight can never paria- the flowers of this comitry, presseil ane, in black wearing a black mask came a ra- trate, is depressing te aveu a well persan- ',) hint and struck him violently en the log. ýA-STHM A DR.TA FT'ASTHMALENE how much ir mounted. The Queen was delighted with for Men and Boys, Women and Children. ,ore depressing must it then bc 1 ýo experience-1 -le pai however, and the Dneyer faits * send the collection, and kept it for three months, your address, and we wilICURE mail free' tria te those whose sufférings confine thora with- turning over the leaves frequently with man continued te boat him. In the morn- ý,(,ttl-. DR. TAPT BPOS., in the dismal walls ? Brighton the racles ing he felt nothing, with the exception et a TE1, ,ýT.Y.Canadiaii Dept.lSR6(A)OdellIaEisd-FREE with pretty novelties. Invalids are aveu a gteat delight. At the <end of that time, w 8j. ToRONTO, CANADA. which was as long as she was allowed by sllight headache. Nothing unusual as eh- R ubbers, Slippers, etc. bit childish, and a new toy now and thon court etiquette te keep it, she bail it sent serveil about the leg, and all went on well MO PLENT.-For terni of years, does infinite good. Change the objects in back with a latter saying that, being Queeii ""' til, on the fif th day, lie had an apoplectie Trunks, V alises, Satchels the room as you havethe chance, aDd donot of England, she was not allowed te have ý'üLack, accompanied with hemiplegia, in- JL Dhu "-300 acres, 2 miles from Whitby- bc afraid te allow the patient rose huila in uy gifts, and that abc parted front it with clading the leg which in ýis dreain lie bail good buildings and Soli. Admirable ror stocli Special attention given to Repairîng. or dai% any quantity-but no other flowers. y. Cbance for golug extensively into deep regrets. imaginait te have beau struck. tallit busîneqs or stock raising foi Never bogin te change the clothes of the A lady aged forty, who bail beau a great les,, Men with capital only & nmerica Pli mar sick until you are sure that yen eaveevery- Aeed ap IVi J. H. Dow, Whitby, 32 tf, -iùfferer froin rhoumatism for inany years, thing requisite in readiness. The body How to Make Charlotte Russe. d rearried one afternoon while sitting in lier - linen of bed-lying patients should bc chang- Home-made charlotte russe is much nicer chair in front of the fire that a boy threw a DYEINC AND CLEANINC ýd twice a week at least and in Tnany cases than that bought at the baker's and is easy Stone at lier, which, striking bar on the face '-elatle nerve, and this, before evening, v-as oftenerthanthat. Observe carefullybefore and simple te niake. The inflicted a vcry serions injury. The nexý developed into well marked seiatic. Ladies' and Gents' wear of all kinds, Feath- beginning te change a patient's clothing will make dessert enough for a fari of five, dil.y violent inflammation of the tissues WHY TREY ARE PIROPHETIC. ers, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Curtains, and that no draughts can touch the bail. Let sayE the Tribune. around the facial nerve as it emerges frein. It would be very easy- te pursue the sub- ý'î all kînds of fancy goods Dyed, Cleaned r all the linen bc pro erly aired and warmod Half a pint of double craille, a teaspoonf ul tile st Io-mastoid foramen set in and ject further, but enough bas beau said te Frerch Cleaned. beforEhand-too lunch caution in this case of vanilla, and a third of a capful of granu- l)-uralysis of the nerve followed, due te afin- show that the se called Il Di ophetie drean eannotbeobserved. Inchangingthecloth- lated sugar. Whip these together and when Sion of dis serain, thickening, and conse- likeall others, liave th ir tP61 tl 1 e bost. No peddling wagon employed. el origin, either in L'_ý reliaU e ý le ing do net move lier uncover the patient stiff add the beaten whites of two eggs and quant pressure. r more of nf; in every town. impressions made upon some one M Vil BRITISH AVIERICAN DYEING COli.o more than is absolutelynecessary. inix thorougly. Line the bottera and aides ý A young lady dreamed that she was seized the special senses or in recollections of pre- Begin by removing all sleeves froin one of a îancy pudding dish with single lady- h robbergaridcompeliedtoswallowmelted viens impressions. We are therefore oblig- Sold Medalist Dyers, arm, then, without moving the patient, on fingers nice crisp ones. Izad. In the morring &bc felt as well as usu- ed te dismiss, as without any folindation in %ontreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quellec. all that ils te go on ibis arm. Now raise lt will take about 18 double ones giving al, but tcward the middle of the day was filet, the notion that dreaLiis have anything Agent in Bowmanville, of the nature of trac phophecy about them. the bead and sboulders, removing the soiled yen 36 single strips, It is better te buy these ai lackd wilh sevore J. H DOBSON, STATIONER. and adjusting the cleau linen well down at a good confectioner's thail te make, tilleul, 136 Lexington AI.,ýý., a PTJLLFD HIS HAIR 011T. As te other alleged extraordinary dreanis, New York City, Sept. 19, unde the shoulders. The patient ni y now Pour in the wipped cream and set asiel î such as those indiCatil)g the occurrence of I have iisea the Flax-Seed Rinuisitn in ig man ir ledmethatadayortwo There are ways more in ý ol 1 avants of which the person bas no %ctual cases of Chronie Bronchitis, and the ep,ýv F[ý", Of lie down again and the other arin be dressed, cool place. A yý)m Jori) l;effore being atlaekcýj withacute meDiiil,,,itis Phtbisis, and have been wel t1ý_ r-uits. FARNIS FO R SALE. Af tel- thu; the hips cati bc slighi ]y raised, for makillg -1,1ýo-]o1Ae russe., but the a!)oý,'c knowledge, 1 cau unly say that without e 's lie 1ia,ý dreained 1 hat lie wasseizeil by bati- the sý)iled clothing removed and the Aean entirelysat*sfit(-ýl,,rý,, denying the of suul, w-irrences, purchase 76 acres garmunts arranged. Never let -,t patient may have net yet beau shown te bc real. 1 $140 0 ý1ýV1!1C good hanse and good lia.l Lýheii his li'(Ilir cul by lie roots, causing help too much, as allah action is very ex- cW bi2ildings on loüii Oouý Dariililgtonsoil gond A Rel1jýnlVirginîa Girl. 1 have said before in ciller relai ('18Y Irini ail c1eýýreàý hausting ; on the ciller hand, sec that they Uni pain. 1't In the fitmilv of George Munday, living were i,ýý nül 1jing impossible outside the do- !'r-!ý!yn, N. Y., Feb. 1-1th, 1--l. wili purchame good home do such things as they can and onght te do 2_ lady (À cieLýided good sense bail an main el but there arc a great 1 have used vur Jý rnuision in a case of Plithisig 'SI e 0 ( ) between Watýrford and Wheatland, Va., cjiilep,ýî' on 4th con.. Darlington com. themselves. After the change in linen bas sei/ým a which wàs preceded by a ri iy tliirýg;3 apparently possible which (consumption) ý itl, 1 ý'icficia1 resuits, patient tajnînIz 100 acres, good stone house, good'out- beau made enforce strict quiet for a time ; the f ailler, mother, a soa, and daughter were ingular dream. She liad goiie te bail feel- ha e yet sitisfactorily established, and co bnil0i.1ý'S. thon interest them with soins happifying all down with the grip, leaving only the i ig somewl-lat f atigued with the labors of ni, il proven it is well te hold our acceptance, IL IL ROGE, M. D. r yonogest daughter, Florence, about 18 vears tbê day, which had consisted of three or r11ý t7ý, $1 1 %F_3 0 0 0 will purchase one of bit of news-soine rame that will cheer 0 oe beir reality in abeyance. , 7ý M the best faroni betw,,, She att ded te the f our 11101-Ding receptiOnS, WiDdIng Up With a 130wmaliville and Newcastlecontair them-but bring lie ill-tidings te a bedside. f tige, te a'd the rosi. D. .ing 150 lu giving te anyone who is sick a drink of Z WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, M. acres. household (lutios and the sick, and for two dinner party. She liad scarcelyfallen asleep 0 will purchase 100 acres water, when the draught should be limited, or three days fed and curried six horses, fed vrlkeii she dreamed tbat an old man clotheà c Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, 1 an strongly recommend Flax Seed Emuj- i ýn in ManverB with good hand the patient a small glassful. This, bc a,", milkedsix cows, and alsowalked through'l black approached lier, holding au iron hjlpful to the relief and possibiy the cure of ai! Lung, it ever se sinall a quantity, cannot fail te rn, -hiai and Nervous Affections, and a good Zen- buildings, all cleared, good soli. the snow about a quarter of a mile cir.ryin 'own of great weiglit in his harids. As lie Gems Pound iii Canada. cral toilic in physical debihty. 140 . ý',ý"',,ne nearer abc perceived that it was lier acres of land considored to be satisfy thirst. It is much better thus te corn, and when she reached them, ý a di lý Mr. C. W. Willimot of Ottawa bas issued JOHN F. TALMAGE, Jel. D. elle of the best fortes on Con. 1. it with straw and fodder te thirty hePd of father, who had been dead several years, Darlillgtonýf.ood buildings, goad limit the draugght thail te prescrit a thirsty a pamphlet on Canadian gains and placions 77 muet be soi . locality and on a large goblet of water and caille. Having te go te a iieighbor te send but whose features she distinctly recollect- Fer anY of bove propertie- Par" direct Stones. The raid geins, bc says, are repre- applyto thilt only Il se many swallows " for a doctor for one of lier sick, their condi- e, 1. Holding the crown at arm's length, lie IIERILITY LEVI A. W.,TOLB' must be tioilwasdiscoveredanckof course there was ', sented by the diamonci, sapphiËè varieties, Erooklyu-, 7'l. Y" oct. loth, 18Gî',ý taken. The patient will net bc se well sat- ;d.- chrysoberyl, spinal, beryl, topaz, zircon, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer. isfied as if lie could drink all that was offer 1 re.-ard Plax Seed Emufsion as greatiý,y ýupejjor tc> _ pleiity of help afterward, 'My daughter, during my lifetime I was garnet, tourmaline, iolite, quartz, and chry- theCoàiýiveroilEillulsionsso ' ed him. fý)rced te wear this crown. Death reheved 'a considered as serai- D. A. giýeilraTI13 111 use' solite All others ar NI M. D. If yeti makea poultice in the kitcheri Tjiings Worth Knowing. me of the burden, but it now descends te precio*u's Stones. Beryl is found in Berthier, w ýjtý elItS' 'lotllilltr place a plate in the oven te boat. Afterthe Wlien a chimney catches fire throw salt, Y Que., and the out Stones produced arc soma- lasteiI or poulti-le à made place it on il Saying which bc placed the crown on lier 71 p, le open the fire below, shiit off all the drafts jýc, times introduced as Oriental, e, ýî heated plate, and it will retain its boat un- possible (a piece of old wet carpet held bc- , 'd and disappeared gradually frein lier hances their value. Tourmaline is folind lai West 8_1_ "t., Cleaned, Died. Pressed and Repaired by ýiilIt, Immediatelyshefeltagreatweiglit til it is applied. fore the grate is an excellent thiiig te use in n in the St. Lawrence region, some cryst&ls New York, Aug. 6, 1888. Never keep anything eatable in th land an intense feeling of constriction iii bar being 18 inchos in length and a quI 1 have ustd your Fla Seed Emnisien Q apound a sick shutting off the draughet), and the fire will irter of in a severe çase of 1\1.1-.11-utrition and the resrdt was TL' 0 S. p recul. This is one of the greatest, mistakes slowly go ont of itself. 1 ý head. Te add te lier distreý3s she imagined an inch through. The zircon, whicli cou- more than hoped forýit was, mirvelous, and con. Dyer and Clotheo Cleaner. made by amateur nurses. Thesightoffruit For ivy poison apply sweet cil. that the rire of the crown was Studded on stitutes snob gains as the hyacinth, jacinth tirmous. Irecommeliclitcheerfulivtotlieprofcssiort always before the invalid robs iCof its nov- Kerosene oil will remove rust in iron. the inside with sharp paillis, wich wound- and jargoon is found in Ontario and ýu'd humanity at large. M. 1-I. GýILBFrT, M.D. oooclsw d te bc as nolione wili know elty, and the capricious appetite refuses te Use whitinLy moistened with kerosene te ed fier forelleail se that the blood streamed Quebec with great frequency. Forty dollars = a donc. enjoy it; besides the impure atmosphere of soeur tins. down lier face. She woke with agitation, bas been paid for a 3ingle crystal frein à COrner King and Ontario streets any sick-rooln renders the fruit kept tfierein Melted snow produces one-eighth of its excited, but felt nothilig uncomfortable. Brudeuell, Ont. Garnet is con.mon in Can- Bowm&nville. unfit for use, as it is more or less an absor- bulk in water. Look at the clock on the mantel-piece she adaasamineral. Asageraitisfoundprin- Sold by Druggists, Price 1.00. bent. If yen would have it eaten, remove Te remove a tight finger ring, hold the fýund thae abc had beau in bed exactly cipally near Ottawa, the variety being the M E MEï To LEetýTu it and fetà it te the patiant in différent hand in very cold water. thirty-five minutes. She returriedto, bail Syrian or l' Precious Garnet Il of the jewel- FLAX-SEED EMULSION CO. shapes nd sizes of dishes. If boots squeak drive a peg in the conter and soon fell asleep, but was again awaken- ers. Quartz asteria is much dwelt upon by 35 Liberty St.. New York. Keep company out of the sick recul. More of the sole. ed by a similar dream. On t'lis noccasion Mr. Willimott, and is, frein bis description, barre bas beau donc by queh maltreatinent Oil paints last longer when put on in the apparition reproached lier for. et baille a SI)ecial variety of quartz ont in a special thin bas resulteil from wrong medicines autumu. willing te wear the crown. She bail been W 'olumbia and Nova Scotia given by experimentirig physicians. Let Morceco leather may be restored the in bail this last time over thrdehours before rose and smoky quartz are common, but quiet reign-not the suppressed quiet se varnish of white of an egg., awaking. Again alla fell, asleep andaga" have net yet beau reduced te geni material. fear g, with bated breath and Staal- Nails dipped into soap will drive easily at broad daylight she was awakened by a Amethyst is fourd. in Nova Scotia and On- CARTERS thy = but a cheerful quiet that is full into hard wood. She now got up, took a bath and proceed tarie, though most of the costly specimens "-j 'à, oftranquility. Whenaddressinganinvalici A cement made of sand and white lead paint eý come froin týie latter. In gold quartz Can- ITTLE 4 te dress herself with lier maid's asýis'. A -_ -- f--- V111- no syllable was ever yet io bc undeïstood but "Now, if you get off any more jokes in 'ýj A lady, previous to an attack of sciatica, 1ý'1& % ýý e 'Tis bçtd to be out by old friends, but it's through a deed; all the instinctive wisdoin this court room, Pll lock you ilp for con. dr amed that sne had canght lier foot in a e to bc dropped by the sheriff. is the bane of se niany lives t-hat here Io wheré and mercy of thoir womanhood made vain, tempt of court." spring trap and that before she could be wor8 we make our great boast. Our pills cure lt and the glory of their pure consciences warp- -Why, judge, I ain't joking, a'thongh freed it was necessary to amputate the As au instance of acute hydrophobia it is while others do not. ed into fruitless a Ilm a little tight. I was a an CARTER's LITTLn LivrR PiLLs are very smail yony concerning questions wife marrin rried and I got niLember. The operation , was performed, diffi-ult to surpass the story of the Scotch dveiyeasyt(itake. Oneortwopilisinake IL Y E ý whieh the laws o common serviceable life a divorce.. My ied agaiu, but 1 but as sbe was released a large boatmaii wbo, while crossing the loch, was a dose. Tbëy àre strictly vegetableand do PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. would hâve either.solved for thein in an iný didn't. I know when Pve got enough of af licr and fastened his teeîth i dog r spr - ang asked if lie would take seine water with his not gripe or ýur1Ëe, but by their fentle action Ecndy-for use in any quantity. For making Boap, stant, or kept out of their way. Give such matrimony, althougli 1 may take ton, mach '-ý!iesciýainedaloudandawcke' hherttehrrgohr: whisky, and replied: "Na, thare was a lease all who, use thern. In via à at 25 cents; ;8of tening Water, Disinfecting, and a hundred other in veforSi. Sold everywhere, or sent by rna!L UOeii. A eau equals 20 pounds Sal Soda a girl any frue work that will make lier ac, whisky, se you see l'in not married, but my 7ý',)Lhing uintsual was perceived about the horse droolled at the heacl 0' the loch t'a GAETEB MEDICINE Go., Vow rork. grtats. - You don't c%«-Il nie joking on any Icg, but ci) gettiiig up in the, Sold by AU Grocers and »"* tive in the daiff'n and weary at night, with wife is- inorning there years ago. ' The head of the loch was the coiizeiour*ness that lier fellow creatitres siich serious subject as niati:imony." wýas slight pain along the course of the twenty-four miles distant. Chilciren Çry for Pît0herve Castore8W

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