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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1892, p. 7

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WEDNESDAY MARCH 9,1892. ~-.- ,~ POWDER PURSTSTRONGEST, BEST. Centains no Aluni, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates, or any Injuriant. E. W. CILLETT. Toronto, Ont. DU. J. C. MITCHIEL14 Et EMBER OF C0LLE(GE OF' PHYSICIÂN and Surgeoe Ontario, Coroner, etc. Officc and Rsdec.EnniBkillen. 74. Bî>I~~I SOICITOR, ke. MOPRIS 1PI (XJ aai King Street, Bowman- vil.Silcitar ferthe Ontari Bank à ]ivate lwoneys lesned et tus lewat rate 9. C. NffNKIING ICESEDAUTIONEE R FOR L th Contyor Drha. Slesattended en ghortest notice and lowest rates. Addrese cUiicfl Pe. O.! bÂTE BRtITISII NEWS$ Peaches from the Cûape of Good Hope are now being sold ln London. A son cf Cbarles Mtthews, hemn in New York, is now, ai. hs age cf 42, becoming conispicuous at the Britisli bar. A cause clbre is promised in a suit cf William George Howard te cust bis -alleged coqsiiu, the Eanl of Wickiow, fron h-. se- tates in Wicklow and Doniegal. Servanits are grcwing scurcer and scarcer in Engiunid. Tbis country lias drainsd it conisiderably, and now tlie demand from Australia is getting to lie very tronliesome. A bicycliet was riding on, an EnIglieli foot- patli, obstructing ilobody, bnt for ths, on being summonel, lie was fired as being on the patli iilegaily. Temortality from measies in Englsnd is aid to exceed anything that can thus far battributed te tbe influenza. jUhere are 13,000 deathe froin measses annually in Englaud and Wales, and tbe mortality bias ncreaeed grestiy during the last decade. More butter per liead is nsed in Engiand tlian in any otlier country. Iliere tbey use thirteen pounds per besd per annum ; su Germauy eight pounids, Holland six pounde, Italy one pound. A pliotograplier bias set up a studio in Hyderabad, tbe great Mohammedan city in Deccan, for tlie exclusive use cf thie Nizanis Tenana and thie local nobles, Tlie trade is is -aîd te be immense. There is a scheme for a commuuistic experiment in Afrîca, in Engiieli territcry, near Mount Kenid, in the equatorsai higli- lande, lu a region described as an earthly paradise. Most of the coloniets will lie made wbenever sufficient capital canulie collected. Prince Lucien Bonaparte, wbc died lu England a fsw weeke ago, 1sf t Vo the country cf bis adoption bis famous cabinet cf ebemi- cal elements. Some oi tlie specimens are sxceedingiy '-aluabie. Amcng tliem are gold, platinum, iridýum and germanium, whicl isl wortb sixty tumes as mucli as gold. The Prince's collection wssoeeof tlie moet llew an Altempt was M~aude teaRob tue Dauk or' Eàgîand of a Million Petends. The release by Home Secretary Mattbews cf Austin Bidweli, the Auîerican forger, who bas been an inliabitant of Engiieli pri- so~ns for upwards of eighteen year;, bas re- awakened interest lu the rcmarkable crime cf which lie was conivicted --4e greateet sud most ingenioue forgery cf umodern times --a forgery ipou that most carefnlly mnan- aged institution, the Bank of England, whlereby £1,000,000 was fraudulently ob- tsiued, Thie ex-conviet le now forty-five years cf age, and thougli Dlot ln the beet cf lieaith may live to do something te redeemn he past. The plan by wliicli Bidweli aud bis co-conspirators, George Bidweil and George McDonald, operated seems Vo bave been suggested liy Vte darinugfcrgery cf £20,000 upon tlie lieuse of Jsy Cooke & Co, cf New York, some Vume back lu tlie sixties. Iu tbe eariy spriug cf 1872 Bld weli sud bis associates coucocted a scbeme cf vast proportions prcmising great resulte. It was agreed tbat capital apprcximating $190,000 sliould lie secured. Thie necessary preliminary te tbe accompliebinuteths objeet wasss tour cf investigation and study cf tbe defective inethods cf Enropean liank- ers lu tlieir detail, sud tbe chevaliers cf the peu, upon thie acquisition cf tlie uecessary capital, searted te explore tbe gaine cf the Continental bauker. Hoiland was tbe ob- jective point, Paris sud tlie Rotbscbilds 'lie centre upon wbicb drafts were telie lie purcbased, and te whicb their experiments sbould tend. Austin B. Bidwell was a inuof 25 years of age, cf marvellously captivatiug address, weil read, aud witb extraordinsry flnency cf speecb. George Bldwsll, 35 or 40 years cf age, keen, briglit, quick cf speechi, was a represeutative cf tbe typical American mer- chant. George McDonald wae 28 yesrs of age, sud as baudeome and as gracefunias any liero cf romance. The Bidwelis posed as representative inerchants cf mucli insn, sud purcbased drafts, opsued accounts, sud sold exebange lu ail tbe bauking bouses on the Continent, until, by tbe deposît cf large anme witb tbe baukers cf Rotterdam or at larnburg, sud the constant transfer cf m'as aurreted. George Bidwell saw Noyes in the street on the way to geal. lHe im- mediateiy hiastened to teli MoDonaid, who packed up ah bhis valuahles sud dirseted them to Major George M. Mattbews, Euro pean Express Office, New York, Il To be beld tili calied for." Upon tbe next day McDonaid rernoved al bis other effects fruni hie apartuiout in St. James, Piccadilly, gathering up. as hie tliought, every scrap wbich could leave any trace of bis ever having inbabited the place. Bot in th is, unfcrtunately for Limseaf, bie wasimistaken. A emaliland apparently use- less ecrsp of biotting paper, with one or two other overlooked fragments of seernitugly no importas ebeemec1s f the greatest signficpce n te etab isbrne.t of his guilt, McDona. hastily took a train for Liverpool, aud to tlWow the police off bis s.-ent in case tbere sbould bie anyons npon bis track. doubled npon bis patli of travel backu ard and forward until lie at lengtb nmade his way te Havrde wbsre lie embaried on the stesm- ship i'huringia. Meanwhile George Bidwell ivas srrested. During the voyage of Me- Donald on the Thuringia the detectives were exceeding1y busy. Letters wsre procnred by the Bank of Engiand representatives from. the New :York Post-offlce, addressed te Aus- tin Bidweli, and containiug bonds wbicli bad been puicliased witli tbe proceeds of the money procured UPOn the presentation of a forged draft. It was apparent fromn a com- parative ýexamination of tbe superscription upon the envelope of, eue of these letter packages and of the impression left up-în tbe blottler which McDonaid lied forgotten tbat the ýrapes cf hlottingD Per picked up ini MoDonald's apartments i St. lames had been used te absorl tlie ink upon ths enve- lope addresssd te Austin Biron Bidweii found in New York, and containiug part cf the fruit cf tbe forgeries. McDonaid ivas therefore arrestsd wben bie ianded at New York. !iBths ins was no. sufficieut teo couneet lm witli Ile crime. Tlie truuk wbicli e bad forwardeà by the European Express te tbe address cf Maj. George M. Matthews, New York, "te lie left tiii cailed for," bowever, stili remained in the office cf tbe express compauy. For weeks it liad been there awaiting tbe call of the pereon autlicrized te receive it, with ne obsta-cle as to-its deiivery. MoDonald, soins PAPER OUT 0P ]MRT. A C0111pansy's 011J EaterprL4s nul lavea tioles. The Refuse Disposai Company, limited, lu London, le engaged ln the manufacture of paper froin the contents cf the duet lin, of wlsicli tliree per cent. at leust les paper sud rage, besides quite a quautity cf straw sud otlier rougli material. Tbe procesese thns descnibed : be duet ou its arrivai at he works je ehot jute s large revoilving riddie baviug s tliree -ichi meeli tbrougb wbhicli the beaviÎer as eml- er matter finds its isay, while hs paper, rage, iarger botties, tins, etc., are recejved ut tbe deiivery sud cf tbe riddls, and are -lniy sorted by baud. TEe heavier mater- jais whicb pas threugb this riddie are rs- caived on a traveling haud aud elevated te a seeond rjdIdls baviug a oue-aud-s-bsif.incli meeli; st the dslivsry end cf hs second riddie su air biset blows tlis ligliter materi- ais sway from tbe beavier the iigbter por- tion principsily consistsecf materjal suitable for makingy rcugb paper ; the heavier js automaticÛliy deliversd con te a revolving table, wliere it je cverlccked hy boys, who separute the bones, gias s, etc., whis the cliikers sud organie matter are graund up lu k.îiiergaug. This ground materiai is sent cnt from tise works for mantîre, IThe liavjer sud emal. er pieces wliich pase througb one-asud-- laf- inch meeli cf tlhe second riddie are again ne- ceived on s traveling baud sud rmecbanicaily sifted througlia a lsf-lucl i eeli which divides thein into twe quaities-sles, which as-e automatically delivened into barges, sud Il breeze." This 1"breeze " consista te a great extent cf eniali pieces cf coal sud other onganjo material, sud is used by Vhs cosnpany as fuel, being bunned in their boliers. To pres-ent uny disagresabie emeli Vhe draft hy he fines le ohtained hy exbansting witli s fan sud the prodîsots cf combustion passed threugls an ondiuary Il scrubbier," thus avoiding ail nuisance. The paper- maaklug materials are at once run jute a common brown basiugpaper lu the premises. Never wae a paper miii witb sixty-ncli macbine got int ssienerpace. The compauy le now making about 1,500 pounde f Nuali, 7a Lumbago, y kh Headlachey Toothach,g Sore T!liroaty Sold by Drugglsts and Dlealere everywhler FiC euts e bottie. Directions in S il Languages. THIECHARLS A. VOGELER 00., Beltlutor, Md. ganadian Depot: Toronto, Ont. STAIDARD BAINK 0F CANADA. CapItal pald up. S1,0OO.O0.pest, $285.f O This Bank ils preparod to do Legiti- mate Banking, in ail its branches. Farmer's notes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on accoufltq of $5 and upwards in Savings Banks Departincnt. DICAFTS Is3uzd and Collections -made In Enrop4

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