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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1892, p. 1

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f .. .... .. ..~- - - EROST& WOOD, SMITRI'8 FALLJS, MYanfacturers of Ihe followimîg lirst-class Single Apron Steel Frame Binder, Th9 Model Buckeye Mower, JDaisy Reapor, The "Tiger," the Leadiing Rake, Steel Plows),etc. AGENT. Also agent for Draders' Spade H{arrow, the best Pulverizer, Cultivator and Harrow made. See it. W. H. OSBORNE, SPECIAL AGENT FOR THE ABOVE. I MPROVED FAIRMS POR. SALE.- Lot 8 sud west 1 lot 7 in the 2 con, cf the Township of Pickering, 250 acres on which are flrst casas barns. al tone fonudations; 2 dwlliughbouses, well watered, ne waate land. Will bo sld whoe or iu parts. Price sud terma te suit purchaser. Appiy te H. B. TAY- LOR. Whitbv. Ont. -tf. F OR SALE OR RENT.-llouse sud J if acres fer sale or te rent, situste ou Scugog stret uorth. The promises consist of s good bouse with overy couvenienoe, driving shed, stable, etc. Tie gardon containa a lot ef the choiceat fruit of il varietiea. Immediate possession can be given. For particulai'5 apply te W. FIBHLsEuG. Bo'wmanville Ont. 49tf Notice to Farmers. 1 arn prepared te de all chopping at fl-e cents per bag, 1 gave aise put in new mach- in ery for grinding corn sud ceb ivhich 1I v il grind at the sanie prie. Yeurs Respecifnlly A. S. TOOLEY, Tooley's Mutas, Darlington. Courtice. Dec. 1. 1891. ô-Mf A t~ATDRY CONOS PALACE. Whien >,cr corne to Toronto, bear i nind that 190 to 2Q00 Yongc Street is a meeting- and resting and waiting place, as weli aýs thc biggest store in Canada. 'There are reading and sitting roonis for you; telephone, tcgcÏraph and mail facilities. Yoùr, parceis \iii be cared for without charge. We try to make you ivelcome \vhether you buy or not. 'You I:nowv that there is no wvorthy thing for wear or hom-e use but we have it. 1If you can't cone to the store, write for whatcver yv i wan t, sani- pie or goods. Shopping by mail has cor-ne to bc simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and ail the facilities of the store are yours. In short, w e shop for you as we would for ourselves, and such service costs you nothing extra. T. EATON & CO. 190 to 20q, Venge St., Toronto. CAUTION. EACII PLIJG OF TUE 18 MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. NÛE-OTHE GNU1E, You hardly;»reaiize that it is medicine, when taking Oarter's Little Lisver Pilla: tbey are very simali, no bad effects; al troubles frorn torpid liver ara relieved by its use. Milsg Alvins Parker, Clarke Union, bas Johnl Sand visited Toronto frÎinda asat week .. . .There was a large turu-out at ilie Temporauce meeting on Wednesday nïllt. Mr. Brooks, Grand Wortby Fat- riarch, accomparlied by sorne members cf Maple Grove Division visited u-i. Mr. Grýo. Stephens acted as chairman aud after making a short speech called on Reeve Smale,s thorough temporauce man, wbo imade a short interosting spee~ch, Mr'. A. Foley delivered a recitation, Mr'. lBrooke, nct oniy amused the audience but taught tbern s g6od temnperanc-a lesson. Aftor tbis moit of those preseut signed their naines te commence a Division....' Mrs. W. C. Blackburn sud Miss Nettie are sick with la grippe... . Mr. Edacu Keat bas been visiting iu Toronto. ... Choir reaumes 1 ractising Frîday uight at Mr'. Srnaie's .. . .Mr. T. Ellison, Newcas- tle, preached acceptably on Sunday even- ..g.... .Our secton is pleared witb the vew bell, splendid toue . ..Misa Florence Hicar bas been visitiug friends in Bow- apsuille GadtD ses M--. A. L. Wooa-1-liley, cf B. H. ., amor'g us on Sun- day ... . Mr. Mark Blackburn bas recover- ed f rom a recent il!uesa3.. . .Mrs. Ralph tDowson died Monday morniug sud wili be burîed on Thurdy .... On Wednes- day evening a large number cf young folks met at Mr. ThIos. Keat's sud spent a vory enjoyabie tîme. Duriug the even- ing tbey presontod Mr. Edacu Keat with a bandsome bible te show that tbey ap- preciated the services ho had rendered in the Sunday Scbooi and Churc .. .. Mr'. William Keat, Capt. cf "Queen's Own" B. B. Team, asa preseuted with a silver bosded cane, by the club. Mr. W. D. Bragg ably filied the chair, Miss Ells Elford sud Mr. J. S, Somers read ad- dresses signed by the compsuy. Able ýpeeches were deiivered by members cf the B. B. club sud others. A substantial luncheon wusa erved; sud al ef t wishing the farily snccess in their new home at Wesleyville, sud that they would net accu forget their old frieuda atProvidence. The generai verdict is Ilthat the wateh- spriug corset (for sale by Juo. J. Mason) is the most durable sud at the saine tirne t he essieFt fittiug corset in the market te. day." '.Lhey rEquire nebreakiug in. Try aà pair. AN INACTIVE or Torphl Livor must bc a. rous5d ad -ail bai bie remoed. BDr- dock 1*1lla are tise best for old and youn g Anti-Jandcruffremo)ves ,anaruff wîrn 3 applicationis -stops falling and retsores fading hair to its original color. Sold by druggiste qt '75 cents per hottle. HA MPTLLN. Mr. and Mr8. Sylvester, Colton, M'ich. U. -S., are visitirig frienda hr . k God dard Fleming, O,-hawa, spent Sunday in our village..At a meeting of the Cheesti Cc. Messa. Law, Brown, Burns, Allin aud Argue were elected as directors for the car-rent year, with Mdr. Law as president.... .Remember the Sale on Fri- day l8th inst., _' mile north of Hlampton, the chatteli of the lata C. C. Merrili a plow, harrow, fauning i]]l, cburn, straw- cutter &nd saddle wure ornitted o'a sale bi ..See notice of sale of late Mrs. Hjli's nice resideuce... . NMs. Merrili has rented her property to Mr. Philip Tyler, Bowmau'rilie for a terrni of years. An- other proof that it pays to advertise in TnE STATESMAN. .. . Bora Msrch 9th, to Mr. sud Mrs. J. 4. Johus-a sonu... .Mrs. D. Taylor is sick. No perceptible change in Mrs. Pickard snd Mra. G. Oliver.... Mr. Thos. Cowlinug had the end cut off the front fiuger on bis loft baud one day ast week with a disg-zaw..Mrs S. Thrnpson visited frieuds i'i Solins hast 'week. ... NMrs. H1. J. Hoidge snd son is visiting at Bloomînton -. . .Mr. Wm.Tay- lor, Aurora, M1., returned home on Thurs- day.. ..The concert held on Friday even- ing under the auspices cf Darlington Lodge, No 119, S. 0. E. B. S., was welI attesided and generai satisfaction was expressed by al. The first number was au instrumientai duet by Mr'. and Miss Hecatîle wbicba was well received. Then folhowed songsansd choruses from Mr. T. B. Hoidýge, A. B. Cryderman & Co. Mr. J. Ferguson of Cteîarea rend ered several excellent recitations which were heartily encored. Mr. and Miss Van- Neat gave a well rendered instrumental duet and later Mr. and Miss Heatlie again favoreci the audience. Spacial men- tion must bo made of the Harmonica selections rendered by Mr. W. Hobbs of Oshawa, and the comic songs (if Mr. W. H.- Wilson of Lifford who each time wil' in2iy responded to the hearty applauîe of th- uudirnce and the of t repeated cries 1q mo11re.", Representatives were in attendance from Grimbsy Lodge, Black- stock, and Wellington Lodue, Bev'man- ville. Proceeda about *l30.00. NOTSimia SUCCEEDs Lirux SUeCESS.- Burdock Blood Bittura is alhousehold remedy for dyspepsia, it expels rheuma- tism and neuralgia from. the system, acta as au sntibilious agent on the stomacb, hiver and bowels, antagonizes bhood pois- ou, builds up aud revitalizes the bodily f unctioris end restores aud purifies the en- tire sysiteil. FOR NETIME 5L&Sff. sunmer ilicat and ge.neral tollet troubles, use Dr. Iew's Sal- phur Soap. BNNX18KILLEFN. Mr'. and Mrs. Gamsby, Toronto, have bEen guesti of Mrs. W. Browu..Mr. Wiibur Hutchinson of Winnipeg spent a day and uigbt with bis nid friends here. Ail are sorry te hear of the serions ulîneass of bis wife at Liste wel ..Mra. (Rev) R. Sanderbon returned borne this week bav- ing greatly enjoyed ber visit at Belleville, Picton sud other eastern t wns sudl vili. as.... Mr. F. Rogers is visiiing Toronto this week...0Our singersa;sd other frieuda frorn this village speak ini the bigh- est termas of the hospitable trestmeut re- ceived front the Soia frieuda after the concert there on Friday. Our greit basso carne eut stroug in the 'Order of Friars Grey" that nigbt. 1He did well, but, after tbis in bis public performance he will ha accornpanied by Mr. Daniel Sauderson wbo will furnisb him with wbat he was said to be short of that night..The RelIer miii that was binted at a few weeks sgo wilh ho in eperation befo-e the c!ose cf the sommer. The popular manager -o<f the Boyne Water Mills' Mr'. Jue. Martio, in pnttiug ini bis new mschinery a few years ïýga bud an eye te the future and se arrangaed matters thau hcin keep s portion of bis mili running ail the tirne wbîle the reilers are being put in position. The miii is se large that there is pienty cf rocun to do ail tbework at same tirne. Mr'. Martin ta not sparing auy expentse and when ail is completed the miii will be second te noue in Ontario cf like cspscity. The conitract for the miii f urniahiug a b been secured by Mesas. W-n. sud J. G. Green, Torouto. lu a few meutha it will ha Martin's cele- brated relier ficur. ... A meeting cf the Trustees cf fisydon, Vioodley's, Baker's, Bradiey's, Union School Sections bas been calied for Satarday l9tb mast. at achool- bouse bore at 2 p. m., te srraoge cbangez ina sections prepara tory te haviug a section formed at Burketeo. Inspecter Dr. W. E. Tilley is expected te ho present. No exchange is weicorned te our tables more eagerly thn FRANK LESLIE'S WEEKLY. It bad lst week ail the im- provements which bave been gradually taking place in its pages. In make-up and pictures it ranks not only witb the best Arnerican weeklies, but with foreign eues as weil. But the mat interesting tbing in the papor is the contribution by Capt. R. Kelso Carter on the coming transformation cf the eartb, written in a popular style, the firat cf a series te bae presented, which wili ho intereatiug alike te clergyman sud layrn. Price, ten cents. The great reason for the succes of Hood's Sarsaparilla is found in its pus- Iitive marit. it cures wbere other pre. iparations f ail.-

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