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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1892, p. 1

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THRMS :-S1.50 PURAN 4IL OUR TOW14 AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. À JAM&ES EDIToE A14D PItOPRIETOR, NiEw SERIEls, BOMNILOTRO EDEDY AC 319.VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBEP. 12 JOHNSTON &CRYDERMAN tJUUI have receïved Direct from the Manufacturers, JNO. OROSSLEY & SONS,ý of Halifax, England, A FINE'ASSORTMENT 0FOIP aiaPESmo TRY' BLA CKSTOCK. Mr. Wm. Lucas la recovering from bis sichnoss. .. . Mra. Watson, mother of Mr. Watsonî, merchant, Cadmus, i3 dead,aged 90 yaara. . ... W. S. Kenner loft Tuesday weok for Manitoba. He took four horses, besidea implements, etc.... .There was a surprise party at W. 0. Ferguon'a Fni. day night. . ..Mr. Tises. Wood loft for Lindsay Monday week .. . .Mr. R. Magili, barnessmaker, bai gore to Port Perry to work for Courtice & Jefféy .... Mr. and [Mrs. E. H. EarI, who are about te louve this township, were given a surprise by membens .(f tbe Metbcdist churcir bore, ane1 af ter, partakitig of the good thinLgs pnovided by the ladies thoy were prssent- ed with a large fsnsily Bible .... Tbe East Preabyterian ohurcb held a basket social on Fridqy evening week. There was a good attend ance. Jas Parr, Esq., ex. Reeve, cccupied the chair. The Metb. odiat choir supplied the music. .. . Mr. J, Samimelis, jr., bas bought the fanm lately occupied by Mr. Oldfield . ... Mr. D. Hioey bas sold some pine trocs to Mr. Thompson of Poterboro for England.... A pleasant and social surprise party took place at Mr. Thos. Oldfiold's on the ove of bis departune to Lindsay. After an ex- cellent repast had baen served te the company, Mr. A. Veale, postmaster of Nestleton, and Mr. Robt. Jackson pro sented Mr. and Mrs. OldÀield with lovo]y nocking ani armn chairs, as slight tokens of remesubrance frorn their many frienda bore ... . Mr. Jas. Hobbs, Janetville, bas sent a fine span of horses to Mr. Wm. Widdons, Dakota,formerly of Cartwright. -NB w HA VEIV. Mr. J. IL Power spent a few daya in Toronto lac, week ... . Mr. Catay Truli sold a finý brood mare for Ehipment to Manitoba. ... MiEs Effie May Worden is visiting f tendIs in Paria, Ont.... .Farm hands are ini good domand here .. .. Mr. Henry N ann, I'Raby Hlead," bas beon visiting f iends in Brighton .. .. Mr. S. 0I. Rundie, D, troit, Mich., haa been visiting his brothtr James .... Mr. S. G. Pickle shippod fir m l3urkton station a fine brood mare to h s- brother Oron as ]Jsrlingford, Man .... fýr. J. F. Witheridge has gone for a tripto Glasgow,Scolnd .... Butch- ers and d overs are around among the farmers bifing ail kinds of live stock for Easter.. Not onSin twenty are frae from soma little ailtupnt caused by inaction of the liver. Ug Carter's Little Liver Pille. The resufl will be a pleasant surprise. They givo'positive relief. ýVE WTONPVILLE. One of dur oldest residents died at the ae of sev énty-seven years in the person of Mrs. J1ohn Poland (near the railway atitioii,) a1ady boloved by ail acquainted wiýh ber. The funeral took place to Su. Marys cen)aery, Port Hope .... At the oyster supper under the auspices of the Ladies Aiii Society of the Methodist Church heýo, the following persona took part in the prograt:-Mr. J. H. Penwar-, don, assidtcd by bis sister, Miss Penwar- den, on tire organ, gave two cornet solos. Mr. Doble Zion, gave somae fine select- ions on the violin ; Miss Doble assisted on tho or,~n Miss Watt and Misa Reid gave a slovory nicely ; Mrs. James IlA YDON. Mr. Cephas Mountjoy sold one span Mr. Riahard Slemon and Mr. Wm. Mc- Laughlin oila horse oachto go to Mani- itoba. . .. Congregational singing onr Sun- day, the organiist having an appointm ont in town and the assistant was sick... Mrs. S. Slemon bas been ailing. . .. Ser- 'vice ïn the church next Sunday evening instead of af ternoon .. .. Mn Burton spent Sunday at Columbus .. . .The correspond- ent to the Sun bas removed to Cartwright. Hoe had better cal and get bis pantaloons that ho loat coming from Oshawa-rather cold weather but the pants were sibr. CA13NFT RECONSTRUTION.-A popUlar topic is cabinet reconstruction, which really does not concern the public so much as the reconstruction and cloansing of the buman systemn against the approacir of spning. The premier medicine for this purpose la I3urdock Blood Bitters, and both parties recognize it as tbe best blond purifier and goneral system regulator known. PRO VIDNC1IJ. Mr. Frank Biackburn spent Sunday at home.. .. The choir spçent a vcry plpasant evening at Mr. Ths. Smale's en Friday avenng.... Wood boas are the order of the day around bore. ..Mr Rich.Osborne, Mr. W J. Bragg and Mr. Frank Oshborne1 attended the funeralVof their cpuîin Mr. Pethick of Millbrook liait week. . ... Mr. Wm.Orago bas engaged Mnr. F.G.Bumber carpentor, and Messrs Trenouth & lirock masons, Bowmanville, to remodel bis barns next spring.. .. A. large number of sorrowinz friends foibwed tbe romnains of MOUNTrRRNON. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Soucb are visit- ing frienda at Port Perry.. .. Miss Etta Washington of Hsîydo-i is visiting at Maple Corners .... Some members of the Farmers' Institute beld at Solina on Thursday and some others were enter- tained at Maple Corners. A very enjoy- able ovening was spent in gama, ssng- ing and club swinging,. . . Mr. John Pye had a vory successful wood bee on Friday last. ... Mr. James Ganfat is improving. The reason why -Mynile Navy" tobacco bas taken se s;rong a hold upon the smok- ing comrnunity is hecause it i8 thre gen- uine article. No man bas a desire to smoke anything aise than tobaccq. Even opium is not smoked for the pleasure of smoking it but for ita soponîfloa ffects. The desire for tobacco is, c f course, beat satisfied by getting the pure Rrticle, and wben to this is added tire fitie8t quality tire satisfaction ig complote. These two tiringa are found in thre "Myrtle Navy." '1vi A PL E qROVB. Mrp. C. R iodle iî visitinz at Lindsay. -., Mr. Arthur BelL bas neturrood to Te- ronto,.... Miss BorriraFaroeil], Uarmony, is visitîng Mrs. W. H. Fol y.... Mr. and Mrs, Ricliad Snowden, Pickering, are bre..., il riony Division visited us Wednesday oveoing and gave a good pro- gramu. Refreasments were served... Mr. J. Crtmb and J. Steveni will bujld a bouse this spring. .. Mr. Alf. Huggins bas moved to a farsu in Pick ering .. .. Mr. Pbilip Tyler bas beased bis farm to Mr. RobertHicks. . .. An excellent educationial, sermon was preached bere on Sunday by Rav. C. W. Watch, Oshawa. Lalnuresonanaaertse Ileg in boillng water, and bad a'sprained Dr. 1'. A ,Slocum's. an appearing in the Weekly Iaik lA at the saine dire. One bottle cfo XYEJZEUSOf PUE teacher for thia achool since St. Jacob's Oul promptly cured botir," COD EIVEE IL IOf oURhv id a numnber of applications That doubles its value eaaily, and_ shows _t-htne~ft~ hLI.-. gceived- buttecninna

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