O NS where he can live by the employment of hie mental powers onaty, and thus is the non-laboring farmer gradually evolved into a representative of that large and increasing class whose votariee scek to make money by their wits. As an instance of this, how many men in West Durhami alone have got restless on the farm because they did flot like work and by a few years of gentlemanly farming becorne either disgusted wîth the whole business or involved in debt and " retired from business" to accept an agen- cV for machinery, fruit trees, books, etc., or te go into somne light and respectable avocation that barely yieide them a eub- sistence. WHAT IS OUR DUJTY 9 To the -Editor of TH-E STATESMAN, DEAP. Sin.-In view of recent develop- ments in connection with the Duiiinion Franchise Act, what ie the duty of the electors who dlaii to hold liberal views with regard to politica? Should we quiet. ly submnit te having our rights tramnpled on, our liberties curtailed and b)y sonie technicality moin declared elected t -o re- present us in the making of laws for or country and mianaging our public affaire whohaye received a mïinority of the votes cast at the election ? Je there no redrees for sucli a state of thinge ? What oif our boasted British connection ? should frn people know yet. 1 think perhaps that,1 jud« ing-from the amount of the stock we are shipping from Brook st. yards, we will manage to get them cf in eleven or twelve train Ioads. The stock is very heavy and I shou]d judge thalt there will be between 700 and 800 people." A walkl through the Union Station revealed the fact that the eettlers are a well-to-do class of people, with trMnk-, satchele and pack- cases galore that filled a great many bag. gage cars. In the ladies' waitirg rooms the proportion of infants in arme was unost noticeable. The majority of the people aee.med to be narried couple,, In the prime of life, with smail familles that may be expected to grow up with the Vp1 'I HALLE t p i~p ~====~ WV e have just received our first shipment of, "Tr7r A Ty y y%' ".w - 1 lm