HEALTH. A Tsiuinpl of Surgery. Every part of the hamaca frime, bene, mulscle, bond, fiela, inew, ligamsent, has a clearly defined reaaou for existence, except oee-a littie pouch, cylindrical in shape, about six luches long aud ni the thickhuess of M:s. Sarah M. Black of Seneca, vermnifPorm appendfix. l Mo_. dtring the past two years has lower ed onittie largei been affected with Neuralgia of the tien la sucli that a satl Hlead, Stomacli and Womnb, and seed, could, by a rare ch wr tes: ">My food did not seem tas jute the pouch. Wlietn s peus, the appeudix caus seï heiýmv=thead - a, .'eaiy t~-tewerv-varahIez ivb-i~a~- ~esesunsa- IL-ysasa V.!a=ye0W=~~tfy t~at 1111 iiTft4jjaci --e ntorn~n wiien4gotzipl woida4,11Ce~izi~ .t la situated at the inttestine. Ita posi- 1seed snob as a grape hamece, work ita way nch mn accident hap- ises acute pain, and luIed in t er and thirst. For too mauy attacks tbe best cure is a physical and mental streng- theninig by means of continued mneasured diet. Sleeplessness arising through grief, cire, or sorrow, must be cured oy a strong wil and recreation. Nurture and education of the nind are as noesesary and oeoes that of the body.. The will is to bce e'ercis- cd and strengthened, for very mucli may 'bc donc by will power, through diverting thc mmnd fromn the sorrows and disagresable1 occureoces of the day, by compelling none's self to think of indifferent mattersý One must not yield to, despondency or dýspair, but consider that trouble --id auxiety will no make thinga btter, but weakýii the 1 -1.aitb- wb4ieb-itei6rst eastto ra TLOST IN TUIE RUSSIA1N WILDS. A True Story of Siberla. In this day the newspmper drag-net is closely woven and diligently drmwn, but a gond story soinetines escapes. This story, or rather hint of a story, from the far and desolate regions of Siberia ticems to me the Most unique instance in anme time. Severmi weeks mgo a New York daily priuted in an obscure place a paragraph about a startliug happening lu -castera Si- boria. Although 1 remd it ttentively, as it intorested me and recurred to me egin and agail, I bave 'sot been able tn find it since. A few days ago, boweyer, there was another paragraphprinted lu the same obscure way, where ho keeps constantly on hand, A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMFMT -F 1-4 L~r~ ~ ~bopis~o~te#ag~ t 4~4i~ &'~t.i-e~-t- it-it 4t~ T i i I F ~eae,--assd4herc ah&u14 be-a-s~ssW