I T REMTstaboe know al IT R STSaoutthe iser ofwash- HE day. To many ît mass TH Backache, Sare Hns Hard Rubbing over a BAC K steamning tub, and long hours. This fails to the lot of those who use pour, cheap, and in- This Soap does away with Hard Rub. bing, Tired Backs, Hot Steam, and Sore i-ands. it brings comfort to millions o' homes, and will do so to yours if you will use -it. -ëëfbr h _______________________________________________________________________________ E- . I NFfIRLD. Mr, aud Mrs. Udeil and fsmuly leave for Manitoba on Tuesday, 22nd, also Mr. Renj. Wiunacott, Oliver Abrabames sud Ed. Niddery... Mr. Wm. Roblbs had a valuable colt otrangledl to death receutly .... A $20 bll was stolen f rom the tiIl in Mr. J. S. Aaton's storelone evaning last week. TYI.ONE. Recent visitors: Mrs. S. Penfound, Gourtce, at J. Penfouud's; Mrs. E. Moses4, cblîdren sud Miss Addie Walter, at Mrs. Waltore'. Miss J. Penfound in Bowmanville and Miss E.Werry at Orono ...Remnovals; P. Hawkey and W. Lind- Eay to llolland, ýMan., Capt. Westcott's brother to Brandon; W. Jewell and fane- far ersdne a.Mris to house vacated by Mr. lemens ; aud Mr. Ramm to bouse vacated bv Mr. Morris. em- perance meeting Thursday evening a big succees. F. Carlos, Solina, helped with music .... Sorry Io bear of serious ilînesa of Jno. Hoidge, sen., at Toronto ...-. Mr. W. IR. Glemens received hearty greetings from. Sabbath Scbool Sunday veben hoe entered-toresunie poBi ion as superhiie- Mcluug& Bell, general merchants, will shortly remove to the Rooper block MisMcCraney cf Oakville is visit- ing ber simter Mro. Geo. Jacob .... Miess Katherson sud Mise Rooper have roture- cd fromn Toronio, the former lu very poor healbh. ... Mr. G. Wilmot wss at borne a couple o! days last week....Mr. Bert Brout bas gone to Torouto to attend the spring examinations at Triuity Medical Gollege ... . Mrs. J. B. Smith aud huabaed -tromn Toroiitmhave been-visting Irr-brothy- er Mr. J. -K. Allen .. .. Mr. John Bell is on the Bick liet, having injnred bis baud i the store end wss throatened wiib blood p4idon in-g; Hie l eeping b ettor . - Douglas of Sourie, Manitoba, gave an in- Rev. William HollUnshed, of Sparts, N. J., voiuntarily says: 41To Whom il May Concern: IlTUnasked 1 deem it nsy duty ta a sufferjng Rumnanlty -w base- boUle--and-sous 17'.vouldi -bave-heithiyto--el theni <s! thie value--of }bood's Sarsaparilla. While living ini Ohio eue of my ehidren veas greatiy Afflictaed With BOUS havlng 20 on her limbe, and beibg unable ta walk. 1 had heard of Hood's Sareaparilis, and bouglit a bottie, balf of wbich eured en- tirely. Two years after, anotiier dlild -vase afflicted as badly. 1 used tihe other half bottie of Hood's Sareaparilla with like re- suite. About four yeare ai ter, tihe child first afflicted wae again tormented like Job, and I bougit a bottio (on Suridîty at blidt) and againa dure. I gave some o! themedicine ta a poor woman and two ehlldren; tlsey wcre hele we- ndpmne.ru~gh - -testinio- niai sent ta C. 1. ]Iood & Co., inquiries came from ail the country, askiîsg if it ý%vas a 'bons, fide' testimonial, and of course 1 wrote al that il 'vas, and have the kuowledge o! Scorrqnqliies n bS -ores. grýi NEW BUSINESS FIRM, G. A. Cawker, son of Ç. M. Gawker who bas bemn in business ie Bowmanville ovor a quartcr of a century, and Archie Tlait vrho bas baen with J. Milne and J. MiUne & Go. over eleven years, have gone into partnerehip and aili carry on busi- niess in tho t nd fornierly occupied by C. M. Cawlker rnd known as the "'Al Il. und Provition Store, " ebere tbey wil lo fpieased to meet G. M. dawker'si wumerous fri nde and patrons as 'well as agreat may uew ones. They inteud keepirig everything that je kept in a Firat lass Grocery and Provision Store. A specialty will be made of the Fir4h Departuient imch as lladdie, Fresh Rer- fiÎnge, Sait Herringe and ail kinds of fish ini their season. Oysters constantly on ne the Meat Department aili ba kept Siausages, Fresb Pork, aIl kinde of Fancy Cured Bacon, Smoked sud Clear Rama, Laird of the boat brand-sli o! whjch willi le warranted. Housekeepirs are asked to try Our 250. and 40c. Teas,which for value will houne- equalled. IFlour, Buckwheat, Bran,_Shorts, Bar-1 réel sud JJir-Y Salt,- Gaaïdian andKmeri- We are luoking for a fair sbare of patronage, and ietend giving good îalue for the money to ail persona. îInterest wyul ho cbsrged at tho rate o! one per cent. per month ou past due se- counts o! 30 days, as ALL PRICES will hoe marked at CASHI VALUE. SWe solicit a share of your patronage vÉich aill b3 thankfully received. CAWKER & TAIT. Gs Csh paid for Fresb Eggs, Butter, Ilides, Taliow, Sheep Skins sud ahl kiuds o! farne produce. G. & T. HAVE YOU SEEN JT.-The new Euyp- tien Dreani Book la creating quite s stîr. -Wbethur -yoi belile- e- ndreamà-and- visions or flot it wiul intereet and iustruct ail who- read it ase it contains full inter- NOXON BROS. MFGT. 00. (Ltd.)ý 1NGEESOLL, OINTARIO. Establiished 1856. MANUFACTURERS 0F STEEL FRAME 110051ER DYRILLS, guaranteed the best Drill madeý CORD SAVlNG TWINE BINDEItS, INIDEPENIDENT STEEL SPRING TOOTH ICIJLTIYATOR SEEDERS,. A FULL STOCK 0F IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS at our brandi ware houses, 222. 224, 226, St Paul St. MONTREAL, 86 Front St. TOROINTO, 125 King St. LOINDON. Good active agents wanted in ail unoccupied territory. Farmers, see our-cordý saving Binder before purchasing. S. M. EDSALL, Agent, Bowmanvîllet. CREDITORS' NOTICE. Purtuant lu the lievised Statueb of Ontario Chapter 110. Sec ý6, Notice la hereby given that 1'ai l aims against the estnte of Leonard Tordiff. iste of the Township of Darlington, in the-cauntY-ot-Drh.ni, deceased-must hesont- with full particulars therAof by post prepaid or delivered to Wni. Tordiff, Sr.. at Enniekiflen. Ont.. admimistrator or ta J. F. Grierson, his Solicitor at Ophawa, Ont, on or before the first day of April -A. -D. 1892, after whichdat said administrator vell proceed to distribute the asset s of the said Estate having regrard only NEWs! New Shaker Flan nels ---at -Maso-n's, lé UT julivub bucLpýi. 1 ilv te Whitbv -, M. M. Ulemens to his 1 ý 1 -r- Ï-l 1 f ---t