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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1892, p. 1

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TER M8 :-81 50 Pîi ÂN W. OUR TO N Â D OOUN Y FIR AIN D WORLD JTERW ÂRDS NEW SEIRIES, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDXESDÂY, MARCil1 30, 1892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBEUP 13 pnhipiu JeIHNSTON & CRYDERMAN tuuuII- have received Direct from the Manufacturers,1 JNO. OROSSLEY & SONS, of Halifax, England, ' T TTP. 1WTm Miss Birdie Pollard, town, v-ýsited her aunt, Mrs. L. M. Courtice.... .Mr. Dain- pster bought two car loads of fat and store cattle in Ihis vicinity last week .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brooks visited frienda in Orono rece.tly.... Mr. J. F. Brooks and Miss Bessie Brooks will viBit England this summer. . .. One day last week Rev. J. Liddy offlciated at a fanera], a wedding and a christening.... .Ou Monday eveniog March 2lst blind Betsy Trick quiet]y passed away. She led a very exemaplary christian life and wag heloved by both old and young for Fier cheerf ul disposition and ber kindly manner of conversation. She was a preacher among the Bible Christians for many years. The funeral te Ebenezer was Iargely attended on Thursday .. Wedneaday evening, Marel 23rd, a large num ber of relatives and frieuds of Mr. and Mrs. Thcçs. Nich- ols met at their residence and presented them with a bandsome pair of upholstered chairs snd a nuatiy bound Family Bible, iil being the occasion of their wooden weddic;g. Atter the usual compliments the party enj oyed themmelves with various amusements.. .. Mr. Frank Wright's sch- RYFIELD. On Saturday evening March 9th, Mr. Jacob ýUdell'8 family were surprised b'y about 40 of their neighbors demanding ad- mituance. This deznand was cheerfully granted' and the company was called to order ¶by Mr. Terrance McDonnE,11l ak ing the chair. After a piece of instru- mental rniisic he called on Mrs. Wm. Or- miston who read an address te Mr. and Mre. TJCel1 expresaing regret at their re. môval fromn the neighborhood and wish. ing thoin success and hapDiness in their new hoeie in the West. Mrs. JJdell was presented with a china tes set, and Mr. Udeli with a Persian lamb cap and a mru- stache eup and saucer, Mr. Udeil made a suitalble reply after whieh speechps were made by the chairman, Messrs. R.Pascoe, J. Hur] put, Geo. Ormiston, ÂIex.McOull- ough, M~. J. Gibrn,John Dyer and others. Supper w~as served and after ail had par- taken of, the feasting it was near]y time to dispersc,. By a very ingenious and original pro- cess, Dr'j. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowel], Maso., are enabled te extract the essential Pro- puý,ties of the materials used in the pre- paration-of îlheir famous "Aver's Sarsa. -HA YDON. ILIRMONY. The Misses Chapple, of Clarke, spent The trial of the cock fighters cama off FSunday with f riends here. ... Mr. W. 0. last week. Four of the men gct free by -Motley, of Toronto, visitq.d bis sister provnig an alibi... .Mr. Oliver Edgar 7Saturday .. . .Ex-CouticillorWm. Trewjn is bas moved on a smal farm cof Mr. Ship. )laid up withgrippe and erysipelas in one man'a, base lino .... Mrs. A. K. Farewell foot and leg. .-. Report says we are to ig on the sick list .. . .Mr. John Winter lose three of our f air damisels in the near has lest six pigu this spring. future .... Mr. and Mr.s. R. Follis enter- Dr. T. A Slocum's. tained a number of friands last -Friday OYEIE MJSO fPR evening and they ai pronounced it good OOD NIVEE MUOL IOf o UhaE te be there.CO IE I. I yeihv Diffieuity of Breathing-Use it. For sale corn Sowing by ail druggistsm. 35 cents a bottie. Is a procesi conducted by the agency of tight boots ail the year round. Corn RAG'LAN. reap;ng is best conducted through the Mr. Christopher Hodgsoii, û reoovering, algeucy of Pntman's Painless Carn Ex.-. . . Mrs. Richard Grise hbas been quite iiii tracter, the only safe and sure pop corn . . .. Mr. Watsou Hodgson is very îli with cure. Putman's Extractor is now widely thraat trouble .. .. ers. Watiioa odgson imitated. Beware of ail poisonous and while going intj tbe barn the door blew sore producing substitutes; they are dan- shut snd knocked ber dnwn and severely gerous to use and sold simply because they bruised bler... Mr. James Bedford is afford thý dealer larger profit. moving into Mr. Loi-en Foster's honne and Mr. James Ward is moviiig into a ENN18KILLE'N. house belonging t,) ML. Thomas Moffat.. Mrs. Remmer, Mr. M. Lgee Pickering, ..-Mr. Georg_,e F ýrrow bas gone to Col- Mr. and Mrs. E L. Virtue, Raglan, have ninhus. . . .àlies Lareni, Toronto, has beaun visitiiig frianids hoire.. .. What made been guest of Mrs. Christopher aodlgson e 1 TIBRMB:-81.50 Plia Anxum. OUR TOWN AND COUETY FIRST. THE WORILD APTERWARDS. M. A JAMES XDITOR AND PP.ÛPUTP.Tnlt.

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