Fagged Out! Ii ~hi THfAT tlred, worn - out feeling, of which Bo mauy aronien coniplin i atar a day'c wasling, is doue swa6y with hy (hoeawiso ise (bat great Laboi's e6 -V Whicb niakes (ha Dirf drop est Wtthout lIard Rubblng WitlsoMt Bolinig Without Wsshng Powders 'Fry tise easy, dlean sudeceonemical iay-the .eý SUlihI way tof -uasiing, sud yen wiIl not ha dis- < NSiLeAAb appoint cd. SUNLIGHT SOAP haviug no equal for Purilty, -su rsay usa it eith coudent sud dlight fer es-asy housîehold purpese. WCR.lK: PT. SUMILIC-HY NEAR B.qEuususEs5AD LEVER enos., List7Es TOIONs-O 1 Viemxna Medical Prescription AEisocietîon. No EXCUSE FOR ILL ilEÂLTH, Tise sole brencis of tise aboya astociat- îon ountisa American confinent is now locDsfsd in tisa City of Toronto. Lettere of tbseke are pouriug iu front those who receivm-d tisera, meef of whem have for yeare ieen taking patent medîcinas sud drugs fnrnishcd by advarfising quacks. Patients write (bat (bey have beau curad of RisaumatiL-m, Brigit's Dicease, Dys- pepsie,, secoudary Consumaption, Piles, Heart Diseassa, Salf Riseun, Whitas, Nervous Dabiiity sud almost avary dis- esse fb-t flash is huir iLo, and inu no casal did any druggYist charge for flhing (ha prescription more tisan 50 cents. Tise association si-nd frea to ail applicents tise hoast prescription kuown for purifying tise blond sud iuviguormiug tise nars-ous sys- term. A. circler gising aIl parficulara wili haeentf frea te alI appliceuts who en- cloue a etam-p for reply. Address HENRYT SCiHÀLLEiïx, V. M. P. A.,345 West King streef, Toronto, Canada. Tise Food of tise Ostich. Tise food of tise ostricis, in Ifs wild stata, consiste of tise seads, tops sud bude of s-r- ions slismuheand ofisar plants. But it le of fan diffilcult te couceive hîow if eau man- aeate lis- at al, fer eune nntequetiy meef s with if lu ragions sppamatly deef - tute of vageatfme of any klud. When lu confinement ne bird or otiser animal exer- cices so little discrimination iu tise chocea of Ifs food; fer then if swaloews wsitisasidiîy Stones,plaesof wood snd non, Speens, kuives, and etiser indîgestible mattans, Once, if le said, wben tisa ostricis was sf111 a rare sigbf in Europe, a womau, eus bcaing of fise arrivaI of a batcb of (hase irdz, sud baing suxione te sca hem, histily chut up han bouse, takiug tisa key ohftisa door lu han isaud. No sooner, bowevar, had she amis-- cd on tise spot wisen tise birdswaakp tha,nn f the ]ln&-IeLaeA nreatur1,es sQ+.al1 TEHE REAOHING BiMTD. Ra-turîîing hiime atter a long absence, oe misatrily expact surprises sud changes; li 1 could tuot ba ve aven isagiucd seh s found in uny friand Philip Moriaud. 1 id beau geuse lwenfy yaars, sud I ain weIl s-are bow impressions will fade sud mesnory secome Odefectýinvlutisailength ohf tire; )uf lia wacse odiffament fron tise promise of is aariy manis ýod tisaf Isf once faIt tIse ,auge te h bcîs more tissu a svarpiug of ny racollection. Wiseu wve bad part ed. jus aftar graduating.freni the saune cellege -lue te cindy iaw,and I to taka a prouuisiug uusiîis3 post in Australia-se aas a ealfby, stalwarf young man, indounifable, uoyautly aggreseiva, uncomproiisingily ,suhitiene sud'blessad witis talants insurng lei succese. Callig -et is office, I found a Bhrunken nian, old befoea is tume, bic hair nd beard efreaked wlfb gray, aud deep fiues rudaly cnt acrece a waxan forahnad. The fircf glauce told nie ilsat 1I held n. magedy of noble glîts and aspirations. Net unfil Iisaël answered bis questions as eo uuy prospasity, sud tha had told me that uis parents werc desd, sud that, siot lîaving narried, hae lived aluseest aloute lu tha old îemesfaad, did I cpaak ofhbis appeaance, and beseacis hlm, lu tisenaime of our frieîsd- ship, t telal mue wbat calamity isad Comae ta sum. Ha leoked af ina a few moments, un- able te reply, tisa pupils of bis aunken cycu lilating, and paller forcinîg ifs way fismouglr Lise yallew ekin. At last hae rapiiefi, wlýtls saking voica, and coucealing tise tremblini of bis issudes by tigisîly pressing tbamn upor tise chir arms: "ýYae, Johnu, I will teli yeu. But you will bh iceuly morfal excapi mysaîf wbo knows what bas cnapped tise strnugs of my enargy aind pumpeses. 1 canne I tell you beme, thoiugis." Grealy woudaniniv, I asked "Viseraeau yen tell me?" "Couse te tise old home to-uighf t a o'cleck. " Puunctually te tisa appointed finie, I seni solcîss cisoesof hesaold-fasbioncd hi ss kuocher tison ,gistise wide hall. Tisa bouse, dated freus colonial days, unabla te keel pace wifh modern improveuseuf, sud ceclnd cd frein tisa street amld isigis poplares im chuns, wae gloomy enougis ai al times ; bu! clends had breugiftishe Oct oben niglis esmlar, sud tise rafle sud muet le of fis wifliered leavas, stise wiud tome tiser fmem tiheugis sud scumniafi thamn acres tise dead gres, eaemcd Ate deepen fi diinial. quiet of tise place ; or, in ni, fancy, axcited by appraisitin, to eh i wisispering of tise dueuos oh fate au( niystery. Aunea d colorad sers-eut, wlsos isaarty voice, asyIrememnberad if, had hbe lowered te s pitr-h oh sssielaucboly, openaý tisa door sud bada me go upsiains. Phiîp walcouiad me l ischeetudy witb s, air of relief. A s lha tuneud up tise ligis tisa evideuf pain un bis cye, sud tise ch-e befoma tise grate-fira, sboed me hae ha beau broedisugilutisadamk. Au easy rocher drawn close te bhis chsair, cileufly realse lus wisis fiat we ait tisera. I eccordingi askad bim f0 turmn dewmstise liglit, w h giadly did, and wae st cdown before th 15re-place. Auxiously iutamasfad lu my friend'e cou dition, I h cli uatumally te analyziug if as ri flectad by tisa exprassiesu of luis face, snd uow saw, aven in tisa dim hsaartb--iiglif, 1epark eof hope (bat tisis firef ravesîxucu miglut lassais bis grief. " Jehn," ie began, "yeu have notice (bat thîs ie neftitsaiae siudy fat bar use( 'Ha, you remaunher, pmefecrd tise roonie tise top oif tise beuce, wblcii Iooked ouf ovf tis lautiug reen of fise back building, au conimninîg ftue vicw WC have se offan,1 Yyurug imen, a-1,red'luntIýss hpy a Men of studioc s abjits ceeus te î,a.unetîn, tivaly f0 tisa liuse-tops, as if nauese tise gmennd makas tisa mmd eamtisy. 1, tei iikad ie solitude, sud, af fer father dîed, kcpt if until---" Haefopped cuddeuly, sud tise spanki isei asws quaucised by deepair. I sei nefhg bingsdlise want on: " But I will stamf et tise baginning, sud ;yen can cuggest an escape for me, yen wi hab more tissu a friand te me. I'ni sufférir 1Jgimi--God bellp me, bow I suffer! Y( .know what prospects I bafi. 1 wroecy L iow I was elacfed Prm sacuting Attenusaý I wae winniug lagal triumpissncbs mig] have funed suy one'c haad, but you baise 1me mow-e coinpicta, a isopelass wreck. 1 "YVes, I triumpiad until tise caca oh tl 1Stafe versus Joal Harkfou cama te me. was my firet capital case. Harki-on was ; wali-kmuowu man ohftisa city, sud au e 1qualutasse of mne.ja Hie wile diad sufide. ely, undar circurnstancas sufficiantly susr cueus te warrant bis arrest. Tisera we .only circumetances, but s-amy, s-eu-y tru: 1againet hbu, and I eaw tisat e ýconvicti. -killed youm wif e il cold blond. Tisepri le incoufrovertible.' IlHa sbrank fromnme, holding iup bis bsands lu despairing roalization of My 1biiter- nesesud ef bis mistake i l ptuiig lilseali iîîto miy poer. I wac ferlons at the Jersar pros pect <of defeat, aud ha rnust hav e sCaui iu my face. Harkton had neyer beai -1a stiong muri, but hae vas uow fartlise wak el d ' y imprisounnet. 1 ceuid ieasil edc-1 tain hi-w, and I airgaadtisafa, as, a public of- ecer, swomu te sec (bat thse laws were vîindi- cated, it was rny duity te do se. Se ft(ha sot 1 uow t3lli yo of 'vas juctifiadl, b1ît" ha pauscd, turning teuse lu violen t selfien- cnnatioii-" in ce fer as my asýpiimsLieuns sougisi (o maka a sfcpping-stene eof fuis mans life, the act was diabolical. "But yen will sirely let ume go n iow, sud giva nie tise chance te cacape; Hkuktou1 said, ,eakly. Il 'No,ý I hissad, risiug; «'1 will W turu you to prison.' I Igrasped iim. IHa imply eeîd, 'God bîelpi nie,' weakly. cnbrissively, su tisa th souud of thece words have neyer caaad. Ha did net reelt, and I tisrew hlmi te t1isý foor sud tiad hie bande witis a towel. H5aaiven pity me ! tisosa worde, bis piteouls senp)lliea- flous--tisey cry lu tisa wiud to-nighf and bis ayas, linsepelessenetreaty, glew yeuider lu tise ceaie. Il I wlll nef detail how hae was carried -back te jeul; uer iow 1 fiad bic case;, nor (ha praise I recels-ad ; ail 1 uecd say le- thal I won, sud Joal Harktoîî was-wac lisbuged feor the murder of bis wife." The fira isad sunk low, but if sf111 -shed Llight cnugiste show tise terrer rafefad i bis face by tisa point yet te bae told, HIF i bcad isad fallen upeni hic breast, se tise-t hi: i ast words had beau rnuffied aud lha grippal ytise knebbad ands eoffisc chair-arrnc sasa u man, suspended os-cm an abyse, would -Inluc s support. IlTwo menthe laer," ha proently i-1ecuni ad, Iliera came te, me indispufablaý prou ,j (bat Hairkten was innocent. Tbsat sigbf sat. laie lu my study-a nigit like tis, witl it flic wiud frttfiug in tise beuglise aundti l-jacs-s wiispering t-s eaci otiser befcre tise: dicd. 1st at tise table, net ciudy iug, bu ýp flgiting tisa ramorsa luniy beart. I lisad r jýccivad tiha nomination te tisa Senate, bu A - mod aspirations, wcme,,like tise teavai it wis isprg low iunusy seul of tisesidets A "Sud dauiy, isy tise indefluableprcpi le of tishe nses, I became aware of a,- presnu ui lu tisa roem sud hleamy frighit ]permittei e nie te look np, 1 cangist tise inistincýt s1ex ce eue gefs througli tise corner ef tisa ayu ly Siowiy, cilled by appreisension, 1 un e my baad, sud tisera, juet wisere JlcH1an ,d tonu iad stood on tise night of bis escape, e saw a baud extauded teward me. Oîîiy -, isaud. 41 looked fer tise wrisf, tisa armi, th -d formi, but my ight waut clear te tihe wal! If wae uefiig but a baud, axcept Lthat u protrudad from around disk efhe us t, as if thrust trogis a sable clot." ir A shudder sepd smfer Pa few inm d usante;tisen, tuniig an e, ie, asaid r, "Andi (bat baud remaiued ther, alwaý ad cachiug eut te me. I bravedt it uigbt i aftE y uigist, trying te study, te hae my eld self,t ie frgt if wben at my down tewn ofcbu lie I eeuld neffitbecane werseth(han (ha bar of a (bief who steaîs worldly goodeý; i ste: jj. mny rder, nMy ambition. If drova rina hai a-. te this reeni, but, ny frmasd, God d mi 1 fisa. baudle sf111 nup tisera, reschiug e '(ut- a dayligbf or dark-it le alwaye, talwa3 it reacbiug. Tise yaars hava fiel1, sud I haN gona uptisera day sud uight, fasciiafLcd, fi ud tured by tise hope tisatiti bas beaul wif] ýd. dnawn; but if bas alwsys beau tisera, rau at heas-cu pity me !-ît le up tisera now-ne' ,er It is steaiiug away ny hiea. if ibas h nd reachad eut te ctay use ilu my u adcaree as Look et ma-'a wreck. My Ged(, îtif leti Le and of Joal Harktu!)" c- Halefïel iiack lui isr vee an sd f0 spraug up, lu tise fear thaf usm frindvas e, victini ef tisaf terrible, lmeet inenirb mental disorder-an liallucinaflon. I"Philip," I inquirefi,eaametly, "aray( ln sure that if lesot iinagimîatîeu?' tid "Imaginat ion!" lic rapatad, witb lucres ad terrer; "you mean an, aiiltciî if God belpi mi if it is. I bava theuiglis 111l tisaf. 1 belles-e au hallucination te ha i ssg curable. Let nia tell yen tisaf my grar 1ou fefiser wass ortnred te bis deati by t] ,o vision of a raf. If is tise iroa law of biere ,y. ify. 1 wenild ejoice, nsy friand, if f cou it oniy balles-e (bat tise aud je that of a spi Id if. Tisen if mighf ha exercised. I1 cit youug to achieve soiuetbing;, but thse hai ise graspe tise very centre of usy hf e, ashd cin, If iy, surely, if l,- compressing me te deat sa It attractse c titaf reens, effen in t. c- daad of tisa nigist. I feel if pulliug ie tfic an- and 1 cannot ruasit. If is an isalluiiafio Pi. sud it ,vll kili ume." ae Ha reasoned thus more caily tlian iîg bad told thes' cory, sud 1 saw lus this fact [on boecfor hlmi. Witbsuddeu purpose I au the centre, in , every corer ec a JHEALT.î. hand. IDo yoes î i" Philip called ont. msaeretet 1 hesýitatcd, but 1 instantly reflected thatMaagIretn- Ilcouid floti decei-ývehirn. BeforelIcould re- The word massage signifies motion and p1y, however, lie rushed excitediv, almost pressure applied te parts of the living body ferocioo8iy in, Cn tched the iamp iMmy for c;uralîve, pur-poses. This rnetbod of býaud, .and, catching my armp îsled me to treatmenuinimplies coi-ne source frein whilhi tise tala1. Then, holding the light toward hsmto n rssr spone ue i he and1,lie poiinted with his long fDrefinger.pendetl fte )will lor any exertion ou tihe -But I saw notbing. Siowly his lbead tur'icd part) of the invalid. Thecre are two kiwis of around, and his gaze, fierc,3 now, fell po massage, dissinguished frein each othar byr me. the kind of power amployed. Mansal mas- "'Don't yen sec it? 'fie asked boars iy. sage is theappiicatio of motion andpresuire No, Philip," I answered, faintly f1 t te soft tissues of tise body by the baud ieeothbîg."I 'li fe pyenator., Mecisaiical massage is the There, there,"heaimost screaned oiempopmert of a mecbanjsmn or miachine, i 'lad raacbing ont fromn a black spot lu the made te any part of the body as tise pby- air. There, there-a hand witîi a scar in sîcian or operator directs. It is avîdant ithe palin. There, tiserc-new you see it."1 that these formns of traatînent shonldbaiegi Veil IlNo, ]?hiip," I said, I do flot se, it."Ilunider the guidance of the educated and 1 With a low moan he dreppcd the îamp axperienced physicien. It je îîufortunate rputhse table and sank uponl bis kucas, tbat there exists a borde of adx enturers UPOO g:and humbugs who kuow little of the art r I yug:d yGd!I nhluia and much less' of the science of medicine Myiod tiondI h e u!hllcia- and have debased it in thé popular estima- I was miyself se agitated that I canuot tien. Alnew miethodsshare the samre fate. 1tell how 1 brought hlm dewute bhis reem. Eietricîty is heralded as the great cure-al r He wasprestratad. Hispecuiliarity,strengtb- h y the ignorant inedical mountebanis, and it ened by the case ef bis grandfatiser, was to iE the ieadiug card of the meet errant q uacks 1fear au hallucination more than a spirit and frauds tbat infect our largar citiecs, No r hand, aud I eaw tisat this f car, bow sub- doublt it is a useful remeéial agent wben ûstautiated by my failuire te see the vision, intelliîgentiy and scieutifically appliad. To d would ceeu torture iii te deatis. lu the usa it for avery ailset is snrely a misuse of (lespara te hope of saviug iim, 1i devoted my- this excellent curative agent. Theascame is a self te tise studyof apparitionsreading cars- true of tise massage trcatmeut. It je Inet i flly the cases of Bernardotte, Earl Gray, good for evary diseace wbich affects the lin- ýs Nicolsi and snsny others. I was cpeedily man fsmily. A knowledge of anatomy sud es couvinced that Philip wac the victim of a pbysiology le esceutial te the proper appl- Il pbsntasm, and knewîug that the mental cation of both mianiul and mechanical mas- a derangement hadl ceme to hlm in the wayieseacge. The massage treatmeDt 18 based on Il had related snd by iseredity, I sawç littla plain physiological laws, and bas nothing hope of a cure. There was, eue chance, lu cemmon w;t mguetism; ueor je if a 1-boweva:, and 1 resolved te try it. I resd fermief exercise or gynînastice, or a syctemi >f that apparitions are cometimes driven away of rubisinge. There sheuld be no surface 1 by natural means ; thus, if it seems te tise friction or ekin rubbings in the proper à vlctim that the apparition ceuses fer Semae massage treatment. lu a general way, le purpose andhle made te balieve that tise withont going inte details, if may be ýyproebas been accomplished, the imagin- deccribed as *a syetem. of kueadiug Ay vurpsetn epr compression, rolling, wringing, percus- e- I didnet have te look very daep te flnd a sien and vibrating the sof t tissues of the t plausible object for tisa reaehing ont of the body. Tise Swadisis movemant are a sys- sbaud. It isad appaarad on the uight, af ter tam of slow motions with and without re- IPhilip lîad laarnied that Haristoniivas mueo- sistauca, made by the director or physicien. )n cent, ramersa had strnck deep into hiesTisay are of tan comicid witb the massage 1e heart. Naturally sensitive as 1 knew hlm traatment. M'echanical massage consiste of ýd te be, hie wich, torturiugly haîplees under rapid oscillations ef armesud limbe of ma- 'W the circumstance, wonld ha for forgivenese chinery. The oscillations shenld produce a e. - -a ebaka of tise baud of the friand whose rolling or reckiug motion, and mnove tise d igneminieus sud innoent daath he had ac- li-nbs lu their joints te, produce the beet t- i complisliad. Heaslraady balievad if te ha curative rasuits. Also rolling kueading , i'tha bad of Joel Harkton. If hae ceuld be and a serias ef vibrations executed by a a couviuced that if was beld eut te hlm iifor no e mabsism adaptad te a'sy part of tise ho ravengeful purposa, but as a sigui that the body, and adjusted setise feableet aud uiost l. iujurad man was williug te forgive,my f riand delicate iuvalid eau recaive the treastmant. it; ightbesae.Tise rationale of thesa methods of treat- mi gbt l f b i sv a. 1h se e amntet e rent is tiat the circulation le ivigorated, olH bouse, and fonnd Philip lu tha study, oxygen îe carriad te tise tissues more rapid- e- roodiisg again ovar the fire. fitwasasclear. ly, the blood le purifled more affcctually, iteilbr-na oft;osea city resting and tisa carben and dabris of tisa hody are YsNov ems lbr unayofiht; igt o ppe libaratad more fraely. Tbis is doua wltout ;erlsîve quiet ;tisa arth, tise stars, and the any axpeuditnre of willl power or nerve te ý thin creseuf,low overtha meunitain, caaming force. Oid adbasioiis ara brokan up aud lu- ,t te hc a clmiy waiting. active muscles ara brought into action. Tisa id With as calai and matter-of-facf mannar forces ef tise orgauismn ara mostly expaîîdad )le as I conld force, I told Piiip whaf 1 bcllcv- througb tha circulatory and muscular sys- ýr cd te be the purpose of tise baud. - Ha sat, toms, and less vital anergy le exhibited in le! witlîIbus haad wearily supportais y bicbaud, tise nervons. Tisa axpeuditura of vital - uwle adeddh une u fc'pwer is accelarated. It 18 a law of vitality ýy;wofuily haggard toseard me, and anwee, -f ail living tliinige---tisat tise dcvelepmeut ,ve deanswcredy of vital power and strcngtis l accomplishad ce despiringlyonly by augînting tisa axpeuditura of thie r- "W bat wouid you have me doe saine power. Tisa athiete k news by con- is- of Go np te tise study, and accept tise offer tinnens effort sud axertien tisat by great id, o forîrivanees tisat bac beau bcld'ont te yen axpanditure of vital power hae cen gain tise W.for fiffacus yaar." circngtb aud power te pcrforsn bis barcu- iii 1 w&s slurprised at tise affeet. I tisengit lean task. Se tiseisore-traluer le aware of ®r. it would bae gladiy raceivcd, but it startiad tisis law, sud takas edvauitaga of.it in dava- ;li ii; bic face graw more livid sud it set îoping hie herses. Tbis le tise pisilosopisy every narva trembling. Ha lookad et me oftise message aud Swedisil m:vement Isoe time befora bis quivaring lips would traatant. ît le not onîy adapted te tise 3a form tisa words. sick aud diseassd, but le a method ola, Il John, it le juct fiffeen years te-uught of treaint iigily benaficial te ince tis a bad, eppeared, but--bt-" tise business inuwiosa incessant ap- ,ou IlBut wbatI plication in tise effice bas enfeablad 'bis "lA fearful canage bas cemle ever me. vital anergie sud mada hlim feel tisa necd a-Tise baud attracted me bafore ; but it 15 150w of recuperating bis pisysical powars. Ladies D.horribly repulsiva. Oh? I cenet go 'P devoted te eeciety aud, bnrdeued with famt- of. new. It drew me tisera last uight at 2 iiy ceres hava bronght about a relaxad and i- o'clock. and as 1 looked upon it, I chranis weakanad siata of isealtis, are ramarkably d- from itilu ew ferrer. Ihbas grown old and baueflted by a course of tisis fraatincnt. By th witbared, sud ih trembled aseif tis a rm tiese matbods tbey learu tisa sourcei ef d- that held t wera tired sud if must ceeu geod as weii as of ilii isaltis, sud thus se- ld drop. Oh, isesveîi pity me ! wbat wlll coman quîriug tise knowladge how te svoid tise oe ir- wisen if falis 1" 1 sisaîl dia," sud obisin the othar. Dr. Agostini, lu il I graspad bis bande lu My intense wies te Jaîuuary numnbar (1891) of tise Revue d'Hy- ndj calm sund 'lp hlm. 1 saw tiset bis malady glana Tiserapeutique, reports 417 cases )-had asimost mun its course, sud tisat wisan trcafad by massage in tise last six years. ,th. this phiaîtasy assumed tise formn of a droop- atmk ia aeg iol nyb ie he iig baud, hae migisi iudead, dia. 1 pleaded by tise pisician, sud citas casas wbare this rae wîîh him te go witb ina once egalu. sud fin- traatment wss injurious wisau sadministered 011 aliy ha yialdad. by incempateut Pros I teckr np the larnp, sud whan wa reacis- Tise casas îreaed made rapid sud comn- bie cd ties tudy-door, Piilip narveuciy nnlock- plate racovary. Hie cases cousisted of ta cd it. The same musty clo seness blew in -articnlar sud im1uscularrisaumatism, trauma- k- my face. , But if was net that wlîich rootad tic1 lesiens, cavera inflammations ef tise -. .f g +t- ,, wasan 1,flflessiol, nit -- «-Ai f- micntue ji rz DR-OP u A POST AL oF yrsu waut samples and prices ofanything in dry goods or gený- eral merchandise. Ours is the iargest retail store in ail Canada, with over three acres of selling1 Sspace and haîf a thousand emi- Splovees. And a postal card is enougli f0 bring ail tise facilifies of the store to your home just as mucis as though we were located inyur towfl. Thý1ink ofl a clerk-educated f0 knowfshion changes, mercisan- dise, qualitica, styles and coiors- Sbeing at your beck and cali when- Sever you wish. That's shopping by mail. T. EATON & 00. 190 to 200 forge St., Toronto, . (lenfte oa bilionsstae w (a ystem, such as L'laziuess, Nausca rincesýý, Distress after eatiug Pi i haSd , . hiie iheir mecS, rmrable su(ccehs ea hown inu oni H-eadacsa, yct OeR'aS LITTLE LrvErtr Pua araeuecually valeable iu Coustipation, curint aud piéeventing thic auuoyiug cernplaint, whig< (bey aisl oret ail disordars of theastomac> rtmlt (alvr aud regnisie (ha bowa Even if they oly cntred Ache (bey wouldbe halopniceeste thome w-ho s >fr from (thiesirsi complainq but fertunataly their geoduese <Socs not ýeud hara, aud thiosa whe once try 'heminw;ll find (basa littia plus valuable iu se ii ,y w.eys ihaý, fhy ili net ha wiliig te o i ifâout thr- 3ut fr ail sickIe ad Ie the banc of 'i'ousauy lis-es xChhre Io where we maire our great bos. Our pilla cure 15 whiia others do net. CAÂTEs LITLE LyvEa PuL te r S-a îai aud very easy tetaIse. Ouaor twe pile'mC. a dose. Thay ara sfnictly vagaeia su'd do net gripa or purge, but by thair gentla action picasa ail wbo use (hein. Iuns-fais ai £5 cents; fiafr $1. -Seld as-erywhera, or saut by Mail. CÂ3TZ LM0IOIU CO, 1ev York. 15 Lexington Ave 1,ew Yorkc City, Sept. 79, 1888. 1. have nsed thse Fiax-Seed Emulsion in several cssec of Chirenie Ilrenchitis, and the eariy stages of Phthisis, and have been well pieased wîth tise resuits. l AME'S K. CROO)IC. Mk.D.