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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1892, p. 3

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a ~~N1 i a cnp ni stale broad crumbs, a tablesponoini Sore T'hroat, 'ait~es Sprains, _,s,%_nu may Etc. Boýd ""7 Diisggistsansd Dealers evrVwher6 ifty Cets a botule. Directions in Il Langaes. ZLI! CHARLES A. VOGEL.EIi CO., 13a tlMOI8. Canadian Dopot: Toronto, Out. ?uufavorable, they wil base nothing, exeept LAT FOR IUN INthIe cost oni1disefi iework,. Thero needn't LATE Fn e a ny fi e vorlus ovei, as the plan would al- low them tu oit dowu, lot nature take bier The erln pisos wr ove sucrod- course, and colleet tbe 50 cents an acre or eas ab present, largely owing to the kmI-loenbngaya. perors recent crusade for better morala. Mr. De Lami-othe, the Goveruor of ee There are at present forty tbousaud akillý gal, is inii a dilenama. lielias several cimi- ed w.rkrnu ut of wo)rk in Vienna-une- nais ou b is blauds, awaiting capital plinisb- fftb nf ai the workmen in the city. Muent.Whnbswrcnridtputh Some years agu9 a *sinal Jewjsbi coîony guillotine in order tbey foun I tbat, owing1. wasfoudedou he uliof kab bya ~t tLoniigdisuse, it was lu a vei'y bad way, Ga oma. J badon edGuafopltekabalure, ibroke down completeiy 'luring a "tre-P Geran.It aspove a ompetefaJýre, hearsal."« Thon the Governor lookefi arouiid) andi the colonists have been requested to for- au executioner, andi could fiiîd nu unee bave. wbo wuuld vlunteesru work tbe deiective The Guvernon Petrovawodz, Russia, bas machine. lie bas writteu tu the Colonial issîied s proclamation declaring tbat J odges office, iu Paris, reouestiug tbe lban nfiaa) caugbt inulgîng in stroug drink un the executioner who kuows bis business and nf a bencb will bce prosecuted and all their de- well-regulated guillotine. The Under cisions arniulled. eecretary for tbe Colonies did nt bappent A disease peculiar tu Japan je lruuwu as to have a snppiy nf the vaînable commodities kakie, which >is thouglit to ho the result of ou baud, and lie applied to thse Miiister nf a rice diet. The disease is a slow degenera- Justice. Ir la expected that une of the as- tien of the Dee-vous system and steadily in- stsant executioners iu Paris aud the second9 creasiug weakness of tise patient. best lZaillotue lu stock will lie shtpped to Senegal. The Vicna Officiai Gazette advertises for An Arab newspapor item Omdurmnan says a hangusan, with the offer of a sslary ni that immediately aiter the desth oi the late $220 sud $50 for lodgiug. GOe udrod dol- Kbedivs,Tewfik Pasha, the suecessor of the lars will also ho allowed for two assistants. Mahidi, Kalifa Abdullah, assembled bis Candidates must give certificates nf aility, Eomr and Gouerals to a concil and put thoi expeieuc, sd god earacer.question wbotber it was net time te declare The Rev. John M. Souali ni Wellinîgton, war on Egypt, a young and inexperiiend Me., tips the seles at 315 poonda, and nu- Kbedive betng on the tlîrone. lis waa rea.dy body ever atterupta to disturb bis meetings. tu place hibuseli at the bead ni bis army lis alan the best tax collector that the andi match on Egypt at ones. lis Em irsi low -Oa Cia.1 -- - - -- - ----------------------.----d he Klifa HOUSEHOLD. G.ood Management. It 7e1as a howl that tnpered to a wail andi begaýn a gain aud tapered again. ht was a series of howls. RE gî iaid salt ins th,_ middle of the iibrary lor',CbzLudisliiyg a serew-diinr- about his hef.At the ane time ie' was hugging is " world's fair " bank and lbowling. T m al as an iron. bust-shaped, and Iprainttd rî u represent au open-mouth cluwn. \iany a miinerai meal had Reginiald sent ciatte inig tbroughbhis lips into its uast-sron Ital wilbout as muels as thinkinig of mieddýý!g witb the two big screws in ifs baoI, which hield the creaturo together and k-ept the rnuuley safe., iiutiit was ditieren t uow. lie had found the s', rew-drivcr, and with it an idea. He woul 1d maire this banir disgorge. P'apis said nu, andi Regiuald howlod. 511i, fanîýily gatherad arouud. Thero was grandpq-a, 65 and anxious; Aunt Sade, 35 and bopo)ful ; papa, 30 and stern; mnammia, 25 sud sad, and, last of aIl, thero was Unclo Bob, 19and jutoleraut, hurriedly throwving on hi' overcoat and bat, while ho muttered soehing under bis breath about "'Bande- mnonilum let loose!1" " Ses bere, kidiet," ho stoppod to say just bepfore srarting out, " what's the matter witb Gý'unther?" "lesail wi-igt 1" sobbed lteginald. "Bt -.-wants-" Yo_ýu want to stop crying, straiglit, se Uncie Bob'll bring yon a big box of candy, don't -,ou 't" 1 1 own has -ýver had. lý of ciîopped paraley, tablespoonful oi meit- ed butter, a teaspoonful nimajoram, a emali teaspoonuul out ast aud a half a teaspoonful of blaclk leppor, aIl mîxed well togetber. Quarter of e eup ni beef suet, fiueiy cdmp- ped, may ho substttuted for the butter if liked. Tie the beart in shape thon tis or sew it lu a ciotb aud put it lu a saîl deep sauce pan, point downard. Cuver witb water and tew geutlv for three boots. The water wili bave boiled away to about a pint. Take t!ie beart ont of the lotb sud put it iu a bot dis inlutbe oven while you tbicken tbe gravy with a tablespoonful ni bro-woied but- ter, wblch bas been thickened witls twn of flour. Add awine glass of Sherry, if liked, pour &oer the beatt, and serve at once with current jslly. NOOnnE Sour. -- Unlike mauy other things wittlîmure popular namea, I'"noodles" show ont there more agreeable qualities wheo "lu tfie suup. " Make tbema as fol- lows ; Put tve o tablespoonfuls ni siited fluor int a sballow bowi, make a bobo in the middle and put the yoiks of two eggs and a saltapoonful ni sait ini it, thon 'iitîs a silver iork blond to a paste ; now, with the baud iigbtly flourefi, mould until it dos snt stick bu the bowl r00w roll it ont as thîn as possible sud put it ont tutu bbe ait for fivo minutes tu dry; it abouid ho su easily tu handie that it ma-y ho spread on a dlean clotb sud hung on the linso, or spread ou a largo sievo ,î%,ere the air eau blow under. Roll the shoot tightiy sud eut in filuets about an loch long; make a very gond beef hrothbhy pooring three pinta ni uicely cIers- ed stock. cold. onu bah a pound oni lean beef, WEDINESDAY MARGU 30, 1892. BIE. J. C. MITCELLIJ. M BUBER F COLLE<E F PYISIRIN anod Surgeons, OntarloCoroner, etc. B FRISTI R tSOLTOITOR, &o. MOPRIS '1 00KIÉ, npstairs, Ring Street. 20wmnD vlla. Soiteîitor for the Ontari Bank * siati liones Ians attli lO*~~rate LICENSED AUCT IONBE ER FOIR jthe County or Dnrham. Sales attended to on shortest notice aud Iowest rates. Addresa 0uîseîes P. 0. 3G:tf RORT. YOUNG, V. S. O~FFICE 11N TEE WEST DURHAM J'Nowse B'ock, vshere hiinsolf or essistaet wîill lte found frùm 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Night calls at residercs', dire ety opposite Dril Shed. Calle ty telegraph or teitphone will receive vromnpt attention I71-yr 1. A. W. T45IF. AUCTIONEER, APIPRAISER, Real AEstate Agent, Bowmanville. Ontario. Sales attended lu any part of Province. A.A. 1POST, A RCIIITECT. Plane and Specifica. Wlý ue!Ierais, no wcýer, auviitu_- ý-

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