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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1892, p. 7

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AGRI ULTU AL. strongest words of praise. I have ever utter- I -- d concerning Ladoga wheat, %iid 1 think nio Ladog Whjat. onu will consiJer thern extravagant whol £ ? S ~will read the evidence in its favor subittedý Al t UY2DERS, DIRECTR0 XERMNbBletin 4. In the two tests of mainig TAL FARM. fleur f romn Lagoda wheat grown in Canada B a h E 1n ilnyo the leading newspapers of the and its comparison with Redé ftecm Jaw hh ovrnthe opesrationsoflgot0 conryhve publislhed within the pat few parsis were in every respect fair, botli and ull oeaid by a carefui application et weeks the results of a comparative test re- varietu-s beiug equally plump and w-ell de- 1pale ias pý,;)rvided et wease etoëlcîMrt. aceny md nMioneapolis, in., of the veloped, wbereas in the recently publisbed 1I) dete lvored beverage which may save Aalue of Ladoga wheat for milling as corn- tests of Minneapolis a .'ery poor samule of nsisn1,iY heavi doctori" -bis. It i3 by the pared with Red Fife and other sorts in Ladoga whIeat was taken, weighing oxily 57 I indicionis use of sunob articlsesof diet that a which the Ladoga wheat was heldi te be pounds to the boshel, and compered with a ccntt tion may bu gradnally butît up untl strong eneuigli te reist every tendency1 te very, infurior. Articles beaded IlLadoga very choice sample of Rcd Fife, weighlîng, disease.3 llundreds of subtis maladies are Wheat a Failure," have been commen, and 63 pouolds to the bushel, Commen)t onl no ti g arouind us ready te attaok wheruver the large number of letters of enquiry from snoh a test is nnuecessary. a fal shàwaykupin.onre mivescael fortf armers which have of late been received at Wben the results of the Canadian test of with pure blood and a properly nouriseid the Experimental Farmi leads me to ask the grinding the Ladoga werc made public,maeDy ,a-e eY-- Civil Service Gazette." uLse of your columns, te maku what 1 bu- ef the milers thougli that ne satisfactorya Made sinxply with boling watur or milk. lieve to be a fair presentation ef the whole trial could be made with qulanties se smallb oii ly in packets. by Grocers. labAllud thus usin sfo 8t 5bse terrn iie-2 .J A IES I-FPs «t Co., liuiScopathlec Ciem* usin sfo 8t 5bse tercn ina J'es, lunsi. Engiand, It bias long buen known that varieties of polis test was with 25 bushels) and effortsP _______________________________grain ripened as far north as it is possible te have been made every year sînce te haved grow them where the sommer season 15 sncb a test nmade as would be satisfactory,P The Head Suieon short often acquire by along process et au- one that wold definitely settie the question8 0f kue tubon Medicel Company Is now climatization an early ripening habit. This ef the relative value te the miller of Ladogae8 at Trno Canada, and inay be con- habit, once stamped by nature on any par- and Red Fife. 1 exo pieased te bu able tea slted ethur in person or by ltter on aIl ticular variety, appears te be retainud by say that arrangements bave letely beent chrni dsese pc-lir e ca Mxi that grain even when it is growa in locali- complcted wtb the Dominion Milling Com-e yhong, od o dies pl-a e mhafnd.them.' ties wherc the seasea is longer. As scon as pany et Toronto, with this objcct in vitw,1 selves nervous, weak an cxheusted, who are possible after the orgZanization ofthte experi- and a cerlecad of Ladoga wheat grown in the brokea clown from excess or overwork, mental farmns was begun, efforts were made, Northwest wil liortly bu availeble for the8 resuiting in many of the followiag symp- under instructions of the minister of Agri- purpose. As seen as the rusuits of thet toms :, Mental deprcssion, premeture old culture, te obtaîn from nortbera Russie test are known thuy will bue made public.t age, loss et vitality, loss of memery, bed anme of the hest early ripening vericties of In the meantime it wold bu unwisu te at- dreams, dinnes of siglt, palpitation of the wheat grown there for experimuntal test in tack any great weigit te the test whîch bias hcart, umissions, Iauk ef energy, pain in the Canada. Correspondence was opened ia receîîtly beca made in Minneapolis. kîiueys, bheadache, pimples on the face or November, in 1886, wth a sucd dealer of It should neyer bu forgottea that the work body, itcbing or peculiar sensation about the high repute in Riga-Mr. E. Goegginger- carried on by the uxprimental farms wth scrotum, wastîzsg ef the ergans, dizzinuss, and a sampluet the best Red Fife obtaine- new varieties ef grain is purely experiment. rpecksj befrre tha eyes, twitching et the bic was forwarded to hlm with the request al. No effort is sparufi te secure every pro- musles ey 11s ed lsuber, bshflnesthat he wold select and forwerd te tbc Ex- inising sort for test. The whole world bas deposits in tiuarine, loss of will power, perimental Farm et Ottawa 100 bushels of beun laid under tribute for this purpese. tenidernelýss cfi1lthe scalp and spine, week and the best early ripuning wbuat bue could eb- Many varîcties et wheat have becîx brought flabby muscýles, desiru te sloop, failure te bu tain, and te get it as nesrly as possible trom Russia, Gcrmaniy, France, Great Bni- resed y seep costiatin, ulieasetequal in quality te the sample of Rcd Fife tain and othur parts of Europe; other sorts eeing, l costpainduless of viderufrsltesenlt, bave buen brougbt from the Cape ef Good excaiiityle..otemp' ersakunor.esurlotd, In rcpiy, Mn. Goeggingur stetefi tîx eb Hope and Algiers in Africa. Asie bas sent cditiity fLeALpN r~, soil y e lookin ý bd secured and fonwarded onu of the Most its quota trorn the plains f India and freni etc., anc all syrnptems ef nenvous debility ighly estuemefi uarly ripening varieties pro- the moontain districts ef the Himelayas, that leed te insanity and deatb unleas cured. dnced in nortbcrîn Russia; tbat it was a frorn altitudes of 10,000, te 17,000 fuetabove1 The spring or vital force having lest its tua wheat mucb valued there on acceunit of its the se. Other varieties have been brougbti sien every funetion wanes in con sequence. quality, and, bing grown near Lake Lad- frein Japen, Australie and New Zealand, te Thosu who through abuse cominittcd in ega, in latitude 60, aortb of St. Petersburg, whicb bas been added every sert obtainebie ignrane ray u prmnenly nre. Sndit was known as Ladoga wheat. When this from the United States and Canada. Thusu yoradd ress forbook on al diseases puculiar heat erived in the spring of 1887, and bu- have ehl been carcfully tested side by side,i te mnookurn re eld fore it was distributed, samplus wure sub- their growtb wetebed, and their qulity and Huait dîsease, the symptemns et wbîcb arc mittcd te severel parties who were belicved vîuld recorded. A large proportion cf the fint speIls,ý purple lips, nurnbnuss, palpite te bu good judges of wbeat from a North- foreiga Brts have provea very infenior tien skp bats bo flshe, rsh t boodWest standpoint, and tbey ail gave it as their te rnany of the varieties already grown hure, te the hcs.d, dil pain in the huart with beats opinion thttuLdg ha e tgo~n htvr may be thec conclusions ru- strngraid nd rrgulrthesecndhuat uality. This grain was distributed ab once gerding Ladoga as compared wtb Bcd btquickerihand reir the seondaboutth among farmers in Manitoba and the North- Fife, if early ripening wbeet must bu had,_ bruat buketc., te pstpieybuour te.wst terrîtories, and somne of it was sent te ne other sort bas yet beca fouad se eerly Ne cure, ne pey. Senid for book. Addncss the Indian aguncies for tests. It proveil' wicb is equal te the Ladloga in qnality, M.V.LUION, 4 McdonilAv-e sen arlier la ripening tiin enBd Fif e by an vigor and productivunesa. Thuenly ruason M.nteLUOn 4McoelAeuTr average ef about 10 deys, and ta al why speclal promninencu bas been given mW onto, Ont.ripening quality it stili reteins. -a1thei the Experimntal Farmi repo)rts te Ladoga -Inping e 1888 e furtber distribpjtion et this' wheat it is beliuved te bu the best for the God'a Laws. wbeet was made, and after the harvesttofet North-west country et ail thue erly ipuning Someet he ostvitl prtins t Gd'sthat yuar,aesufficient quantity was obtainud, varictieset presentilacultivationI. Thle Bcd Worde i the fer itpctomndmofîxts te riake sons tests et its milling qualities.1 Fife is a wheat et the hightceýt quaity,an ,Toain he rai o"tho sa not ar Sixteun bushels of Ladoga whichhad been 1lis probably the best wbicb ha, yet heen pro- platedailaleg or pthwy t duinethegrownaet the Experimentel Ferm eit Indien, dued. The Ladoga on the average is less plmts etwue ang orig h aiîtwrong-bteeHad wene taken witb e sîrnlar quantity ot productive and ixs more liablu te rust, but whetwe naydo nd hetwe ay eye the best qnality et Bcd Fife grown in an ad- until we cen get a btter, eerly wheat itisiay dh e. inati dosnds we mor ee thjoin ing fild te the relier miii et Fort Qu' bu iser to encourage the growth et this sedo. utIorit elawine oroseiAppelle. The fleur of the Ladoga, when variety la the more frosty districts et the sxfrcd unrcntof aw u thc- omest, more cornpared witb the Bcd Fif e, bed e slght- North-west then te have the bigh cheracter prcecnîng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h et-f aiîn fraw Ln our.ý puiîrs eau botm M-7cs vMite ma aouade te MWrc inM valu as it mo prmme te bub1îd9tcodme aec ee rnsree vrllaes ws enk"lnr owthu conversiont no proisseulse ii'). l-an repre "ithedcseverJeanfs hrs bOttawa, when'e seeks wpre sent te two of tse Ithse introduction by thc farmers themselves, W."uepîpg H[)eis cnrand srvents TCister b'edigbakens, axîd atter a caretul test bothin lathein scancis for carlien ipening sorts, cssnc~ferlsrcajnde~êrIreirigŽvc lb as their p l thtthuadg W5of a numben of inferion soft bwbeats fnorn -- p 4 RER YMAjEST)PSGREAT PIPE. Mt Vun p ail the Tobacco net Clalmed lu Gret Britain. Thie suppo)sition that "lthe Queun Pipe" .s oni the point ef being abolisbed prov-es te se qîite eroneous. Inquiry madue t ber fý4 Nljsyscns9toms revealed that the tiîue. îvouored 1oven nbuwbich tobacco is destroyed sy thec inland revenue authorities, and wicbý1, from bcbng duvoted solely te that hupo ibs earned its fanciful titie, is nly te be replaced by e furuecuetofsterner stuff than the exlsting epperatits now pre- for I nfa n sent. From the trne that Charles Dickens ouhdupeon the subJeut a great deel oet Crarlaissowelaaptedtoehildi iiseý,pprubunsion appears te have gatbered 1 recommend it unsuperier to any pres about "the Qneen's Pipe." Instead eof Iown te axe." IL &.AAczEn, M E buing a rai enous rnew that is eternally 111 se. Oxford st,. Brookii', smoking the prirnest ef smiuggled cigars and provenders for pipes and cigarettes, it is the decent crematory et merely the wortbless portionis et cargees and the refuse and swcepiùgs eft tie bonding bouses. Atter seizure coatraband tobacco is overhauled, aa:dthe, good portions are suparated fnom FOR SALE 13Y J. HIGG the worthless, Su'cb portions as are retain- cd arethen passed on te acutten. He suces up thuý cakes, twists and plugs, and the different brands are then rnixed and an agreeable blend obtained. The!mixture thus obtained is snpplied te latiflns et criminel Innaties. This is abso- lutcly thse only directioni in whicb confîscet-I cd tobadco is sent ont again for use. Wce it distýibuted te wonkhouses and sirniliar la- stitutions thure would soon bu an outcny from t ho trade et spoiling thse market. For! the quantity et tobecco thus treated is hage-4 ly salc by the refuse which traders have theniscives te rejcet. Wben a consignmeîît cornes ' te bu taken ont et bond it is la very rare cases that the whole etfbbcequantity is foundto bu surviceable. The bal is thrownB e> eutan ges te feod I the Pipe." At leaet twe destinations eweit such stuff He d ua t r i as rnay bu condcrncd as peit recleîm. ea q rt s j Some is sent to ecwGardons te bu uscd in fnmignting the plant-bouses. The rest is shovelod into 1"the Qucen's Pipe" by a stokun who bas buen cngaged lanuplcxxîsb ing this singular Lire for years, andi who lsD i n r a d.T conafldent that tbc pains in bis agud back i n r a d T arc due te the turnes and d'xst lic inhales in the task, and te netblng cisc. Chinaw arc< ,The most persistent etfernokurs ix situat- ed et bbc Victoria Dock, wbcrc frorn 95 te G lassv 98 per cent, et the entine imports et, tobac-o r coe eceived. It is e buge oven, trontediO by a grate thnough wbicb thse neiseme fuel -is cast. Fromxtiniete tirne mon gzirders have been flxed about the structure te couintereet the effeu-ts et the intense boat gencrated within it. But, swetbud in bends as it îs, cits sîdes still bulge and it uxhibits .u b h a nc-y T Ci1,T' crazy appeanance that a brand ncw piýpe is: F an(,Jt~ tet bu supplied for." the Queen's srnokixxg." 1 The little brick house in whiclî the fure ace au or v Sis set up is sacrd te the cosunption etof7ae te acc;o. Nothing else even enters its pro- a e .icinetAs. Whcnrcduced. te ashes the proportion et Jlimie cqn1tained ini the dust rciiders it useful 1for manuru. Ibis disposcdoet teagnicuiltur- ists for miixture with ether maten-ials latîli-1 Q UiJ R 1ing the lnd. There is a snaller "pipe "lan ý-the Queen's warcbouses on thxe river bank, tSand Childrenla ~iiption ISourStacDrroErttin Kills Worms, gîTes sep and prornotes di- I. y. 1 IW ui lourloul medc&-ào- TzTns v~ru CopArNeY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. INBOIHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE. Il à iot~ i d[AN VILLE, in Wvest Durham for* FINE aa Sets, ockery,_ Hall, 1'arior and Hand Lampa rases,, and Lemon-ade Sets, etc 'FÂMIL-Y -o- n~hLQI-I1LI of cigarettes cornu te hend jncloscd la pret-U u Lf *'I I U V I FE tily embillazoned cases, wblcb would lead one te Suppose thuy ancet the English make - i~i,~~ll I showtbettbcyi SThe "nih"Sap Ce. Toronto, rfer 'Lh tce of ihe Ho

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