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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1892, p. 8

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IJEÂR EDITot.- 1 think the first baif of Sunday aBould be apent in chuich dutias and pleasuras, and the rest of the day in rest and quiet pleasure, oucli as readiug, writing a good latter to an absent member of the family, nr a healthy littie walk or drive, a cheery i ttie cali paid upon aome friand who nceed cheeriug, 'who is iii or blue or ail alone, 1 think. dinner should be served was soou as ail members of the family have raturn- ed from church and Suuday-pchooi, and ahouid be a good, substantial dinuer of not more than threa courses, zarved daintily audi as attractive a manuer as possible. Evary housewife kuows that the very hast soupsaud deserts can be prapared on Saturday for the Sunidayl dinuer, aud this should be doua in ail cases where it in possible, not forgatting that Sunday should ha made as attract- ive and restful to the servants as to the immediate niembera of the family. Tea cau then ha made a liglit, movabla faast, and mada and servad iu the parlor if you choosa, ither just before avening service or j ust af ter, as happeus to ha convenient, only let ît be so light aud simple that Vie prasenca of a servant is not required. It is a very pretty and gracaful accomplish- TYRO3NE. MANITOBA. NOTES. Miss Ida Hlodgeon and Mr. Harvey Curtis aýe sick... .The Patrons -of Indus- Through a lettar recoived' from eu try was organizad bere on Wednesday ev- old friand of the Editor's in Manitoba aning at ... . Sorna of our visitors: Miss- wa learn that at laest 'oue farfiiar there is as Minnieanad Susia McFeetars, Salem; noet reaaizing ail the briglit prospects so Messrs. Jas. Pottar and Gao. McLaugh-3 olt8n depicted by soma of Our Manitoha lin; Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson, Peterboro witers. Ble aaya, "I had an immites .. Plaasad to sea Miss Berta Brant oc crop and had aevery reason to bel'ave that cupying again lier position as orgauist on 1 couid pay everybody iu fuil, Lut I was Sabbath . .. .Tha S. A, soldiers with Capt. in debt owing to previons failures in crops, Wescott turned ont ini a body to aitend and mny creditors saizad my crop hafora I church service on Sabhath avaning., .. got tbrouglh tackiug, and the entira crop The ladies of the congre gation ara mak- bas been sacrificed mostly iu coats (neot ing preparations for a pleasant time on ach of thea dahts paid) and 1 arn strippad Good Friday. of everytÉinq. I have hirad out this 71n- ter lu order that I might buy braad. I Rapeat -lina of Ladies Springo Coats arn in poor beaith but rot in despair. juat opened out at J. J. Mason's.' They One rea2on why I hava not writtan more ara new and styliali. on Manaoagvigcy xeiac&u that of many others is simply to, ha hon- COL U3IB U. est. oua must tell both sides. I hava only 82 in the world but fesel that it is my Rey. Mr. Pearson bas accepted the In- duty to eudyuoawihiato vitation to this circuit .. .. A petition is sn uoewhe s ato in circulation for a license for the hotal my earnings. You may pleasa sand THE hereand ne aint ... Te Ryal em-STATESMAN a lîttle longer and if 1 can osea boead n gant ...haRyl9en no way of paying for it 1 will Jat you plars expect the Brooklin Council te viit know thema on Friday. . .. On Thursday Mr. 0W . I arn always p1eased and anxious Fred Matin as urie. Narlythej treceiva your papar,fcr it is ika a Dar- whe.fartinyhave beesrik en, rs. helington neiglibor dopping in and ietting whol famly ave een trikenMrJ me know ail about my old home." Martin, his niothar, is in a critical stata ______ _______ sud bis aider brother is very low. Mr. Thi,. T ýe- NEW BUSINESS FIRM. C. A. Cawkar, son of C. M. Cawker who bas heen in business in Bowmanvjlle over a quarter of a century, and Arche Tait who bas beau wîth J. Milne and J. Milne & Co. over elaven Vears, have gone into partnerahip and wiii carry on busi- ness in ýtho stand formerly occupied by C. M. Cawker and known as the " Al Round Provision Store," whare they wili ha pleaaed to meet C. M. Cawkar's numarous friands and patrons as well as a great mauy new ones. Thay intaud kaaping avarytbing that is kapt iu a Firat Class Grocery and Provisiou Store. A spaciaity will ha imade of the Fieh Department euch as fladdie, Freali Har- ringo, Sait Harrings and ail kinds of fiali lu thair season. Oysters constantly on baud and wiil arriva fresh. lu the Meat Dapartmaut wiii ha kept Sausages, Frash Pork, ail kinds of Faucy Cured Bacon, Smnoked aud Clear Hanis, Lard of the hast brand-ali of which will ha warranted. Ilousakeepers areasaked to try our 25c. aud 40c. Teas,which for value wili ha un- equalled. Flour. Buckwheat, Bran, Shorts, Bar- Jn'o. J. lYason's L ist - FOR This Week. We cail the attention of 'ýÀe Ladies to our immenise display of Dress Goods-1892 Dress Goods. What is niee' new and attract- ive you witl find at our store. To give an adequate idea. of their beauty on paper would be out of the question, but to see them at our prices is to buy ïhemn. Beautiful Tweed afffects, French. Serges, Corkscrews ýand Bedford Cords, in those soft Grey and Fawn shadings, so popular this season. We ask you to cail and see if we ara right in clairning that we have the best, remember, the best 25e, Double fold Dress Stuif there is to be found. Our choice of trimminzs. iinirnes. John Aflcens 0f St.MNary's, Ont. A Great Sufie e rm iPerfectly Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla

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